chapter 4 | pervert
"Jisung!" I yell his name without caring about the people around, not standing this type of thing at all. I put my lollipop back in my mouth but gesture him to come as soon as his hazel eyes meet mine. He keeps y/n by his side but walks up to me while holding the binder I usually see in the girl's arms. Now he's playing it gentleman?
"Hey...sorry, I was picking her up at her house so...I couldn't be with you..." he gives me his two-bit excuses but sits down next to me with y/n. "Ya," I lean forward to stare at this girl. "You stole my lollipop and now you steal my friends?"
She raises her eyebrows at me but glances down at her lap, disrespectfully giving me the cold shoulder. "I'm not gonna spare you little girl. I'm telling you."
"You shouldn't have drunk my banana milk," she says in an undertone without even looking at me. "What a baby..." I let my rudeness go out as I cannot handle the way she's winning this argument by getting me even more frustrated. "Aren't you the one crying since Monday because I took your lollipop?" she shoots back at me.
I gulp down to calm myself down, looking in front of me and not at her. " keep quiet because I'm right..." she continues to be proud of herself but I just scoff and lean back on my seat. "You don't know what's coming for your ass."
"Ya...stop it Jungkook..." Jisung stands up for her, not even taking into consideration the fact that I'm his best friend. "What? She's provoking me."
"You're the one provoking me and annoying me all the time!" she lifts her hand up and comes back when I didn't ask for her opinion. "I don't ever do anything and you come up to me to pick up a fight just because you like pissing me off! Even when I ask you to stop you don't listen...!"
"Shut up! I don't ever do this!" I raise my voice as well to show I'm not going to let her talk to me that way. "You're a freaking liar..." she lowers her voice, finally. "No I'm not—" the bell ringing cuts me off, I glare at her but get up on my feet to head to my classroom without caring about these two. I bite onto my lollipop to end it quickly and throw the stick out. I don't even want to be next to y/n today, she drove me mad.
I stop thinking about this girl and get to the classroom in short seconds. I had an argument with Dahee, Jisung, and y/n, this day is already irritating. I make my way to my chair and sit down on it, taking my stuff out of my back to almost throw it on the desk then drop my back on the floor. I don't want to work or listen, the only thing I want to do right now is to be in my bed and sleep.
12 pm.
"Kook," Jisung follows my steps as I'm entering the cafeteria of the school all by myself. "Ay...are you mad at me just because I was with y/n this morning...?" he speaks in a sorrowful manner as if he was feeling bad about it. "You could have told me you were with her but no, you just said you couldn't be with me," I don't forgive him for the lies, stopping myself in front of the food display to serve myself with what I want to eat.
"Come on...I just...I wanted to be alone with y/n for once..." he acts like the victim, using his soft voice while doing the same things as me. "And why? You're already putting me aside just because you like her?"
"No...stop thinking like that..." he sighs but walks along my steps that are leading me to an empty table among all the ones taken. I don't say anything but stop once I pass by a specific one. I go back on my path to lay my eyes on the person having no friends with them. I inch closer to her without paying attention to Jisung and sit down right in front of her. I drop my tray on the table for her to notice me and fix my eyes on her.
She takes her strawberry milk as if she was fearing to see it being stolen by my hand. She keeps quiet while Jisung is joining us but sitting next to me. She doesn't speak to any of us but only looks down at her food she's eating slowly.
"Are you okay?" Jisung initiates the conversation to not make it awkward while I'm staring at her. "Yeah..." she nods but briefly peeks up at me, not having the guts to make eye contact with me when I'm right before her. "How was it with the test in Math?" he takes a spoon of his rice while trying to keep on talking.
"Bad...I studied but this didn't go well and I think I failed it..." she scratches her cheekbone while holding her chopsticks. "Oh...really?"
"Yeah...I'm good in English but not Math," she smiles and looks up at him shyly. "Do you want me to help you? I always have good marks in this subject..." he attempts to get her again. I know he's going to ask to see her after school which will make them go to each other's house way more often. "Yes, at least I won't feel even more dumb..."
"Ay...don't say that...You're not dumb," he beams like I've never seen him do it. "Yes, she is," I let out without drifting my eyes away from her, causing us to look at each other. "Jungkook, stop."
"If you don't like me, why do you keep on coming up to me?" she speaks in a poised voice. "You're the one having a problem with me. Why are you so sweet with him and always rude towards me?"
She sighs without saying anything but drops her gaze down. Her chopsticks leave her hand and she grabs her bag placed right next to her, to stand up. I follow her movement but lean over the table to grip her wrist and not let her go. "Why don't you answer me?"
"Because you don't understand anything," she answers with no doubt, staring at me but with no sternness or confidence. "Are you serious?" I scoff at her but release my hold. "Yes, I'm serious. You always annoy me or try to get me mad. Why do you keep on pretending to not know why I'm acting that way with you now?"
I lick my lips without knowing what to say, her steady stare full of some anguish destabilizing me. No answers given to her question, she takes her tray and walks away from us. "You're sometimes going too far, Kook..." Jisung adds his own opinion about this. I sit down on my chair but shove my food in my mouth to not speak but think about something else.
"Kook...I talked to her last night while we were in her room but...she asked me why you were sometimes being mean to her..." he doesn't give me a break about this girl while I'm just feeding myself. "I know you don't want to hurt her or try to be a jerk but you make her feel like you are...and I don't know why you act different with her."
"I don't act different with her," I assert myself, chewing on the rice and vegetables I put in my mouth. "She's just sensitive and overreacts when I'm just teasing her—"
"Don't say that," he puts his spoon down abruptly but huffs. "I freaking hate self-centered people calling others sensitive just because they react in a different manner. People are not like you and you don't know what she might be going through in her life...dammit...I don't know if it's the bitch who made you become like that but you're seriously starting to disappoint me..." he stands up as well and walks away, to leave me alone after uttering some hurtful words.
4 pm.
The end of this day finally here, I head towards the subway to wait for it to arrive. I don't have a choice but to take this crowded thing which always annoys me, I stay here and keep my earphones in to listen to some music and cut myself off from this world for a moment. I've had a difficult day so I'm glad to be finally going back home.
Once I answered the text a friend sent me, I put my phone in my pocket and look up, seeing everyone around me forming a group to get closer to the closed doors as the subway is slowing down before us. I sigh with exasperation but move forward once we have access to one of the cars.
I get myself some space to be in a corner close to a corner as the seats are already taken. I look around me to make sure none of them are going to bother me but without even expecting it, I stumble upon y/n.
I only started to take the subway this week so that's maybe the reason why I never saw her. She's all alone again, listening to some music just like me. I haven't stopped feeling bad all day long after what Jisung told me, I couldn't even talk to her during the classes or look at her, I wanted to make a move and apologize for acting the way I did it with her but I'm a coward once I have to face my mistakes.
I bring my hand up to my mouth to bite onto my nails but keep my eyes on the girl, she opted for another type of cloth today, wearing a pink oversized sweater to match with her check pleated skirt. I don't even know why I pay attention to that but whatever.
I stop my nervous habit and straighten my back once I see the doors opening and feeling some people moving. Thank god, this car becomes less occupied and the people getting out to leave some more space. I breathe out heavily, stretching my body but peeking at y/n now that the doors are closing for the subway to go back on its way.
She never looks up but only keeps her hold on the metal bar with other people, to not lose her balance while gazing down to the ground. I frown my eyebrows once I land my attention on the guy sitting down behind her, some people remaining between us. What is he doing with his phone close to the inside of her skirt?
I don't look away but keep a close eye on what he's doing right now, feeling suspicious about it. He suddenly bends more over, y/n not moving since she's trapped between some people. He stands up to have his body against hers and grab the same bar onto which she's holding to. I instantly remove my earphones but put them in my pocket, sure about what is happening under everyone's nose here.
I head closer to him discreetly while he's still on his phone but as soon as I reach him, I bite my lips but snatch his phone out of his hands and grab y/n's arm to pull her close to me. "What the fuck are you doing?" I fix my eyes on him with wrath but check the pictures he took to delete them one by one. "Ya, give me back my—"
I throw his phone on the ground as violently as possible to destroy it, getting him to yell at me. He tries to push me but I don't think about what I'm doing and cup his neck to propel him back on his seat and make him hit the wall behind him. "Do not ever fucking dare do that to a girl, you son of a bitch, she's fucking seventeen you pervert," I push him back in the wall abruptly before straightening up to take y/n by the arm and drag her to my previous spot with me.
"You fucking broke my phone asshole!" he doesn't stop but follows my steps as I took y/n close to me to remain in the corner. "You get back on your seat if you don't want to end in a hospital, alright?" I point my finger at him but let my anger control me. "You think you're scaring me? Uh?"
"Shut the fuck up, you're just a disgusting pervert and you better not do this thing again," I don't say anything more or go back to him to not fight in front of everyone in here. "She's the one wearing a skirt! That's not my fault if she likes to expose her body! She's asking for it!" he dares to shout at me. I push my inner cheek with my tongue, clenching my hands into fists as my veins are boiling. "She wears whatever the fuck she wants, that is not her fault if disgusting bastards like you only think with their dicks! I swear to god you leave my fucking sight or I make sure you never use those hands again!"
"You're fucking lucky we're in a subway or I would have beaten the shit out of you dude," he flees away like a moron but grabs his phone that left some pieces on the ground. I swear under my breath but rest my back on the flat surface behind me, to take a look at y/n after letting myself go berserk.
"Y/n..." I look down at the sight of her keeping her head low, her fingers wiping some tears. "Hey...why are you crying...?" I raise her head up to gaze at her into the eyes but she avoids mine while sobbing.
I exhale sharply but take her hand in mine, to walk through the crowd in here and get to another car, for her to maybe feel less uncomfortable about what just happened. No matter how hard it is for us to get some space, I still elbow my way to get in a corner and keep her against a wall, with my arm remaining close to her face as I'm holding myself up.
"Hey...tell me why you're crying..." I speak in a monotone close to her features. That's the first time I see her crying, this makes me feel some painful things in my chest. "It's my fault..." her voice breaks as she's unable to look up. "Don't you dare say that y/n, this is not your fault if perverts like him exist, alright? You have the right to wear whatever you want and that is in no way a reason for shits like him to try to do anything to you."
She uses her long sleeves to soak her tears with it, choking up while having a hard time to calm down. Her hands are shaking and her breathing is unsteady, I didn't expect to see her reacting like that or being affected that much by this. She doesn't say anything but takes hold of her school bag to get something out of it with a trembling grip.
She gets down on the floor right in front of me but holds a box of pills to drop one in her mouth while trying to stay out of people's sight. She swallows the pill with some water before getting back up to have her features facing my chest.
"What's that...?" I ask her curiously, wondering what this pill could be for but also worrying about it. "Nothing..." she refuses to tell me but doesn't stop sobbing quietly. "Why did you do that...? You hate me anyway..." she cries like a baby in front of me, having no idea how much this is hurting me. "I don't hate you..." I stop holding back and put my arm around her, to hold her against me. I've never done this with her but I don't like staying like that and not comforting her physically, especially since I feel bad about today.
"Come on...I don't like it when girls like you cry..." I rub her back without touching her too heavily. She lets go of her feelings and wraps her arms around me. This feels warm and good for some reason. She rests her head against my chest and tightens her clasp around my body as if she was liking this feeling. "Where do you stop?" I check the subway line in order to see the different stations at which it stops.
She doesn't say anything but turns her head towards the board, to point her finger at the eighth stop, which is five after mine. "Alright."
5 minutes later...
As the subway just ceased its way, I take y/n's small and cold hand in mine without even thinking twice and push through the people to get out of here but still excuse myself to not be disrespectful. Once I step out, I make sure that she is alright but then let go of her. "Do you live far away from here?" I keep my eyes fixed on her, watching her look at the people nervously as if she couldn't make eye contact with me.
"No..." she shakes her head. I don't really know how to react, my hands slide in my pockets but I stand before her as she's not moving. "I...I'm sorry about today and...yesterday..." I finally leave my pride aside and apologize sincerely. After the things my best friend told me, I realized I was wrong and that I was going too far only because of my personal problems. "It's fine..." she takes it without any hesitation. She doesn't even reject them.
"I just...I want you to know that I didn't mean anything of what I said..." I free myself from all the weight I put on my shoulder. "I'm just not feeling really good lately and...I acted like a jerk...I apologize if I hurt you with my words or actions..." I gulp down with stress and shame while letting my honesty out. Her teary eyes fall into mine. "It's okay...I apologize too..."
How can she be so calm?
"No need didn't do anything wrong..." I clear my throat but look around us. "Uhm...where do you have to go to get back home?" I run my fingers through my hair, feeling nervous for no good reason.
She lifts her arm up and points at a staircase. "Well then—"
"Can you stay with me?" she interrupts me with a question asked in a small and shy voice. "Yeah sure. I wouldn't be here otherwise," I reassure her about it, aware of how bad she's feeling after what happened. I can't let her go home all by herself. "Thank you..." she steps forth and wraps her hands around the straps of her school bag, to head to the staircase and make me follow her from very close. As soon as she starts to climb up, I get behind her to not let any other guy be in my position and maybe try to look under her skirt or anything like that.
I keep her in my sight and reach the top of the stairs, to then walk a bit more on the floor and take other stairs one again, in order to get outside. Once we're there, she turns around to peek at me and make sure I'm still with her, so I look at her silently but she breaks the eye contact. We don't say a word, we only head to her house together.
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