chapter 39 | Lingerie
"I...I forgot to take one of them..." she holds the long towel against the front of her body to cover the most she can. I can't help but let a smile full of arrogance grow on my face at the sight of her naked body before me for the first time. I lick my lips but fix my watch around my wrist nervously. "Come get them."
"Promise you're not gonna do anything..." she presses the fabric against her curves desperately, my eyes scanning her up and down but causing a hard problem to my body, I bite my lips while checking her out. "You really think I would do that?" I pretend to be good but she nods. "Yes, I do."
"Then stay where you are..." I shrug and look away with haughtiness, staring at her and keeping my forearms over my thighs while holding my hands together. She sighs but steps towards me, making slow movements to not reveal too much skin while I'm enjoying this like a brat.
She slightly bends over and stretches her arm to try to reach the bag out but my fingers pull it towards me. We both get into eye contact but my smirk stays upon my face. "Come on...why aren't you getting it?"
"Stop this..." she turns red but straightens her back, before coming a bit closer and hurrying to grab the bag to step back. However, I catch her towel and grip it before she could run away. "You're not going anywhere."
"J-" she steps forth out of obligation to cover her body. "Jungkook...don't you dare."
"Oh...'don't you dare'?" I raise my eyebrows but play to this little game. I stand up without letting go of the fabric but she deviates her gaze that cannot meet mine anymore. She tries to put her arm over the towel to hide her lower body but I wrap my arm around her naked body to feel her hot skin against mine and stare at her endlessly. "I swear to god-"
"Shh," I shut her mouth. "You're gonna wake my cousin up if you scream like that," I press a kiss on her burning cheek but cup her chin to make her look into my eyes. "Drop the towel..."
"No. It's ugly. I ate and now my belly looks even fatter..." her stupid words annoy me but I sigh and bend my head back in an irritated manner. "Stop saying that bullshit. Y/n," I call her by her name to make her understand I hate when she talks like that. I get my face back before hers and land my eyes back into her shy ones. "I don't give a damn if it looks fatter or flat or whatever the fuck that can look like. Alright? My eyes can only like what they see when you're the one in sight."
"I'm too nervous..." she finally changes her way of speaking as if she didn't want to refuse anymore. "Give me the bag," I put some distance between our bodies and get a hold of the item, she lets go of it and allows me to drop it on the floor. "I want you to understand you're beautiful and sexy to me, even with your clothes off," I stare into her eyes from very near as I stepped closer to cup her waist with my hands. "And even if you ate. I don't give a damn and a simple burger won't make your belly look bigger."
She keeps on staring without saying anything while her cheeks are telling me how she feels. "Let me pass my hand underneath," my whisper blow on her lips and with delicacy, I slide my hand under the towel to brush her stomach. "Is that what you call fat?"
No answer coming from her, I do it for her. "That stomach better not ever change. I like your body the way it is and you could still gain some weight that you would still look pretty and hot as fuck."
Those words make her become even more timid but I breathe heavily, before grabbing the towel. "Close your eyes for me," I speak in a low voice to soothe her and make her trust me. She does as told but her arm that isn't holding the towel brushes past my hand to cover her stomach. "I slide it down, alright?" I tell her before doing anything.
She nods but doesn't do anything more so I join our lips and kiss her while taking the towel away from her. I keep our lips in contact but break the tender kiss, the towel ends on the floor and I open my eyes to look at her while she's not opening hers.
I smile against her lips, my hands sliding down her body to touch her in a soft manner while she's concealing her stomach with her arms. I peck her lips but drift mine to her jawline, to then lower my gaze down to her curves. I gaze at them to scrutinize her wonderful body but grab her wrist, to pull them apart and reveal more of what she's trying to hide.
At the sight of this, I can't help but be hard. I bite my lips before noticing her lowering her head. I put my hands at either side of her face and place mine against the side of hers, for my lips to be on her ear. "You're beautiful, my baby."
I press a kiss on her forehead but slightly bend my knees to put my arms around her body, one around her waist with the around her thighs, to lift her up and carry her to my bed.
She encircles my neck as she's letting me hold her in my arms and I turn her to the side to sit down on the bed, and place her on my lap. I bring my arm up to her neck to encircle it and touch her cheek with my hand, while the other one is caressing her thigh. "Look into my eyes," I whisper near her lips and ask for her to do. She bends her head back to gaze up at me in the most innocent manner but I stroke her cheek.
"Stop being cute like that, my heart can't handle it," I smile to release the tension I caused but she returns it, to my greatest relief. I lock our lips and kiss her with passion, telling with touches only how much I love her, brushing my finger past her jawline to make everything sweeter and gentle. "My baby love," I murmur between the frictions but smile, kissing her and not stopping. I slide my arm down to her shoulder blade while my fingers are going down her arm but heave her up.
Then I stop the kiss. I look into her eyes and smile. "Are you gonna try the lingerie?"
"You bought them so...I can't let them in the bag..." she satisfies me so I peck her lips for the last time and lay her down on the sheets. I get on my knees in front of her as she's keeping her legs bent against my crotch when I have a huge erection sticking out. I touch her thighs but peek at the lingerie next to us, to pick the bra with the choker harness, in black.
I lay my eyes back on her body but spread her legs, her naked curves turning me on to an incredible level. I make her put it on without saying anything and she moves up to let me dress her up. I close the hooks in her back but then does the same for the choker. I'm already excited. Once this is perfectly put on, I let her lie down again and take the panties that go with it, to slide them up her legs and add the thigh harness to see how much this fits her more than it would on someone else.
She's so freaking hot and cute at the same time, I'm dying.
"I want to do so many things to you when I see you like that..." I put my hands on her thick thighs to grip them, staring at her but enjoying the view as well to make sure I'll never forget this moment. "What things...?" she scratches her red cheek but smiles.
"Do you really want me to tell you?" I rub my hands on her thickness, loving it, craving it, and wanting more. She nods as expected so I bend over her, flattening my veiny hands on the sheets and touching her waist. My hard member presses onto her core but I lean closer to get my lips against her ear.
"I want to slide inside of you and go back and forth..." I close my eyes while talking in a deep voice to make us both shiver with the sensations that simple words can provoke to our bodies. "I want to see and hear you orgasm while I'm controlling your body...going deep inside of you and thrusting without ever stopping while you're shaking under my body...desperately begging me to keep going and cum with you..." I grip onto the sheets as the pleasure caused by this is taking over me. She clenched her legs against my sides as the words were leaving my mouth to end in her ear with the warmth of my breathing brushing it, which means this turns her on as well. "I'd love to feel you squirm and squirt all over my cock while I pound you..." I bite my lips but create some heavy frictions with my hardness.
I bring my hand up to the side of her throat and I push my lips against her ear for a sweet kiss, feeling her pulse on my fingers. I'm so turned on and taken in the heat of the moment that I don't smirk or even open my eyes. I just love this. I rub my thumb over her throat while holding the side of it but whisper in a deeper way in her ear. "I'll stare into your eyes while pushing deep inside of your tight little pussy...swiftly...roughly..." I grind onto her, feeling my erection forcing against her core. " watch you lose all your mind while filling your veins and mind with an orgasm you never felt before," I bite my lips but subtly rub my cock onto her, making her stay very quiet but clench her legs onto me unceasingly.
"Jungkook!" my mom ruins the whole moment. I sigh sharply but hear her speaking. "I'm home! Have you fed Minguk?"
Oh shit. I forgot. " put him to bed once we came back from the mall...I just fed him some snacks there...I forgot the meal..."
"Alright, I'm going to feed him then," she doesn't get mad but I stop her before she could walk away. "Wait! I ordered some food earlier for you, I left it in the kitchen!"
"Alright but can you come downstairs? I need your help!" she bothers me at the wrong moment but since I can't say no, I accept. "Yeah...just a minute..." I answer and hear her stepping away. "Stay here, alright?" I look at my baby I didn't want to leave now but she nods, surely disappointed about this. "I'm coming back in some minutes, dont worry," I smile but peck her lips to move back and get up on my feet.
She doesn't stay still but moves onto the bed to go hide under the blanket. I head to the bathroom, I know I'm going to have to help my mom so I wash my hands since I touched some parts of my body and y/n's one, then I get out of the bedroom and close the door right behind me, fixing my pants to conceal my erection the most possible which is not something easy with a pair of sweatpants.
"Mom?" I walk up to Minguk's room next to mine to check up on her. "Why do you need my help?" I lean against the door frame as she's waking my cousin up, tucking my hands in my pockets.
"I'm going to have to get ready, a colleague asked me to go out with him for a know..." she turns around with Minguk in her arms to walk up to me. "Mark, you remember him, right?" she smiles like she never did while talking about a guy but I nod. "Yeah, I do," I step back and let her pass to get out of the room.
"Is it a date?" I ask while following her to head downstairs. "Maybe..." she speaks in a weird manner, making me understand that something is going on with her. "Wow. I'd like to meet him before anything happens. Alright?" I make it clear since I dont want her to get heartbroken again and see her sad. "That's my life Jungkook. What kind of mother would introduce the man she might date to her son so early?"
"Uh. You," I say since this is obvious but she chuckles and gets up to the sofa to sit on it. "I'm not going to do this Jungkook," she rolls her eyes but I sit next to her. "Hell yes, you are. I ain't gonna live with my mother that another man dared to hurt so you better get that guy here before trying to date him."
"Sure," she still doesn't want to listen but focuses on Minguk to feed him his food that his mother put in the bag. "I'm not even dating him anyway, we're just going to have a drink and eat. Nothing else."
"You don't drink more than two glasses and you make sure he doesn't touch it or brings you a glass already filled," I tell her even if I know she's smart and careful. I just want to remind her and protect her. "I know, I'm not dumb," she rolls her eyes and feeds Minguk.
"Anyway," I stop talking about it. "When are you gonna come back?" I ask in order to know at which hour I will have to check every five minutes if she's home. "I don't know yet."
"Yes you do, you come back at ten pm to not worry me," I look at her but see she's getting annoyed by my behavior. I don't care. "Stop it. I come back when I want to, alright?"
"Do you know I'm going to be worried this whole night?" I try to get her by the feels, knowing damn well she will give in if she knows this. "Uh? And can you remind me who always texts me every ten minutes once I'm too far away?"
"Alright!" she gives in to me like I knew she would. "I'll text you, is it fine?"
"Yes it is, and you come back with your car, not in his," I say for the last sentence but she nods and lets an exasperated 'Yes' run out of her mouth. "Good. When do you have to leave though?"
"Ten pm," she tells me. "Alright," I acquiesce but hear her phone ringing. I check on her but see her grabbign the phone to pick up the call. "Hello?" she struggles to feed Minguk at the same time so I gesture her to give me the food and she does it, then I take Minguk on my lap to do it myself.
"Oh...right now...?" her voice sounds full of disappointment so I peek at her. "Ah...alright. it's fine."
What is this sad expression?
"See you tomorrow then, good night," she forces a smile and hangs up in short seconds. "The date is cancelled," she drops her phone on the sofa but shows how upset she is. "Why...?" I pretend to be sad when I'm a bit relieved to know she isn't going to go out with that guy. "He received a call from his brother and needs to help him. He said he wanted to go out with me so we're seeing each other tomorrow."
"Hm," I don't like the answer but still don't say anything. "Whatever...let me feed this little boy...I don't have anything to do anyway..." she takes Minguk back on her legs and sit in the back of the sofa, I give her back the food but kinda feel down at the sight of her face. "Do you want me to warm up the food I ordered for you?"
"Yes, what did you take?" she looks up at me as I stood up. "The burger you like the most and some chicken wings," I walk towards the kitchen to go warm the food up. I cannot stop thinking about y/n, I want to get back in the bed with her.
15 minutes later...
"Good night mom," I head to my bedroom as she's watching TV with Minguk and eating in the dark the way she likes to do it. Staying in the dark with one lamp on while she's watching the TV has always been something she loved doing and honestly, even though I'm scared she could be heartbroken, I'd like her to have someone and be happy too.
Anyway, I need to stop thinking about that or else I'm gonna get too emotional. I step inside my bedroom but close the door behind me, to lock it but rush to my baby who's on her phone. I smile at her once we get into eye contact but slide under the blanket. "My baby girl..." I snuggle up against her and press a kiss on her neck while my arms are enveloping her body.
She leaves her phone and puts it aside, to turn her head towards me and give me her lips. I kiss them and put the mood back to the way it was when I left the room earlier. "I'm sorry for making you wait all alone here..." I pout but peck her shoulder. "It's fine."
"Sure?" I smile but look at her lips, fondling her curves under the covers. She smiles but nods. "Let's try the rest of the lingerie," I peck her neck but sit up.
11 pm.
I giggle while watching her taking the pink panties off that I put on her. "You don't like it?" I bend over her but she throws the fabric at me. "It's ugly..." she refuses to take this one and grab the first panties I made her wear while I'm keeping the one she threw on me. "Just because there's written 'Daddy's girl' on it? Hm?" my laughter echoes through the room but she smiles and nods. "Yeah. Exactly."
"But who called me daddy the other day?" I move closer to her, getting on all fours to have my face in front of hers. "Me," she says boldly, making me chuckle but kiss her lips. "That's right," I speak against them but give another kiss for a soft smile to appear on her face.
"Jungkook?!" my mom knocks on the door. "I'm going to bed, good night," she tells me now that she must have finished her movie. "Alright, good night!" I answer her. A short moment of silence leaves us quiet and her steps fade away, meaning she's getting in her bedroom.
"Now that you're done trying out everything..." I lie down on my side but stick my body against hers. "I have to apologize for earlier..." I smile but press a kiss on her jawline, scanning her up and down to take a closer look at the first lingerie I made her wear and that she put back on since this is our favorite. "I told you, it's fine."
" means I don't have to make it up for the way I left you in the bed...?" I gaze up into her eyes but her shyness overcomes her again, maybe being too close to me. "How would you make it up?"
"Didn't my words make you want some things...?" I speak close to her sensitive ear but keep my eyes fixed on her. "Yes...they did...a lot..."
I grin but sit up on the mattress, I grab a remote control in one of the drawers of my nightstand and press down on some buttons, to make a pink mood lighting appear in the room. Then I turn all the other lights off in here to only keep this pink one.
"Do you like that color?" I ask her to make sure she's comfortable with it but she nods. "What about this one?" I turn the mood lighting to a soft red and smile at her. "I like this one more."
I knew it. I put the remote control back where it was but grab the blanket to throw it at the end of the bed and get on top of her. "Where were we?"
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