chapter 38 | Bitter
5 minutes later...
Y/n now comes back to us, I put my phone in my pocket and keep my cousin in sight as he's playing with his plushie. "No need to hurry, I called Mino and he's going to drive us there," I tell her as I can see she went fast. "Oh...alright. That is better, indeed."
"He's going to arrive in short minutes," I keep my eyes on her but bring one hand up to her face. "Come here," I gesture her to step closer and she does it but with some confusion. I put my hand on her jawline and then reach the other side with my other hand to move towards her and press a kiss on her soft lips.
"Give me a hug..." I whisper against her skin but look into her eyes. She smiles and wraps her arms around my waist. I need to make up for what I did and heal the pain that I caused to both of us, but most importantly to her. I hold her with one arm and lean back on the sofa behind me to enjoy her embrace while checking what Minguk is doing. He must be creating a story in his head given the way he's cutely playing with his plushie.
"What are you going to buy?" she asks me. I look down at her but run my fingers through her hair, to comb them back. "Clothes for you, some food, makeup, lingerie for you..." I murmur my last words with a smirk upon my face. "You don't know my size so you can't."
"Ah yeah?" I raise my eyebrows but keep my hand in the back of her head she has to bend back to look into my eyes. "Have you forgotten I washed your panties the other day baby?"
"Dammit..." she mumbles but glances away out of defeat. "Hm. That's right," I let my arrogance take over me and I plant a kiss on her forehead, to slide my hand down to her neck and rub it. I really thought this would never happen again, that feels good to be with her. I look down at her while she's avoiding my gaze but since my lips are close to her ear, I whisper into it in a deep manner. "Are you gonna wear the lingerie tonight?" I make her shiver and keep rubbing my thumb on the nape of her neck I'm gripping.
She giggles in a cute and shy manner, putting her face against my chest. "I don't look good in lingerie..."
"Since I don't know, I'll have to check..." I smirk but already imagine her in those types of fabrics. Lace and leather, I can't wait to be tonight. I lick my lips but slide my fingers up her hair to pull on it and make her features appear into sight, just right under mine. I smile at her as our eyes are dived into each other but I cup her face with one hand to press my lips on hers, then encircle her neck with my arms.
"I love you, my baby," I whisper against her lips and gaze in her eyes. "I love you too..." she grins as if she was the happiest ever but this response flutters my heart like nothing else could. "I know you do," I act like a brat and sit on the back of the sofa to have her between my legs. "I'm joking..." I hold her close and press my lips on her neck. "I love you more..."
The sound of someone knocking on the front door puts an end to this moment. I move away from her and grasp Minguk's attention to make him stand up. "Let's go, baby," I take his hand and make y/n pass before us, to open the door to Mino but see him smiling broadly at her. "Hey!" he lifts his hand up to her while I'm turning all the lights off but I notice right away his fingers intertwining with hers once she claps his hand.
What the hell is he doing?
"A friend of mine is in the car so don't pay attention to him," he grins but lets go of her hand with way too much gentleness. I walk up to them with Minguk in my arms but glare at Mino. "Hey," he smiles at me but I ignore him for what he just did and head to the car.
"Well...alright..." he speaks behind me but I fix my eyes on y/n getting on the front seat. I sigh but get in the back with my cousin. I sit down in the middle but since there is nothing for Minguk, I put him next to me and buckle his seat belt to only put the lower part of it around him since he's too small. I'm a bit worried but the mall isn't too far away so I'm going to stay close and keep my arm in front of him.
"Hey, how are you doing kook?" one of Mino's best friends that I know well greets me. I smile back at him while hearing Mino coming in. "I'm doing good and you?"
"Good as well," he leans over to have a glimpse of my little cousin who's staying very silent like a cute baby. "Hey, buddy," he uses another tone of voice to make it sound gentle. "Hello," Minguk's tiny voice fills the car in a soft manner but I smile, seeing him hiding a part of his face behind his plushie. I place my arm over his body to protect him the best I can if something ever happens but I remove his hood, to make sure he's not going to feel too cold once we'll be out.
The car starts but while Seowook next to me is giggling at my cousin's behavior, I keep my eyes on Mino as I can hear him talking to y/n through the song playing in here.
Did something happen between them that he or she never mentioned?
My veins already boil with jealousy but a pair of small arms hugging my tough one makes me look down at Minguk. He looks up at me but smiles in the most adorable way, getting me to feel soft as ever. I smile but set my eyes back on the two people before me.
Mino suddenly laughs while driving, glancing at y/n as she must have said something he found funny. "Wait, I have something to show you," he takes his phone and looks at it when he should be careful since a kid is with us. "Can you not do that when Minguk is with us?" I remark.
"Yeah," he peeks at me but hands his phone to y/n. "Look at the text he sent me," he mentions someone without me knowing, he keeps on pointing his finger on the screen while gripping onto the steering wheel. Y/n giggles while reading, making me go a bit mad on my spot. I lick my lips while watching them, pushing my tongue against my inner cheek.
As soon as he stops at a red light, he brings his hand towards her and leans closer to her body to use the phone with her but touch her thigh. "Look there, this dumbass knew about what happened when we were on the bus-"
"Take your hand off of her thigh right now," I lose my temper and go off. They both turn around with some astonishment but he removes his hand from her, to drift it to the gear stick. "Are you serious?" he chuckles as if I wasn't serious but my eyes stay fixed on him. "Yes, I am."
"Bro..." he glances back in front of him. "I'm need to fear anything."
"I don't give a damn. You don't touch her thigh," I assert myself without realizing I'm getting a bit too worked up. He heaves a sigh to complain silently.
20 minutes later...
"I'll call you once we're done," I speak to Mino coldly but keep Minguk in my arms now that we're outside with y/n. "Alright, I'll come back here," he nods and drives away with his friend still in the car. I hold Minguk close to me and walk up to the mall's entrance with my girl next to me.
We enter the place together and I instantly take Minguk's hood off, to open his coat while y/n us doing the same with her own one. I put him down on the floor to let him walk but take his tiny hand in mine to keep him close. "Kookie," he looks up at me. "I'm thirsty..."
"Oh..." I glance around us to see if there is a store where I could find something to drink for him, and luckily, I quickly notice a small shop that sells snacks and more. "Let's get over there," I point at the it and bring my two babies with me to head up to it. "What would you like to drink?" I slow down the pace as I can see his small legs are not keeping up. "Strawberry milk," he tries to go a bit faster, eager to hydrate himself.
I smile at the thought of y/n ans her passion for strawberry milk that she always drinks at school. "Alright."
Our steps making us reach the shop, I let him run to the fridge and pick what he wants. "Do you want something?" I give my attention to y/n, but she shakes her head. I do not want her to feel left out because I have to be focused on Minguk since he is very young.
"Are you cold?" I place my hand over her back as I can perceive her body trembling on its spot. "A little bit, I need time to warm up."
Without even thinking, I put my arms around her and take her in an embrace to rub her back and warm her up with the own heat of my body. "Can I take this Kookie?!" my cousin comes back in a rush and holds two different drinks. The one he talked about first but with another bottle onto which is Spiderman. "Yes, are there the only things you want?"
"I saw Pikachu churros...can I take a few ones please?" he gives me the sad puppy gaze but I nod. He runs away joyfully and runs away to get the snacks he wants. "Are you still feeling cold?" I smile at y/n but keep my clasp around her, to press a kiss on her neck and raise the temperature of her body a bit higher. She shakes her head and smiles at me, staring at my lips. I purse them to tempt her but cannot help giggling.
She punches my chest but I just laugh. "Don't act like that my little one," I heave my hands up to her head and hold the sides of it. "I have to talk to you about Mino," I mention without any hesitation. "What?"
"What was that in the car? Uh?" I squeeze her cheeks but tuck my hands in my pockets. "Nothing. He was just showing me some texts."
"What kind of texts?" I get a bit too indiscreet and curious but I don't care, I really didn't appreciate the way he touched her even if as he says, he's gay. "His friend Jimin said some things because...I saw him sending some...private messages to Mino while we were on the bus and about to play on his phone. That made us laugh afterward, that's all."
"Hm," I feel relieved about it but I turn around to look for my little cousin and take y/n's hand to walk up to him.
7:40 pm.
After a long time of shopping, I finally come back home with Minguk sleeping in my arms. I drop the bags on the floor and take my shoes off to make my way to a free bedroom upstairs with a large bed. He slept during the whole ride back to the house so he hasn't left my arms since then. I open the door of the bedroom and walk in, I get to the bed and lay him down on it with gentleness. I take his coat off to not let him be too warm in it and remove his shoes as well to keep them with me but surround him with plushies and pillows. I don't want him to fall off the bed so I'd rather do this.
I press a kiss on his forehead once it's done and stand up, in order to leave the room but don't close the door entirely, I let a small gap in case he would wake up but not be able to open it. I now go downstairs but turn the lights off on the upper floor, to finally put the shoes of Minguk on the floor and hang his coat on the coat rack.
I look for y/n but don't see her so I take my coat off. I guess she's in the bathroom. I'm glad to be back home though, I bought a lot of stuff for her and I can't wait to see her wear the clothes.
I heave a sigh but yawn, running both of my hands in my hair to pull them back but stretch out. A moan of exhaustion runs out of me and I ruffle my hair while walking up to the bags I left on the floor. I take the five of them and get on the sofa without turning the lights on but only keeping some dim lamps on.
I sit down and drop the bags between my legs to look for the ones filled with the lingerie I bought all alone while I asked y/n to keep an eye on Minguk outside the shop.
That cost a lot since I wanted to buy her those ones from an expensive brand but I don't regret it, I like spoiling her. There are so many different types of things that I bought her that I can't even remember all the lingerie I bought. I know there are garter sets, sexier ones that are transparent, or with lace and leather. I'm going crazy just at the thought of them on her curves. The strappy bras are the ones I like the most though.
I take the red fabrics out of it, feeling the lace on my skin but loving it. I take a closer look at the bra I couldn't avoid when I passed by it and already imagine y/n's body in it. I don't think she will like it since there is a chocker that is attached in the front to go up to the throat. I feel like she's gonna punch me for buying this but I don't care.
"What are you doing?" her voice makes me raise my eyes up to her but I smirk. "Checking what you're gonna wear for me tonight."
She gives an amused look to show me she doesn't agree with this but comes closer, to sit down next to me. "Look at that," I speak in a low tone of voice but expose the bra. I can already see her in my bed, in those fabrics while blushing under me. "That's too sexy for me..." she crosses her arms but smiles in a cute manner.
"Too sexy?" I lift my eyebrows. "Are you sure about that...? 'littleangel seventeen'...?" I faintly mention it after keeping it to myself for weeks, my eyes staring in her shocked ones while I'm waiting for her answer with cockiness. She nibbles on her upper lip and reacts in a way she never did before, that's the most lovely face I've ever seen.
"Hm?" I lick my lips without ever glancing away. "Miss leather and harness..." my smugness never fades away while she's sweating in stress before my eyes. "Cat got your tongue, baby?"
She flees away from this eye contact as her face is burning in heat of her redness. "I don't know what you're talking about..." her weak voice makes me laugh uncontrollably but I lean towards her and lay my hand behind her. I peck her ear and speak into it. "You're hot enough to wear this sexy lingerie, baby."
She smiles with shyness but gulps down. "Since when do you know...?" she asks while looking down and curling her toes against the floor. "Since the day I asked to play with you and that you were a rude girl."
She goes but finally gives me a look, turning her head and getting our faces to be tight close. "How could you- You knew all this time?"
"Yes, I knew," I smirk but move back to drop the lingerie in the bag. "I hate you..." she grumbles but I glance at her again. "Oh no, you don't, baby," I state with confidence but she grins. "Okay...maybe..."
I stand and take hold of the bags, to stretch out my hand to her. "Come with me," I get her to follow me and she puts her hand in mine to let me guide her upstairs. I make our steps as quiet as possible to not wake the little boy up and I reach my bedroom in shorts seconds, I position her right before me and open the door to step in.
I lock us in to be all alone and not disturbed by anyone then walk up to the bed, to sit down at the edge of it and put the bags down. "Take your clothes off," I set my eyes on her as she just came next to me but she shows some reluctance. "What...? Why would I do that...?"
"Because you listen to me," I wrap my fingers around her wrist to bring her to the floor and she stands before me. "Wait-" she stops my hands that were sliding under her sweater. "I'm going to take a shower first, I'll feel more comfortable to try them."
"Alright but hurry," I let her go away but take this time to get the lingerie out and lay them on my bed.
15 minutes later...
The door in front of me opens but makes my hand go out of my sweatpants in a rush, to pass over my bare torso. I straighten up to not remain lied down on the bed but instantly fall upon something enticing as hell.
"I...I forgot to take one of them..."
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