chapter 17 | Pulsation
"Ask me questions and I'll answer them," I let her start since I don't know what to begin with. "Do you love yourself?"
A nervous chortle runs out of my mouth but I look down. "I hate myself to be more precise," I let the truth out. I feel like I'm having a pillow talk with her and that's pretty pleasant and relaxing. "People think that just because you tell them to love themselves they will do it but that's not how it works...loving ourselves is harder than anything else in a life for a perfectionist person with low self-esteem...and what I did in the past doesn't help at all..."
"What did you do in the past...?" she asks to get more details but I don't even restrain anything, I let go of my feelings and emotions. "I made my mom go through hell for almost two years. I was getting wasted almost every day once I was sixteen and that her husband cheated on her to then leave us all alone...I was sometimes trying drugs...I wanted to act rebel because of the hatred I was feeling inside towards that asshole and...I was too selfish to even think about my mother...I was dating girls to make me believe I was okay and...I regret it a lot...I hate the person I was back then and if I could go back in time, I would never do this to my mom again but help her the most possible..."
"You took drugs...?" she gapes at this sentence she must not have expected to hear from me, but I nod, shamefully. "Yeah...I thought it was cool at that age...I even had tattoos over my right hand because of the girls I was hanging out with but I paid a lot of money to erase them all. I was a real asshole that didn't deserve to have such a wonderful mother...I was a jerk to her...that's why I pamper her now...I have to make it up. When people look at me they just think I'm the cool guy who dates the girls he wants and all with no problem, who has a lot of money...but...I'm a freaking mess."
"Everybody makes mistakes were young and your dad left you shouldn't keep on hating yourself for that..." she tries to comfort me but has no idea how bad this is in my head. "Yeah but...I'm just a fuck boy to people. They think I spend my nights fucking girls and dumping them when I'm tired. I don't really give a shit about what they think about me as long as my mom loves me but I'm always the one getting dump like a moron just because the girls I date believe I'm a dominant and rude guy who doesn't like cuddling like a ridiculous boy."
"Well...that's the first time I hear that a girl doesn't like cuddling..." she says as if this was surprising when I'm used to it now. "Not that they don't like cuddling but...I'm a bit clingy and possessive as a boyfriend and that was the problem. They just wanted my dick and nothing else."
"You said you had sex with a guy...right?" she puts this forth for the first time but I smile and nod. "Two the same time..." my teeth squeeze my lower lip as some shyness took me. She gapes at my answer. "Wow...a...a threesome?"
"Yeah, we were just on a trip two years ago and we were sharing a room together but we were all singles and kinda horny...they were both gay so you know...we just came to talk about it and watched some stuff then we began to touch each other and kiss...and all...that was better than I would have expected..." I remember the events with no shame or regret.
That was the most intense thing I've never received or did. " you often have sex like that to have fun?"
"No, really not," I shake my head to reassure her. "That happened once but that won't happen again. That was not even really for fun but more because we were in need like jerks and...I wanted to know what sex with a guy feels like," I chuckle but look at her. "We were so damn desperate that we put the mattresses on the ground because we didn't have enough space in our single beds. But I never did this with girls. I don't know why I can't have sex with a girl just randomly since my first time."
"Are you bi?" she asks the logic question but I smile and answer negatively. "No because I'm not attracted to guys but that was a good experience. I just won't do it again because I only like sex with girls, this is more special since I always love them when I do it, " I lick my lips and eat my snack. I can almost feel again how weak but on cloud nine I was afterwards. "That sounds good..."
"Would you like to try a threesome?" I grin but chew on my crispy food, to peek at her with surprise. She shrugs but nods like a bashful girl. "I would be included in it, right?"
"Well yes...I trust you so...I would need you..." she scarcely answers me but I smile. I like hearing this. "I don't think I would allow another man to touch you and kiss you, let alone putting his nasty dick inside of you."
"Why?" she glances into my eyes with an interrogative look but I put my own ones on my food. "Because. I wouldn't like it. I'm your daddy, no one else is allowed to have you now," the corner of my lips turn up to make it cocky but after some seconds, she doesn't answer anything so I change the subject. "Anyway...I just wanna cuddle with a girl who's not fake."
"If you want a sort of teddy can cuddle me whenever you want..." she speaks in a soft and mumbling voice but my lips form an instant smile. "Really? I can cuddle you when I want?"
"Yes," she nods but grins like a baby. "You're quickly going to be annoyed with me," I try to change her mind before she could regret it but she shakes her head. "Never. I like cuddling too."
"But if I cuddle you, you're gonna fall in love with the irresistible Jeon Jungkook," I tease her while staring at her features but she lets a 'Tch' go out of her mouth as her eyebrows just raised. "So no feelings even if I cuddle you?"
She nods without smiling but constantly avoids my gaze. Since she's tempting me, I lick my fingers to remove the spices of my Doritos and grab a tissue I can always find on my nightstand, to clean my hand and move towards her. "Come here then," I put my arms around her smaller body and pull her closer to my build, for her face to be hidden in my chest and mine nestled in the crook of her neck. Her fragrance is filling my nose even more intensely, this is driving me crazy.
In this position with her chest against mine, I can feel her heart beating fast and hard, this is cute and I'm feeling quite soft, to be honest. Cuddling always makes me feel good and relaxed. "Hmm..." I emit little sounds while tightening my hold around her and brush my lips over her skin. Since she told me she likes it when I touch her, I pass my leg between her short ones and let my hand slide down to her hips, to press her curves against me and wrap my arm around them. Her heart is rushing mad, that's so adorable.
Honestly, I would like to slide my hand under her skirt but I have to hold back. "Has a man already kissed your neck?" I speak against her skin tenderly, causing some goosebumps to cover it entirely. "Yes but...that didn't do as much as I thought it would..."
"What do you mean?" I smile but pass my hand over her back. "The guy who kissed me on the neck for the first time didn't turn me on like I thought this would. I was expecting this to be arousing but that wasn't..."
"That's just because he wasn't good at it," I make it obvious as I know how her body reacts once I touch her. This cannot be possible for her to not be turned on if a guy kisses her neck well. "How do you know that?"
" you want me to prove you I'm right?" I move my head back to dive my eyes into hers but she shrugs. "Yeah..."
"But we're doing this as best friends, alright?" I make sure she doesn't misunderstand this since I wouldn't want her to get hurt. "I know..." she glances away and sighs, showing what seems to be annoyance. "What's that reaction? Hm?"
"Nothing..." she pretends not to care about my sentence but I smile and bend my head forth. "Let me take that off," I grab her earring to delicately remove it and place it on the mattress, away from us to start teasing her. I first press my lips on her ear, tilting my head to the side to clasp the lobe of it and kiss her more intimately. Willing to show her a good kisser can arouse her more than she could ever imagine, I do it slowly and passionately for my lips to stimulate her sweet spot and skim her neck up and down, getting me to feel her hand gripping my cloth. I smile against her skin at this reaction but peck it, before kissing it more fondly. I have to admit this is turning me on badly, my hand cupping her hips and grasping her thickness as my lips are going more sensually, I exhale against her shivered skin and use my tongue for more sensations. The fact that I have my leg right between hers allows me to often feel her clench her thighs against mine.
I test her to see which spot is the weakest and go lower down her neck, to get a momentary reaction once I arrive above her collarbone. I remain on that area and gradually suck on it to excite her even more but at the feeling of her fingers running through my hair, I go crazy and lose my mind through some arousal. I nibble, lick, and kiss her with my heavy breathing adding more frictions.
Without thinking about what I'm doing, I push her down on the bed and top her to feel my cock being squeezed against her core as my movement brought her skirt up. I mark her skin with my mouth but hear her reacting to it intensely. This is driving me insane and I can't hold back anything anymore. I want her so freaking much.
"Jungkookie?" my mom knocks on the door to ruin everything, my swollen and wet lips leaving y/n's skin. "The dinner is cooked. Are you coming downstairs?"
"Yeah..." I sigh heavily but move away from y/n, to land on the bed and be next to her. "So," I peek behind me to land my eyes on her with a smirk on my face. She straightens up but fixes her skirt, shyly. "That didn't give you the effect you wanted it to?"
"It did..." she gulps down but brushes her fingers over her red cheek. I chuckle but lean towards her to touch her chin and turn her head in my direction, to check her neck. "Well...I think I went a bit too hard," I smile at the sight of the hickey I left on her skin but bring my hand down to her throat, to cup it and rub my thumb over the marked spot. "Will you want some makeup to cover it before leaving?"
She nods so I remove my hand from her, to peck her forehead and stand up. "I'm getting changed so either you leave this room or deviate your gaze," I smirk but walk up to my closet while taking my dress shirt off. "I'm not a kid anymore..."
"Alright then..." my smug smile doesn't fade away and I open the glass doors to enter my closet and drop my dress shirt on the floor to take care of my belt. "Are you sure you don't want to wait outside?" I chuckle and peek at her while unbuckling my leather belt, but catch her already staring. She glances away very quickly but shrugs.
I open the zipper of my trousers while keeping sight of her and pull it down, to make the sound of my belt echo through the room but get her attention over me again. "Ya. Are you a pervert?" I tease her playfully but take my pants off entirely, to do the same to my underwear. "No. You're the one stripping in front of me. You didn't say 'don't look'..."
"What a lame answer, you just like checking me out," I grab a pair of sweatpants even if this won't help with my hard-on and put it on. "But whatever, I know you're dirty-minded," I leave the closet to join her again and make a beeline for the door leading to the hallway. "Are you coming?" I smile at her and she stands up, to walk up to me so I let her step out first and follow her path.
I let her walk over my mother who is already at the dining table in the kitchen and we sit down side by side. "Ya, Jungkook," my mom expresses some annoyance as her finger just pointed at me. "What's that? You have your friend with you and you don't even put a shirt on?"
"She already saw me in my simple swimming trunks...that's fine," I roll my eyes without saying that the dirty girl next to me doesn't mind seeing me shirtless. "Yeah but...that's not the same. You could at least put a shirt on..." she shakes her head with disbelief, tired of the man I am who always walks around the house half-naked.
"Anyway," I change the subject and look at y/n. "Eat well till your stomach is totally full," I make sure she doesn't try to starve herself or eat the least possible to lose weight but she nods. "Bon appetit," my mom joyfully says to dig in. We both answer with the same and begin to eat with the TV playing to not keep us in silence.
"I would have wanted to ask you some questions but Jungkook already talked about you a lot...' my mother tries to initiate a conversation with my shy and quiet girl but I lower my gaze down to her to not look at the TV screen on our right anymore. My lips form a smile. "Really? Does he talk about me that much...?"
"Once he has a new little favorite he only talks about her and thank god it's you," she uses inappropriate words to mention her. "Because honestly...I couldn't stand that stupid and arrogant Dahee..."
"That's why you never let me take her here," I scoff but fill my mouth with the warm food. "Of course not, I only allow girls like her in my house," she stretches her hand towards y/n to indicate her. "She's calm, respectful, kind and deserves love."
I smile but take a look at y/n to see her reaction. "Stop now, you're making her feel uncomfortable," I cease the babbling of my mom at the sight of y/n blushing and not knowing what to say. If I don't put an end to it she will never cease talking. "Alright then...but she can talk. I want to know what you think about my son," she doesn't listen to me but smiles at her.
Y/n is a soft and timid girl so this is going to be hard to get some words from her. "He...I like him— I mean," she swiftly reacts as if she had made a mistake. "I like him as a friend because...even if he was a bit annoying at the beginning he's very caring and...I like his way of thinking."
"Everything starts with a friendship," she dares to let this out when I prayed for her to keep quiet about this type of remark. "Mom. Stop already. We're friends, nothing else."
She purses her lips and nods to show she's not believing me. I swear to god. "Let's get to another topic," I save myself and y/n from the embarrassment. "Are you going to be there for the swimming course next Monday?"
"I'll be there but I don't know if I'll swim," she answers me while chewing on her food like a baby. "Why?"
"I hate being in a I often use an excuse to not do it but I think that won't work anymore..." she keeps her eyes down in her dish but I stop eating to focus on her. Those words are hard to hear. "We'll talk after dinner," I don't say anything more in front of my mother since I would like a private talk with her in my room and I finish my food.
30 minutes later...
"Hey," I step towards y/n as she's proceeding through the hallway to go back to my room. "Come here," I cup her waist with my hands and pull her back. "What did you say when we were at the table? Hm?"
"You can't change my mind that easily Jungkook..." she answers in a sorrowful voice as this low self-esteem and insecurities must be serious. "Then I'll do it slowly," I give a squeeze to her waist but remove my hands from her as she cutely twitched. "You're going to come to the course and get into your swimsuit, right?" I enter the room with her and close the door behind me.
"I don't know..." she takes hold of her bag without sitting down and getting comfortable again. "What are you doing?"
"Well..." she raises her eyes up to mine. "I have to's getting late..." she walks up to the bed to retrieve the earing and put it back on. "Already...? But I haven't covered your hickey..."
"Oh yeah..." she remembers it now that I mentioned it. This is going to make me win some time to stay with her. "Sit down on the bed, I'm taking care of it," I walk up to my bathroom and keep her there, to grab some makeup I always have in my stuff and then go back to her.
"You have makeup?" she gazes up at me with astonishment as if it was weird but I nod and sit down next to her. "Of course I do," I lay my products down on the blanket but lean over her. "I'm going to do this perfectly and your parents won't see a single inch of it."
"Sure?" she doesn't trust me but I acquiesce and grab some lotion with a cotton pad. "You're gonna be shocked when you'll see it," I smile but rub the soft item over her hued skin. I have to admit, I sucked kind of hard and that's a bad one. Now that she's finally silent, I take the liquid concealer and apply some on the marked spot but also a bit around it then use a beauty sponge to blend it.
She's all calm, she must like it. I smile unwillingly but lay my eyes back on the spot, to stop bouncing the sponge over her skin and look for the foundation. Once I have it in my hold, I open it and use the other sponge inside to push on the cushion and then cover her neck with it properly. "Can I come pick you up on Monday? Before going to school."
"Why?" she doesn't turn her head but only asks, wondering why I'm suddenly willing to do this. "Because I want to be with you and make sure no one is going to bother you or anything like that..."
"Well....I'm not going to refuse," she smiles but makes me happy with her answer. "Great," I put the foundation back where it was and now grab the powder and the brush, for the last touch. "You're gonna have to wake up earlier though..."
"That's fine," I make it obvious this won't cause any problem. "Here you go," I end her makeup and gaze at her. "Are you really gonna leave me alone...?" I pout with some hope to hear her telling me she stays for the whole night, but she nods. "I have to."
"I'm gonna be all sad in my bed...missing my teddy bear that I want to cuddle..." I try to get her by the feelings but she doesn't care about it, she stands up with a smile upon her face. "I would like to stay too...but I can't..." she grabs hold of her bag and bends over to reach her coat. I catch it once she tries to straighten up and dive us in eye contact. I tug on it and bring her closer to me. "I want a kiss before you go."
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