chapter 14 | Nightdress
"Hey..." she glances away but pulls the blanket lower. "I'm sorry for...I'm sorry for not answering any of your calls or texts...I have to stay away from screens..."
"Yeah...your dad told's fine," I smile nervously but see her sitting up on her mattress. "You can sit down," she moves the blanket and invites me to join her on the bed. I rub my neck but sit down close to her, to face her and place my bag onto the floor. "How are you feeling?"
"Not very well but...that's alright," she passes her fingers through her hair, her soft voice finally filling me when I missed the sound of it. That makes me feel weird to see her in a dainty pink nightdress that reveals more of her breasts than I'm used to seeing every day with her hoodies. I'm having a hard time looking away from those curves that her bra is giving to them. "I...I was worried about you so I wanted to come here and check how you're doing," I fix my eyes on my bag, making sure I won't be tempted to drop them on her cleavage.
"That's kind of you," she replies in a sweet and delicate voice, her small fingers toying together on the blanket. "But...I heard you brought the work I missed...That's kind to do it but I won't be able to work or focus at all..."
"Oh...really?" I peek at her briefly but grab my bag to occupy my brain and take my small binder out of it. "Yeah, I'm having severe headaches and migraines so the more I avoid looking at something for too long or concentrating...the better it is for me..."
"Ah alright...I'm sorry you have to deal with this," I open my belonging and turn it towards her to lay it over the blanket and show her the stuff we worked on while she was here. "That's all the things we did but...I filled them for you so the only thing you would have had to do was to read and take a look at it but don't do it since your head is aching," I look up at her with a smile but catch her staring at me with a soft gaze in her eyes, before glancing down. "Okay...thank you for doing this just for me."
"No problem," I take it back towards me but close it. "Do you want me to put this somewhere?"
"You can lay it on the desk," she nods and indicates the table just right in front of me so I stand up and get to it to do as told. I love how cozy and cute her room is, everything is clean and well tidied up with loads of plushies everywhere. I keep my thoughts to myself and go back to her. " you know when you're going to come back to school...?" I run my fingers through my hair but gather up all my strength to look into her eyes.
She shakes her head. "I don't know yet...I'm going to see my doctor again tomorrow so I'll see at that moment," she rubs one of her eyes and gazes down at my body instead of my face. I shouldn't forget she's the shy little baby who easily gets nervous when I'm close to her, this must be even worse for her since she's in a simple nightdress under that blanket. "I hope you'll soon feel better because I have to be honest...I miss annoying you," I chuckle quietly but cause the same to her. "You can take that off if you want, I don't mind," I point at her face mask.
"No...I don't want you to catch anything," she shakes her head but smiles, her cheeks moving to expose it and softly turn more pink. "Honestly if I could get an excuse to skip school, that would make me happy."
"Do you want me to give you my bacteria just to not go to school?" she giggles but presses a part of her blanket against her stomach, accentuating her cleavage while acting cute unwillingly. "Yes, please," I smile while staring at her but she drops her gaze on my lips. "How should I do it? Do you want me to cough at your face?"
"A kiss is a bit more gentle and kind..." I laugh but quickly correct this to not make her feel uncomfortable. "I'm joking...I don't want you to feel guilty afterwards."
"Yeah..." she doesn't show a good reaction to it but fixes her mask nervously. I need to change the subject. "Anyway...About the picture that Dahee published on Twitter...she had to delete it and she's now going to be expelled from school."
"Really?" she gazes into my eyes with great joy about it but I nod and smile at her. "Yes, my mom almost fought with the director to get this to happen so I was happy as hell when she told me this. My mom is the best."
The happy expression upon her face doesn't fade away. "I don't know how to thank you..." her baby voice melts my heart but I move my hand up to her hair to touch it. "No need to," I comb her soft hair but drop my hand down on the bed. None of us says a thing but we look into each other's eyes, the calm mood remaining here with no awkwardness. A smile curves my lips up but provokes the same expression on her face with the most softness.
Without explaining why, she peeks at the door as if she was making sure that no one might come in and she suddenly moves onto the bed, to come closer and put her arms around my neck. Her breasts pressed against my body but being close to my face as she got on her knees, I smile and hug her back. The fabrics she's wearing are so light that I feel like I'm having her naked against me. This feels good obviously.
"Thank you for coming here..." she speaks in my ear with tenderness but at the feeling of her trying to retreat, I tighten my hold and grip her sides with my hands to make this linger. "No need to thank me," I let her get down on the mattress and gaze at me from closer. I can now check her skin and make sure she doesn't have any bruises or else. There's something about his stepbrother that I don't like at all, so I can't help but check. "I came here because I wanted to see you."
"You didn't come to hand me the work...?" she wraps her arms around her legs while staring at me but I shake my head as a smile formed on my face. "I hate people who do this so no, I didn't come here for that. Who wants to receive the annoying work they managed to avoid? No one," I chuckle but grab hold of my bag again.
She doesn't respond so I open the zipper of my bag as she's remaining silent. "I got you something on my way," I pull a big lollipop out and display it right in her sight. She gapes at the sight of this long thing. "What the hell...?" she grabs it but giggles for no reason. "This thing looks weird..."
"I know, this is a twisty lollipop and I knew right at the moment that I made eye contact with it that your dirty mind would make you think about something else," I state the truth but take another item out while she's blushing. "And here is some fruit juice, that's good when you're sick," I put the package on the floor to not bother her with it and finally close my bag. "Thank you so much..." she peeks up at me shyly, placing the candy down to surely keep it for later.
There are so many questions I would like to ask but I know that some of them should be avoided. This might make her feel uncomfortable and I don't want this to happen.
"Have you seen Jisung these last days?" I break the small silence that was keeping us quiet but she shakes her head. "'re the only one who came here."
"Ah...real friends..." I raise my eyebrows but only say this playfully, making her smile at me. "Anyway...I have to go home and I don't want to bother you. You need rest," I grin and touch her calf to rub it but stand up, taking my bag in my hold but seeing her following my movement. "Wait..."
I lay all my attention on her to let her talk but only see her staring at me and keeping her hands in the back of her body. I smile but pull her mask down. "What is it?"
"I..." she licks her lips but averts my eyes, those ones watching her chest going up and down at a swift speed. As I was looking down at her breasts slightly visible in this flimsy cloth, she steps forth and embraces my body to press hers against it. I don't know the reason of it but this feels pleasant. I hug her back and plant a kiss on the crown of her head. "You missed my hugs, didn't you?"
"Yes..." her voice cracks in a sad manner and startles me. I bend my head to the side to try to discern her features but she hides them in my chest. I just wanted to joke with her, I didn't expect her to react like that. "Y/n...? What's wrong?"
"I don't know..." she answers in a trembling voice but snivels. I frown but bring one hand up to her hair, tangling my fingers in it but inching my lips closer to her ear. "'re worrying me...Have I said something bad?"
"No..." she shakes her head and steps back to pull away, but I keep my hands on her. I scrutinize her face but move my hand up to it to wipe her tears away. This is breaking my heart and I don't even know why she's crying. "I just...the medications I'm taking must be affecting me...I'm sorry..."
"Don't say sorry," I cup her face but move forth to press a kiss on her cheekbone. "What is making you feel like that all suddenly? Do you want me to stay?"
She nods without looking at me. "But I don't want you to get sick because of me—" the door opening behind me stops her but causes an astonishing reaction. Her stepbrother. She puts her face mask back on properly in no time but I don't step back, to show him I don't give a damn whether he likes me to touch her or not.
"Y/n," he pushes his inner cheek with his tongue, gripping the handle of the door. Given the way he's glaring at me, this might be possible that he hates me. "In my bedroom, right now."
"Let me just—"
"Right now," he propels the door in the wall violently to let go of it and clear the way out. I grab y/n's arm to stop her as soon as she listens without going against him. "I was talking to her, just need a minute."
He smirks at me but lets a scoff run out of his mouth, before fixing his dark and sharp eyes on his sister. He raises his eyebrows and with no words, y/n does as told. "I'm sorry, Jungkook," she bows to me and leaves the room. "You can get out as well," he almost orders me as if I was just a dog but since I don't want to get y/n in trouble, I step out and make fast to catch up with her steps before she could enter the other room.
"I'll come back tomorrow," I whisper in her ear as my fingers ran through her hair and we make eye contact for the last time. I'm stressed out about this whole thing, what's the deal with him to react in such a way? She clearly doesn't dare to say something against him or even complain. That's the worst about it.
I sigh but walk down the stairs as I have no choice but to leave. "Thank you for allowing me to stay in your house Miss and Mister Park," I bow to the parents as soon as I reach the living room. "I'm going home."
"Oh, already?" the mother sets all her attention on me but I fake a smile and nod. "Yes, my mom is waiting for me."
"Ah alright, don't make her worry," she grins but doesn't ask any more questions. "Have a good evening Jungkook," they both say goodbye so I answer in the same respectful manner and get out of the room, to go back to my shoes and put them on in order to leave this house. I'm concerned about y/n but I don't have the right to do anything and assuming such things might do worse.
— Next day —
Friday, October 29, 2019.
12:40 pm.
My mood not helping me to go through this day, I heave a sigh and keep my head on the back of the bench as I haven't felt good enough to even open my eyes. I've had a horrible dream last night and this is still affecting me.
It was of y/n and goddammit, I had to deal with images of her crying and being beaten up right in front of me while I couldn't move or do anything. To worsen this, my dreams often reflect real life so I'm currently concerning myself with this and what y/n might be going through at this moment.
A sudden warmth against the side of my body gets me to react and dart my eyes in the direction of this heat. I gape at the sight of my little girl in her pink fluffy coat I missed touching. "Y/n?!"
She gazes down while fiddling with her binder but softly peeks at me, half of her face covered by the mask she still has to wear. I throw my arms around her and squeeze her in my clasp. "I was so fucking worried...!" my hand slides up her back for my fingers to end tangled in her hair and my lips against her forehead.
"You just saw me yesterday..." she giggles and gazes up at me. "Do you think I was okay when I left you?" I pout but hold her against me without wanting to let go. She doesn't say anything but hugs me back. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yes..." she nods but remains in my embrace as if she didn't want to leave it. I smile but press a kiss on her temple. "I'm glad to hear it."
"I didn't want to stay home I came..." she mumbles in my chest, her fluffy coat tickling my skin. "Why did your brother get so mad about my presence though...?" I pass my hand over her back but gaze down at her, making her sit a bit more properly to only stare at my lips and offer me the sight of her flushed cheeks I missed. "He doesn't like it when you're close to me...he already saw you with me outside of the school and now he...he literally hates you."
"I hate him too..." I mutter with bitterness but lift my hand up to her face mask, to pull it down and look at her soft lips. "Did he annoy you once I left...?" I ask with some indiscretion. "Hm...a little bit."
"What did he do?" I bring my fingers to her cheekbone, brushing a small eyelash away from her skin. Her sparkling eyes meet mine but her expression shows some hesitation more than clearly. "He...he scolded me..."
"He didn't do anything more, right?" I stare into her eyes without blinking but seek for more emotions. She lowers those starry ones and delicately removes her bag she placed on her lap, to reveal her thick thighs. "Here..." she points out a bruise on the inner part.
"He hit you?" my voice deepens without me knowing as I felt a current of wrath going through me but she shakes her head immediately. "No. We fought as always but I fell onto the side of his bed and that left that damn big bruise..."
I sigh but reach her thigh out, hoping for her to tell me the truth. I believe that the things I heard about him are totally fake otherwise she wouldn't be talking about him that way. My long fingers caress this hued spot. "Don't fight again...Did you put some healing cream?" I gaze up into her eyes as her warm skin heated up at the contact with my veiny one. "No..." she blushes even harder at this touch of my hand on such an intimate area but I keep going with my fingers. "Ya. Why aren't you taking care of it? I'm gonna have to give you a magic kiss," I grin but watch her getting super and terribly jittery.
"A magic kiss?" she peeks up at me but puts her mask back properly, hiding what I want to see. "Yeah. My kisses are as good as a medication for your body."
"How can you be sure of that?" she plays it innocent, crossing her arms against her chest as I can feel her thighs slightly clenching once I go up. I missed that baby face with those pink cheeks and shyness. Dammit. "Because I know it."
"And how could a kiss heal my bruise?" she points her finger at it but manages to make eye contact with me, her pupils are so dilated even under the light this is cute. "My lips have a special power, I have the evidence."
"Which one?" she dares to ask. I don't make her wait for too long but smile at her. "Close your eyes," I toy with her coat, the material getting me addicted to this. She does as told with no second thought so I lean in, to do the exact same thing than I did when we were at the shop together, my lips press a kiss on her ear and I check her reaction.
Her eyes don't open but her pink lips obviously curve up into a smile that under her mask, making me believe that she's maybe expecting something more. I give it to her and kiss her cheek in the most tender way, for my lips to flutter her heart and make their way closer to hers. I pull her mask down and without asking anything, I remove it and pamper her hot skin with kisses. That's crazy how sensitive to my touch she seems to be. Her thighs are clenching against my hand that I don't keep to myself and my fingers I placed right on the side of her neck is showing me how wild everything is going inside of her.
Since I like to flirt with this little baby girl, I smile against her blazing skin but slide my lips back to her ear to kiss the lobe of it but feel I just hit a weak spot. I do it passionately, kneading her inner thigh no matter how much I'm sensing the arousal in her body language and behavior, I drift my mouth down to her neck and use my tongue to leave a hot kiss. I then stop to let her calm down but check her reaction.
"See," I whisper against her skin, my lips almost skimming hers as I'm now staring at her with a grin. "This is the evidence."
She opens her eyes to fall into mine but makes it linger. I don't know what is happening currently but everything is going fast and slow at the same time, one second I was almost crying because of my worry and now I'm at an inch of her lips, feeling like we're both alone in our own bubble. The seconds fly by as we're not moving or breaking the contact, her pulse punching my fingers hard. She throws her body into mine and hides her face in the crook of my neck like a baby.
I can't help but giggle. "You haven't lost your cuteness," I hug her the way she likes it and finally enjoy this day. "There's something annoying though..." I place my face against the side of hers but glide my hand along her hip. "What?"
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