chapter 12 | The real you
4:20 pm.
I land on my bed with no clothes after taking my shower, toweling my hair but then putting the fabric around my neck to grab my phone.
[ I don't like the way you're acting with me all suddenly y/n. I want you to talk to me and stop doing this. If I've done something wrong I want you to tell me and not leave me all dumb like that... >
I drop my device on my mattress after sending this text and grab my towel, to throw it in the laundry basket and lay back on my blanket. Is there a going to be a single good week?
"Kook?" my mom knocks on the door I made sure to lock. "Yeah?" I answer but put my arms over my face, waiting for y/n to at least make the effort to reply to me. "Your dad called me earlier 'cause you apparently ignored his texts and calls today, but he wanted to tell you that he'd like to see you this weekend."
"I don't give a shit, mom..." I let some rude words out of my mouth but do not regret them at all given the person we're talking about. "Tell him I won't see him or his goddamn kid."
"Jungkook...this kid has nothing to do with the relationship between your dad and I..." she tries to change my mind about this but I just sigh silently. "Whatever, I won't see him."
"Oh could at least tell him you know," she steps away as she understood I wouldn't comply with this idea. At the feeling of my phone vibrating on my bed, I hurry to take it and check what I just received.
< Why do you care so much about me when you still like to hang out with Dahee? ]
[ Why I care about you? Maybe because you mean a lot to me and that I don't like it when you're acting like that? Don't you think it's obvious? What does hanging out with Dahee has to do with you and our relationship? >
< i don't even want to talk about it. I know you won't believe me so I don't want to waste my time ]
[ tell me for god's sake. You don't even talk to me anymore so what would that change? >
< she's a fucking shit. Once you're not around and that I'm all alone in the restroom or changing rooms she keeps on fucking making fun of me with her friends and calling me names, she tells me all the time that I'm fat ugly and disgusting. Just because I'm hanging out with you and Jisung she calls me a slut. Just earlier, I got to know from Jisung that she posted a picture of me on Twitter when I was getting changed for sports...You must enjoy playing with me and talking about how dumb I am with her so no, I don't want to talk to you anymore... ]
What the fuck did I just read? Since when does Dahee do that?
I leave this conversation but make fast to check Dahee's Twitter account. I scroll down the different tweets in order to maybe see a picture but as soon as I end on one, I stop but feel on the verge of throwing my phone in the wall.
_ i have to deal with this once a week🤢
__ this girl should stop eating and make sports instead🤮
__ ew.
__ isn't that the ugly girl in your class?
__ that's not cool but this bitch deserves it. I cant believe Jungkook hangs out with her😤
I bite onto my lip but take a screenshot of this, I'm going to have a damn talk with this bitch tomorrow. I cannot believe she dared to do that to her. I go back to the conversation with y/n as I just left her on 'read'.
[ I'm not playing with you y/n. You're not dumb so stop saying that bullshit. This bitch is going to fucking regret what she did to you and I won't let her go with this. Why didn't you tell me about this right when I asked you...? You know I trust you. We're going to talk tomorrow but I'm going to make her regret this. I'm sorry this happened to you Y/ should have told me >
< I thought you wouldn't believe me...I was scared you could have thought I was just seeking for attention so I only told Jisung about those things... ]
[ don't you trust me enough...? >
< I sometimes feel like you're playing with me...I'm a could you like hanging out with me and maybe get your friends to be ashamed of you...? ]
[ Idgaf about what my friends can think. If I like being with you, I stay with you and that's on period. Even if I would lose my friends from being with you then I'll lose them that's not a problem they're all fake anyway >
< when you hug me or kiss just do it like you do it with other girls...? ]
[ Why are you asking me that? >
< just forget it... ]
[ you're the only girl I hug and kiss that much lately >
< why are you lying? I saw you with Dahee earlier ]
[ that wasn't a hug neither a kiss and as I said in my answer, you're the only one I hug and kiss THAT MUCH LATELY. I won't even approach that bitch anymore >
< yes but you just do it to annoy me...? ]
[ to annoy you but also bcs that makes me soft when I see you blushing and smiling. And physical contact just makes me feel good with you. That's just affection >
< ok ]
[ can we call each other? I want to talk to you >
< I can't... ]
[ why...? >
< I'm not feeling good...I can't talk on the phone ]
[ what is happening? Aren't you with Jisung anymore >
< idk and no I'm not with him. I'm tired of everything, I just need to sleep ]
[ You're making me don't want to talk about it with me? >
< I'm just not feeling good mentally and physically. Only Jisung knows about this but I just have a lot of problems and I keep it to myself. I'm a problem for everyone and I hate myself so since i don't want to hear you telling me I'm an attention seeker or just dramatic like everyone say, I prefer to not talk about it ]
[ stop saying this. I'm here for you y/n. You can talk about everything you want to me and you know I won't judge you, I know how sometimes this can be hard so I don't want you to keep anything to yourself. Talk to me...I don't like knowing you're feeling like that... >
She doesn't answer anything, maybe not comfortable about it since I'm not Jisung.
[ you mean a lot to me y/n, don't think otherwise. You can tell me anything you want I'll be happy to be the one there to make you feel better❤ >
< thank you...❤ ]
No smile formed on my face after this hurtful conversation, I lock my phone and drop it on my bed to straighten up. I head to my chest of drawers and take a pair of sweatpants out of it, to put it on and not stay naked anymore.
Since I want to have a talk with my mom, I grab hold of my phone and leave my bedroom, checking my texts to get to see if I ever received another one from y/n but deviating my attention away once I don't see anything.
"Mom," I step towards the rail and look at the lower floor to get to land my eyes on my mother slouched on the large sofa of our living room. "Jungkook!" she utters out in a rude voice, slapping the cushions out of anger. "How many times do I have to tell you not to bend over the railing?!"
I roll my eyes and straighten up to only overlook the living room and talk. "I just need to ask you something, stop exaggerating."
"I'm not exaggerating, this is dangerous as hell!" she makes a fuss about this while I'm hearing her but not caring much about it. I'm not a kid anymore, jeez. "Sure mom. Just answer my question," I skip this topic to avoid an argument and get to the point. "There's a bitch who—"
"Language," she cuts me off again, getting to huff and hit my hand against the railing. "Whatever! That rat, you know Dahee, right?"
"Yes I do, I hate that girl," she nods but moves forth to reach her glass of wine on the coffee table. "This damn freaking disgusting rat published a photo of my best friend in her underwear just yesterday on Twitter and I just got to know about it...what can I do to report her?"
"Wait..." her big eyes glance up in my direction with shock readable through them. "What the fuck did you just say?" she swears when she just forbade me to do. This must be a joke. "You heard it well. I wanna kill her so bad right now mom, you can't even imagine."
"Which best friend are you talking about though, is it y/n or someone else?" she asks for some more details but sips on her wine. "It's y/n. She even texted me a minute ago and...I'm worried about her..." I nibble on my lips nervously, telling her the truth about this girl I feel the need to protect and keep safe. "Have you taken a screenshot of the tweet?"
"I did," I acquiesce and get back in my gallery to check if I got the name and the comments with it. "Send them to me, I'm gonna take care of that girl," she grabs hold of her phone and acts like the mother I know. I grin but do as told, thank god I'm not going to be alone in this.
— Next day —
Tuesday, October 26, 2019.
7:30 am.
I walk inside the schoolyard while putting my phone in the pocket of my tight trousers, looking around to get to see the girl I want to throw in fire. My veins boil up as soon as I catch sight of her, I stomp towards her but hold my anger back to not do something bad.
"Ya," I grab her arm and pull her back to get her to face me. "Do you have fun hurting y/n you fucking bitch?" my words escape in a rush of blood as I cannot control myself. "W—What are you talking about...?"
I scoff but glance away, swallowing some of my wrath to not slap her. My eyes dart back towards her and I stare into hers. "You and your little hoes better not dare to approach her again, you take down that fucking picture you published of her on Twitter and you do not talk about or to her again. Alright? 'Cause if you do, I'm gonna destroy you and your reputation in this school with all the things I know about the whore you are."
"I...what the hell is happening with you Jungkook...?" she pretends to be innocent and not know anything about this. "Why are you talking to me like that all suddenly...?"
"Go fuck yourself and do not ever approach y/n again, I won't repeat myself," I step away to make it clear I won't take that bullshit. This isn't the first time I hear that type of stuff about her, I forgave her multiple times only because I thought she was making mistakes but now this is too much.
I run my fingers through my hair to pull them back, clenching my jaw while heading to the bench under the sakura tree. I'm so on edge that I feel like exploding.
I heave a sharp sigh but drop myself on the seat, nibbling onto my lips to help my anger. The thing that I feel relieved about is the fact that my mother is going to go to the director and talk about it, and once my mother does this, it can get really bad for the guy she's facing. She never fails so I'm positive about this.
I wonder why y/n isn't here yet, she usually comes to school earlier and since she told me she wouldn't be able to give me a lesson in the morning I cannot stop being worried about her. I feel like there's something worse going on with her.
The figure of my ex-best friend appearing in the schoolyard gets me to rise from my spot and run to him. Even if he doesn't want to talk to me, I need to know what is happening.
"Wait," I touch his arm and step before him to stop his way. "Why isn't y/n here?" I ask with a wavering voice, wondering for the first time what is happening with me to be so stressed. "She's sick," he simply replies before walking away. I pull him back. "What does she have?"
"She is sick. What don't you understand in my sentence?" he expresses some exhaustion and stares at me with irritation as if I was doing something bad. "She isn't feeling good and needs to stay home. That's all."
I let him go away to not have to fight again when all I'm doing is take care of her and worry.
12 pm.
My bag put around my shoulder, I walk out of the school with my phone in my hand to text y/n for the second time today.
[ hey...why aren't you answering me y/n? Please reply to my text, even if it's just a letter or simple word Idc I just need to know you're alright... >
Once this is sent, I check the message I received from my mother while I was in class.
< After one hour of talk with the director I finally got what I wanted, the rat is going to be expelled from the school bcs apparently this isn't the first time she does this to a girl or bullies them. Also, the others who commented are going to get some sanctions💅🏻😌 ]
[ thank you so much mom, olive you❤ >
[ Damn autocorrect, I meant I love you😅❤ >
< Olive you too🤣❤ ]
No answer coming from y/n yet, I put my phone on vibrate mode and raise the volume at its highest point to make sure I won't miss any text from her. I haven't got any news yet, I'm feeling super lonely and bored without her by my side and the only thing I was told is that she's sick and not feeling good. How the fuck is that supposed to help me and make me worry less? I hate how childish Jisung is lately, he's never acted like that before.
"Kook," a familiar voice gets me to turn around but come across one of my friends. "What is it?" I check my phone screen but gaze up at Mino, the smoke of his cigarette filling my nose as he's taking a pull on it. "I heard how you roasted the bitch this morning," he hits my arm while laughing. "She felt so fucking ridiculous afterwards she had to go to her ex to threaten him in order for him to remove the texts and nudes she sent him."
"I saw those pics tho," I smirk but lean back on the wall behind me, watching the people around us but waiting impatiently for y/n to answer me. "I saw them too and I kept them in my phone in case I'd need it to make her regret something, look," he browses on his phone while putting the cigarette back in his mouth, to draw on it. In short seconds, he turns his phone towards me to show his screen and reveal the snap of Dahee all naked with her legs spread that she sent to a lot of guys including me.
"She always pretends to be innocent and all but she spends her days flirting with guys and posting hate comments of the girls in school on Twitter or Snap," he raises his eyebrows but puffs on his toxic stuff. "She sent this to almost all the guys she knows...she's used to doing this and I don't think she never published anything on Twitter or something."
"Maybe," he shrugs. "But I'm too much of a good guy to publish this anyway. I'm not like her. The worst about it is that a lot of guys said they jerked off to it while I almost puked in front of it," he grins but says what I thought about it but I chuckle. "Same. That type of girl doesn't turn me on at all. If she sends nudes to her boyfriend or a fuck buddy, that's fine because we all like it but other than that, I just hate it. But I don't even like the 'fuck buddies' relationship anyway so...yeah.."
"I know...She's a real bitch and honestly," he holds his cigarette between his two fingers but moves it towards me to look in my eyes. "I saw the pic she posted of that little girl with who you hang out and that got me so fucking mad, I don't know her but when I saw it I thought about you and also some times when I was stumbling upon her being bullied by Dahee—"
"You saw it?" my eyebrows narrow and I straighten my back. "Yeah..." he nods without showing any surprise as if this was obvious and well-known. "I remember we were in sport and I sneaked into the building to get in the changing rooms of the girls and meet my girlfriend who's now my ex but that's when I fell upon her with Dahee and two other girls saying disgusting stuff to y/n and slapping her. That's on that day I broke up with Mia 'cause I ain't into that type of girl."
My heart aches but I ask to know more. I feel like I was the only one blind and when I think back at my behavior some days ago towards her, I feel worse than bad, I want to punch myself for being an asshole. "Didn't you do anything when you saw it?"
"I grabbed Dahee by the hair and told them to get the fuck out of the room," he says this randomly and exhales the smoke. I'm glad he reacted. "Then I let y/n put her clothes back on 'cause she was just in her underwear and bra and when I went out, I broke up with Mia. Honestly..." he smiles but puts his phone in his pocket. "I wanted to spit at her face but I held back."
"I didn't even know about it...goddammit..." I sigh heavily but glance away. Shame, guilt, and regret, all are overcoming me. "That makes me sick."
"Hey, that's not your fault," he tries to comfort me, having no idea how bad I'm feeling at this moment. "And apparently, she has a lot of problems at home with her stepbrother but I don't know if that's true. That's just what I heard from some people."
We already talked about her brother and I know she hates him, I feel like this is true. "What did you hear about her brother?" I demand to know more about this, willing to be aware of more given the stupid and uninformed jerk I am. "Well...hold this, I'm gonna show you," he hands me his cigarette so I take it between my index and middle fingers to let him use his phone for the second time. While he's doing so, I take a look at my own screen but see no notifications. I didn't feel the vibration or hear the ringtone but I can't help checking it.
Feeling the cigarette between my fingers, I lay my eyes on it while waiting but take a closer look at this stuff I know well. Since Mino and I are both close friends, I don't ask him before bringing this to my mouth and inhaling the smoke. "Ya. Didn't you say you wouldn't touch that thing again in your life?"
"Yeah..." the toxic air escapes from me as I managed to not cough or choke on it. "I have my electronic one for your information," my eyes look up at him. "My mom complains about the fact that I can't stop smoking it...but that just helps me to feel less stressed...especially lately..."
"This isn't good for yourself, stop doing it," he retrieves what he left in my hand. "My anxiety isn't good for myself either so I'm just replacing it with something I enjoy."
"Sure..." he rolls his eyes but gazes up at me. "But once you'll see your teeth turning black and falling apart one by one you'll miss your anxiety."
I chuckle but glance away. "You know I'm right so listen to your mom. Smoking is disgusting, so if you can avoid it or quite, do it. Most of the kids nowadays do it 'cause those dumbasses think it looks hot and trendy so don't be dumb like them," he plays it wise as always but I just grin. "Says the one with a cigarette in his mouth."
"Don't compare," he licks his lips. "I'm twenty-one and I've been addicted to it in years while you just started to smoke some flavored things two weeks ago so if I stop, I die."
"You're gonna die even if you don't at least you could try to do it..." I act the same way and tuck my hands in my pockets, smirking at him as I know I just stated facts. He smiles but only keeps his eyes on his phone. "Shut up, smart boy."
"Anyway, where's the thing you wanted to show me?" I change the topic and lean closer to him, to have a look at his phone. He turns it and gives it to me. "First of all I wanted you to see this cringy convo between two of your exes," he hands me the phone and gets me face to face with it.
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