At Mahir 's home!
In midnight he came but, by suport of Vikram his childhood friend .
In Intoxication state.. he can't able to stand straight!! Vikram took him in his room by duplicate key of house which was in mahir's pocket..
Some time before.....
In a bar.. Mahir is sitting on a stool and taking smell of some powder by bending down from table...!!
Mean while a club girl came to seduce him.. she took mahir 's hand around their waist.. mahir looked up!!
His eyes are red and puffed! He imagined his girl in that club girl and his imagination overed power on his intoxicated states!!
And he cluntched her!! He cupped her face!! Heyy.. where U have been gone?? I.. I was waiting for You so long.. u know!! Tears roll down.. that girl signals something to a unknown person.. and person nodded!!
Club girl: Heyy.. see Mahir I am here with you..I 'll not go anywhere.. Again
Mahir smiled widely.. R U sure na with puppy eyes ?? Mahir asked and joined their forhead and tears rolls down ... you.. you.. he stammered with sob.. but drug over powered!
CG: but Mahir.. you... You have to do something for it... For me... hold him by shoulder
M: like a obident boy.. hmm say I 'll do sure.. but only I want you with me.
U know what I .. I ..
CG: leave it.. ☺ now come.. we 'll do something together come.. let's go! She pulled him..
M: wait wait.. my vision is going to blur.. I need some water.. pls help me..
CG: yeah sure with fake smile she back to counter.. and gave him double shot! Two times!!
Mahir did a mistake he again believes someone who is imagination only!! But He loves his imagination.. trusts on it..
That girl took him in a private room where that unknown person also came...
Mahir came there by support that Girl.. because his head is already spinning..
M: hey... I want to sleep.. pls don't go anywhere by leaving me..pls.. He pleeded..
That person : but because of that you have to do something.. you have to take it.. and he forwarded a lighter with a dough of paper..
M: this!!! What .. what isssss... This!?? Why I 'll take it?
TP: because You have to.. you have to do it. If u don't do then she 'll go.. !!
M: what !! She.. she 'll go! No way.. just say me What have to do me.. I 'll definitely do.. he squeezed his both puffy red eyes.. and noticed that unknown person who teaches him very neatly how to take this new type dangerous drug.. !!
That girl also known how 'll effect it on him!!
That girl is now really in guilty that for money she is playing with an innocent person!! She have tears in her eyes.. she is sure tht she 'll not do it if she don't need money! But She also have to.. her home rend! Her college fees, her mother's recovery.. she have to... Bcz for doing it she 'll be paid a enough amount of money which can fulfil her every failure.. !
Mahir take that dough in left hand and put that flamming lighter under that , maintaining some distance.. and taking that new smell from that dough Which will lead him to the abyss...
He lost his full consciousness... And fell down on her!!
That person throw a bundle of note to her and mouthed thank you and went..
Now that person went with bright smile because he knew it very well if mahir take this drug He 'll be ADDICTED!
THAT girl saw him with pity and she is in real guiltiness.. she took mahir's phone and saw last call was Vikram.. so he called him..
Vikram took Mahir from there..
When Vikram was going out Sumi aunty saw him.. and she got to know that Mahir again went to a bar and again he is addicted!!
A sentence now ringing in her mind..
"Maa, Doctor said , if Mahir bhai 'll start to take drug again we 'll have nothing to do- Yuvi said"
In morning... Vish , coming to mahir 's room to call him to wake up..
In a room which is full dark though out of this room Sun is playing with smile..
A person laid on his chest...
A girl came.. Mahir bhai... Mahir bhai!!
A masculine voice came.. tu side de Vish... Mahir bhaiiiiiii... And splashes a jug of water..!!
Mahir jerked up.. but vision is blur within a second all things came dark again and he trying to say something and stammered..who.. what r..u...u doi... And again fall on bed.. and his hands falls on a sharp blade which is on bed side table ..and blood is ready to come out for running uncontrollably...
That boy : Fu*kkkkk!! Oh my God!! Maaaaaa.....
Vish ran to their mother... maa...
#another different type ff
#staywith this story
#all comments are welcomed
#plz ignore all types of mistakes
#staysafe and happy
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