AA V4 Salva, Chapter 7
"To Secretary Robinson, we are getting reports from our PI censors and agents on the field stating questions regarding JBCR (Fort Carson and Space Base Raymond). In the past three weeks, we have caught seventeen potential leaks regarding what is happening around the Bridge. We are coordinating with the CIA and NSA to plug all leaks about the current war.
As you already know, an information leak about the recent causality report was released to the online channel Indie News. We found the individual who had leaked the details. It was a contractor who overheard a conversation between staff. Luckily, we were able to interject additional information, making them believe that five soldiers from 4th ID were killed during a training exercise. Lieutenant General Sherman has already increased security around the hospital.
One final element of this report is chatter about the ever-increasing troop level around JBCR. With so much hardware moving between both bases and additional personnel, this secret has raised questions the longer it goes on.
As stated before, we are doing everything possible to mitigate leaks and spread disinformation. Please note that our internal analysts believe this situation is untenable. Either we move operations off base or prepare to go public about operations on Alagore." – FBI Director Ethen Hunter
April 9th, 2068 (military calendar)
Salva, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore
Sitting in a barely functional and uncomfortable chair, Assiaya stared at the cracked ceiling, unable to look away from boredom. When the American Ambassador arrived in the city, the woman occupied this building close to the Minutemen Headquarters, the Palace.
The Princess attempted to host a celebration to honor such a high-ranking official; however, the Ambassador bypassed any means of introduction and tours to the city. At first, the Princess believed the American woman wanted to get straight to work, but now, she didn't know.
Being one Zulu week, the woman had yet to interact with the townsfolk or even say hello to the Princess. She understood that the Ambassador had yet to leave this repurposed building.
"We have been here for three hours," the voice said.
"I know...," Assiaya mentally replied.
"Why did this woman request us if she was not going to be here."
"I know...."
"Three times that woman has done this to us."
"I said I know...."
"It is disrespectful! We are Princesses."
"Princess that need their military."
"They choose you to lead. We should have gone to that fishing village yesterday and not goof around. You know I am right."
Assiaya took a deep, frustrated breath and looked away from the crack in the ceiling. She could do much work besides wasting time here, like talking with the Council or walking along the city streets, engaging with the people—something she unexpectedly had grown to love. But most likely, they would go to the Nagal fishing village to secure another food source.
"We should leave," the voice said.
Feeling frustrated, Assiaya turned toward the male secretary, Porter Dickson, sitting at the table. "How much longer?"
"The Ambassador meeting should be over soon," Dickson said without looking.
"You said that forty minutes ago."
"Show some respect," Dickson said. "Ambassador Susan West is a busy woman; being assigned to this dirtball, she must correct many of the destructive policies that have been implemented."
While not educated in the craft of diplomacy, Assiaya knew when she was being insulted. The Princess turned toward her motuia advisor for answers for why this disrespect was happening, knowing her formal master would never accept such mannerisms. The Wood Elf was reading through the law books, translating for the Altaerrie. She knew that her Father had requested the Council to organize their legal system so that it could be translated into English.
Assiaya asked, "Have you conducted diplomacy with humans before?"
"Longer than any human has been alive," Yeldan replied. "Remember, your formal family were humans and rulers of these lands."
"You know what I mean," Assiaya replied.
"I do," Yeldan said. "
"Why is she being so rude?" Assiaya asked. "If the Ambassador knew she could not meet me for so long, why summon me?"
"You mean respect," Yeldan said. "Only puppets are summoned. And there are two main reasons why a diplomat would engage in such practice. One is prospering, similar to what Vagahm was conducting with you before. The other is intentionally attempting to waste your time as a power play."
Assiaya recalled her time with the dwarves. The negotiations gave her a migraine, but she knew the practice was with good intentions, at least for their people. For Miss West, since their first encounter, there seemed to be unreasonable hostility toward her.
"What should I do?" Assiaya asked.
"Right now," Yeldan said. "The American Ambassador has little respect for you. You must earn it."
"He is correct."
Assiaya turned toward the Ambassador door and took a deep breath. "Can you distract the American man?"
"Of course I can." Yeldan closed his legal book and stood. "Sir? Do you mind stating your name again? Learning Altaerrie names has been a struggle."
"First," Dickson said. "Enough with this Altaerrie business. My name is Porter Dickson. It says it on my desk."
"I do not know the English letters," Yeldan said. "I thank you, good sir. I shall remember your name going forward. I also wish to address you because I have questions regarding your language."
"I am not the one to ask," Dickson said.
"Are you not a diplomat?"
The Slave Princess watched as her motuia political advisor continued asking the American secretary questions. She could see the man's frustration as the elf ignored protests and continued asking questions.
Seeing that the secretary was distracted, Assiaya quietly approached the Ambassador's door and attempted to open it. That was when she realized that it was locked.
"Try placing her ear against the door," the voice said. "Maybe we can hear what is going on inside. If there is a meeting, there would be loud voices."
"I could give it a try," Assiaya mentally replied.
She placed her hands and head against the door and closed her eyes. She struggled to hear anything in the room, which was odd, as the dual-eyed girl knew American technology liked to make noise.
"Try harder," the voice said.
The dual-eyed Princess focused her breathing. She remembered the Akuma in the forest, seeing multiple perspectives before passing out. A sudden blue-yellow haze clouded her mind. Through the haze, it seemed as if the wall disappeared, and a hazy glimpse inside the room. Inside, an image of a woman lying on a couch, sleeping. But only for a moment.
She leaned back and stared at the wood interior wall, baffled at what she saw.
"Hey," Dickson said. "You cannot be there."
Assiaya Balan-Ryder stood and started walking out of the building, ignoring the secretary.
Once outside, she stopped on the stone road and stared toward the sky.
"Was she really sleeping?" Assiaya said out loud.
"Yes," the voice said.
"Was that the Ambassador?"
"Yes, again. I saw it with my own eyes."
"I did, too."
The Slave Princess took a deep, angry breath while clenching her hands with rage. The Ambassador kept her waiting for hours, and the woman was asleep the entire time. A part of her wanted to go back inside and make a scene; another wanted to complain to Hackett, while the other just wanted to scream out loud about this disrespect. Now she understood what her motuia meant.
"I see you have discovered your answer," Yeldan said.
"She was sleeping," Assiaya said. "No..., not sleeping. Napping. Kallem would never accept such disrespect. She asked us to come here to keep us waiting for a beauty sleep."
"It seems so," Yeldan said. "What does my Highness wish to do now? Head back to the Palace? I believe Lord Ryder will be coming home from their mission soon."
When Assiaya heard her motuia advisor say that her father would be home soon, it only frustrated her more. The thought of her father, his friends, and all the soldiers defending the city risking their lives, and the Ambassador sleeping sickened her. "How am I supposed to help solve problems if no one will take me seriously? I think the Americans only see me as a child."
"In their eyes, you are," Yeldan said.
"I am almost old enough to have children," Assiaya responded. She then placed her hands on her head, staring up at Gas Giant, Tekali. "I am supposed to be a leader. How can I help fix the food shortages if the Americans won't help."
"I do not believe all Americans are attempting to," Yeldan replied. "Still, we can return to Colonel Hackett and arrange a ride."
While some of her wanted to return to the Colonel and request help, she didn't want to be seen as a child who could not fulfill her duties. Not being an annoying symbolic puppet to be ignored.
The more Assiaya thought about the situation, the more she realized that she needed to prove herself to the Americans and herself. Colonel Hackett had given her a diplomatic mission, and she would follow through on it like her Father would on his missions.
"No," Assiaya said. Father is fighting the Unity right now and is not giving up, so why should I? Uncle Hackett said we could go to the fishing village, and I am not going to let a excetra get in the way, so we are."
"Harsh language," Yeldan said.
Assiaya crossed her arms in anger. "She is wicked. I just do not know what to do next."
"I believe I know someone who can help," Yeldan said.
April 9th, 2068 (military calendar)
Hiplose Woods, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore
Seeing two vampires firing against the American assault, Captain Mathew Ryder fired three shots against the hostile who was kneeling, neutralizing the target. This caused the other enemy soldier to attempt to fall back but was taken out.
"Don't let up!" Barrett ordered. "Ford!"
As Comanche maintained their fire, the enemy refused to abandon their position. Grenades exploded into the enemy's exterior fortifications, and rifle fire overwhelmed the defenders. However, energy blasts and flechettes mixed with the American weapons added to the intense suppressive fire.
With a hostile enemy blast impacting next to the Captain, he lowered himself for self-protection. He then looked to the left and saw the Horatius Centurion standing with his circiletum, providing leadership for the rest of the Palatini.
"Horatius!" Canina said. "Stand tall against the traitorous bloodsuckers."
Seeing the Primipilus Centurian stand bold and strong in front of danger, directing the other warriors of Horatius. Both Ryder and Barret turned to each other, impressed by the sight.
"I guess you have competition in the NCO department," Ryder said.
"We will see about that," Barrett said.
With the intense enemy weapon fire, Ryder watched as two soldiers from Horatius circiletmen behind a log fired their weapons along with Comanche. One was Darius Rutilus, a Lat soldier, and their Neko scout, Kirath Trimptus. They were standing next to Benjamin Ford, who was using a scutum as cover as they attempted to clear out a bunker.
Over to the right, some of Comanche were using two boulders as protection. Eger Wallace had his light machine gun firing bursts against the Aristocracy's position. The bulky soldiers were Bruno Barrios and Charlie Higgins, who fired their M31s in connection with their Legionary comrades. Fraeya used her magic to defuse the energy bolts' effectiveness.
The exterior Verliance Aristocracy line started to crumble, allowing both Special Forces teams to slowly advance. Suddenly, a heavy elecprobus orange blast impacted in front of them, causing everyone to seek cover. Additional blasts impacted the two teams, stopping their advance.
After sliding to cover, Ryder lowered his VISOR and identified the direction from which the heavy elecprobus was coming. However, it was behind a heavily fortified bunker built during the latest attack. He would point to the direction of the turret, having soldiers from both teams fire bullets and flechettes but bouncing off the protective wall.
Warrant Officer-1 Rommel King rushed past their comrades until he reached their Captain. "Our weapons are useless from here. Orders, Boss?" he asked.
"I cannot get a good line of sight from here," Natilite said. "Do you want me to fly around and flank?"
"No," Ryder said. "You would be an open target, and we cannot support you from here."
As they three debated the situation, the Horatius leader, Flavius-Elpidius Antius, approached. Captain, we are about to thrust against their trench. Follow with us."
"Hold on," Ryder said. He looked toward Barrett and said, "Get Ford to toss a Hornet. We need to find another route. Tell Higgins to call in mortar support from the city and lay suppressive fire."
The Sergeant First Class acknowledged the order and left. Ryder leaned against a ridged wall, watching the small drone take overhead with his HUD. Through the VISOR, he could see Antius staring at him with confusion.
"Why are you doing nothing?" Antius asked.
Natilite placed her hand on the Lat Legionary leader and explained American technology. Altaerrie battlesuits were interconnected, and their VISORS had a built-in screen that allowed individual soldiers to see the construct perspective and other soldiers.
Tiny red boxes appeared over the hostile soldiers from the drone feed. The operator, Ford, digitally marked the enemy. The drone then zoomed out, viewing the forward trench and bunkers well. That was until a bright blue-white light before the feed died.
Much of the enemy fortification reminded the Captain of old Pacific War videos showing how Imperial Japanese used rock formations as bunkers, forcing US Marines and Army soldiers to flesh them out with flamethrowers.
"Sorry, Boss," Ford said. "I think it was an electric spell."
Ryder was fine with the Hornet's destruction as he gathered the needed information. "Antius, there is a leveled opening to the left," he said.
"You want my team to march in the open?" Antius asked.
"We will distract that bunker on the right," Ryder said. "Can you flank them? Maybe your mage can burn them out?"
"If the enemy is focused away from us," Antius said. "Ælia will blaze the surrounding area."
Hearing the 120mm M988 stationary mortar system fired from the city, shells all around the Aristocracy position, lighting up their suppressive fire.
Ryder rose from his cover and saw the bunker complex. The structure was built into a rocky mount, with a decent view of this hilltop. With the fire intensity between the two sides, he could see that withdrawing their forward troops would be a mistake to flank. They were going to need more firepower.
"Okay," Ryder said. "We will keep two men forward to make the enemy think we are holding position. Once the mortar fire stops and the Bigdogs arrive, flank. Higgins"
"Bigdogs?" Antius asked with a confused reaction.
Not knowing how to explain to the Lat Capitaneus that Altaerrie robotics are similar to their constructs but constructed differently, he informed the Legendary commander to wait and see before turning to his Airman, to which the sergeant called in the request over DEFNET.
"Minuteman-Actual, this is Comanche. Requesting Bigdog fire support. Over," Higgins said.
"Comanche, this is Minutemen-Actual. Request received and confirmed. Charlie Company, 4th Battalion, is redirecting assistance to you. ETA, five minutes. Over."
"Roger that. Comanche out."
With the additional support inbound, Ryder and Antius prepared their teams for their assault phase. At the same time, their forward units maintained the intense firefight above—colorful explosions from the powerful heavy elecprobus concealed within the bunker. Smaller blasts from other energy-based weapons and hostile flechette littered the area as the Aristocracy frankly attempted to repeal the American assault.
The city mortar fire stopped, and within minutes, four dark steel quadruped robotic drones rushed onto the battlefield. The legs had armor plating connected to a thick body, and they were all equipped with either M2 heavy machine guns or Mark 70 grenade launchers.
When the four Bigdogs arrived, Rommel King ordered them to engage the bunker. The robot animals marched through and climbed the ditch that Comanche and Horatius were using as cover. They leaped out and started navigating in pack formation, moving while their heavy machines fired .50 caliber rounds into the bunker. The four drones hand back, using the ditch as cover to lob high-explosive grenades toward the enemy, exploding over the complex.
"Impressive," Rutilus said.
"And people say I am destructive," Ælia said.
"You should see the big toys," Barrett replied.
"Enough," Ryder said. "Natilite, stay here and assist. Antius, let's go."
As the Bigdogs and four members of their respective teams continued their engagement against the enemy bunker, Horatius followed the ditch left. At the same time, Comanche swept right, navigating past a previously captured bunker and a pathway.
The path was rough, as much of the surface was rocky. The brush and craters, however, did provide some cover, as the enemy was focused on the intense engagement at the center.
Moving up a ravine, a couple of Aristocracy defenders protecting their flank spotted Comanche advancement. They took cover in an elevated position and fired against the approaching American attack.
Trapped in a ravine, King ordered Kurt Forest and Marcos Gonzales to hang back and provide a cover fire for the rest of the team. They all marched up the elevated path, some taking pop shots to keep the enemy heads low.
When Fraeya got close to the base, she quickly chanted a spell. The rock formation that the enemy was hiding behind shattered, causing it to collapse. Ford grabbed the elf girl by the arm, and the two sought cover as the rocks fell all around in a small landslide.
"Watch out!" Barrett said, directing everyone to get to the side of the ravine.
When Ford and Fraeya reached the team, the elf mage placed her hand against the wall. The surface extended out, creating a protective rock barrier that deflected most of the rubble. Luckily, there wasn't much rock and dirt in the landslide, as the elevation had created a risk for Comanche.
Once the landslide subsided, the three enemy soldiers stood at the top of the ravine, still recovering from Fraeya's magical attack. They were all in the open without any protection.
No one needed Ryder to give the order. Four Comanche opened fire without hesitation, neutralizing the three enemy soldiers before they could react. One of the bodies, a J'avais, rolled down the cliff and impacted the Fraeya alg barrier, lying lifeless.
"This is our chance, Comanche," Ryder said. "Red Moon!"
"Ford, Gonzales," King said. "On me!"
Rommel King took point, followed by Benjamin Ford and Marcos Gonzales up the ravine. Once the three reached the top, they imminently engaged the Aristocracy bunker complex with small arms impacting around them.
While Ryder rushed up the ravine, he heard Kirath, trained to use Altaerrie radios. The Neko reported that they were engaged and needed an enormous distraction. "Higgins, Forest. When we get up there, frag them up," he said.
"Against what?" Higgins asked.
"Anywhere," Ryder responded. "Our new friends need cover."
When the Captain regrouped with his three teammates, he was forced to duck as a red energy bolt flew past. Taking cover by his XO, he could see the bunker and the powerful elecprobus cannon firing from its small opening. However, additional j'avais were in front of it, guarding the exterior, making a direct assault impossible.
The area around the bunker was mostly destroyed by mortar and Bigdog attacks. Bullet holes and scorch marks are everywhere from the Bigdogs and comrades maintaining their engagement. The structure itself, though, was still standing with moderate damage.
The rest of Comanche followed behind, joining in the firefight. With his hands on his hips, the Captain turned to Ford and Gonzales and directed them where to throw their grenades. The three then stood, tossing a combination of fragmentation and high explosives.
Three explosions went off, killing some of the j'avais and vampire defenders while scaring off the others. This got the attention of the elecprobus cannon, which adjusted its fire against the Minutemen team – away from Horatius. King and Barrett rearranged the Minuteman team to spread out so a single shot couldn't take them out, and then they all opened fire at the bunker.
"Wings," Ryder said over TEAMCOM. "A pathway is open. Flank them and cover Horatius."
As the firefight raged, Natilite flew straight toward the bunker, landing on top of it. She turned around and fired her M77 at the remaining j'avais, either killing or forcing the remaining to pull back.
With the exterior secured, the Valkryie turned and fired her weapon at the rear guard.
That was when Ryder IFF noticed blue boxes in the distance. It was Palatini Horatius, equipped with a US transponder. They approached the bunker from the opposite side. Two had their scutum while the others were behind them, firing their elecprobus and circiletum at the bunker.
With the heavy elecprobus cannon distracted from all directions, the Horatius noble elf mage, Ælia Valhana, in her dragon-scale armor, rushed past her teammates until she got within range of the bunker. Her hand glowed bright red as fire engulfed her before being directed toward the bunker like a flamethrower. The tip of the inferno was shaped like a dragon head that slammed into the firing hole of the fortification.
Natilite, still standing in the bunker, turned around after feeling the intense heat. As the flames grew uncontrollably, she panicked and flew away, landing next to Ryder.
The Aristocracy bunker was completely engulfed in flames. Everyone could hear the screams of trapped enemy soldiers before they all went silent. Moments later, the top of the concrete fortification exploded as dark smoke with colorful elements from the mana batteries entered the air.
"Holy shit," Ford said.
"No kidding," Gonzales added.
"She must be a powerful mage," Fraeya said. "At least be at least a disciple level."
"I assume that makes sense to you," Ford replied.
"Higgins," King said. "Contact HQ. Tell them we have cleared the opening. 1st Astralis are clear to occupy the hill."
With the bunker complex destroyed, Comanche left their positions and returned to their starting point. The Twins were there, commenting on the intense flames from Horatius' pyromancy mage. The other two were standing over one of the two destroyed Bigdogs, most likely inquiring about the non-magical technology.
The rest of Horatius quickly arrived. Before Ryder could congratulate their new allies on their success, Natilite stormed past everyone toward the Palatini Noble Elf.
"What were you doing?" Natilite yelled. "You could have warned me!"
"You knew the plan," Ælia said. "You should have paid attention."
"I was providing you cover," Natilite responded.
"And I thank you for that," Ælia replied, crossing her arms and turning away. "But you are a Templar; I knew you would be fine."
Seeing the two women arguing, Ryder turned as he knew better than to get involved with a pyromancy mage and an angelic Templar. He saw Antius with his unit and approached the Capitaneus to congratulate them on their first mission together.
"I am not getting in the middle of that catfight," King stated.
The Comanche Captain saw the conflict brooding between the Noble Elf and Valkyrie. One was a powerful fire mage, while the other was a flying Templar, a fight that would have retractable collateral damage.
Ryder turned to his ally commander and said, "Your Palatini fought well."
"It is good to see that you are not weak," Antius said. "Possibly Legionary quality."
"I will take that as a compliment," Ryder replied.
Hearing a sizable number of footsteps and commotion, the two leaders turned toward the path and saw hundreds of Americans approaching. They were Charlie Company from the 1st Astralis Division, who had come to occupy the hill to add an additional layer of protection to Salva.
"I will admit," Antius said. "I was worried about your kind when we first arrived. You might be our type of human, but without magic and no other races on our orilla homeworld, it was concerning that you might not be able to compete. And let us not forget the lack of magitech."
"I get that," Ryder said. "But I will say, never take anything at face value; always confirm."
The Captain noticed one of Antius Lat's soldiers, Rutilus, approaching and whispered to the Capitaneus. The leader nodded and waved his teammate away.
"Everything okay?" Ryder asked.
"Yes," Antius said. "My legionary wants to know what you, your team, threw at the bunker. Those small explosives?"
"Do you mean these?" Ford asked, holding an M92 grenade.
"Yes," Rutilus said. "What are those?"
"They are called grenades," Forest said. "This type projects shrapnel in all directions against its target. We also have smoke grenades, while others are incendiary bases."
"Impressive," Rutilus said.
"Hold on," Ford said. "Do you guys do not have any?"
"No," Antius said. "I have never seen these types of weapons before. Not even against the Unity."
"Now that I think about it," Forest said. "I don't recall seeing the Aristocracy or Unity using them."
"It must be a mage thing," Ryder said. "They act as heavy weapons specialists, so maybe they never saw the need to develop alternative support weapons."
"That is plausible," Antius said.
Ryder found the difference between Earth and Alagore weapons fascinating. It was amazing that a minor difference could spawn such a completely opposite mindset. Seeing that Natilite was finished with her argument, he turned toward the Valkyrie to inquire on the subject since she was the most experienced warrior of his time from this world.
However, the Templar crossed her arms and was unhappy, passing everyone. He decided not to ask his question and turned back to the Capitaneus.
"We can talk about it more back at base," Ryder said. "Maybe we can arrange some cross-training."
"That would be apricated," Antius said. He then turned to his people and said, "Horatius. Formation and back to the Palace."
Seeing the Legionaries heading toward Salva, passing Charlie Company, Ryder rallied his team and followed.
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