AA V4 Salva, Chapter 1
"To the American and allied forces fighting around Salva, you have endured the example of the unexpected. This has been a battle that you have prepared for, trained for. This is a conflict that your leaders did not plan for. And yet, you have excelled.
There are a few moments in history that will be remembered forever. The actions taken today by the men and women will have lasting effects that will rewrite human history. The 4th Infantry, the 1st Astralis, the 4th MDTF, the 75th Rangers, the Minutemen, and adjacent forces stood their ground against two powerful alien foes. You have all faced the unknown and thrived, proven to future generations that the American warrior spirit is inflamed.
Do not settle, though. Against all odds, you have repelled the Verliance Aristocracy and Unity of Cordinlane, but they are determined. I know you have spoken with many of the natives, stories of the brutality of this zealot's beliefs that all should kneel to utopia or death. We did not seek this conflict, but we are the only ones who have the strength, means, and will counter these ideals.
This world is under threat of being consumed by darkness, being enslaved by fear and oppression. The erosion of God, family, ideas, free thought. The right to be free. Forcing everyone to be..., perfect or else.
The action today will determine if this world falls to utopian ideas or sees a new golden age of being free. Free to choose your own path. The fate of the world is literally in your actions. Stay strong. Stay free. God bless America." – Lieutenant General Kevin Sherman, VII Corps
April 6th, 2068 (military calendar)
Hiplose Woods, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore
With the cracking sound of the battle waging all around, Comanche navigated through the surrounding foliage until they spotted a large boulder with a small tree growing on its side as cover.
When they got close, Captain Mathew Ryder partly ran into the boulder because of how slippery the dirt was in this intense rain. He turned around, watching each of his teammates follow behind. Everyone took a defensive position, creating a perimeter.
The Twins covered the rear, with Edge Wallace holding the M338 medium machine gun with his attached third robotic arm and Bruno Barrios with his M31. Marcos Gonzales covered the right, kneeling against the boulder, and Gregory Barrett covering the left, kneeling beside a log. Benjamin Ford stared past the boulder with Rommel King managing the team. Fraeya Holiadon held her hand to the sky, redirecting the rain so Comanche wouldn't get drenched. As a scout, Natilite sat on a thick tree branch for a better vantage point, and Kurt Forest prepared their range finder. Charlie Higgins pulled out his notes while looking through DEFNET on his VISOR.
Ryder looked past their boulder protection toward a ridgeline. Although a light haze made it hard to see, he still saw their objective.
The enemy had been pressing against the City-State of Salva for about two Zulu weeks, with the Americans trying to push back. During their recent assault, the enemy used the opportunity to creep forward to establish an observation post for their artillery. Unity and Aristocracy forces had inched closer with their fortifications around the City-State, creating an entrenched blockade from the rest of the region. Hence, Colonel Hackett wanted the Minutemen to remove them. While the Americans were contained, he wanted the enemy to know they still had teeth.
"Natilite, Forest," Ryder said. "Mark the target. Higgins, be prepared to direct fire support."
The Valkyrie dropped from the tree and pulled out her M77. She then rested her designated marksman rifle on the lower slope of the boulder. The Staff Sergeant rested the range finder, and the two started scoping the enemy bunker. Their airmen used the local digital markers to help guide their artillery fire support.
"I see the bunker," Forest said. "It's dug into the ridgeline."
"I see two targets," Natilite said. "I think they are observers. See them?"
"No, I...." Forest leaned into his screen before noticing their heat signature. "There they are. See that small bunker to the right? I think that is an accelerator."
"Hold on," Natilite said. "Yes. That is there to prevent a direct assault."
"Do you see an amplifier?" Ryder asked.
"So far, no," Kurt said.
"This is an observation post," Natilite said. "They might not want to place such a complex tool to protect a post."
"We have seen small ones before," King said. "On those walkers and crawlers."
"Does not mean they can place them everywhere," Natilite said. "A crawler, maybe, but they would not be powerful enough to deflect an artillery barrage."
"All right," Ryder said before turning toward his airman. "Bring the rain."
Higgins positioned himself next to the Staff Sergeant, holding a radio handle. The three coordinated each other's information so the Airman could properly formulate coordinates for an artillery strike.
One artillery shell from the 4th Infantry Division impacted short of the ridgeline. The Unity suddenly opened and fired wildly, affecting shrouds, energy bolts, and ballistas everywhere in an attempt to find them. Some hit close to the Comanche position, while others aimed toward nothing.
"This will not last long," King said. "Longer we stay, they will figure out we are here."
"Tighten it up, Higgins," Ryder ordered.
Higgins adjusted and reevaluated his coordinates to the 4th ID Artillery Division unit. Another artillery shell impacted was closer to the ridgeline, just missing its mark. Higgins then provided new adjustments. In the meantime, a massive echo was followed by a sizeable impact from a projectile in front of the boulder, causing a large crack on the boulder's surface with dirt debris flying everywhere. The projectile was followed by shrouds, forcing Comanche to respond.
An intense firefight began between Comanche and the enemy bunker. Natilite fired her DMR while most of the team rallied toward the engagement, firing toward the ridge. The exceptions were Marcos Gonzales, Fraeya, and Wallace, who were protecting their flanks.
Ryder took a step back and looked through his scope. The light mist made exact movements challenging, but he could tell more troops were appearing. Seeing one of the fortifications, he fired three shots.
He then heard the Airman warning the team to seek cover. Suddenly, loud sounds appeared all around the area before artillery shells landed near their position, causing debris to fly over their protective bunker. The Captain held his rifle and looked through the camera. He saw over two dozen artillery shells impacting the enemy observation post, engraving the surrounding area.
Seeing that the target had been destroyed, Ryder turned toward his team. Many were celebrating, chanting typical soldier cheers while others congratulated the ones who had successfully called in an artillery strike on the target.
"All right, Comanche," Ryder said. "Reform and-."
A clear shroud impacted Gregory Barrett's M31, causing it to explode as the Comanche Captain spoke. His battle rifle was destroyed, and a splattered crystallized projectile scared his right arm, falling onto the ground.
When additional energy bolts impacted the surrounding area, Comanche returned fire. Wallace turned his medium machine gun and fired in controlled bursts. Ford and Gonzales pulled the Sergeant First Class back while the rest of the team took opposite sides of their heavy weapon specialist.
Ryder looked through his scope and saw the enemy—a pack of orcs. Based on their armor, they were Unity soldiers. Some deployed their energy-based shields over reinforced enchanted metal, firing their staff weapons. Others took cover by any natural cover.
At first, the Captain assumed an enemy patrol had discovered them. However, seeing more troops appear from the mist, he realized they were about to face an overwhelming force.
"Where the hell did they come from?" Ryder said.
"What is it?" King asked.
"Unity Troop due right," Ryder said. "Gonzales, Ford, get Greg to Vanguard position. Fraeya, can you provide cover?"
Fraeya held her hand up before glowing blue. The rainfall stopped and formed into dozens of icy darts. "I can also increase the mist level."
"Do it."
Comanche laid cover fire, allowing Barrett to be built and taken away. Their elf battle mage fired dozens of ice projectiles toward the enemy position.
The Captain could see the enemy seeking cover from the sudden volume of fire. Fraeya then started turning the rain into must, increasing the cover.
Knowing that the enemy wouldn't allow them to retreat that quickly, Ryder turned to their Valkyrie and said, "Go ahead and find a cover position."
Seeing Natilite nodded and flocked away, Ryder turned toward his team. "Alright, Comanche, fall back," he said.
The Captain fired his weapon toward the weapon before the hostiles, giving Fraeya time to cover their retreat. The rest of Comanche broke formation and began their retreat.
Hearing the low volume of enemy weapons fire, Ryder assumed that the Unity forces had just realized that Comanche had escaped. He knew Fraeya's mist trick would quickly reorganize them and send them on the assault.
Seeing the team medic checking his Sergeant First Class, Ryder approached to investigate. "How is he?"
"I am fine," Barrett said.
"There are a few burns on the open section," Gonzales said. "But he should be fine."
"Is he combat effective?" Ryder asked.
"Yes," Gonzales said. "He will need the Aid Station to check his arm out, but luckily, the rifle absorbed most of the damage."
Barrett was helped onto his feet and pulled out his sidearm. "I am not being nursed but put on here."
"Contact!" Barrios yelled.
The rear guard opened fire into the fog, restarting a firefight. The Captain kneeled and aimed at his rifle. Through the scope, he saw dozens of enemy soldiers appear. The front forces were already entrenched, covering their comrades as the others attempted to move toward the flanks.
Ryder fired against the enemy and noticed someone directing the infantry columns. Before he could adjust his target, that enemy commander was sniped.
Additional hostiles were removed, forcing the left flanking group to stop and seek cover. Natilite covered the Comanche retreat, pinning the enemy down. Seeing the moment Comanche withdrew from the engagement safely, Ryder gave the order. The team broke contact with the enemy and continued their path.
The fog was starting to lift, and Mathew Ryder saw their Valkyrie fly off a tree branch and land next to him.
"There are a lot of them coming," Natilite said.
"I think they are pissed," Ford commented.
"Two weeks of this nonsense," Higgins said. "I would be."
"It does not matter," Ryder said. "Based on the size, they are making another push. We just got caught in the middle of their mobilization."
Comanche continued to rush through the foliage, jumping down small ravines until they reached a wider opening in the forest.
The enemy remained in hot pursuit of random weapon fire toward the Minutemen team. Energy bolts from their elecprobus impacted the surrounding area, with one bolt exploding on a tree and setting it on fire. While the staff weapon was inaccurate, the enemy soldiers didn't have to stop and aim because of the lack of recoil, staying on Comanche's heels.
"Vanguard-Lead, this is Comanche-Lead," Ryder said over TEAMCOM. "We have multiple hostiles on our six."
"Roger that Comanche-Lead. Vanguard is ready. Bring them into the frying pan. Vanguard-Lead out."
A dozen green markers appeared on Ryder HUD as Comanche navigated through the forest. Their IFF identified them as CFT-7 Vanguard, a Heavy Assault Minutemen team within A Squadron. While not as nimble as a regular Combat Fire Team, they were heavily armed and ready for a brawling firefight.
All the Minutemen from both teams formed a firing line behind any available cover. Two Vanguard soldiers were wearing the Hercules variant of the Itlian. The additional model makes the soldier look bulkier with the extra armor compared to the slim and compact standard battlesuit. The exoskeleton was designed to allow additional armor plating and accessories like the third robotic arm to support medium and heavy weapons and compromise speed and stealth. The two Vanguard held either an M338 medium machine gun or an M42 six-shot revolver-type grenade launcher—already ready to unleash against the advancing enemy.
"We got friendlies," King said over TEAMCOM. "Watch your fire."
Energy bolts flew past Comanche, and one impacted a tree they passed, catching fire. CFT-1 rushed past Vanguard and sought among them, allowing the heavy Minutemen team to unleash. The sudden volume of fire caught the advancing Unity off guard. The forward hostile units were removed, forcing the column to seek cover.
Comanche stopped running and regrouped behind Vanguard before forming on the line and firing toward the enemy.
"Thanks for the save," Ryder said.
Captain Sharpe of Vanguard said, "It looks like you kicked the hornet's nest. I thought you were going after an OP?"
"Target naturalized, but these people came out of nowhere," Ryder said. "I think they were advancing toward Salva and ran into us."
"I see, Your Majesty," Sharpe said with a chuckle. "Bad timing, I guess."
Ryder noticed your majesty addition, which the Vanguard Captain slipped in. Since Assiaya accepted the role of royal leader of Salva, he had heard such comments nonstop from all the Minutemen.
Higgins approached, holding his hand on the side of his helmet. "Sir's. HQ gave a general retreat. UAVs show a massive Unity thrust, and the Aristocracy is advancing up the main road."
A loud noise blurred through the fog before either of the captains could respond, followed by a hefty stomp.
Ryder stood, followed by Sharpe, both staring at the mist. A large shadow seemed to be coming through the fog. When it finally broke through, everyone saw a giant robotic construct—a nearly fifteen feet tall blocky robot with thick armor around its frame. On the back, large barrels with pipes go through its right arm, while the other has a giant spiked ball as a hand.
"That isn't good," Sharpe said.
The large construct aimed at its right arm, and red flames flowed out. Fraeya rose to the ground to create a protective dirt barrier, countering the flames. The Vanguard grenadier fired three shots into the construct, causing minor damage.
"We will distract it," Sharpe said.
"We will regroup at the intersection," Ryder said.
Comanche detached from the firefight while Vanguard remained to provide a rear guard. They followed their path to get here, a one-lane rocky cattle path that went down a hill to a large dirt road. It was a traveler's route leading to the primary brick road.
At an intersection, Ryder noticed muzzle flashes up ahead. His IFF picked up the British Redcoat Combat Team close to a smoldering Lance APC coming from a different mission. His VISOR picked up another transponder, being another Minutemen team – Viking, occupying a short ridge. They were engaging the enemy, covering the British withdrawal.
Ryder stopped and saw Rommel King counting each team member to ensure no one was left behind. The Warrant Officer acknowledged that all members of Comanche were accounted for before noticing that Vanguard was rushing down the same diet road with everyone accounted for.
"Ryder. Same situation?"
Hearing the Redcoat Captain Albert speaking to him, he responded, "Yes. We just got hammered from nowhere."
"I thought Intel said they were two days out," Albert said as he confirmed his team accounted for.
"I thought so, too," Ryder said. "Intel got it wrong."
Albert let out a single chuckle. "In these upside-down times, at least we can always rely on spooks to get it right."
For the moment, Ryder found the British officer's humor amusing. However, multiple shrouds impacting nearby brought the Comanche Captain back to the real world. The three Special Forces officers quickly regrouped before heading back toward Salva on the brick road. Once they passed the hill, Viking left their position, sliding down the rock face, and joined them.
"Viking," Ryder said. "Comanche will cover. Everyone, regroup on the other side of the gate."
The captains agreed and followed the brick road, which was now partly destroyed by the multiple sieges against the city.
Captain Ryder regrouped with his team, which was engaging the approaching enemy. He took position next to Ford and Forest, assisting in the firefight.
The Aristocracy infantry along the road formed a shield wall. Some were armed with elecprobus weapons, and they fired against Comanche while advancing.
Comanche started focusing on three at a time, taking out multiple shieldmen. However, they couldn't kill enough to break the formation, especially since the enemy circulation claimed the hill Viking had occupied.
Seeing that the situation was deteriorating, Ryder ordered Comanche to fall back.
The same giant construct appeared on a ridgeline as Comanche started pulling back. The massive construct leaped from a high cliff and landed on the brick road, creating two small craters. It slowly rose from the ground, adjusting before marching toward the Minutemen.
The shieldmen frantically abandoned their formation to escape the constructed way, its operator showing no concern for its comrades. However, the Aristocracy commanders scrambled to get their troops back into formation.
When the giant construct drew closer, it raised its right hand, and a stream of fire came toward Comanche. Fraeya held both her hands in the air, and a powerful jet stream of water launched like a cannon, blocking the attack.
The construct stopped its flamethrower attack and raised its spiked mace hand into the air before swinging it onto the ground toward Higgins and King.
Higgins jumped out of the way while Natilite flew over, dragging Rommal King to safety in the nick of time.
"Aim for the pipes!" Ryder ordered.
Ford and Forest aimed their rifles at the construct while Barrett aimed with his sidearm. Ryder focused his M31, trying to hit the pipes, hoping to cause a chain reaction. However, the construct movements made it a struggle to focus fire.
The giant construct was about to swing its arm toward them again. Ryder focused his rifle on the head, hoping to damage something. When the spiked mace was in the air, a projectile with great speed penetrated, ripping apart the left arm.
The giant construct tilted backward from the sheer force until it fell onto the ground. Ryder started wondering what had happened. It was not a smooth barrel projectile, as the sound didn't match, or a missile.
"Hey," Ford said. "That came from a coil gun."
The moment Ryder heard that, he knew the Sergeant was correct. The projectile came from an accelerator; however, the projectile angle didn't come from the enemy but from Salva. It had to go from one of the city's remaining ballistas.
"It is nice to have those on our side for once," Forest said.
"Put one of those on tracts with armor," Ford replied. "I am down for that."
Although the giant construct was destroyed, this didn't mean the Aristocracy had stopped their advancement. Hundreds of enemy warriors were in hot pursuit of an attempt to prevent Comanche from reaching the city.
As Comanche ran on the brick road, they noticed Vanguard up ahead. They opened fire, focusing on the approaching Aristocracy forces, buying enough time for them to retreat to safety.
Up ahead, Vanguard held the position, providing cover for Comanche. When the two met, they abandoned their positions and continued toward Salva.
Toward Ryder's right, he saw a destroyed AMTV from a previous skirmish. Next, the rear half of a transport airship shot out of the sky. Off the right, a burnt leg hanging off a ridge from a destroyed elecprobus walker.
In the distance, tracer rounds could be seen flying into the air. Small muscle flashes appeared everywhere from the city walls, and the city legends covered the two Minutemen teams.
This allowed them to run through the northeast city gate unmolested, as the enemy was now focused on the rest of the city. As they passed, eight Bigdog UGVs, all armed with heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, protected the exterior.
Once inside, everyone turned around as two giant, thick metal doors slowly closed behind them, closing the gate. As part of rebuilding the city's defense, the old ruined gates were replaced with State-side specialized blast doors, knowing that this would be a weak spot.
Finally resting, Ryder Saw Captain Smith of Minutemen HQ in a LIRV; he ordered Rommel King to organize the team and restock from the nearby ammo truck. The Captain approached Captain Smith, Hackett's assistant. He noticed other LIRVs in the area. Some were empty, while others were driving away with Combat Fire Teams beside them. "Orders?"
"Hackett wants Comanche on zone four," Smith said.
After getting his orders, Ryder acknowledged the Captain and approached his team. Everyone had already restocked their supplies, with Ford holding extra for his Captain. Wallace switched from his M338 to his M252, as the medium-weight weapon would be less effective in this manner.
As he restocked, the Captain informed them of their new orders and told them to enter the Light Infantry Reconnaissance Vehicle. This vehicle was lightly armored, doorless, with an open frame around the exterior, unlike the AMTV, which was covered in thick armor.
"I prefer to fly," Natilite said.
"That is fine," Ryder said, understanding the wing issue. "Don't go too far."
Comanche mounted their two unarmored light vehicles before being driven off.
While the driver navigated through the city toward their destination, Mathew Ryder could see how radiant it was. Soldiers and militiamen manned their stations, rushed between points, and transported troops and supplies to the greatest need.
While en route to the city's southern side, Ryder heard a large sound from a smoothbore. As they passed what was formally a large garden that had trees and flowers, the Americans placed M988 stationary mortar system because of its large size. The robotic arm reloaded the chamber, and the operator fired once ready. A loud sound echoed from the blast as the shell flew over the city wall toward its intended target.
Ryder could hear fire support observers using the digital marks around the area to adjust their coordinates over the radio.
Next to Military Police guiding the remaining civilians to the shelters, a fire truck from 4th ID put out a building fire that was struck by an enemy artillery shell. Among the firefighters was a mage lifting some debris from the crumbling building. This was all part of a damage control plan to minimize damage to Salva's infrastructure. The last thing the defenders needed was wildfire consuming the city.
The light vehicles stopped by the wall. A few blocks away, Ryder could see the city palace. The muzzle flashed from the many machine gun fortifications, manned or remote, mixed with other infantry defenders shooting at the enemy.
Seeing the enemy weapon fire impact on the Palace, Ryder wondered if Assiaya was all right, being with Hackett within the Palace walls. He knew his daughter would be safe with the Colonel from artillery in the dungeon. Still, that didn't stop him from thinking the worst, a feeling he was not accustomed to.
Hearing the driver say they had reached their destination, the Captain shifted into a combat mindset and dismounted. He then turned his team and directed them toward the wall.
Seeing the entryway door, the Comanche climbed the stairway until they reached the top of the defensive wall.
Ryder HUD came to life, and all the soldiers labeled Bravo Company, 5th Ranger occupied zone four. The few Militiamen had a yellow marker over them from the VISOR IFF system, as the software does not know what else to label them yet.
The important part was all the red markers outside the wall, representing the visible enemy troops. Dozens of other small tabs and markers litter the battlespace, going from range markers to potential hostile bunkers, and bottle-of-fire support was requested.
Seeing the platoon Lieutenant, Ryder approached and asked, "LT, where do you need aid?"
"The enemy has reinforced that hill over there," the Lieutenant said. "I could use extra men on that section."
"We will take care of it," Ryder said.
Comanche rushed down the tall wall, passing dozens of Rangers and Militia defending the wall. Some soldiers were using the battlements as cover, others behind sandbag bunkers – peaking over their cover to fire at the enemy soldiers in the distance. Another stood with a rocket launcher, firing it at a group of crawlers. Another was a Wood Elf armed with a circiletum, sniping off targets of interest.
Further down the line, they passed one of the M2-armed Locally Operated Weapon Stations, firing toward the ridgeline. Another open-top manned sandbag bunker, acting as a substitute for the battlements, had two Rangers armed with an M338.
Energy bolts, shrouds, and flechette impact the wall, leaving dents or scorch marks. A powerful projectile from a hostile accelerator impacted the wall, causing the ground to shake. A bright blue glow appeared from the large crystals embedded into the reinforced concrete city wall, which absorbed and then redirected much of the kinetic energy of the enemy circiletum,
Reaching their position, Ryder turned to his team and said, "Split into two groups. King, your team is further down. Higgins, see what support we can get."
"On it, boss," Higgins said.
"Wings," Ryder said. "It is going to get crowded, so go to that rooftop. See if you can pick off anyone important."
"As you command." Natilite leaped off the city wall and glided through the air with her pink-tip, cyan-feather wings until she landed on the vine-infested brown roof, where she took a firing position.
The Captain saw his team in their optimal position, engaging the enemy and occupying the ridgeline. He then took position by Sergeant Ford, leaning against a battlement. The two leaned over their protection and fired their rifles toward the hill.
Looking through his scope, he saw dozens of hostiles entrenched in whatever cover they could find. Most were infantry attempting to provide suppressive fire for the inevitable Unity assault. One group caught Ryder's attention—soldiers setting up a ballista.
The Comanche warrior placed his rifle carefully on the battlement, lining his shot with his M31. Having a clear shot at the operator, he took it, neutralizing one of the Unity soldiers. The others ducked for cover.
Seeing more hostiles occupying the hill, Ryder turned toward his Airman and asked, "Where is my support?"
"Trying, boss," Higgins said. "The Aristocracy has launched a full-scale assault against the northern flank. 4th ID Artillery said the North has priority. We're queue."
That news terrified the Comanche Captain, as Salva was supposed to be prioritized for support. The 2nd Lance Brigade Combat Team was deployed a few kilometers north of the city to prevent the enemy from flanking Salva and Indolass. With no infrastructure, the 4th ID soldiers had to dig deep with trenches to repel the enemy, similar to the fortifications the enemy deployed around Salva. If they requested prioritization, that meant they were on the verge of collapse. Kicking himself with frustration, he informed the Airman to keep trying. This also meant the enemy was launching a major offensive on all fronts.
"I guess we are putting that wall reconstruction to work," Barrett stated.
"Hopefully, they will hold," Ryder said. "Keep the men low and watch for snipers."
As the firefight intensified, Comanche mixed with the other defenders as they fought off the growing enemy swarm. Energy bolts impacted all around the battlement, leaving dark scars. Flechettes fired from infantry-size electromagnet accelerators called circiletum left powerful dents within the steel-reinforced concrete backed by damper enchantment crystals installed around the eastern city wall.
But this didn't stop the enemy from being able to place a well-aimed shot. An enemy sniper skilled with a flechette penetrated the side of a nearby Ranger, falling onto the ground, holding his side while screaming in pain. Two of his comrades quickly rushed over to grab him offthe wall.
Closer to Rommel King's position, a ground force of Rangers manning a medium machine gun sandbag bunker, focusing on the nearest enemy-occupied hill. A dim close from one of the rock formations until a lightning bolt zigzagged through the air, impacting the remaining Ranger's position, causing them to fan out from the explosion.
Seeing that the weapon station was unmanned, Bruno Barrios rushed toward the medium machine gun. They continued firing, covering the medic and other medical teams to gather the casualties. That was when a blinding light appeared over this area of the battlespace. The American VISORs were built to block the sunlight, making the effects manageable. However, the light was so powerful that it still had a negative impact.
"I think they have a luxmancy mage," King said over TEAMCOM.
"Wings!" Ryder said over TEAMCOM.
Switching to their Valkyrie feed, Ryder saw her aiming for the enemy mage. When she found her target, his Warrant Officer-1 theory was correct, stating that it was a luxmancy mage blinding everyone. She took the shot, hitting the mage in the chest. The blinding light vanished as if it never happened.
But as the light disappeared, a thick, dark gust appeared, blazing the entire area and making visibility on the ridgeline impossible.
"They are trying to keep us from seeing what they are doing," Barrett said. "But what is it."
Ryder looked carefully over the wall as if he didn't want a lucky shot to clear his head. At first, he couldn't see anything, thanks to the magical spell. He focused his eyesight, looking for any shadows moving on the ground. That was when he saw two dark figures carrying something. "They are storming the wall!" he yelled.
Using the windstorm as cover, the enemy troops worked through the land mines and claymores, reached the wall's foundation, and placed devices on the ground. Some of the Rangers tossed grenades, taking out some of the attacking enemy. For the others, a bright blue-white glow appeared from the device.
While the Captain stared at the strange device, Barrett rushed over. "Boss. That glow reminds me of the anti-gravity lifts we saw at the mountain port."
"I think you are right," Ryder said.
Before the Comanche Captain could warn everyone, dozens of enemy soldiers floated over the three-story tall wall. They landed, shield and sword at the ready. They started attacking any nearby area with more followers.
One of the nearby enemy soldiers, an Orc and Vampire dressed in the armor of the Unity, charged at one of the Rangers. The American trooper fired his rifle; however, he was only able to fire three times before the hostile rammed him with his energy shield and sheer strength. The Ranger fell onto the ground, but before he could turn his rifle against the orc, the hostile rammed his foot against his hand.
The Orc then raised his sword in preparation to ram the blade's tip into the open slots of the battlesuit. As he thrust, a 6.8mm from Natilite DMR impacted the tusk humanoid in the side, killing the hostile.
While the Ranger was lucky, others were not. The wall defenders killed most of the first wave, but more Unity troops lifted onto the wall, making Ryder fear that they were about to be overrun. The first few waves were heavily composed of melee forces, but the following ranged under the assumption. Some of the remaining shieldmen created shield walls of two to three men around areas of landing, covering their reinforcements.
Some of the Militia swordsmen quickly responded, protecting some Special Forces from the enemy melee forces. Some utilized riot control tactics, riflemen behind shieldmen as they pressed against the enemy-held positions.
A Unity Vampire charging at him with an elecprobus set to the spear setting, Ryder unleaded three rounds into the hostile, killing the threat. He was not able to put his mind to ease, though, as two more enemy soldiers quickly charged past the corpse. One had a shield and sword, and the other carried an energy staff.
Prioritizing the elecprobus as he was worried about being shot in the back when dealing with a melee soldier, the Captain fired the remaining bullets from his M31 until the ranged hostile, only wounding him. He was forced to drop his rifle pull out his .45mm sidearm, and unleash a quarter of the magazine into the charging swordsmen, causing the orc to fall on top of him.
An orc corpse with a heavier body mass than an average human was no problem for Ryder Itlian battlesuit exoskeleton, which he was able to push the body over the interior edge quickly. However, he saw another orc pulling his sword out of a Ranger corpse before rushing toward the knocked-over Captain before he could recover.
Seeing the threat, Ryder quickly aimed his sidearm, but to his surprise, the incoming hostile had his shield ready, deflecting his bullets. Seeing that the enemy soldier was going to reach him before penetrating the shield, the Comanche warrior grabbed a nearby shield from a fallen Militiamen body to deflect the sword attack.
The Unity Orc retracted his melee weapon, allowing Ryder to peak his M45A2 from his shield and force the enemy soldier to protect himself. But it was too late to make a difference as the Orc thrust forward and was already on top of him.
The Orc raised his sword in preparation to strike Ryder, but a sizeable steel-gray metal arm grabbed the enemy soldier. Its metal figures wrapped around the organic humanoid fist, unable to shake free. That was when the Comanche Captain saw that the arm of an IriSS climbed the interior side of the city wall.
The Unity Orc started to panic, but the IriSS easily held its firm and finished climbing the wall. The one-eyed robotic soldier stood eight feet tall, towering any Unity soldiers. Without hesitation, the American robotic warrior swung the orc over the wall before turning toward the Captain.
With the threat neutralized, the IriSS soldier turned to the Comanche Captain. "I your Command."
Ryder stood and noticed additional IriSS soldiers climbing the walls; he concluded that there had to be two squads of these machines. Additional friendly units, IFFs, appeared on the lower sections of the wall, preparing to storm it. The label stated they were Ivy soldiers led by ODA from the 10th SFG. It was clear to him that Command had sent reinforcements.
"Secure the wall," Ryder ordered.
As he grabbed his rifle, he noticed Fraeya taking cover by a battlement next to Ford, Wallace, and Higgins. Rushing toward their location, he radioed Natilite to regroup on his position. Once he arrived, he slid next to the battlement for cover.
"About time reinforcements arrived," Ford said.
"That is what I call heavy metal," Wallace stated. "What is the plan, Boss?"
Before Ryder could respond, the Combat Controller grabbed his shoulder with an urgent look. "What is it?"
"I just got word from Division," Higgins said. "Artillery incoming."
The Comanche Captain felt a sense of relief, but they quickly suppressed that emotion after seeing additional hostiles climbing over the wall. This was not the time to celebrate, as the battle was still raging. "Warn all times and bring in the rain."
The Captain heard his Airman over the DEFNET frequency warning all forces of a danger close mission. He used all the digitally marked targets labeled throughout the battlespace and utilized the city Palace as a central measurement point.
Hearing Wallace warn of additional hostiles, Ryder saw seven enemy soldiers approaching. Five orcs and two dark elves appeared over the wall, using the gravity lift to land next to them. Ford's quick reaction killed the first; however, the others rushed forward, hiding behind a soldier welding an orange energy circle.
The front swordsman swung his long blade against Ford, causing him to dodge the attack, but an orc rammed through their lines and impacted Ford, making him an easy target. The first dark elf repositioned his sword and thrust toward the Sergeant.
Before the impact, the dark elf's arm busted into ice from Fraeya's hydromancy magic. This allowed Wallace to rush past his comrades and swing his tomahawk into the immobilized dark elf, cutting through the top section of the ice and slicing the fang beast's neck. The giant orc let out a roar and attacked the bodybuilder American, and the two began fighting in a test of strength. Each was attempting to overpower the other.
Unable to get a clear shot, Ryder leaned toward the wall's interior with Ford and fired at the remaining Unity troops on the other side of the physical dual. The enemy was doing the same, also fearing hitting their comrade. As the firefight continued, additional Unity infantry lifted over the wall.
"I am afraid to hit Wallace!" Fraeya asked.
"Forget it," Ryder said. "Fraeya, take out those lifts. Ford, cover her."
Benjamin Ford leaned over a battlement, firing against the Unity troops below. Fraeya kneeled as she channeled her mana into her orb glove. Once ready, she leaned over and used a shattering spell that broke apart the ground's surface, destroying or disabling the gravity-lifting device and reducing the number of enemy troops coming over the wall.
With the enemy reinforcements, Eger Wallace struggled to face off against the superior numerical Unity force. The bulky Comanche stood against them in a melee fight with two enemy soldiers. The new Unity soldiers stood, shocked by the sight of a lone human standing toe-to-toe against an Orc and a Vampire.
As Wallace rammed his tomahawk against one opponent while arm-locking the Orc, one of the other new Unity soldiers jumped onto the bulky Comanche's back, forcing him to let go of the Orc. This surprise attack allowed the four hostiles to gang up on American soldiers.
Seeing that one of his men was in trouble, Ryder pointed to Ford in preparation to intervene. However, Bruno Barrios nearly ran over the two, yelling, 'Get out of the way!'
With a loud war cry, the Hispanic Comanche thrust his tomahawk into one of the Unity soldiers, who was beating his buddy into the side. The resulting surprise impact knocked the enemy soldier before tossing the orc off the wall. This caught the others off guard, allowing Wallace to regain the initiative and overpower his opponent.
Seeing that the four attackers had been neutralized, the Twins grabbed each other's hands in solidarity, showing they had each other's backs. The two then looked down at the enemy-occupied section of the curtain wall and saw more Unity troops appear over the wall. The two nodded and pressed against the Unity forces, using their tomahawks and sidearms, engaging the Utopian enemy as one.
As the Captain watched the Twins giving the enemy a moment of pause, he noticed Rommel King and the rest of Comanche regrouping. "You're a sight for sore eyes."
"It is like this all along this section of the wall," King said. He then noticed the Twins fighting. "I see why you keep them around."
"The issue is, they might ask for a raise after this," Ryder said. "But I need your team covering the wall while we deal with the house guests."
"Got it," King said before taking over the wall's defense.
As Ryder prepared his counterattack with Ford and Higgins, he noticed the team's Templar landing within the Unity position. The Comanche Captain cut down the invaders with his sword at the ready. But over the NET, he heard that artillery was inbound.
"Everyone, get down," Ryder said.
The Captain left his position and rushed down the wall toward the Templar. Wallace rammed his tomahawk into the gap between the armpits of the Orc armor before grabbing the enemy soldier's helmet. Using his strength, he slammed his opponent's head into the battlement.
"Cover me!" Ryder yelled.
Wallace ducked down, grabbed the enemy elecprobus on the ground, and fired at the first hostile. Ryder rushed past the corpses and reached the Templar. Before she would inquire why he was there, he grabbed her arm and pulled her against the battlement.
"What was that for?" Natilite asked
"It's going to rain," Ryder replied before facing many ridges and hills outside the city.
"I might be a Valkyrie," Natilite said. "But I am not afraid of the rain."
Before he could respond, loud zooming sounds echoed overhead. Everyone knew what would happen as Natilite covered her head while the Unity troops stared into the sky or searched for cover. Seconds later, dozens of artillery shells imploded against the landmass outside the city. The ground rumbled violently, even making the mighty Salva wall shake from the sheer force of the 155mm artillery 4th ID was providing. The multiple shockwaves blew away some Unity soldiers.
"You were not kidding about the rain," Natilite yelled.
After a violently intense artillery bombardment, the artificial quakes from the mass bombardment stopped, leaving dust and the sounds of screaming wounded. The fire mission felt like it went on for hours, with some of the shells landing within the city, missing their targets, but most of their aim was true.
When the coast was clear, Ryder turned toward Natilite and saw the same reaction. They were shocked to be alive. That was when he saw a dark figure emerging from the fog and walked down the curtain wall. It was an IriSS robotic soldier wielding an M338.
Much of the robot armor plating was battered, steaming from energy bolts and dents from melee weapons. However, it remained strong, stopping in front of the two. "Wall secured, Captain."
The remaining robots lined up against the wall, all facing toward the enemy-occupied hill.
Ryder stood, then reached down, allowing Natilite to gently grab it before standing. Once on her feet, she slightly bowed, thanking him for the lift.
"It seems like the enemy called it quits," Natilite said.
"Just for today," Ryder replied. He then turned toward the wall's interior, seeing the casualties being gathered. A flatbed version of the Armored Tactical Mobility Vehicle and medical variant Lance APCs appeared to transport the wounded to the Aid Station.
"Yeah," Natilite said. "But we must go on. I will be down there if you need me."
Before Ryder could inquire what the Templar meant, he watched her flex her wings and glide down to the lower levels—landing at the center of the wounded. She then went from soldier to soldier, gently placing her hand on everyone's cheek before giving a calming prayer to allow the medics to do their job and before being transported away.
He then noticed his XO approaching, wiping off the sweat and dirt covering his face. "Status?"
"Wall secured," King said. "10th SF and Ivy Charlie Company are taking command of this section of the wall."
"Okay. Once they are in position, rally the team at the Palace."
"Got it, Boss." King then looked around, confused. "What happened to Wings?"
"Down there," Ryder answered.
The Warrant Officer looked toward the plaza below and saw the Templar assisting the wounded with her religious rituals. "Damn. What a woman."
"You don't say." Ryder watched, surprised by how much the Templar cared about the injured. It wasn't out of obligation or duty, but he believed she genuinely cared. More importantly, he was impressed by how she found the strength to keep going. After everything she had endured—coming here, being tortured, bearing the weight of the world—she maintained a loving, cheerful personality.
The Comanche Captain turned toward the enemy-occupied hills and ridgelines.
The landmass was in ruins, with smoke steaming off the ground. Much of the foliage was destroyed, and a section of the second hill was on fire from enemy equipment.
It seemed that the enemy assault was beaten back after a close battle. A few sharpshooters from both sides were still engaging, taking more potshots or providing cover. Still, it seemed that the battle was over today. But he knew this would not be the last.
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