AA V3 Vagahm, Chapter 4
"On Friday March 16th, the State Legislature passed a resolution to recall Senator Brian J. Fields from Congress. The Senate bill was passed by 35 of 40 while the Assembly 99 of 120. This marks the third time a State has recalled its sitting Federal Senator since the passing of the 31st Amendment.
Two weeks ago, a leaked video was discovered showing Senator Fields at an International Forum in Istanbul, Türkiye, discussing expanding democratic norms and institutions.
During the conference, the Senator stated that for a democracy to thrive, speech must be policed and limited to prevent external voices and dissenting opinions from directing national policy in the wrong direction. Countries exploring the concept of people-vote systems should avoid adopting a First Amendment similar to the United States, stating that it had repeatedly gotten in the way of the government's desired outcomes.
The only way for democracy to thrive is if the state could adequately sway the population down into a majority consensus. With modern technologies such as instant communication and programmable intelligence assisting in creating and spreading information, it has become incredibly hard for government agencies to sheer the population toward policies and viewpoints that the State deems critical.
When the video was released, the Senator refused to resign from his seat after a public uproar. Believing that the Senator no longer represented Floridian values and interests, and successfully recalled the Senator. Governor Zoey Foster has stated that she would be ready to appoint one of the five pre-listed appointees on Monday to replace Senator Fields until the legislator elects a replacement temporarily.
After what is known as the Dark Decades or American Troubles in the 2020s and 2030s, many constitutional amendments were passed to help address structural issues within the American system. the 31st Amendment repealed the 17th Amendment, giving the power to elect Senators to Congress back to the State Legislature over direct vote. The motive behind this was to limit career politicians, to empower State authority over an overbearing Federal Government, and move politics from a national focus back to the States.
The 17th Amendment moved the State's right to elect a Senator by direct vote because Congress was jammed politically. While rare, the few times when a State Legislature failed to elect a senator to Congress typically wreaked havoc on addressing pressing needs or creating a deadlock to the point the entire session was frozen until an appropriate replacement was chosen.
To prevent this, the Legislature also votes on a nomination list of three pre-approved individuals to replace the sitting Senator until one is appropriately elected. If the State Legislature fails to choose a successor within 60 days, the vote will go to a popular vote. Up until now, the closest to this threshold of happening was during the Pennsylvania recall of 2057 after being discovered taking foreign bribes for favorable policies." - Indie News Channel
March, 17th, 2068 (military calendar)
Northern Gate, Salva, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore
Standing by the eastern Gate, Assiaya saw the two Minutemen teams preparing to drive away. Comanche and Ghost were on a mission, where she had no idea.
Seeing Ryder talking with Rommel King. Based on the Comanche leader's mannerisms and tone, he seemed upset that he had been sidelined. The Comanche Captain continued to explain what to do if the team ran into a particular situation, attacked, etc. The Warrant Officer had an annoyed facial reaction from the lecture, continuing to interrupt the Captain to state that he had everything under control. The gray-brown-haired, dark-skinned man with brown eyes commented that the officer was no longer an NCO, so stop micromanaging.
While Ryder was upset that he was left out on the mission, Assiaya was thrilled that he was staying behind. The thought of being left alone in the city terrified her as she didn't know anyone and didn't know where to go. If something terrible happened, she wanted to know someone was there to protect her.
With the departure comments complete, the two teams loaded into their four-wheeled M488 Armored Mobility Tactical Vehicle, AMTV, and drove off through the large metal gate. The dual-eyed girl walked onto the stone street and waved at the departing soldiers. One of them waved back, being Fraeya, before disappearing behind the newly built dual city gates.
Before Assiaya could lower her arm, Ryder lifted her off the road as a six-wheeled flatbed unmanned Deuce drove past.
"Freaking drones." Ryder kneeled as he got the dual-eyed girl's attention and said, "Do not run into the road, or you might get hit. Always watch your surroundings."
She looked at him and then at the unmanned vehicle, realizing that she could have been hit. "Sorry."
Ryder chuckled, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Let's try not to make this a trend going forward. Agreed?"
"I agree. Let's not cause problems."
"I have never caused problems," Assiaya thought.
"Okay," Assiaya mentally responded. "Going forward, there will be no problems."
Assiaya smiled toward the Captain, acknowledging his request.
"Good," Ryder said and then stood up. "Now, let's check out the town. Maybe we can find some clothes for you besides the servant's uniform. And later tonight..., even though it is still daylight here, there are also some ground rules I want to talk about if you are going to live with me."
"Okay!" Assiaya said.
"Is there room for one more?" Natilite asked.
"Why not," Ryder said. "We all been benched."
"Do not say that," Natilite said. "You know Hackett was right. You need rest. There is no shame in that."
Not fully understanding what was going on, Assiaya saw a frustrated reaction from her protector, Ryder. She had no idea he was upset about not going with his friends. After everything they had been through, she assumed he would want the opportunity to stay away from danger. She was flabbergasted that he wished for the opposite.
Regardless, Assiaya was thrilled that she got what she wanted. The idea of clothes shopping for the first time in her life thrilled her. "I want to go shopping. I remember watching Kallem taking his daughter to markets and getting new clothing and jewelry and...!"
"Hold on there," Ryder said with a chuckle. "Jewelry on a Captain's salary isn't ideal. Let's stick with clothing for now."
Not fully grasping the joke about the salary, she quickly brushed the issue aside as all she wanted to do was go out. The formal slave girl grabbed his sleeve and pulled him toward the market blocks. "Let's go. I know where the stores are."
"Of course," Ryder said as he followed. "You already know where the shops are. It has to be generics."
"Cute," Natilite said. "I do not want to spoil the fun, but Ryder, how will you pay? Most shops are closed, and the economy does not exist."
Hearing the Templar point, Assiaya stopped and turned toward Ryder, realizing the day was ruined. Now that she had thought about it, she couldn't recall seeing any stores open. Most men were busy manning the city defensives, and the rest were locked away at the dwarf borrian.
"Ladies," Ryder said, lightly waving his hand to calm everyone. "I am going to the market area. You two can come with me. Whatever happens, happens. If you find something you want, Assiaya, I will figure it out. But I do not want to be stuck in the Palace all day."
Hearing that the Altaerrie man made up his mind, Assiaya decided it was time to go. Wanting to head toward the market as quickly as possible, she continued to pull on his jacket.
The three left the northern gate and headed into Salva proper. With all the military personnel moving through the main streets, they moved through the alleyways and courtyards. The detour would take longer to reach their destination, but Assiaya didn't care. It was their first time in another city, not as slaves, and they were free to look around and absorb the moment.
After some time, moving through the residential area, Assiaya was shocked to see the level of destruction. She had seen many buildings destroyed, streets unearthed with craters, and so on. But with all the devastation, much of the city remained intact. Some of which were townsfolk attempting to rebuild or on patrol. Natilite assisted Ryder with basic Latin. The dual-eyed girl was amazed by the city architecture, vastly different from the vampire designs she had grown used to. Salva, while having many other species, the City-State had a Wood Elf layout.
Most of the buildings had the same design. The lower half of the foundation had a glossy stone or concrete base, with red-brown wood following the rest of the building, maintaining the wood elves' natural forest look. For those buildings without natural wood, a glossy coat of natural forest paint would be applied over the stone. The glass window had a dark red rim.
The taller buildings above three stories had darkened coated steel bars lining the foundation, wood walls, and roofs. Like what Assaiya saw at Verliance Aristocracy, crystal lightbulbs lined the side of the walls. To her surprise, they were all off. Only then did she realize that none had ever been on since arriving.
Some buildings Assiaya assumed were upper class, or successful businesses had natural wood covering the outer concrete wall like a cabin. Trees were scattered around the city, with some buildings having long electro-leafs, like those from the Orc farmhouse that took them in, or veins crawling over the superstructure. Most of the roofs were made from wood, but some had clay tiles – many had a redwood color while others were black, blue, green, or different shades of them.
"Fascinating that this is an elf town," the voice said.
"It was not what I expected," Assiaya thought. "I thought elves lived in large tree homes."
"Maybe these people are different? There are a lot of other species here."
"I think they said this was a trading town. I do wonder, though. Is Altaerrie like this?"
"You should ask."
Assiaya turned to face Ryder and asked, "Excuse me fath..., dominus."
"You do not have to call me that," Ryder said. "I am not your master. Call me Matt."
The dual-eyed girl understood the meaning of what Ryder said; however, it still didn't please her, as that was not the answer she wanted to hear. She had wanted to have a subject with him, wanting to know what the situation would be long term, but she was too afraid to tell the truth.
She noticed that Ryder saw her disapproval. Not wanting to ruin their good day, she accepted the terms. "Okay, Matt. I wanted to know if Altaerrie buildings are like this?"
"I was wondering the same thing," Natilite said. "I believe it is unfair that Fraeya was the only one who has seen your world yet."
"I agree with her," Assiaya said.
Ryder glanced at the two as he realized he was being ganged up. "That is not my fault. And, to your question, that is hard to tell. This place reminds me of my tour in Vicenza with the 175th Airborne."
"What is the 175th Airborne?" Natilite asked.
"Crazy SOBs who wish to jump out of a perfectly functional airplane," Ryder responded. He chuckled, using his hand to signal that he was jousting. "I commanded a Platoon there when I graduated OCS."
"What about the city?" Assiaya asked. "Is that where you are from?"
"No," Ryder responded. "Vicenza is an Italian city in Italy. It was one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. I am not a building expert, but the red rooftops remind me of that city. The same goes for the style of pillars and trees scattered around."
"And your country?" Assiaya asked.
"Different in different places," Ryder replied. "My country is the size of a continent, so regions have different customs and styles, but overall, we focus on efficiency over style. The closest comparison I can think of might be the New England region with the older homes."
"Will we ever get to go, see?" Assiaya asked.
"Hopefully soon," Ryder replied.
Feeling thrilled at the prospect of visiting another world, Assiaya continued to guide them through the city, excited that they were close to the marketplace. As the three walked through the side street, five militiamen appeared in front of them, blocking the path. From their expressions, they looked angry. Three were wood elves, one of a Nagel, and the last was a Kitsune—all male.
"Altaerrie, man," A wood elf said. "I recognize you. You were the one that freed us when you first arrived."
"Why cannot your people free our families?" A different wood elf said.
"Hold on," Ryder said. "We are doing everything we can to resolve the crisis. Your families' return is our top priority."
"If that is true, where are they?" the Nagal said. "I have not seen my clan for four months."
"I understand," Natalie said. "Trust the Americans. They will free your families."
"There is a lot of speaking without action," the Wood Elf said. "We have endured much suffering for you, Altaerrie, and all we want is for our families to be together again."
"I apologize," Ryder said. "I do not have an answer at this moment. Hopefully, soon, but I can promise you. I know that this topic is a top priority for Colonel Hackett. We spent all morning talking about the matter and how to resolve it."
"I thought you were powerful," Kitsune said. "I want my wife back. I want to reopen my shop. I am tired of being a soldier. I want to return to my life."
"Hey," Natilite said. "Show some respect. All of you would be dead right now if it were not for them. Let us have faith that the manner will be resolved."
"With respect, Templar," the other Wood Elf said. "While I am grateful for the Altaerrie freeing us, things have not gone as planned. You cannot blame us for being upset. It has been four months since we saw our families. We are not soldiers like they are. We are clerks, blacksmiths, servers."
Watching the group argue this way only frustrated Assiaya, who felt helpless. She understood how the people of Salva felt robbed of thier family, knowing she would never see them again.
Over the past few days living with Ryder at the Palace, she had overheard multiple conversations regarding the manner. It was confirmed that the topic weighed on Colonel Hackett because he understood the ramifications of the dwarves not returning the civilians. He was wise enough to realize that Kallem would attempt to make a deal with Vagahm to undermine the Altaerrie position.
If that happened, all the women and children would become slaves for the crime of rebelling against their Lord and declining the Katra. It would be impossible to pardon anyone after such a rebellion, let alone summon people from another world to dethrone the ruler. As the Colonel said, the husbands, fathers, and brothers would be forced to surrender unless they had no heart—checkmate.
"I know what you are thinking, and you should," the voice said.
"It is a bad idea, though," Assiaya thought. "What if we are rejected or worse?"
"Who is being the negative one now?"
"There is a difference between wanting to be free and reliving the past. Especially that was the reason we were enslaved in the first place."
"Everything has changed now. Ryder will be pater familias, not enslave us. Not after everything we have been through."
"But what if he does not want to be a family after learning?"
The voice was hesitant, only responding a moment later with a frustrated tone: "You were the one who begged me to trust him. Now, I am asking you to trust him. Do you want others to suffer the same fate that we endured?"
Assiaya hesitated to respond this time, debating the options. Everything had been happening so fast, and she was still figuring out what being free meant. "I do not want anyone to suffer."
"I know..., neither do I. You heard the Colonel Hackett. They need someone to represent them to the people of Alagore. Maybe this was why Tekali led Ryder to us. So, we could pay back freedom with freedom?"
The thought of giving up a potential family that Assiaya had been dreaming about for over half a decade, she knew the voice was correct. All the events that transpired over the past few weeks led to this moment. She was captured because of who she was, and now free, the dual-eyed girl might be able to return the favor. Her faith in their Goddess had not been fruitless, and she decided she couldn't be selfish.
"Excuse me," Assiaya said. Everyone stopped and stared at her, surprised that she spoke.
"What is it, little one?" the Wood Elf said with a frustrated voice.
Ryder quickly probed his hand against the Wood Elf's chest, getting his attention. "Do not speak to her with that tone."
The Wood Elf became frustrated but reframed his anger and said, "I meant no disrespect. However, this brings an additional question. Why do you get to have your child, and yet we do not have ours?"
"Maybe putting away your bad attitude might help," Ryder said.
Assiaya noticed that she was ignored again, which frustrated her. "I said excuse me. I think I can help. My name...."
As Assiaya spoke, her mouth was dry, and fear shoved down her spine. She looked back at Ryder, trying to decide if she should speak up. The voice was correct; her old life disappeared long ago, and it may only be a mistake.
"You should tell him."
Seeing the bickering between the two groups, Assiaya struggled to summon the strength to speak her mind. The fighting suddenly stopped as they heard another voice down the ally. When the dual-eyed girl turned, she saw another Wood Elf, but one she recognized: Lord Folen Elstina, one of the prisoners at Mount Orlatus.
The Lord Elf took a few steps closer to the two groups and said, "It would be wise to speak calmly in front of the girl. We all wish for our loved ones to return; however, badgering the ones who have the power to free them is counterproductive. When the matter is resolved, you would not wish to be on the wrong side of those who freed your families."
There was a short silence as the five pondered.
"We expressed our concerns," the Wood Elf said. "That should be enough for now."
The five left, and Folen took their place. Ryder greeted the man and thanked him for his assistance.
"Thank you," Assiaya said.
Folen turned to Assiaya and performed a formal bow. "The status of one such yourself should not be disregarded—especially one with a good heart. Now, I must depart for business as I have an appointment with your Proconsul Hackett about restarting my arms workshop. My lady."
The elf then walked away, heading into the crowd.
Assiaya stood in embarrassment and turned to see Ryder and Natilite. Fear started consuming her as the two giant adults stared at her with suspended eyes.
Ryder kneeled to eye level with the girl and asked, "Assiaya, what were you about to say?"
"They suspect me," Assiaya thought.
"Of course, you idiot! You were trying to interrupt everyone for a grand announcement and then remained silent. And that elf did not help the matter. Somehow, Lord Folen Elstina."
"But you were saying I should tell them!" Assiaya thought.
"And you should! You told me we could trust Ryder when escaping. I was critical, but you were right. Now, I am telling you to trust him."
"What if he wants nothing to do with us afterward? I do not want to throw away what we have now and be abandoned for being troublesome."
The voice remained silent momentarily before yelling, "Then I was correct all along. But I do not believe he will abandon us, so tell them!"
Hearing a figure snapping, Assiaya refocused and saw Ryder trying to get her attention. She stood there frozen, staring at the two. "I..., I meant to say...."
Natilite kneeled to the girl's eye level and said, "Assiaya. You need to be truthful. Why was Lord Folen acting like you were nobility?"
"Be..., because I was."
"I knew it," Ryder said before grabbing Assiaya's arm and pulling her into the abandoned two-story house to escape any public ear. Once inside, he informed the Valkyrie to close the door and stood staring at the girl. "Remain quiet until we get inside."
"Assiaya," Ryder calmly but directly said. "I am going to give you one chance. Now, tell me the truth."
Assiaya stood there with a blank face, forcing herself not to cry. "Do you promise not to abandon me?"
The Captain closed his eyes as he placed his hand on his forward. Natilite, on the other hand, stared at him, wondering what he would say. He then opened his eyes, staring at the girl while remaining calm. "Assiaya. Do you remember what we talked about in the cave?"
"Yes," Assiaya said. "That you will never let anything happen to me."
"Correct," Ryder said as he touched her shoulder. "At that moment, I promised God I would keep you safe that I will never abandon you. However, I need you to be honest with me. Now tell me, why did Kallem take such an interest in you? You were his slave, not his motuia. That Head Maid sacrificed everything to make sure you escaped. Not me, you. And there have been other signs, like how some people acknowledge you."
"I think he knows," Assiaya thought.
"He must have figured it out. You were the one that wanted us to trust him."
"Okay," Assiaya lightly said. She took a deep breath and continued, "My father was Orpomus of the House of Balan."
"I heard that name before," Ryder said.
"Wait," Natilite said. She got on both knees and started as Assiaya with a confused look. "You are the daughter of King Balan? She was killed during Kallem's surprise attack."
"I do not know what my formal master spread to the masses," Assiaya said. "However, yes. Lord Kallem Verliance attacked; he took the city and killed my family. He then captured me and took me as a trophy. I am the last of my House."
"The last of your House, you say?" Natilite mumbled, placing her hand on her chin. "Interesting...."
"Let's remain focused," Ryder said. "You were once a Princess of these lands before this region was annexed? That clarifies some questions, but why are you bringing this up now?"
"Because...." Assiaya took a deep breath as she felt a great deal of pressure. However, she felt assured and forced herself to speak. "I want to help like you are doing. I overheard your conversations with Colonel Hackett and heard the people in this town. Like the five we spoke with now. Their families were taken from them, and they might be enslaved. I know what that is like, and I want to prevent that if I can."
"That is a noble thing, Assiaya," Ryder said. "But you are a kid; this isn't your responsibility."
"Hold on," Natilite said. "Can we speak in private?"
The Templar grabbed the Captain and pulled him into the other room before he could respond. While the two thought the dual-eye girl couldn't hear, she could be based on the loudness of their disagreement. Natilite was relenting regarding the importance of the formal slave lineage to their cause. Ryder's position was that he didn't want to put her in danger.
Natilite maintained that the girl was the missing piece to solve the creditability issue for the Americans, reminding Ryder about the Kitsune village incident. She also stressed that the girl had already disclosed her identity, so the truth would become public no matter what. On the other hand, the Captain vowed her protection and did not want to put a public target on the girl's back. That he didn't go through hell to hand her over to bureaucrats to be used as a puppet, especially if she was royalty. The two argued about where to go next.
"They argue like a married couple."
"I see that," Assiaya replied.
Assiaya then heard Ryder calling her name in a frustrated voice. Knowing the two's conversation, she adjusted her white-red maid outfit to be as presentable as possible. She walked into their room, catching the two attention.
Ryder took a deep breath as he processed what was going on. Natilite, on the other hand, kneeled at Assiaya's eye level. "We want to know one thing. Why didn't you tell us this before?"
The question startled Assiaya. She knew the answer but felt embarrassed by it. The girl started to reply, but words struggled to form. After a moment, she finally forced herself to say what was in her heart. "I wanted him to be Pater Familias, but I thought if he knew the truth, he would not want me around."
"Pater Familias?" Ryder asked
Natilite leaned in and said, "It is Latin for father of the family. Head of the family estate."
"I see," Ryder said.
Assiaya's eyes glued toward Mathew Ryder, desperately waiting for his reaction. The Captain stared at her and took a quiet, sobbing choke. It looked like she would cry for a moment, which she thought was impossible after what they had been through; however, he regained his soldier composure.
Ryder then kneeled and said, "I need you to be clear. You do not have to do this. You can be an innocent girl having a normal life."
"I want a normal life, but... seeing everyone suffering like this," Assiaya said. "It is my duty as the last member of the royal family now that I am free. I cannot live here and watch everyone suffer being separated from their loved ones, and I know my formal master wouldn't sit by in the shadows. He would fight."
Staring into the Captain's eyes, Assiaya suddenly glanced down and softly said, "But..., I would like your help."
Ryder placed both hands on the girl's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. He then held her back and said, "Okay. But there is one thing we must agree on."
"That is?" Assiaya said nervously.
"You are my daughter first, not a Royal Princess. You can play leader and diplomat, and I will support and protect you, but I will always be your father first. Do you understand?"
A strong sense of emotions consumed Assiaya as she struggled to find the words. She had no idea what this moment would be like or how it would progress. For as long as she could remember, she had wanted a family as it was taken from her. She was always standing on the side, watching others. Watching the Verliance family over the years, she always felt jealous. Encountering that Orc farm family only reinforced that belief, seeing them act as a proper family.
At first, she believed that if the truth came out, she would be forced to choose. Restate her birthright and give up being part of a family or the other way around. She saw how Kallem was forced to pick and choose, struggling to balance the two lifestyles.
However, while Assiaya hoped this would be Ryder's reaction, wanting him to adopt her since the Akuma fight, she felt speechless. The opportunity seemed impossible, but here it was. The only thing she could do was tear up and nod her head in agreement with his terms.
"No," Ryder said. "I need you to say it."
"Say it. It is what we wanted for six years."
"Okay," Assiaya said with an emotional tone. It took her emotion to collect herself to say the words she needed. "I..., I understand. While I wish to become the Princess of Salva to help the people, I want you to be my new pater familias, I mean father. I want to be your daughter first and have a family."
"Good girl." Ryder pulled her close for a family hug for a few moments. He then let go and stood, remaining silent. His facial reaction looked like the Captain was in deep thought, glancing away. He finally stared at his soon-to-be-adopted daughter and said, "Let me start the process before bringing the matter up with the Colonel. Okay?"
Ryder stood on his feet. "Alright. Now, let's walk around for a bit and let things settle so I can come up with the best way forward."
***** Author Notes*****
Chapter 4 is out (Chapter 6 on Patreon). Your welcome to join me and others on discord, links are on my front page. Enjoy.
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