AA V2 Assiaya, Chapter 1
"Voievod Orlatos, of the Orlatos Brigaton. The bulk of what remains of the 18th Order have rallied and regrouped around the farming village of Iriskia, a Neko village west of Virc'Veria. The Order has been setting up fortifications around the village in preparation for an Altaerrie counterattack; however, none has come after their capture of Salva.
My Command attempted to prevent the Altaerrie from recapturing the City-State of Salva. Fresh enemy reinforcements outnumbered my forces, and we were forced to retreat. Unless given new orders, my intentions for the 18th Order are to avoid combat until reinforcements arrive, as I do not have the numbers to launch an effective campaign.
I have, though, positioned healthy units to maintain observation over the enemy. The only detail to note so far is that the enemy is beginning to send search parties outside the City limits; however, they seem random. My Farrier believes that because they are from another world, they are directionless on the proper path to capitalize on their recent victory, allowing us to track and recover.
Until the rest of the Brigaton or additional reinforcements arrive, I will maintain this position and launch harassment attacks when possible. With the villagers, we are gathering food and other supplies in preparation for additional forces for the coming war ahead." - Field Commander Holstein, 18th Order
March, 07th, 2068 (Military Calendar)
Fortress city of Forlace, Verliance Aristocracy
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore
Hearing the crackling of the large fireplace at the center of the sizeable cultural room, the slave girl Assiaya leaned back while on her knees, enjoying the warmth of the fire. It was the standard red and orange blaze, which she enjoyed the most as it brought the most relaxation. While it was unnecessary to warm or light this room, her master preferred the natural flames for aesthetic reasons.
The light came from the many crystal-base chandeliers and wall lamps spread across the large room, which recreated the aura of when Tekali was raised above the skyline, which she also found beautiful. The heat came from the many gas pipes connected to vents throughout the castle walls, a wonder that only the elites and wealthy could afford.
The slight glow from the crystal, adding a mixed color to the ceiling, brought the slave girl a moment of joy. She couldn't help but close her eyes and enjoy the moment.
"Two Eye."
Assiaya heard her insult nickname and glanced around forcibly to see who was speaking to her. Many other servants were working in this important room. Unlike her, who was a slave within Kallem's service, they were all motuias—a type of contractual indentured Servants in which one gives up being a free person in return for work, protection, a pathway out of slavery or poverty, or a type of apprenticeship education. This was a typical arrangement among the elites to have these types of contracted servants, typically only in the countryside, or more unethical leaders staffing full-blown slaves within their court, which made the girl status amount her fellow staff as acquired for lack of better words.
As the slave girl looked around, she saw no one until she turned to the Head Maid and stared directly at her. "Oh, no."
The Head Maid was a grey, white-haired Kitsune who stood disciplined with yellow eyes. The woman's name was Roath, and she had been in the service of Lord Kallem Verliance, his Head Maid, long before the slave girl was captured. "Yes, Madam."
"You are the most unfocused slave I have ever seen," Roath said.
"I apologize," Assiaya said. "I was just staring at the crystal colors while my arms rested. It reminds me of the morning aura."
"Rest is for the dead or the brothels," Roath said. "You know what happens to the ones who slack. Our Lord tolerates nothing but perfection, or you will be replaced and sent to a lesser station. If you do not learn to focus, you will be next. As a slave, you do not have the same protection within the Guilds as we do. Trust me, your pretty eyes will attract the unwanted."
Feeling the room staring at her, Assiaya felt embarrassed. Roath, Kallem's Head Maid, had always been harsh, but she knew it came from protecting the motuia servants under her. Discipline was the key to survival within the royal chambers. Still, that didn't mean the harshness didn't bother the slave servant.
"Yes, ma'am." Assiaya knew precisely what the Head Maid meant. Their Lord is fair and nonabusive; however, his restraint comes with strings. A motuia who does not uphold their contract could be punished or demoted to slave status if the violation was severe enough, being stripped of any legal protections and any ambitious intent or desperate soul the person had initially for becoming a motuia.
"That is not true." One of the other girls said.
Assiaya turned and saw a Neko named Priatos polishing a red-coated wooden table. She knew of this Neko, joining the Royal Servants three years ago after finishing a contract from her formal master; she sold herself to Roath to serve under Kallem court and gain the necessary experience to become a head maid for a respectable house.
The two had never gotten along as the feline always felt that the dual-eye girl had gotten special treatment from their joint master. Priatos found this offensive as a slave was beneath them and felt like key opportunities were being withheld by someone who was deemed inferior.
"Not now," Roath said.
"I mean it," the Neko said. "She is Kallem's favorite."
"Enough," Roath said. "Our master can favor whoever he likes. Now, focus on your duty."
"Just ignore them."
Hearing the slave next to her, she turned and saw a Farian girl named Irotoia—one of the many beast species of Alagore. She was a rodent beast humanoid with long ears, short height, and a fluffy tail. Her fur was brown with black and white straps around her body.
"I know," Assiaya said. "I just hate that everyone hates me."
"You must admit," Irotoia said. "It is strange. We are contracted, and yet, he favors a filthy slave? It makes people wonder why."
Assiaya grabbed the scrubbing brush from the water-filled pale. Before scrubbing the stone floor, she gazed at her reflection within the pale. Having short brown hair and light skin. In her opinion, the only unusual detail she had was her eyes. Everyone else had the same color in both eyes except for her. The left eye is gold, while the right is blue. They had brought unwanted attention and only given people an excuse to hate her, making her feel isolated. She has only had a little shame until now because no one would dare cross her master's orders not to touch her. The only issue was that his eyes couldn't always be on her.
As the two scrubbed, Irotoia whispered, "Speaking of wonder, has he demanded your warmth from you? Is that why he favors you?"
Assiaya stopped with a disgusting look. "No," she loudly said before glancing around. She noticed all the other girls staring at her, including Roath, who gave a warning glare. Once she regained her composure, she turned to her friend as she continued scrubbing the floor. "He has never touched me like that. Not even a glance."
Irotoia stared at the slave girl as if she didn't believe Assiaya. She then looked back to the floor and continued to scrub. "If you say so. All the other girls think that, though. It makes no sense to have a slave in the royal court and do nothing to her."
"I hate these people so much," Assiaya thought. "How much shame must I endure."
"It would be wise not to share too much," the voice replied.
"I know," Assiaya replied. "Just, I wish not to be seen as a whore. Life is already hard enough not to be treated as such by the other maids."
"Be strong."
"But I don't want to anymore. I want to cry."
"Not this day. Your friend is staring at you."
Glancing toward the right, Assiaya noticed her friend with a blank stare as if she were delirious. Quickly looking back to the ground and scrubbing, she said, "For the final time, I have not given in warmth. You can gossip with the other girls about that, but leave me out of it."
"As I said," Irotoia said. "It is all confusing."
"He is probably keeping me safe because of my eyes," Assiaya replied. "A lot of boys and men enjoy them, being exotic. I can see him keeping me pure and giving me away as a gift to some noble one day."
The truth was that Assiaya had no idea why Kallem treated her the way he did; however, she knew she needed to say something to combat the gossip. Being sold off to a future noble or a diplomatic gift was the only thing she could come up with as the two options came for this status of servitude.
"Good response."
"It is probably true," Assiaya said. "Coming from a fallen kingdom. A dead father and no title."
After scrubbing this section of the floor, Assiaya picked up the heavy bucket and walked across the room to the next one. Hearing the crackle of the fire again, she stopped feeling the sudden warmth. She could recall the feeling of fire from her old life. She couldn't remember the memories of that time, being too young and too long ago, whether there were times by the fire or not.
Her eyes then caught two other maids finishing placing a large oil painting against the wall. The slave girl hoped this painting would arrive from the capital city of Cornot. The oil painting depicted a man and boy on a cliff edge staring at Tekali above in the cosmic sea.
The painting has always been her favorite, although it featured a boy instead of a girl. She always wondered what they were discussing. Was it about the meaning of life? Were they praying? Or was it just a father and son sitting quietly, enjoying the beauty of nature and their Goddess mother?
"It is best not to think of such depressing thoughts."
"I choose to," Assiaya replied. "I want it so badly."
"You should not want - what you cannot have."
Feeling annoyed by the voice, she silently sat down and began cleaning the next section of the floor. After a short period, the large door opened, and a familiar voice echoed throughout the sizeable cultural room. Assiaya turned toward the entrance and saw the son of Kallem, Lord Ere-hian Verliance. Seeing his pink eyes stare directly at her, she felt a cold chill down her spine. "What did I do this time?"
"Congratulations, Head Maid Roath," Ere-hian said as he looked around the room. "Father will be pleased."
"As his will," Roath said as she bowed. Is there anything I can do for you, my Lord?"
Ere-hian glanced around before settling at the large fireplace at the center of the room. "As a matter of fact, yes, there is. I want all of you to leave."
Assiaya saw the Head Maid express a confused look, but she acknowledged the order. With two claps, all the slave maids gathered their equipment and began leaving. She held her bucket and started heading toward the door, trying to balance walking quickly while trying not to be noticed.
As she walked past Ere-hian, she thought she was safe as he did not address her. But then she heard him speak.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Understanding who the Lord was speaking toward, Assiaya stopped and glanced toward Roath for protection. However, the Head Maid only received a sympathetic glance as the Kitsune guided the other slaves to leave the room. And then, as the last of the motuia servants exited the room, only two were left.
There was a long, awkward silence as the two remained standing. Assiaya slightly turned her head to see what the Vampire boy was doing. He was staring directly at the fire, almost as if watching a play from the theater, or he was deep in thought.
From Ere-hian's continued silence, Assiaya felt her arms tremble nervously. Her heartbeat was intense as she wondered what this boy had in store for her.
While the voice in her head told her to remain quiet and wait to be addressed, the fear became too overwhelming, and she had to speak. "Is... there something I could do for you, my Lord?"
"A matter of fact, there is, there is," Ere-hian said.
Setting down the bucket of water, Assiaya turned to face her Lord. "I am here to serve."
"Are you?"
"I..., I do not understand. I have always done what was asked."
"Whatever my father asks."
An unnerving silence returned as Ere-hian withheld his response, forcing the girl to respond.
"I sense that he is getting angry. Be careful."
"Of course. Your father owns me, so I must do as commanded." Assayia nervously replied as she saw that her reply didn't please the young vampire. "My Lord?"
"My father claims you, a Lat. He has a Lat as his personal slave. Do you have any idea how insulting that is? The dirt-grubbing runts of this world living within the greatest empire within these lands?"
"Yes, my Lord." Assiaya knew where this conversation was going—the typical hatred for her kind. My kind infest these lands. And yet, your father could defeat my people and claim their lands. One day, you will inherit a grand empire the likes no one has ever seen."
Ere-hian took a deep breath before responding. "And yet, your kind continues to ruin everything."
Assiaya looked toward the boy with confusion, sensing nothing but hatred. Fear struck again, preventing her from responding. Over the years, she witnessed a once close relationship between father and son strained because of the current war and Unity intervention within domestic affairs. The Priestess had taken an interest in Kallem's son to prepare the next generation of the Krata rule, which the Vampire Lord had protested such education. However, between keeping the Aristocracy out of the Unity war across the continent, managing the newly annexed territory, and balancing between his people's sovereignty and adjusting to being a vassal to a superior power for the first time in the country's history.
Why did the boy's father remained neutral in the war, she does not know, but she had learned from previous abuse that the hatred was deep.
The young Lord turned to the slave girl with burning eyes. He then blinked as he patted his chest, calming himself down. "I will grant you one thing. For a slave girl, you are not stupid. You know when to shut up and naturally know your place, unlike the rest of your race. That means I can conclude that you know about the Altaerrie?"
"Yea..., yes, my Lord," Assiaya said, knowing better than to lie about the subject.
She watched the response anger the boy. His first crunched up as it shook.
Ere-hian took a deep breath and grabbed Assiaya in her maid dress, lifting her with one hand. While he was only a head taller than her, he was already three times the strength, so lifting was easy. She placed her hands on his arm, trying to regain leverage while parts of her clothing ripped.
"Do you know what happened?" Ere-hian asked.
"I..., no," Assiaya said as she struggled to respond. "You are ripping my dress."
"Your kind defeated my father," Ere-hian said with such rage. "The likes of you defeated my father. Your kindness brought these Altaerrie to this world and humiliated my people. My Father!"
Staring at the young vampire's eyes, Assiaya could see the hate emitting from them. Over the years, he has always expressed his hatred toward her, sometimes violently. As a slave, she had no legal rights or protections; however, there was a non-spoken rule about laying hands on her that if anyone touches Kallem's property in any context, it was considered a direct assault on the Lord of Verliance himself. This was why she believed that the son always targeted her despite his father. Why, she had no idea.
However, this crossed a new line. Whatever happened around Salva must have been horrible for his people, and he felt the need to lash out.
He then slowly brought her closer until their faces were inches away. As she drew closer, she looked directly into his eyes, feeling nothing but terror.
"There are many things I hate about your kind," Ere-hian said. "You Lats are weak, always infesting our lands. Marching toward town after town, forcing your rule upon them. And all who do not obey are murdered."
Fear temporarily left her body as she stared at him. She grabbed his arms and said, "That is the Unity, not my people."
Ere-hian's eyes focused on her, and his grip tightened as he split onto the ground. "You blame the Unity for your sins. I will never forgive you for what you have done. If it is not Father, I will finally bring your kind into the mud where you belong when I take the throne. I might not be able to kill your kind today, but I can punish you for shaming my family name."
Assiaya only saw rage from Ere-hian pink eyes. He opened his mouth, and she witnessed the famous feature that separates vampires from all other races on Alagore: their blood-drinking fangs.
Seeing that Ere-hian was going to bite into her neck and drink her blood, she struggled and began to cry as she felt helpless. He bit into her right shoulder, and a sharp pain jolted throughout her body. Still, at the same time, a renewed strength entered her body, which paralyzed her movement – an ability that vampires had while feeding that prevented the victim from dying while being drained.
"No...!" Assiaya struggled to say. She glanced up, staring at the painting.
She then closed her eyes as she felt weak before getting angry and reopened her eyes. A faint cyan iris emerged within her eye lens and fainted away with a blinding bright light.
Strangely, Assiaya's sight was blurred with bright spots breaking the vision – as if the image was a reflection from a broken mirror. Then, a female kitsune appeared. At first, she thought it was Roath; however, the clothing looked similar. That was when she realized it was the Unity Priestess speaking to Ere-hian, explaining how his father was failing his people, that the future leader of the Verliance Aristocracy must insert himself if he would be ruler one day.
"A youthful male like you must find his place within this world. The only way to do that is to separate yourself from your father." The Kitune said
"But... I could never betray my father. He is the most stoic man I have ever met," the vampire boy said.
"Would a father abandon and be weak against those who have taken from his family? He protects your enemies while refusing to seek vengeance for what was robbed? You, of all, know that he is not loyal to his name." The Kitsune said.
"I do not know...." The Vampire boy said.
"Strength comes from within, my young Kniaz. If you know what is right, a youth with a bright future must stand against what is wrong and seek change." The Kitsune said.
"The Unity wants the future rule of the Verliance Aristocracy to be strong and loyal, one who upholds justice and progress. We only wish to bring prosperity to these lands. If you wish to be that, you must prove that you are a worthy man—not a little boy like yourself. Only then will you have a desirable story of being respected." The Kitsune said.
"I am respected; I am the Lord's son." The Vampire boy said.
"And yet your whipper is like a child. A man captures what he wants. A man shows dominance in front of all, even to the ones who are closest." The Kitsune said.
The last image was of the Kitsune Priestess smirking before Assiaya's blurry vision started coming back. She saw that Ere-hian was no longer feeding off her neck. He stood there looking confused, almost dazed, with his free hand on his forehead as if suffering from a migraine.
"What happened?"
"I do not know. I saw memory."
Once Ere-hian regained focus, he looked toward her again, debating what he would do next. The rage was gone, and now he looked concerned or regretful as if he had only just realized what he had done.
Before he could decide, the fortress-palace alarm went off, stating that Lord Kallem Verliance had returned from the front lines.
"Saved by the bell. You are a lucky Lat."
Ere-hian angrily tossed Assiaya onto the ground, landing on her shoulder. She slowly sat up, feeling her arm in pain and noticing that the top of her dress was ripped apart, with parts of it still in his hand. Feeling exposed, she covered her chest with her arm. Her emotions took over as tears flowed down her cheeks.
Ere-hian rushed out of the chamber, tossing the fabric from her clothing in his hand away. Then, Assiaya found herself alone, crawling into a ball. She felt her shoulder and then stared at the blood on her hands. It was not much, but the fact that she saw the blood that her master son was feeding off terrified her.
Hearing the door open again, Assiaya assumed it was the vampire boy but saw the Head Maid, Roath, entering the room. The gray and white Kitsune walked over in a disciplined manner, carrying a bag.
Once she approached, the kitsune woman kneeled beside the slave girl, setting the bag on the floor. Without saying a word, she grabbed the Lat slave and looked over the wound.
Roath then reached into the bag and pulled out a small box. Taking off the top, she removed the cream and rubbed it over the two tooth wounds.
Assiaya felt an intense amount of pain from the wounds and tried to regain her emotions in Roath's presence. She didn't understand what the Head Maid meant as it felt like the teeth marks went deep into her body.
"It is not weak to cry," Roath said. "The wounds are not as bad as they look. He was just punishing you, not trying to kill you."
Hearing the Head Maid's words, Assiaya allowed herself to express her emotions as the kitsune treated her wounds. "I do not know what I have done. I have only been a good slave."
"It is not what you have done," Roath said. "You are a girl and a servant. It is easy for the strong to take their aggression on the ones who cannot defend themselves. I had to endure many things throughout my years. It is what we must do to survive."
Assiaya looked toward the Kitsune and then turned toward the fireplace, understanding that this was a cured world and there was little hope. But for some reason, she knew she couldn't surrender now. She did not know why; however, seeing no path forward, she understood that she was a slave and that escaping was impossible. Assuming she could, where would she go, and who would aid? Running around the countryside was dangerous on good days. She understood she wouldn't make it far for a little girl without survival training.
She allowed the Head Maid to clean her up, and once she was done, she stood up, holding what remained of her dress over her body. "Master Kallem has arrived?"
"Yes, he has," Roath said.
"He will be displeased if I do not prepare his meal," Assiaya said.
Roath then placed her hands on the slave girl's shoulders. "Good. The only way you will survive is if you remain strong. You will only face greater challenges and choices and need to embrace them. Never let moments like this break you down."
The Head Maid stood up and fixed her dress. "Now, go change. Your master wouldn't want to see you half-naked. And do not speak of this."
"I understood," Assiaya said.
Kallem Verliance stood as he watched the horse pull away his carriage. Dozens of guards approached, and the greeters stood, opening the door to the Fortress city of Forlace.
The Lord of Verliance entered the main hall of the fortress-palace and stopped, staring at the decorations. For the first time since this war began, he felt civilized.
Forlace was not the capital of the Verliance Aristocracy; it was a major military city that bordered the formal Confederacy of Daru'uie. Captured by his grandfather of five generations ago, it played a significant role in the Hispana intervention into the Nevali Region and during the Templar War. While his kingdom lost most of Nevali centuries ago, this city stood thanks to Hispana. Now, the mighty city has evolved into a vital foothold to continue its control of the Region.
In the main hall of Forlace, statues of previous fathers, heroes, and legends of the Aristocracy stood at the center of the hallway, forcing anyone who wished to pass through to the side and acknowledge their presence. The room's lighting was dark, brightened in purple, blue, and clear shadows. The lights allowed the many paintings, drapes, and banners to emit within the stone architecture.
While this place does not have the comforts of home like Cornot, the servants did a satisfying job of recreating that feeling. With the recent failure to defeat the Altaerrie, he understood this would be the new home for the family and himself.
"My Lord," Verlcon said.
"Get yourself cleaned up and meet me in the war room," Kallem said. "We have work to do."
Watching his most trusted General acknowledge the order and leave, he noticed Roath, his Head Maid, standing there with two additional servants. To his shock, he did not see his slave-servant standing among them.
Kallem walked past a statue holding a book representing lasting knowledge and headed toward the three servants.
"My Lord," Roath said. "I hope we decorated to your satisfaction."
"As always, you lived to my standards," Kallem said. "Now, where is Assiaya?"
"I apologize, my Lord. She is busy with female troubles and will be with you momentarily."
Finding the response odd, he decided not to press further as he had never had a reason to question Roath's explanation, even though his senses told him that something had happened. "Fine. Prepare the War Room with drinks and food."
The maids curtsy before leaving to do their duty. Kallem then left for the dressing room to quickly change from his armor. With no time to take a proper bath, he had to make do with scenting himself with perfume to mask the world's stench.
Soon enough, Kallem Verliance entered the War Room and saw other generals gathering around the display table. The table had a light blue smooth crystal surface with a wooden border. These were typically used to see pre-recorded videos, live feeds from seekers, or display documents of importance. On top of it were paper documents and large maps of the region of interest.
One of the technical sages installed an information crystal, a thin pencil-like object, on the table, and the screen lightly glowed. The video displayed the recent campaign against the Atlaerrie, allowing the military staff to get up to speed with recent events.
Seeing General Verlcon Korva enter the room and sit at the other end of the table, Kallem said, "Study carefully because, let me be clear, the Verliance Aristocracy is at war."
He saw the reactions from his war staff. There was no shock, as everyone had already heard about the events regarding the Bridge, Salva, and the Altaerrie. To his annoyance, many didn't seem concerned about fighting a Lat-like Human race, allowing the bias of how Unity beat Hispana in the current war.
Based on his short experience of the Altaerrie homeworld and the few battles they had faced, he understood that he needed his Generals not to have the mindset of the J'avais, which was why he kept Oralit'ee Kajia regrouping army in Nevali. Everyone needed to understand the gravity of the situation if they had hope for victory.
"Generals and Nobles of the Aristocracy," Kallem boldly said. You will not disrespect these Altaerrie. You will not think ill of them or deceive them as they will not be with you." Seeing the confusion in their eyes but regaining their attention, he continued, "As you can see through the seeker feeds, they are not a conventional force, yet they are determining and powerful. An entire Group was defeated and routed after the recent battle, and that mistake will be repeated."
"Our Lord is correct," Verlcon said. "Even when they were on the verge of defeat, they fought until they turned the tide."
"An annoying trait that all Lats seem to have," one of the vampire generals said.
Kallem moved his hand toward the city of Salva, which was displayed on the vision screen. Most people in the room had never heard of the remote town. Out of all the cities within Nevali, Toriffa, Affrooliea, Tarvass, and many others that brought wealth and culture to the Aristocracy, Salva was nothing of note compared to those City-States on the far west of a low-volume trading route.
"Salva will be their beachhead, and right now, they fortify it," Kallem said. "For now, our objective is to surround the city and the surrounding areas and contain the outbreak. We cannot give these Altaerrie breathing rooms to expand out. If they do so, we could lose our annexation of the Nevali Region. Do you all understand?"
Kallem saw everyone acknowledge the emerging threat and started taking the matter seriously. One of the Generals asked about the Unity and whether they would join the containment.
The Unity of the Cordinlane had been a thorn in Kallem Verliance since their vassalage six years ago. As part of his joining in their crusade of world domination under the rule of the Katra, he was allowed to annex their ancestral lands, Nevali. In return, he would deploy his armies to finish off the Thali'ean Fiefdom, Hispana Republic, and the Pamlinitie Kingdom. Since then, he had invested much of his political capital to avoid dragging the Aristocracy into a world war. But now, with this new enemy, he will have no choice but to bring the Unity into his lands.
"I have yet to talk with the Unity," Kallem said. "However, I spoke with Priestess Erada on the journey here. The Unity will come to our aid."
"And all of your work to keep those zealots out of our lands was mute," Verlcon said.
Kallem saw a mixed reaction from his staff. Most were not thrilled by a foreign power coming into their lands. Being one of the original empires of this continent, it was not pleasant being demoted to a second-rate power. However, this was how the world was, and he would have to push all his traits to the extreme to maintain his sovereignty.
"Even when the Unity comes, they will be limited," Kallem said. "The war is stretched on all fronts. Based on what I see, the Unity will prioritize finishing off the Lats and the Noble Elves. Suppose we can hold the Altaerrie within Nevali. In that case, the Unity can finish off our other enemies. Then we can surround the Altaerrie from all sides and crush them with overwhelming might."
Seeing that his staff understood, he dismissed them to prepare their Orders and Brigaton; however, he told Verlcon Korva to remain.
Once the room was empty, Kallem stared at his trusted General. "Now that we are alone and have time to reflect, explain how we lost."
Verlcon Korva pulled a tiny clear crystal from his pocket. "I have wondered that myself. The enemy was able to open the Bridge, but we defeated their reinforcements, or so it seemed."
"That was my conclusion," Kallem said. "Something happened when we threw back their army and yet suddenly overwhelmed our forces."
"I believe I found the moment," Verlcon said. He walked toward one of the significant Antikythera mechanisms. He placed the crystal within a port and turned one of the dials seven times until he found the recording he sought. He then pointed to a man on the screen.
Kallem was confused. As the recording played, he saw the same events play out. While the resolution quality was liquidity, thanks to the crystallization screen, the two vampires could see what they needed to see fine enough. From what they saw on the battlefield, the Altaerrie lines were crumbling. The screen showed the strange but horrific armored vehicles emerging from the Bridge chamber and firing their mighty cannons at their forces, taking out many of their soldiers and constructs. He remembered witnessing such a machine and having no context for that weapon of war, so they threw everything against those tracked armor constructs. That tactic worked for the moment, destroying one while degrading the others. The enemy counterattack was a failure, and victory, while costly, was within their grasp.
That was when he saw what Verlcon saw. A man stood on one of the bunkers. While the other Altaerrie started falling back, this man suicidally charged forward. Behind him, others of their soldiers rushed forward, and suddenly, the enemy line flooded these forces, pushing them back. The sight made no sense as any charge would have been easily cut down.
After careful examination, Kallem closed his eyes in frustration. He finally saw the enemy soldier's saw that turned the tide of the battle. "We allowed our fear to consume us in the middle of battle."
"That was my conclusion also," Verlcon said. "We overreacted to the enemy armor and lost focus. This man noticed that and was able to exploit our fear. By the time we could react, it was too late, and the enemy infantry was on the offensive and captured the momentum."
"We must be careful not to make the same mistake again," Kallem said. As he spoke, his eyes transfixed on the Altaerrie who led the charge. Something about the man seemed familiar. "Do you have any more recordings of this man?"
Verlcon turned the dial multiple times until settling on one image. The same man stood by one of the many curved pillars at the temple. Beside him was a Templar who had recruited the Milita of Salva, Natilite. In addition, Rageal's daughter, Fraeya, soon joined them. Then, it hit the Lord of Aristocracy. The man was the same one from their Altaerrie homeworld, and he fell from the upper balcony onto his soldiers, stopping them from extracting the daughter. He stopped him from completing his objective, and now, he was the cause of losing the battle.
Kallem felt his blood boil with rage; however, he forced himself to remain his composer. "Verlcon. I have a personal mission for you. I want you to assign our most elite warriors and capture this man. Bring him here."
"I understand," Verizon said. "How are they supposed to find him?"
The Lord of Aristocracy placed his hand on his chin; he recalled the few moments he knew about the man. "Was his team the ones who took Salva before we arrived?"
"I believe so."
"Then we know how. The Altaerrie are new and must be explored to seek resources and allies. The fact that they were the ones who stopped at their homeworld, took the city, and held the line makes me conclude that the enemy will deploy these teams before the primary army. Probably contacting the nearby villages and other towns as they attempt to gain strategic depth."
Kallem then turned and walked toward the table. Seeing Salva, he pointed north. "Based on the geology, they will either move south or north. More villages are north so that I would deploy their focus here."
"Understood, my Lord," Verlcon said. "I know exactly who to pick."
As the General left the room, Kallem stared at the large paper map. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, thinking about a simpler time.
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