AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 9
"Combat Operations have ceased around Indolass, and phase two has begun. The 5th Battalion of the 75th Rangers Regiment is starting to secure the area. Colonel Hackett's Minutemen are beginning to recon the local area. The battle to secure their side of the Bridge was harsh, with many casualties. The enemy proved very determined, holding out until the last possible moment before pulling back.
The engagement with the Verliance Aristocracy defenders was fierce. Based on the field reports, the enemy left a rear guard to protect their side of the Bridge. According to the female elf known as Fraeya Holiadon, the enemy was not equipped to engage in high-intensity warfare and was suppressing a rebellion.
Based on the enemy's performance from the recent battle, we can only assume what a proper response from the Aristocracy would be. With the weapons gathered and based on the recording data, the enemy is more advanced in the sense of firearms compared to the United States, and based on the other data, they have strong offensive and defensive abilities that we have never encountered before. A new Task Force is being established to research these new weapons and tactics to help understand this new world. Tactics and weapons we consider impossible by our standard seem pleasurable when introducing what they call Magitech, a concept that will require further study later.
While the current phase is a Special Forces operation to recon the enemy and establish a beachhead for further operations, the enemy's strength has led to concerns that if the enemy attacked in force, the Rangers wouldn't withstand a conventional counterattack. I have contacted Major General Olson Winchester (4th Infantry Division) to prepare a battalion as a Quick Reaction Force, to which he had agreed." - USSF Major General Harris, Space Command, Cheyenne Mountain Complex
March, 5th, 2068 (military calendar)
Salva, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore
Staring toward the sky, Captain Mathew Ryder saw the giant striped purple and blue gasses world called Tekali, the Alagore Goddess. He also noticed two other moons among the gas giants hovering toward the left. The two were the many children of this planetary system, and he continued to be surprised by how exotic everything was.
The sight only reinforced that they were not in Kansas anymore, as Dorothy would say, from the types of enemies used by the different shades of night.
He figured out this world's night system. The dark night meant that Alagore was facing away from Tekali and the sun, where the only illumination was starlight. The light night was still nighttime, as the moon was still facing away from the sun; however, the light from the gas giant above added a new layer of brightness.
The captain heard Sergeant Benjamin Ford say he had finally connected the laptop to DEFNET after working his magic on the boulder. The signal was weak, thanks to the highlands between all these mountain ranges.
Hiding in a ditch on a ridge overlooking the city of Salva, Ryder went to the Sergeant to see what was on the laptop.
When they first arrived, he was worried that they would need to set up a tent to hide the light from their laptop, but once they came, the morning light from the sun solved that concern.
Sitting on the ground, Ryder saw the feed from Staff Sergeant Kurt Forest and Sergeant Charles Higgins, who were on the top of the ditch which oversaw the city below.
The connection was strong based on the short distance from Staff Sergeant Kurt Forest's spotting scope, right next to the laptop. Basecamp, however, was proving to be a more significant issue. They were about nine or ten kilometers away in this terrain, so he could understand the problem. On Earth, they had grown used to their communication infrastructure and were able to speak with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Here, there was no such infrastructure. In contrast, while they could reach HQ in this environment, the mountains and the number of jagged hills that made up this rough terrain only made matters work. He knew regional communication would improve when they built terrestrial stations to boost the signal; it would take time.
"Thank you, Sergeant," Ryder said, staring at the laptop screen. "Forest, Higgins. I receive you. Can I get a good view of the city?"
"Roger, boss," Forest said. "It looks cozy."
The feed from the scope appeared on the laptop, getting a good overview. The city looked like a hybrid of medieval and small towns in the United States. However, there were crucial differences. Lamp Posts that were not candle-powered. There was some sizeable mechanical device at the center of the central plaza. Clock towers, windowed buildings, meaning that glass was widespread, and other details.
What puzzled him the most was the long giant wall that outlined the city. It didn't look like it was made from stone but concrete. Walls stopped being relevant hundreds of years ago with the innovation of gunpowder weapons. While the Captain understood little of the enemy weapons and technology, he understood enough to know simple concrete walls wouldn't be enough to protect a city unless altered with magitech.
As the Captain studied, Ryder noticed a shadow over the equipment. Glancing up, he saw the Elf Girl looking over curiously with amazed and wondering eyes. "Can I help you?"
I have seen many of your people use such a device," Fraeya said. "I am wondering what this is and how it works."
Smirking from the innocent sight, Matthew Ryder placed his index finger on her forehead and pushed her back. "You are distracting me. There will be a time and place we can teach other technology, but it isn't right now."
"I apologize," Fraeya said. "I just want to help and learn about your technology. It is so strange."
"A wise man once said, strange is relative to your surroundings."
"That makes sense," Fraeya said. "Strange is a perspective of your surroundings, meaning what is strange to one isn't to another. Who said that? Must be a great, wise man in your world."
Ryder smirked with a strong sense of pride. "I just did."
The Captain saw her ears drop, and she looked disappointed. "I will never understand any of your kind humor," he said.
"Watch out, sir," Wallace commented. "Last time you went philosophical, you got passed up on a promotion."
"Is that true?" Fraeya asked.
"He is not referencing my job," Ryder said. "He is referencing a date I had once. Never got that second date."
Hearing a few chuckles, Ryder refocused on the task at hand. "Fraeya, sit right here. I have questions about the city. Rommel, come here."
His second in command sat to his right, and the Elf Girl sat to the left, both staring at the screen. "Fraeya."
"I am sorry," Fraeya said. "I am used to vision screens being so..., what is the correct word? Liquidity? Yes, I think that. Your vision is so clean. I wonder what type of crystals it uses."
After taking a frustrated breath from her lack of focus, Ryder turned to his XO and saw the same reaction. The people of this world have monitors like these, but as the theme goes, they are different. The only part he was thrilled to hear was that they had superior resolution quality.
"Fraeya, when there is time, we will be happy to get you up to speed on how our technology works," Ryder said. "Right now, I need you to focus on the task."
"I'm sorry," Fraeya said as she leaned back. "I get it; I am not a soldier. That was why the Palatini did not welcome me very well."
"And yet you are here," King said. "Very few volunteers for this life, so that is something to respect. Now focus."
Seeing a joyful smile on the girl's face, Ryder had to agree with Rommel King. While it was clear that she needed to learn some field discipline, he respected the effort. At least enough to give her time to learn the ropes. They needed her to understand this world; now, she is their only ally.
The three saw a decent layout of the city, and the enemy forces occupied it from mini Hornet Drones from the other Minutemen teams and their sniper team feed. The enemy was scattered around as they analyzed the city—less than expected. The team debated whether they were the enemy unit from last night's regrouping. They only had a small unit occupying their city, or they were a combination of the two.
"On Earth, you said the people of this city were the first line of defense?" Ryder asked. "That they joined your cause?"
"That is correct," Fraeya said. "They held out for a few days against Kallem forces. From what I understand, the aristocracy did not send their full, which gave us the time to contact you."
"Did they know you were uncovering the Bridge?" Ryder asked.
"They did not," Fraeya replied. "I can personally confirm that, as I saw Kallem's reaction. He was amazed when it activated it, almost blinded."
"That explains a lot," King said. "It always bothered me how they retreated from the facility so quickly. They didn't have the manpower to maintain an operation. I think they thought they were suppressing a rebellion until he saw the Palatini's true intentions. They were unprepared to go up against a professional force or set up a beachhead on our world."
"I agree with you," Ryder said. "It seems like a company-size force guarding the temple and this city. They were not prepared for our attack."
Hearing Viking Team report through the radio regarding possible prisoners, the screen switched to their feed. Ryder and the rest saw the Aristocracy guarding what looked like prisoners in one of the market plazas. While he hoped it was their people instead, he noticed what looked like native people of the city being held prisoners. They all looked battered. To his surprise, they were of different races, with only one being similar to a homo sapient or Lat, according to Fraeya.
"What are those?" King asked.
Fraeya looked closer at the screen. "Elves, nekos, kitsunes, negals."
"Is that normal?" Ryder asked.
"Yes," Freya said. "It is rare for a major civil center not to have many different races. However, the rulers are usually homogeneous in nature. Salva was a wood elf city, or was until recent events."
"Are they survivors from your outfit?" Ryder asked.
"No," Fraeya replied. "I think they are the militia of the city."
"So, there, survivors," King said. "There has to be more than those, but I don't see any women or children."
"They were relocated to a nearby borrian before the battle," Fraeya said. She saw their reaction to the term she used, let out an exhausted breath, and continued, "It is hard to explain if you do not have a word in your language. A borrian is between a town and a city built within a mountain or hill."
"So, you guys relocated them before the battle?" Ryder asked.
"That is correct," Fraeya said. "They were the only place we could hide them safely with short notice."
"Good to know. That means we can put off any civilian issues for later. We will assault the city and rescue the survivors."
After briefing the other two Combat Fire Teams, it was decided that Viking Team would remain in the northern ridgeline that oversaw the city. At the same time, Comanche and Ghost will assault from different positions, hopefully catching the unexpecting enemy from multiple flanks. If Viking was successful, it should confuse the enemy enough for them to sweep through cleanly.
It took only a short time for all three Minutemen teams to get into position. Viking stated that they discovered an excellent overarching position over the city while Ghost will be breaching from the opposite side.
Comanche stopped by a broken outer wall section facing the Temple of Indolass.
Unlike the stone wall from the temple, this broken section was fifteen feet in height and thick. Within the fractured section, Comanche saw rebar built into the wall. With the rebar, everyone also saw these diamond-shaped crystals built into the wall. Some seemed broken, while others were dark.
Ryder heard Barrett and King discussing the discovery. Walls went out of fashion centuries ago in warfare after the invention of the cannon. The benefits of building such a structure have yet to bring enough value to the battlefield for these people to still invest in the tactic.
The team entered the city, half taking position on the left while the other half on the right as they walked down the street. Unlike the structures from the temple around the Bridge, most of these buildings were still intact. There were two types of buildings, some made from brick while others constructed from wood. Some builders were demolished, with rubble scattered throughout the streets from the recent battle.
As the Comanche advanced through the streets, Sergeant Charlies Higgins, the teammate on point, stopped and held his fist up. Everyone halted and sought cover as they heard alien voices.
Hearing Fraeya asking questions about what was happening, Ryder placed his hand over his lip, warning her to remain quiet. Seeing that she put her hand over her mouth to stay silent, he then pointed to the Twins and faked, slitting his own throat.
The Twins, Sergeant Eger Wallace, and Bruno Barrios, fist-bumped each other and placed their weapons on their backs, using the Itlian magnetic lock to secure them. Then, the two broke into one of the shops.
Grabbing Fraeya's arm, Ryder escorted her into a different building with the rest of the team. He then ordered Benjamin Ford to get the enemy hostiles' attention.
When the enemy patrol turned the corner, Barret signaled with his hands that there were two hostiles. It did not sound like they were taking their job too seriously as they were gossiping about something, enjoying whatever conversation they were having as no one from Comanche could understand.
Ford detached the flashlight from his helmet and held it open. He then switched to the SOS setting to increase the chances of getting the two hostiles' attention.
While Ryder needed help understanding their language as they were too far from Fraeya's translation stone, based on the tone, they noticed Ford's flashlight. They stopped where they were and seemed to be preparing to run away to sound the alarm. It was too late as planned, as their focus gave the Twins the time they needed to act.
The two came through the damaged hole that made up the front of the store, sneaking behind the two hostiles. The ambush was quick. Barrios covered the j'avais mouth and slit his throat while Wallace rammed the vampire's head to the ground first before swinging his tomahawk into its throat.
"That was brutal," Fraeya quietly said.
Noticing that the elf woman's eyes were wide, struggling to adjust to what she had just witnessed, Mathew Ryder patted her shoulder. "Welcome to war. Now, Comanche advance."
The team regrouped with the Twins as they were dragged the bodies into the store to them from other enemy patrols.
"Sir," Barrios said. "I found this." He then tossed it to Ryder.
After catching it, Ryder saw that he was holding a hand-fitting brick with a sphere on top of it. Below the sphere are dozens of mini stick-like buttons. He showed it to Fraeya. "What is this?"
"That is like your radio," Fraeya replied. "Besides only sending your voice, the sphere on top allows you to see the person on the other side. The buttons are to find the proper connection, so I understand. I rarely see them as only the military, government, or the rich having such magitech."
Seeing the value of the piece of magitech, he handed it to Kurt Forest to be handed over to DARP later.
"Sir!" Higgins yelled.
Noticing that Charlie Higgins was pointing to one of the building roofs, everyone saw another hostile hiding behind one of the roof sides. Rommel King ordered the removal of the hostiles, as everyone knew Comanche had been spotted.
Three Comanches fired their M31s at the unknown hostiles. The target slid down the roof and then leaped to another. It moved quicker than the soldier could aim before disappearing behind another building.
"What the hell was that?" Barret asked.
"I think it was a Neko," Fraeya said. "Armies use Nekos as scouts."
"It does not matter," King said. "We been made and need to get aggressive."
"Agreed." Ryder gave the order for all Minutemen teams to engage.
Comanche picked up the pace and rushed down the streets and alleyways, heading to where they saw the prisoners from before.
Seeing what looked like a market, Ryder saw a few dozen prisoners being guarded by thirty Aristocracy soldiers. He then noticed that Neko had landed on the ground and was reporting their position.
The Twins rushed past their Captain to the other brick building before setting up in a dual-firing position. They then opened fire at the enemy, to which they responded by fanning out. Once the enemy found cover, they returned fire with energy bolts from their elecprobus staff weapons. The rest of Comanche rushed around and took positions from stone walls and other types of cover within the market plaza, returning fire.
Ryder looked through the scope of his M31. Seeing three enemy soldiers entrenched behind a dead fountain, he tried to dislodge them with a few rounds, which failed. However, the crackle of a sniper from the Viking team impacted one of those soldiers. This caused one of the enemy soldiers to stand up, which he quickly capitalized on, taking out the target.
That was when the Comanche Captain saw the significant mechanism at the plaza's center, which he saw could be a cover for his team to reach the prisoners.
"Rommel, take your team and go left," Ryder said. "We will push toward the prisoners."
Knowing Viking Team provided support fire, Ryder and his team left their position and started rushing through the market. Taking cover by a stone wall, Ryder peaked around the corner before seeking cover as bolts impacted the other end.
He turned and fired his rifle at the enemy force before ordering his team to advance. Ford and Barrett rushed past while Forest assisted in providing additional cover.
As the enemy fought, Ryder saw a J'avias holding a staff. From what he could tell, this was not one of the elecprobus but had a blue ball on its tip. The only assumption he could conclude was that it was a magical staff that he had seen in anime, but he was puzzled as to why Fraeya didn't have one.
The orb on the staff glowed bright green, and the ground in front of the hostile glowed. A circle was formed, and something arose from the ground. The body was a skeleton in nature, but dark brown raw meat still made up the corpse. The skull had dart yellow horns. In his hands, the monster was holding a shield and a sword. The body and weapons were all glowing, a combination of yellow and white.
"Fraeya?" Ryder said. "What the hell did I just see?"
"That is domimancy magic," Fraeya said.
"English, please," Forest said. "None of us know what domimancy is."
Fraeya looked frustrated and continued, "Domimancy is summoning magic. That J'avias is a summoner. Because he summoned a skeleton warrior,
"That J'avias is probably specializes in summoning undead and monsters. I would guess he is a necromancy, I mean..., one who specializes in the dark magic."
"Thank you, Frayea," Ryder said. "Kill it."
Ryder, Forest, and one other Comanche from Rommel's team redirected their fire and shot at the skeleton warrior charging toward them. The monster held its shield as it advanced. Unlike before, their 6.8mm easily punctured the shield, impacting the core.
"Boss," Forest said. "That skeleton isn't using enchantments."
"No," Freaya said. "When they are summoned, they normally do not have magical equipment. But because they are undead, they do not feel pain like us."
"Recommendations?" Ryder asked.
"Pyromancy is the proper counter; however, I do not know that magic. Hydromancy, however, will work." Fraeya stepped out from her cover while the two Comanche provided cover.
The Elf Girl chanted while her hands glowed blue. Water sprayed from her hand and impacted the skeleton warrior, stopping it in its tracks. The spell did not damage the summoned monster. However, the intense water cannon started to decay the meat outline parts of the skeleton.
The skeleton started charging toward the Elf Girl but much slower. Then a loud some from Wallace machine gun as a constant stream of bullets impacted the skeleton warrior. With the weakened texture of the skeleton body from the water spell, the monster exploded into raw mana as it disappeared.
"I did it!" Fraeya said. Hostels noticed the Comanche mage, and a J'avias aimed his elecprobus toward the wood elf. Forest noticed and tackled her, taking an energy bolt into his liquid armor. Seeing where the attacker came from, Ford rose from his position and killed the hostile.
The J'avias mage was preparing another summoning spell, so Ryder contacted Viking Team and targeted the hostile with his VISOR. "Can you take it out?"
"Roger that. Firing Atlatl."
Ryder fired his M31 rifle at the enemy mage. Another skeleton monster appeared and protected the mage. Seeing that Viking fired their man-portable gilded rocket launcher, he warned everyone to seek cover.
Comanche disengaged and took cover. Before the enemy could capitalize on the ceasefire, the missile came straight down and impacted their position, taking out the enemy fortification and the magic user. While more enemies were further back, guarding the prisoners, the path was clear to advance.
"We are back in the game," King said.
"Leapfrog to the prisoner's position," Ryder ordered.
Comanche advanced and reached the center of the plaza. Ryder looked over and saw the enemy starting to conduct an organized retreat. "Ford, advance."
"Roger that," Ford said, leaving his cover and advancing.
Halfway between their position and the enemies, the ground rose to form another bunker. Ryder ordered Ford to advance while being provided suppressive fire, charging toward the closest cover.
Before Barrett and Forest could follow behind, the ground shook, almost like an earthquake or algquake stopped everyone in their tracks.
"It is another mage," Fraeya said as she grabbed the significant mechanism at the plaza's center.
As the quake dissipated, Ryder noticed the ground break apart and that Sergeant Ford fell in the ground. "Ford!"
Sergeant Benjamin Ford felt pain throughout his body as he slowly sat up and placed his hand on his head while regaining focus. "What the hell just happened?"
Seeing that he was within a tunnel network, he glanced up and noticed the hole in the ceiling. He heard weapons firing as fellow Comanche moved past the hole and pressed forward against the enemy.
It was Captain Ryder who stopped and looked down the hole. "Benjamin! You alright?"
"Yes, boss," Ford replied as he stood. "I think I found the underground railroad."
Ryder smiled and acknowledged that his sergeant was in good shape. "We need to secure the area to get you out of there."
"Roger that," Ford said. Seeing that his Captain had left to rejoin the battle, he looked around. I guess I will just stand here, alone, like in every horror movie."
Suddenly hearing rapid steel on the stone ground, Sergeant Benjamin Ford lowered his silver VISOR from the top of his helmet and activated the night vision setting, staring down the underground path. An outline of a swordsmen quickly formed, being a Vampire that charged toward the Comanche. Feeling threatened with the last time to react, he tripped over one of the dozens of pieces of rubble as he backed up to gain distance.
Once in range, the Vampire thrusted his sword toward Ford. Before the tip of the blade could impact the Comanche soldier, a spike from the wall impaled the vampire, knocking the enemy soldier into the other wall.
Seeing that he was not about to die, he stared at his attacker. The vampire had a significant dent in his armor but was still alive. Grabbing his M31, he fired three shots at the enemy, which did the job and killed it.
"Are you okay?"
Hearing a woman's voice, Benjamin Ford turned toward the hole in the ceiling and saw Fraeya. "Thanks."
"I am happy to help," Fraeya said with joy.
For some reason, Ford felt a strange joy when he saw her celebrate. She had a surprisingly upbeat attitude in life, especially during a battle. Before he inquired about her excellent mood, he noticed his Captain approaching.
"Are you okay, Sergeant?" Ryder asked.
"Yes, sir," Ford said. "It seems like the enemy is occupying the underground section of the city."
"That makes sense," Fraeya said. "Most towns have underground sections that were built by the dwarves. There is always the upper and lower."
Hearing additional sounds further underground, Ford aimed his rifle in preparation. "I hear something."
"Then there might be more prisoners down there," Ryder said. "Ford, Fraeya, Forest, investigate while we finish mopping up here. Radio if you find anyone."
"Yes, boss," Ford said, giving his leader a thumbs up.
Seeing that the drop was too steep without an exoskeleton, Ford caught the Elf Girl as she hopped to the ground. "There you go."
"Thank you," Fraeya replied as she adjusted her clothing.
Staff Sergeant Kurt Forest dropped after them. "I will take point." He then aimed his rifle and started heading down the path.
"Stay behind me and only whisper when you need to," Ford informed Fraeya. Seeing that she understood, the two followed behind their comrade.
Hearing the battle unfolding above, Ford glanced up from the rumbling ceiling, noticing the few flickering lights. The lights looked old, with webbing spread across the rim of this hallway. They saw that other passageways were buried. While the above buildings seemed more upkeep, they were abandoned long ago down here.
The three walked through the dark hallways, remaining silent before Fraeya spoke, "Mr. Forest."
Kurt Forest stopped and turned to the Wood Elf. "Just Forest, but if you need to use a title, it is Staff Sergeant."
"I apologize," Fraeya said. "Military culture is very strange to me."
"It is alright," Ford said. "You must be in the military to understand it fully, and even then, you could spend a lifetime and never learn everything."
"I will say," Forest said as he continued toward the hall. "When we get free time, you should learn our ranks. Some officers get sticky if you address them wrong."
"I do understand noble life," Fraeya said. "I will do my best not to offend them."
"We don't have nobles," Ford stated.
Fraeya stopped with confusion. "You don't have aristocrats on your world?"
Ford struggled to respond quickly to Fraeya's question as he did not know how to describe his world. These were topics that he had never reflected on before. While he understood the meaning of aristocracy, it was not that simple. While His country didn't have that ancient tradition, that didn't mean his country didn't have elites who had a similar role. let alone other nations.
"Yes and no," Ford said.
"You speak like a Lat," Fraeya said. "How can it be both?"
"There are other nations that follow a more feudalistic society with aristocrats, like here," Ford said. "For my country, we do not have a noble class."
"That does not mean we don't have politicians and rich elites," Forest interjected. "While we might not call them aristocrats, every society still has its upper class that rules overall."
"But there is a difference," Ford said. "It isn't one group that has influence and power over all sectors of society."
"I think it is wise not to discuss social economics right now," Forest said.
"I see politics is as hot as it is in my world," Fraeya said.
Ford couldn't help himself but chuckle, knowing that was an understatement. "You have no idea. It is better and more dramatic than anything online."
"What is... online?" Fraeya asked.
Kurt Forest stopped and turned, facing the Elf Girl as if she had murdered his child.
Benjamin Ford had never needed to explain what the Internet had before and struggled to find a proper way of explaining it. He felt the concept would be like her describing how magic worked with his people. "It is...; it is hard to describe if you don't already have a basic idea. I will show you later; how about that?"
"That is fine with me. I am interested in learning more about your world."
Hearing a scream from down the hall, the three slowly advanced toward the noise. When they reached the end of the hallway, they saw almost four dozen people in a large chamber either chained to the walls or support beams. There were others among the prisoners who looked like Aristocracy military personnel.
"Are those the Militia?" Ford said.
"Yes," Fraeya said. "Those are the people who lived here."
"Then that evens the odds," Forest said. "Fraeya, can you distract them while we flank from the sides?"
"I think I can utilize ice magic," Fraeya said. "Using geomancy magic down here with this many people could harm the prisoners or bring the ceiling down."
"Whatever works," Forest said.
The two Comanches fanned out in each direction, stealthily following the walls. Ford stopped as he noticed one of the prisoners, a male human. This human didn't look like his kind or a j'avais. This one had wider cheeks and jaw. The unknown Human body frame looked slightly stockier than his.
Ford knew nothing of evolutionary history, but those humans looked similar to the Neanderthal. He placed his index figure over his lips, hoping to warn the prisoner to remain quiet. Seeing that the human understood, he signaled to the prisoner that he was over the Aristocracy soldiers. The other human type then whispered something to the other prisoners nearby, and based on their reaction, they remained silent as they realized what was happening.
They saw that the enemy hadn't noticed him lurking in the shadows. With the rumbling above, the guards seemed more focused on an entrance on the other side of this chamber.
The sergeant kneeled in the dark end of the chamber, next to a table with the stench from old blood. He could see that his teammate, Kurt, was in position.
Ice spike projectiles were fired from the tunnel and flowed through the air as he steadied his rifle, impacting the enemy forces. The surprise attack wounded one of the enemy soldiers, but the other soldiers fared better as the ice broke apart on his armor.
One of the soldiers, a J'avais, instantly charged toward Fraeya with shield up and sword in hand. Three ice spikes impacted the shield and broke apart. The spike couldn't penetrate the guard shield and armor.
Afterward, a stream of water impacted the shieldmen like a firehose. The magical spell stopped the hostile, but only momentarily, as the spell wore off.
This gave Ford the perfect position to flank. He stood and fired mis M31 at the J'avais from behind before the guard could reach Fraeya, dropping to the ground.
Kurt Forest rose from his position and engaged the guards, taking out an additional hostile while wounding another, leaving only two left.
After a short exchange of weapons fire, it became clear that Ford still didn't understand what was happening. They did not expect the Comanche to come through the tunnels and were blindly firing in desperation.
One of the hostiles fired his elecprobus energy staff while covering the other, who was grabbing their wounded. The two Comanche continued engaging, with Ford firing at the vampire providing cover. He was able to wound the guard; however, the three could retreat deeper into the tunnel network.
Ford waited, keeping an eye out, confirming that the enemy had fully retreated. With no counterattack, he started to believe that they won. "I think the area is secured."
"I think so," Forest said.
Fraeya emerged from her cover and deactivated her translation spell. She then spoke in Latin and an additional language. While neither Comanche could understand her, when she mentioned the term "Altaerrie," they knew she was talking about them.
While Benjamin Ford walked around the chamber, making sure it was secured. Seeing the chained prisoners, he could see the stare of defeat. He then approached Fraeya and said, "They look defeated."
"Yes, they do," Forest said as he approached. "Fraeya, tell them-."
Fraeya raised her hand, warning them to stop speaking. She pressed the amulet on her chest, and it began glowing slightly. "There we go, I couldn't understand you."
"Alright," Forst said. "Tell them they will be set free, but they must stay here for now. At least until we secure the city and can probably process them."
"But... they have suffered enough?" Fraeya asked.
"Not the point," Forest interjected. "I just reported this to Ryder, and it is his order. The last thing we need is people we don't know running around until we know what to do."
"We don't want blue on blue," Ford said.
"What is blue on blue?" Fraeya asked.
"It means friendly fire," Ford replied. "A friend shooting a friend. We don't know these people; they might get shot because we don't know better."
"I understand." Fraeya then explained to everyone that they had to wait a while longer. While she spoke, everyone could tell she struggled to say the words that needed to be said as she worked to summon the strength to tell them they must remain bound.
Ford gave Fraeya an approval nod and acknowledged what she had done, understanding how hard it must have been. He then heard someone stand up behind him and turn, aiming his rifle. "Do not approach an armed man from behind!"
The Sergeant slowly lowered his rifle. The man who approached him was an elf, but unlike Freaya, who had tanned skin, this elf had a lighter brown tone.
"I am sorry, but no one can leave," Ford said. "It is a security issue, but it won't last long."
"It is not that. My name Varitan Yeldan, the motuia for the previous ruler of this city. I was his assistant during the House of Wovlon rule."
"Okay," Ford said, slightly confused. Fraeya informed him that this Elf was a Wood Elf, a cousin race of her kind. Like multiple human subgroups, the same applies to elves.
"What can I do for you?"
"This female elf, Fraeya, she called herself?" the Yeldan said. "She said you are from Altaerrie?"
"That is correct," Ford replied.
"Then Tekali did reward us," Yeldan said. "I knew that the new gods were false. It was only logical."
"You said you had something to say," Forest said as he approached.
"My apologies again," Yeldan said. "If you are Altaerrie, then you need to see someone—a Templar. She will wish to see you."
"Templar?" Fraeya said. "You mean Natilie? Is she still alive?"
"That is correct," Yeldan said. "She is chained in a cell in the other section."
Fraeya grabbed the Sergeant's vest and attempted to pull him toward the hallway.
"Hold on," Ford said. "We cannot split up."
"But, she is my father's friend. I need to save her."
"We will," Ford said before turning to the Wood Elf. "Are there more prisoners besides this Templar?"
"Correct," Yeldan said.
Sergeant Ford got on his radio and reported the situation to his Captain. Ryder stated that the enemy had fallen back from the city, the three Minutemen teams were securing the area, and the Comanche would rally to him.
While the three waited, they freed a few additional prisoners to help manage the others. Ford felt that seeing all the aliens gathered in one spot hit home and that they were in another world. Elves, Lats, and the other types of humans—nekos, kitsunes—were a sight he never imagined witnessing. Many of these were read in his manga and fantasy literature.
Seeing them all, Ford had to restrain himself from approaching the many different species, seeing this as an opportunity of a lifetime to learn more; however, knowing the situation, he understood that it would be inappropriate to ask questions now.
"What are you doing?" Forest asked. "You look like a kid at a candy store."
Being caught off guard, Ford turned to the Staff Sergeant. "Nothing, really. This is just every nerd dream."
"I figured," Forest said. He glanced at three males as they stared at his skeleton robotic arm. "It seems like they are thinking the same thing. If it weren't for the fact they have been chained up like some bad joke, we would be having a beer."
"I know," Ford said. "The opportunity of a lifetime, and I have to put it on hold because of this mess."
"That is life." Forest then nudged his comrade and nodded toward the Elf Girl. "What is Fraeya doing?"
Ford looked toward the Wood Elf and saw her walking around, searching for something or someone. It took him longer than he liked before remembering that the Verliance Aristocracy had taken her father. "I think she is looking for her father."
"That sucks," Forest said. "I cannot imagine losing a family member. You better talk to her while we wait for the Boss."
"Me? I have no idea what to say."
"Who else? As a married man, I have learned they don't always care what you have to say. They want someone to listen when they are stressed. Just trust me."
"Then, why not you?"
Forest chuckled. "I am married. It wouldn't be proper."
Looking back at Fraeya, Ford took a deep breath, not having any idea what to do. He shrugged, walked over, passed many prisoners, and got close to the Elf Girl. "Is everything alright?"
"Oh, Ford!" Fraeya said.
"Please, call me Ben," Ford said. "We are on the same page now."
"Okay?" Fraeya replied. "I am just looking for my father. No one here knows who he is. Maybe they killed him. I cannot believe this might be the end, and I might never see him again."
"I highly doubt he is dead," Ford said.
"How could you know?" Fraeya asked. "No one has seen him!"
"Well, your father is the one who figured all this out. The Aristocracy wouldn't want to kill him, so that means there is hope."
Fraeya placed her hands on her head, taking a stressful breath. "I just want him back."
Seeing that the girl was stressed, an awkward silence emerged before she broke it, restating how much she missed her father and that she was worried he was gone forever. He had no idea what to do, as he had never been good with the opposite sex. Taking Forest's advice, he stood and listened, allowing her to vent her frustration.
Before he could find a response, he heard voices from where they had initially come from. The sergeant turned and saw the bulk of Comanche, including the Captain.
"Sir," Ford said. "Over here."
Ryder approached after directing his Warrant Officer to begin the processing process to free the prisoners. "Glad you guys are safe. Any news?"
"I could not find my father," Fraeya said.
"I am sorry to hear that," Ryder responded. "We will keep looking; this is a big place. Now, the reason why you called me down here?"
"Yes," Ford said. "The Wood Elf here, Varitan Yeldan informed us that a Templar is locked away."
"Yes," Fraeya said. "She helped the city rebel against Kallem and stayed behind to buy time to open the Bridge. She is a close friend to my father."
"Good enough for me," Ryder said. "Marcos, with us. Varitan, show us the way."
"As you command," Yeldan said after conducting a slight bow.
Ford found the bow strange. His comrades had the same reaction, but they decided not to inquire as they had more important matters to attend to.
The ground followed the Wood Elf into the next chamber. What they saw were dozens more prisoners chained to the walls or tables. Many of them were wounded, beaten, starving, and dehydrated. Like the rest, they were all male and attempted to defend the city.
"They are the surviving leaders who remained from the siege," Yeldan said
"Do you know who is in charge?" Ryder asked.
"No one that I know of," Yeldan said. "After losing the city, they were separated to prevent another rebellion. For the leadership, they were either killed or sent to Forlace for processing before being sent to the Unity."
As the group passed this group of prisoners, they stopped at one of the cells. The wood elf stepped aside, and Benjamin Ford looked through the opening. What he saw was a pale, naked woman on her knees, looking down with a defeated look. The chains were lifting Natilite body. Each chain was drilled into both hands, clearly meant to prevent her from moving. On her back, she looked battered and had broken wings. While with red blood-stained feathers on the ground and torched marks across the body.
"Sir," Ford said.
"Natilie!" Fraeya cried as she saw.
The winged woman struggled to look up, barely able to say Fraeya's name.
"Ford, find something to cut those chains off," Ryder said. There has to be something down here. Marcos, contact Ghost about setting up a medical tent in one of the buildings. This is an urgent casualty."
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