Season 2 and Help
For those that are concerned only with art, here's something I'm working on, and I'd like to hear some requests for more cartoon characters to add cuz I wanna fill up every inch of the paper w/ characters before I color it all in.
Space to differentiate between art notes and me trying to be a SVTFOE analyzer.
Okay, for those that either like my ramblings, SVTFOE, or both, I have some predictions for SVTFOE season 2, part 2. Keep in mind that this is from the mind of a hardcore Starco shipper, and I won't hold back. Well, I might try, but I don't trust myself when it comes to svtfoe.
2/6 ep 15a "Raid the Cave":
Pretty straightforward, they're just going to undo the whole Glossirick being taken, so that Star still has a mentor still, and there's an excuse for Ludo to be a bigger threat. I kinda hope that Glossirick plays sort of a manipulative role, where he 'helps', but not really. It might be interesting to find that he is subconsciously obligated to help any wand bearer, but I really don't think that would be good for Star, because she's probably already questioning how much the people around her actually care for her given the events of BBTBC.... Dang it, that actually sounds like a reasonable plot...
As for Starco, I don't quite see anything relationship wise being of importance, but just saying it now, if there's significant Starco, I think the writers might be just trolling us for most of the titles, and do a boy that cried wolf (where they keep teasing till we don't believe, then do the real deal), at our expense.
2/7 ep 15b "Trickstar"
I just know this has to do with pranks. I mean, I hate to get all technical with wordplay, because it ruins the genius of it, but it's pretty obvious that it's referring to the word trickster, as in a person who likes to deceive for fun. Star is probably going to discover pranks and go too far as is natural for the princess.
2/8 ep 16a "Baby"
Well if you're a Starco fan, you can probably see what's running through my head
with this title... Uh, they already did a babysitting episode, so that's probably not what it's about, though it's not entirely out of the question. Besides that, there's a number of ides I have including...
a) Set in the future where Starco is raising a child [yah, not a likely possibility...]
b) There's some kind of monster that is like a baby [idk, maybe like time baby from Gravity Falls, or more likely a small thing that no character except one suspects of evil] and causes trouble.
c) Someone is turned into a baby via magic, and there's the matter of changing them back as a plot device. [This one is what I think has the highest chance of being true]
d) this one is just for fun cuz I know it probably won't be it, but like Jackie tells Marco about wanting kids and stuff in the future, and the whole episode is about guy paranoia of one day being a dad. Though it's most likely a concept that's too mature for Disney channel (even if it's primarily on the XD one, which is targeted for older kids), it does seem like something Marco would do, given he's a worrier and designated "safe kid".
2/9 ep 16b "Running with Scissors"
I believe this one is about Star possibly getting in trouble for dimension hopping. There's a comic series that I'm not entirely sure if it's canon or not, but it was published by Disney authorization, where Pony head goes to court for a crime that she says she didn't do. I don't know details, like if she really did what was accused, and what the thing was, but it does seem like there are definitely inter-dimensional rule breaking repercussions. All I know is that the most recognizable thing related to scissors in the show is the ones that cut the portals so Marco and Star can go on adventures, so we'll have to see.
2/13 ep 17a "Mathmagic"
Earlier in the series we have seen that Star is not good at most subjects in school that have shown her in. Star's probably gonna have to learn math... Okay, that's boring... Unless we get a certain lil guy who is good at school to help her! I can only see this as one of those scenes where a girls asks a guy for help cuz she thinks he's cute.
2/14 ep 17b "The Bounce Lounge"
At first look, I had no idea what this could mean. Then I saw another person's analysis that said it was on Valentine's Day. They had an idea with Tom and Marco going there for whatever reason, but I feel like it's gonna be either Marco and Jackie Lynn Thomas on a date, or a single ladies outing, or possibly both.
Wait- I just wrote a Jarco date now, and I looked back and saw I wrote a Jarco fan idea saying the idea would be "fun"... NO!!!!! VIVE LA STARCO!!!!!
2/15 ep 18a "Crystal Clear"
Immediately I thought of a confession time for Star with this title. After all, it's called "Crystal Clear", so it implies something being obvious, or brought into the obvious. Nah, it might just be somethin bout a magic Crystal revealing secr-
Same thing? Man...
2/16 ep 18b "The Hard Way"
Still don't get it? Well when Glossarick tells Star in the season 2 premiere about using powerful magic without her wand, not only does he say the phrase above, but he calls the technique "the hard way". Sound familiar? Hope it does because you just read it like a few seconds ago.
Yah, so something with dipping down.
*2/20 ep *19a "Heinous"
♥️,♦️, ♠️, and ♣️.
I wanted Nefcy explain, not just fan theories, and I hope she does with this episode. I'm really big on episodes in shows containing scenes from a different point in time than the norm, and this would be a good chance to get a whole episode where it just takes place in the past, and explains the backstory of Ms. Heinous, who will obviously be the character of focus. If it takes place in the present, I won't mind, it might even make some good comedy with the "Princess Marco" thing that everyone loves. Who am I kidding? Of course they'll do option 2, especially given the popularity of it on me internet.
Might I add that this is airing farther apart from the last considering the others before? Just a little upset because it's just at the point where there could've been an episode that was same number as the date it aired. I'm weird about numbers...
2/21 ep 19b "All Belts are Off"
K, I'm not the only one who caught an innuendo there right?
Aside from that, given that Jeremy is in any karate centered episode, expect that kid to be apart of it. He'll probably make some kind of bet with Diaz, ensuing a spirit of determination to do some sort of difficult task, and presumably frustration.
2/22 ep 20a "Collateral Damage"
Okay, I've heard people say that someone's gonna die in this one because collateral damage is army talk for deaths in war that were not of soldiers, but bystanders. I think that it does have something to do with the army term as well, but in a different perspective. If we focus on the part of bystanders getting killed, it could mean that someone gets hurt that wasn't intended to, that it was meant to be inflicted on one person, but harmed one that was meant to be safe. I definitely have a feeling that Marco will be involved, whether it's him as a victim or a perpetrator.
2/23 ep 20b "Just Friends"
NOOOO!!!!! STARCO MUST STAY!!!!! Kay, now that my shipper's feels are out (except they never will truly), I'd like to say that this is probably a troll. If it is true, I will be sad, I will cry, and I will rant on wattpad. It could be like that, or it could focus on Tom and Star, and how they can be friends, even after dating, or maybe, about Marco and Jackie, like at the end of collateral damage, they break up and shiz.
But guuuuuyyyyyyssssss, I have another interesting take! What if it is about Starco, but the episode is them trying to go back to normal after Star confesses her feelings, and neither can shake the feelings of romance from the mix. This could be pushing towards Starco shipping, not against it. Or, I could be just a an overly optimistic fan...
2/27 ep 21 "Face the Music"
What I see coming from this episode is along the lines of a music theme. I'd like to see a musical, but I don't think it's high on the probability list. This one is going to have a darker tone to it, but I've toyed around with the idea of sirens. No, not like alarms, but the mythical mermaids who lure people (men in particular) to their death. Particularly with their singing.
Shiz! What if the music refers to the Blood Moon Ball waltz!?!?! If I'm right about the "Just Friends" one, then it could all tie in to my ship! *Starco intensifies*
2/27 ep 22 "Starcrushed"
Since this is the finale of the season, I think this will be the second part of "Face the Music", and will finish the plot line from before. Sorry, all I can think is, "Starco, Starco, Starco!" and super hoping that my previous predictions were true. But if not, this episode could be just Star realizing that she has a crush on Marco. I mean, although the cube of shipping truth did say that Star has a crush on Marco, it doesn't mean she's fully aware of it. I just can't help but feel this one is going to have to do with Starco, no matter how the others turn out.
Aside from that, I pre-ordered the SVTFOE book that's coming in March. Barnes and Noble's really doesn't have any secrecy when it comes to upcoming books, because I ordered it it last year, before the official announcement. I just asked for a Star and Marco book, cuz I was curious, but not expecting anything, and apparently the computer system already marked it as a book to pre-order.
I can't wait to see what new information I get about the show! Maybe even the rest of STAR's page of her thoughts on marCO!!!!!!!!
I'm such Starco trash....
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