VIII - Lies
Paper saw an open window on the first floor and was OJ's special window. Next to the window, he saw Lifering's infected body sitting there, somehow entirely frozen. He thought of one person...
but he knew it couldn't be true, considering he watched her die with his own two, very blue, eyes. He climbed into the window and saw that the door was open, so he walked forward casually.
He peaked out the door and saw everyone grabbing furniture. It appeared to him that they were blocking the front entrance, which most of the infected were clawing at, so he decided to secretly walk out of the office.
Once he got behind a wall and was sure nobody could see him, he quietly moved furniture towards the door before hiding under a nearby couch. Paper was thin enough to hide himself under anything without being seen.
He had hid because Pickle and Knife were bringing some furniture over, but once they saw that furniture was already against the front entrance, they knew someone else was in the building with them, considering that everyone else was in the hallway getting furniture.
Knife alerted everyone about it, which made everyone happy, considering that at least one person died almost every hour. However, as he was backing up, Yin suddenly and unexpectedly started standing up.
Knife quickly jumped away from Yin, who was infected, as he was standing up and backed away, knowing that there was a gun somewhere in the hallway. However, he didn't have to search for the gun, because Paper found one under the couch and shot Yin in the brain, sending him to the floor and killing him instantly.
Everyone was surprised, considering nobody in the hallway had shot at Yin.
However, Yin's death was the least of their concerns, because the stranger started standing up as well, however, Paper also put the stranger down with a bullet to the head, sending them right back to the floor and killing them.
Pickle figured out that the gunshots were coming from behind the living room couch and walked towards it. Paper then saw Pickle walking towards him and folded, worried what would happen once the group found him.
He loved OJ and knew he was in the group, but he was afraid of losing everyone or being mistaken for an infected.
Pickle lifted up the couch and saw a large piece of paper on the ground. Pickle grabbed the piece of paper and quickly put it in OJ's office, nobody questioning anything, considering they were more worried about blocking windows and finding supplies.
Nobody questioned anything except for Knife.
Knife followed Pickle into OJ's office and surprised him. Knife stood over Pickle's shoulder and asked, "Why did you grab this piece of paper?". Pickle knew it was Paper, he had seen Paper fold himself up before.
"Hold on, I need to try something", Pickle said, grabbing a pencil. He knew that, when Paper folded, he couldn't see anything. "Testing wha-", Knife was about to say, but was stopped when Pickle stabbed into Paper's back with a pencil.
Paper unfolded instantly before saying, "Ow..."
"Knew it", Pickle said with a smirk on his face. Knife looked surprised, but decided to not tell anyone considering half of them would freak out (in a good way) if they knew Paper was back, considering he was liked by literally everyone in the hotel.
"Didn't know you could use a gun", Knife said, trying to stay quiet. "Yeah, me neither", Paper said, also trying to stay quiet. "Ok, why the hell were you hiding behind a couch?", Pickle asked, wanting an answer out of his best friend.
"Because I didn't want to drop a big truth bomb on everyone just after they got to see me again", Paper responded, confusing both Pickle and Knife. "Truth bomb? What truth bomb?", Pickle asked, half-confused, half-interested.
"That Taco outside of this room? That isn't Taco, I literally watched Microphone break her shell in the forest not even an hour ago. Taco is literally clawing at the door right now! The infected are somehow being cloned", Paper explained.
"That explains why OJ shot Nickel", Knife said. Paper didn't respond, not wanting to know what had happened between those two.
Pickle and Knife left the room and walked towards OJ, wanting to tell him the good news. However, they were stopped when a groaning sound was heard. Instead of walking, they ran and grabbed OJ, surprising everyone.
OJ was a little confused but didn't question it, the others also didn't question it because they were walking up the stairs, as the second floor was the location the noise was coming from.
The two (gays) dragged OJ into his office and his jaw dropped. Paper was right there in front of him. Not even a second later, OJ was happily crying into Paper's stomach. Knife and Pickle decided to leave and give them peace.
However, their peace would be interrupted by the sound of a bang and screaming.
The group had found an infected Cabby on the second floor and had started backing away, however, Cabby heard them and chased after them, missing them and face-planting into a wall. The group had down the stairs, Cabby trying to follow.
Cabby slipped and fell down the stairs just as the four got out of OJ's office. They watched Cabby trip down the stairs and accidentally crush someone...
A non-infected Goo had been hiding in the room Nickel was killed in and had just decided to come out of the room by crawling from under the door. Unfortunately for Goo, his goo-body was crushed entirely under Cabby, which killed the both of them.
The surprise death shocked everyone, considering they thought everyone else was either infected or dead. However, they were proven wrong once again.
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