I - The Party
[WARNING: This chapter gets really depressing towards the end]
"Happy birthday, Papey!", OJ said to his boyfriend, who was celebrating his twenty-first birthday. Paper was very flustered at the party, considering the biggest celebration he had for his birthday was a simple cake and some drinks.
OJ was a week older than Paper, and had mocked him, playfully, for one week about not being able to drink alcohol. Paper pretended to be annoyed by OJ's playful mocking, but eventually gave up trying and laughed through his jokes.
Even though it was Paper's birthday, Paper insisted on helping with the food, drinks, everything. Not to make it perfect to his standards, just so that he could be a helping hand (a/n aw...). OJ had hit the jackpot when he started dating Paper;
Everyone had agreed with that statement, making it one of the rare times everyone could agree on something without fighting constantly for hours.
It had been a couple of hours since Paper's birthday had started, yet some of the inhabitants of the hotel were still in their rooms. OJ was a little annoyed about that fact, considering it was Paper's birthday, but Paper didn't seem to mind.
Paper was, at that moment, preparing dinner with Knife, his best friend (a/n it's an au so...), Pickle, his best friend's best friend (a/n basically Knife is Paper's best friend but Pickle is Knife's best friend), and Soap, the janitor of the hotel.
While this was happening, Test Tube and Lightbulb were in Test Tube's not-so-secret lair inventing a machine that could make hats; Lightbulb's idea, not Test Tube's.
Paintbrush was painting, using their paintbrush to paint with the paint they had gotten from Paper. Paintbrush was also making something for Paper as a birthday gift. They were happy to be all alone, considering what had happened a week ago.
Fan was congratulating Paper, his brother (a/n from another mother), about turning 21, which Fan was going to do tomorrow. The two bfam's were laughing and chatting to each other, hoping that Balloon, a good friend of the two (a/n it's an au, deal with it), would come down to join them soon.
Fan was having a bad week, but Paper made it all better, atleast for him. Paper had accidentally upset both Paintbrush and Lightbulb about the situation, so Paper tried his hardest to make it up to them, which the two knew he would do.
Eventually, once the food was ready, everyone was sitting around the dinner tables. Some, like Microphone, were talking about how Cheesy, Suitcase, Balloon, Lightbulb, Test Tube, Paintbrush, Tea Kettle, and Blueberry were missing from the party.
Nickel was a little concerned about why Balloon was missing, considering the two had made up a while ago. Other inhabitants, like the Cherries, were concerned about why Cheesy was missing, considering Trophy, his boyfriend, was at the party.
Trophy was also concerned about Cheesy's whereabouts.
Paper, OJ, Pickle, and Knife decided to play a private game upstairs while the others ate, so they went to walk up the stairs.
-- [POV 1: Downstairs] --
Trophy looked down at the food and was disgusted. It looked burnt, sloppy, and messy, so he decided to secretly and quietly dump it on the floor. Nobody noticed except Fan, who also hated the food.
Fan had also decided to shove the food on the floor, kicking it over to someone else's seat so that he wouldn't be blamed for it. Luckily, nobody noticed their plates were cleared.
The Cherries, on the other hand, loved the food and ate it quickly, finishing the entire meal in under a minute. Yang also loved the food and joined the Cherries in their fast eating. Yin, on the other hand, tried a bite of it and quietly spat it out into his hand.
Yin dropped it on the floor and pretended to eat slowly, not actually eating any more pieces of the food. (a/n yes, Yin and Yang are separated in this AU)
Soap tasted her food and loved it, eating so much of it that she was full really quickly. Microphone decided to pass on the food, seeing Trophy, Fan, and Yin's disgust over the food while the Cherries and Yang, the two most child-like inhabitants, eating it, probably not having fully developed tastebuds.
Microphone started to notice a weird purple substance dripping from Soap's head slowly, she thought that it was just from her top and whatever soap is inside. However, she then noticed the same liquid dripping from Yang and the Cherries.
She then looked around and saw it slowly dripping from everyone who ate it except for Yin, who had taken only a bite of the food.
Eventually, everyone stopped eating and got up when they heard a loud scream from upstairs.
-- [POV 2: Upstairs] --
The group were going up the stairs when they heard a weird crunching noise coming from one of the rooms on the second floor. Paper and Fan decided to enter the room and smelled a horrible stench coming from the bathroom.
Fan slowly opened the bathroom door and saw Suitcase, crying, on the floor next to Balloon's dead body. Her mouth revealing a long, bloody tongue. Her teeth replaced with large fangs and her eyes almost entirely black.
Suitcase jumped onto Fan's face, sending him to the floor. Pickle and Knife tried to help Fan, but decided to back off when Suitcase started ripping him to pieces. Paper screamed and the group ran back downstairs.
The group ran into the living room and told everyone their situation, only for Yang to bite at Soap's arm, sending everyone into a panic.
Yin and Paper ran out of the building while Pickle, Knife, and OJ ran into OJ's office, locking the door behind them. The trio heard someone run past their door and enter the room next to them. The group had hoped it was either Microphone or Paintbrush, considering the group knew they were very smart with tense situations.
After all the noise quieted down, the trio decided to open the door and only saw the dead bodies of Soap, the Cherries, Lifering, and Nickel, who had all been grusomely eaten by Yang, Suitcase, and the now-reliving Fan.
The three zombies had gone outside, so Knife quickly locked the door and windows, preventing them from getting back inside the hotel. However, those three wouldn't be their only problems inside the hotel...
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