Welcome to action interviews!
We hope you enjoy getting to know these amazing action writers, do swing by their profiles and check out their action-packed stories!
This interview was done by EagleFromAL
So without further ado, we introduce to you Ranger_of_the_North
1. Congratulations on winning this contest! How do you feel about this?
Aaaah, thank you!! I'm so, so chuffed and excited and over-the-moon and aaaaaaah. When I found out, I spent the whole of the "Celebrate Good Times" song dancing like a loon in the kitchen XD XD
2. Where were you when you heard that you won?
In the kitchen, sitting at the table, on my computer, thinking that the winners would be posted the next day — but apparently, I'd converted the time-zones wrong, because next thing I know, I have an email saying I was mentioned by the @action profile!! Honestly, my hands started shaking :o
3. What does it mean to you to win?
So, so much. Oftentimes, with the competitions I enter, I end up competing against a small group of people either my age or younger. It's honestly so... /heartening/ to see that in a larger pool I can still do well at what I love :)
4. How long did it take you to write and Did you find the contest interesting?
I took all the time I had XD Usually, I'd give myself a day or so to break from writing, and brainstorm plots and characters and stuff. Then I spent... probably on average half the time I had left writing, and the rest of it editing.
And definitely, it was definitely interesting! Well worth participating in <3
5. How were you feeling when you entered the contest? Like we're you feeling confident? Or were you just trying your luck?
Nervous and excited and curious all at once! I don't compete in very many writing-competitions, to be completely honest; and like I said, even when I do I'm used to competing against groups that are on the smaller side. I wanted to test myself, see if I could handle pushing myself hard, and finish set word-limits in a set amount of time; see how my writing stood up against a wider range of amazing entries :D
6. How would you describe yourself to other writers?
I like toying with the unusual and "wildly unexpected". Stories are often told from the perspective of the apprentice, eh? I'm experimenting with the mentor. Superheroes? Make their power gumboot-throwing! A 'high-speed chase'? My little brother, being a smart-alec, suggested a dog chasing its tail. I don't think he expected me to actually love the idea XD
7. What is your favorite genre?
Mm... adventure. It feels like a very loose genre; I can fit fantasy, action, sci-fi... anything I want into it!
8. Who or what inspires your writing?
God and his marvelous creation. There, have an all-encompassing answer XD 😂
9. How long have you been writing? Like, did you start after joining Wattpad or you used to write before?
I have been writing for... around eight years, I believe. That was when I first realized, "Hey, this is a thing I can do!" When I wrote, "Once apon a time," (yes, 'apon' XD) and then there was suddenly a story happening. An extremely, terribly-bad story. But a story nonetheless :)
10. If you could pass on a single piece of advice to anyone who just started writing, what would it be?
And trust yourself. :)
Thanks for checking in, until next time!
Stay awesome!
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