Turning of the Tides
Lash's pov
Several months since the Kratts arrived, they've done amazing in training, and chris is able to bypass his suit's limitor with ease, and maintain speed without having to slow down to see, martin's become a powerhouse, even holding off robots so civilians can escape, and as for me, we've destroyed the Death Egg, and i've crossed paths with infinite quite a few times, only making him struggle harder to face me as i become immune to his illusions, my senses now able to find the slightest changes in thier look that tells me if it's the real deal, but no matter how many times i hit the Ruby, it has yet to crack or break. We needed a new plan to handle infinite, and so far, none have been able to work. But i had an idea, since chris had come back with a chaos emerald on one of the brothers mission, i began scoutting for the other 6, unable to find any when i spotted Infinite again, pinning down a group of civilians with an illusioned Chaos again. I open up a call to sans." Sans, i need Search and Rescue now, infinite's got people trapped, i'll keep infinite at bay until they can arrive." " ok sis, just be careful." "Always will bro." I leap into action, spindashing chaos's brain again and destroying it in a puff of smoke." Hello Infinite, ready for another tussle?" He growls and turns to me in the air, and i charge up my quills." Ready for your demise?" I laugh," yeah right, bring it" i launch at him and i kick his side, bringing him to the ground, and i spindash straight down, slamming into him, but before he can hit me i uncurl and i leap away, and i pull out the emerald, gripping it in my hand. He growls and the ruby pulses and i yell," Chaos Control!" The positive energy attacks the phantom ruby's energy and infinite gets blasted into a ruined wall and i chuckle, putting the emerald away as he groans and slowly rises." Yeesh, can't take a bit of Chaos energy? That's quite the fail on your part." " you are too weak to handle me." He floats back up and i pull on the emerald in my quills, and i see chris and martin get everyone clear, and i smirk, jumping onto a railing, so that after i do this, i can get clear, and i build my chaos energy, letting it build and build and i say," hey infinite, tell eggman i'm coming for him, Chaos Blast!" I launch the energy at infinite, it sending him through several buildings, and i land far from him, starting to run, as i gasp and pant, chris comes out of nowhere and scoops me up." You ok?" I nod," yeah, just drained, i need time to recoup after that, that's why i have an emerald on me." He nods," well everyone's safe and heading for the refugee area, luckily you arrived before anyone was seriously hurt." I nod," good." We stop not far from the city and he sets me down and i pull out the emerald, holding it softly as the energy softly fills me, helping me recover." So that was Infinite? The floating jackal?" I nod," he's a pain, but that's the most damage i've ever done to him. He's getting sloppy." Chris nods and i see the red burst of light leave the city and i stand, hiding behind a tree and i watch infinite fly over us." Ok, crazy idea, but if we find eggman, this war ends." " you wanna find his base by following infinite?" I nod with a smirk," ok, lets go, i'll turn on my homing beacon once we arrive." I nod and i burst off, my energy having recouped from the blast, chris right behind me, and we keep a safe distance, following behind infinite, and stopping and hiding whenever he looks behind him. It takes us several hours, but we arrive at a massive base and i pull us back under cover and i call sans and he answers," how did the extraction go Lash?" " Perfectly, but lock onto my signal and prepare to attack, i've found Robotnik's true base." "What?! How? Not even Rouge could get that Intel!" Chris pipes up," Infinite flew straight here" sans chuckles," ok, i'll get a squad together to attack that base, today!" I smile," good, tell them to head here, chris and i will wait here." "Heard scout leader, hold on tight." He hangs up and i sit down, my exhaustion finally showing, and i crumple against the tree as chris catches me." You ok?" I nod," yeah, just worn out from running all that way. And doing the Chaos Blast didn't help. The emerald's reduced the amount of energy i've been using, but my body's starting to run on fumes." Chris nods and he pulls out a hot dog and hands it to me." It's not the best thing for energy, but it should help." I nod and i take it, chowing down on it and i relax while i finish it, saying." Wake me when they all arrive, i'm gonna catch a few z's to get some energy for the fight." Chris nods," sleep well, i'll watch over you. If eggman finds us i'll wake you." I move onto my side and i slip into sleep, too exhausted to do much else.
Chris's pov
I'm really gonna have to ask error just how draining those Blasts are, cause both times she's done it, she's passed out. Sure it took alot longer for her to pass out this time, but that seemed to be an exhausting move. I sigh and i untransform, sitting down next to Lash and not even 5 minutes later, error stops with us." What happened to lash?" " she did a Chaos Blast before we started following Infinite, i guess her body couldn't take the strain any longer." Error nods and grabs the emerald, and he focuses, taking off his rings and soft strings touch her and energy pulses through them, and after a minute he stops, putting his rings back on and he says,"thEre, she'Ll be Able to rUn oNce she wAkEs up. DefinAtly sAys sometHing abOut hEr DeterMination thOugh." "What do you mean by that?" "She likEly camE heRe oN shEer wIllpoWer alOne, no woNder she's oUt." I nod," when are the others coming?" "ShOuld onLy be a Few Minutes, Knuckles remaIned bEhind iN case. BuT the rEst are trAvelinG by Plane." I ask," isn't that more obvious, error sighs and says. " we dOn't do sTeaLth. EggMan payS toDay." I nod, and i look at the base, relaxing for a bit before error zips off somewhere and i pull out Silver's quill. I've not practiced much with these powers, but i wanted to help, and Silvers powers would do the trick. I activate the suit and i put silver's quill back in my pocket and error pops up." Planning on using that? YoU're inExperienced and Would onLy hUrt yOurseLf. YoU'Re beTteR oFf wIth mIne oR Lash's." " i haven't learned how to fight as her powers. I barely understand how to Boost!" He smirks and hits the button to end off the transformation." How do you all know where that button is?!" Error laughs glitchily and says," avIVa tauGht uS, iN cAse iT eVeR gliTcHeD oUt wIth uS aRound, uSe my Power, i'll tEach yoU hoW to fIre a sImpLe sPear." I nod and i carefully touch the top of his quills and i activate the transformation, gaining a form like errors and he says,"do what you Did to aCtivate tHe bOost, bUt doN't puLl iT to tHe sUrfAce. My eNerGy iS vAstly diFfereNt fRom ChaOs, iT iS rAw DestRuction." I nod as i focus, searching inside myself for the piece of energy, and i find the sliver, and i focus on moments of destruction and i feel it grow." GooD, gOod, bUt kEep yOurseLf cEnteRed, yoU loSe yOur hEaD, anD yOu wOn't Come bAck. NoW cArefUllY pUll tHe eNergy tHrouGh yOu, uP to yOur arm, aNd let it buIld uP therE." I nod and i do so, it building there as error says," noW oPen yOur eyes." I do so and i look down at my arm, a spear of raw destruction formed on my arm and i smile," wow, it's beautiful. Now what do i do?" "AiM, anD fiRe. Focus oN it bLastiNg ahEad of You, iF thAt doeSn't worK, use the ReleAse WoRds i Use,* Destruction Spear!*" i nod and i aim at a plant, and i focus all my might into firing the spear, but nothing happens, time for the second technique." Destruction Spear!" It fires and i stumble back onto my rear as i hit the plant, burning it to ashes and error stamps it out before it spreads and he nods with pride in his eyes as he holds out a hand to help me up and i accept it, and he pulls me to my feet easily.
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