41. Just One Day
"Never in my life have I dreaded kids this much." One of the bodyguard's groaned as he saw Jungkook and Yeonjun almost breaking the bowling alley by the amount of time they were smashing the rolling pin on the ground.
On the other hand, the rest of Ben's grandsons, the four babies and Jimin were all over the gaming machines, crazily smashing the buttons harshly and hooting like owls.
The rest four and Claire were crowding over the motor racing machine as Seokjin and Claire were competing, occasionally somewhat throwing insult at each other.
Until Taehyung started fussing about feeling starving and Claire called Taehyung a whiny brat.
Jin's ears perked up at her words and he angrily rotated the wheels so hard that it broke down. Minor sparks spurted as smoke started to seep out of the electronic box. Yoongi and Hoseok were quick to pull the two away from the machine.
"Now you can go eat!" Claire pointed out annoyed at the younger.
The guards ran towards them, seeing the small commotion.
"Ruining things is your speciality........"
"I dare you to finish your words, McTaggart! I dare you!" Seokjin roared at her, scaring her in the process.
"Hyung, we're in public!" Yoongi reminded the older and Kim Seokjin zipped his mouth and glared at Claire. Hoseok could swear he saw smoke coming out of his ears.
He looked back at his girlfriend and warned her in a hushed voice.
"Don't you dare make a scene here. I'll talk to you at home."
He let his hyungs and the bodyguards deal with the mess as he took Taehyung away, wrapping his arm around the younger's waist and walked out of the place.
"And I thought you might have actually changed for better?" Jungkook spoke, appearing behind her out of nowhere as Yoongi and Jin walked away from them and Jimin and his baby chicks following their trails.
Yeonjun's almost snorted at his own silly idea.
"What do you want now?" Claire squinted her eyes at him and he snickered at her fussy attempt of scaring him.
"You think I forgot how you hurt my Jiminie in the library on Valentine's day last year! And since you ruined my birthday outing with my brothers and boyfriend, I'm going to make sure that Hobi hyung definitely knows how upset you made me!"
Jungkook looked at her for a minute and slowly a sad frown grew up on his baby face. His lips slowly quivered and big fat tears started rolling down his puffed cheeks. Claire stood rooted in her place, shook as the younger male suddenly started wailing out loudly.
And just in a few seconds several footsteps emerged out from their hiding. Seokjin and the others also came back running after hearing from the one of the guards.
"Kookie, what happened baby?" Jimin asked, worry latched on his face as he saw the woman still in her place and looking at the maknae with hatred and confusion.
Jimin's jaws tightened as he glared at her with disgust.
He breathed angrily and took away the wailing maknae away from her.
Hoseok looked at the with disappointment.
"I really hope that you have a good explanation on whatever you have been acting up since we came out."
Claire looked at him, her eyes brimming with angry tears glistening. She looked at him for a few seconds and then looked away. She so badly wanted to scream in his face that how much of a lying brat his brother is. But she also knew that Hoseok won't believe anything against any of his siblings.
She wanted to tell him about how his younger brother is picking on her for her long gone past mistakes.
But also she was unable to explain this bubbling feelings that overpowerers his mind when she sees the Sampson siblings happy, content and smiling with whatever they had.
She wants to rip off their smiles, punch in their faces and just throw them into the wall across the room.
It definitely makes no sense to her as none of them had ever provoked her in any way.
She herself doesn't know the actual root cause of her anger. But it still feels like that they owe her something. But no idea what exactly!
And right now, the man infront of her who actually is supposed to soothe her pain and confusion, is looking disappointed with her, makes her feel like clawing her own soul.
She looks at the floor as the pooled tears drop to the ground and she blinks her eyes to get rid of the rest moisture and releases a deep breath.
"I don't want to talk about this right now. I want to go back to the estate, please. Can you ask your guards to take me back?" Claire replied with a dry tone.
Hoseok on the other hand, heard nothing. He's eyes were glued to her blank, red-rimmed, slightly swollen eyes. His hands automatically found themselves cupping her face in his palms, wiping the corner of her eyes.
The woman's pupils dilated with sudden chill down her throat. She blinked her eyes multiple times but nothing changed. Instead, her said lover stepped a little too much closer, caressing her cheeks and placed his lips on her temple.
It's the first time.
As if everything froze in that moment.
Claire almost forgot to breathe in that moment. She didn't want to believe it. Her heart thumped furiously, jumping in joy and asking her for reassurance whereas her mind screamed at her to stay sane.
In the four months of their dating days, never did he ever showed any sort of affection in public. Not even held hands.
One could never tell seeing them if they are a couple. The man infront of her wasn't a PDA person.
But right now, she doesn't know.
Claire was ripped off her trance from the small shaking of her shoulders and a soft distant voice calling her name.
"Are you not feeling well? Should I get you something to drink?" Hoseok bombarded her nonstop, making her gulp down a curse. She slowly removed his hands from her shoulder but the man slipped them down to her sides.
"Come with me. There's a coffee shop across the street. You need to freshen up and then we can talk about anything else if you are ready!" Hoseok looked at her with suggestive eyes and she's already a goner.
Claire nodded with a small smile, bitting her lower lip and heard him hiss lowly. He raised his left hand and slowly placed his thumb above her lips, freeing them from the abuse of her teeth.
"Don't do that. I should be the only person to be biting on them!" Hoseok commented.
Claire's eyes widened, gasping at his words and she abruptly stepped backwards and tripping over her feet. But again, her lover was fast enough to catch her by her wrist and pulled her close in chest.
She hugged him tight in panic and Hoseok giggled at her actions.
"You sure are a silly goose! Come with me." He spoke as he dragged her out of the arcade.
"Why is that woman here?" Jimin almost growled at Claire's presence as her boyfriend made her sit with the group. Taehyung shrank in his seat almost hiding behind the Choi brothers. Kai and Taehyun frowned at his weird action but stayed quite after Soobin gave them a knowing gaze.
"Jimin, later!" Hoseok warned him and the others looked at him surprised. It's way too rare for them to see Hoseok angry. Because it is never a good idea to piss him off.
But let's say Jimin didn't care at the moment.
"We're going back to the estate!" Jimin announced grabbing his boyfriend's hand and stood up.
"Jiminie hyung..........!"
"Jimin-ah........!" Jungkook and Taehyung gasped at the same time. The last thing they wanted was a rift in between their brothers.
"Jimin, sit down." Hoseok barked grinding his molars. But the shorter male only glared back at him without blinking his eyes.
"Didn't you hear me? Don't make a scene and sit back down!"
"Are you not coming with me, Jungkookie?" Jimin blantly ignored him and turned to his boyfriend.
"That's my brother you're trying to boss around!" Hoseok spat, slamming his palms on the table. Jin and Yoongi grabbed their heads.
"That's my fiancé I'm talking to, brother in-law!" Jimin taunted him back and Jungkook bit back a laugh.
'My man is just so sexy!' Jungkook squeled in his head as he kept ogling at his betrothed with hungry eyes.
Ben's grandsons silently laughed seeing the golden maknae drooling over Jimin.
Yeonjun snickered and pinched his thigh, ripping him out of his lalaland.
The maknae yelped but instantly jumped into Jimin's arms and mumbled.
"I'll go with my Jiminie hyung!" He glared at his hyung with an evident pout.
"I don't want to be around your girlfriend. She is always out and about hurting YN Nuna and Taehyungie hyungie and sometimes us too!"
Claire gripped at the hem of her jacket and suddenly stood up.
"I will leave then. You shouldn't be cancelling your special day for an outsider like me. Bye."
Claire quickly rushed out of the dine before any of them could react.
"Are you two happy now?" Hoseok glared at the couple and shook his head in dismay.
"I'm sorry!" Taehyung was the one to apologize.
"I was the reason why all this started in the first place." The boy muttered with his eyes on the ground.
"Taehyung-ah andwae!" Yoongi spoke, tenderly cupping his cheeks.
"It's just that our golden maknae is being brat. You are not to blame for that monkey's mistake."
And then and there, Jungkook not so subtly scowled at his hyung. Yoongi payed him no heed.
"And Hoseok you should go behind your girlfriend! Even though she's here because of dad's invitation, she doesn't really have a good relation with any of us at the moment.
You're the only person she can lean on.
So go!" Hoseok nodded his head and turned to his brother with a squinted his eyes at the maknae.
"You're lucky it's your birthday!"
Saying that, he ran out of the restaurant to find his girlfriend.
"And you two!" Yoongi warned the couple, waving his index finger at Jimin and Jungkook who instantly stiffened in their place.
"Settle down your butts or else I'm going to have a small and not-so good talk with your parents!"
The two huffed and grumbled, sitting back down as they stuck out their tongues at him.
Among this commotion no one noticed the oldest Choi brother, who was staring at Yoongi with entire galaxy twinkling in his eyes.
If someone saw him, they could swear that his eyes were actually shining brightly with all shades of lovesick colors.
"Stop following me!" Claire squinted her eyes at the man who kept following her with a warm hearty smile.
"Why?" Hoseok retorted back with a grin.
"I'm not disturbing you. I'm just following my woman!" He huffed faking a sad frown on his face.
Claire hissed at him and started walking faster, Hoseok also skipping behind her whistling, teasingly.
A block after, when the streets started to seem empty, the haughty lady felt scared. The area looked almost abandoned, empty.
Claire finally turned around to see if her boyfriend is still behind her but he wasn't there. As she took another step turning around to look for him, a sudden roar of a few motorcycles was heard.
And the woman flinched badly, for good. A couple of footsteps rapidly grew closer and she fastened her steps when a familiar voice called for her.
"What are you doing here alone, Claire?"
A small relieving shudder ran down her body and she almost fell down on her knees. Well, if not for the grip on her back collar.
She turned around and found Namjoon and YN standing in front of a Benz, Woozi right infront of her, with a few arms guards standing behind all of them on their motorcycles.
Claire suddenly fumed at them growled at the three in spite.
Claire screamed in their faces, her own face wet with tears. Her breast heaving up and down in anger and pain.
"Not the answer to what I asked." Namjoon spoke with no filter and emotions. "Why are you here, alone and without any guards?"
Before she could speak,a distant voice of Hoseok calling out for her echoed in the streets.
"Get him here!" Woozi commanded his men and two of them immediately vanished to find the said man.
"Playing hide 'n seek, are we McTaggart!" YN finally opened her mouth, mocking her in disgust.
"Must be in your blood!"
"How dare you......" Claire began but was cut off by YN's cold taunts again.
"NO! How dare you? How dare you put that man in danger? Do you have any idea what could have happened if it was some other gang around? Do you even know who Jung Hoseok is? That man is the son of the Late. Princess Kim Hera and the only grandson from one of the oldest royal family of Korea. With Mr Jung, the most notorious and dangerous crime lord of Asia in today's date and his step-mother Jeon Sunmi is a huge political figure. And here you are making him run behind you like some puppy. To you he might be just a rising k-artist but if Andrew caught the air of your recklessness towards his grandson, he'll tear you apart limb by limb. Even a watchdog in his house is more smarter than you! Why do you think there's always a heavy amount of security around the seven every hour of the day! Pray that Andrew doesn't hears of your sly selfish habits or he might fuck up your remaining existing life.
So if you have a death wish, bring harm to that man. I will be in the first row, watching the torture, with some popcorn and coke!"
This was the first time since YN directly spoke to Claire in two years. Except that, she didn't even so much breathed in her direction.
And not once did her voice wavered, which cleared the depth and seriousness of her recklessness.
But before she could say anything, they were all gone just like that.
Leaving her behind, to soak in all the information that has suddenly been dumped on her head with no mercy.
By the time the guards escorted Hoseok to Claire, everyone was gone.
The moment Claire's eyes landed on him, she started wailing out loud and ran straight into his chest. Hoseok grunted at the impact but nonetheless wrapped his arms around her, letting her let out her trauma. He knows for sure something really bad must have happened for her to cry and shake so much.
But he'd definitely like to call it day.
It's just a little too much for them in
just one day!
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