39. Lovers In Milan
The next morning Namjoon and Y/N woke up earlier than the others.
Both freshened up and stepped out of the cabin to find everyone sleeping soundly.
The two started waking everyone up.
Soon after all of them were awake and getting freshened up. Jimin and Hoseok were helping Y/N heat the packed food.
Namjoon and Jungkook were tidying up the seats and cushions. Unaware of the surrounding and Taehyung glaring at Namjoon with burning eyes as if he'd definitely peirce hole into the elder's head.
Jin scoffed at his brother's childishness and picked up three packages of the heated food and walked to the cockpit to give it to the the pilots.
Soon everyone was eating and Jin and Yoongi were avoiding Namjoon's eyes who was a little sad at the thought.
The maknaes and TXT were in the cabin with Y/N eating and discussing, trying to come up with a good proposal plan for Yeonjun and Yoongi.
Except Taehyung. The boy was absolutely quite. He only kept glancing at his sister from time to time.
Later when Jimin dragged everyone after helping Y/N with her medications, Y/N asked Taehyung to stay back and close the door.
He did as told and sat down on the foot of the bed.
"What's bothering you Victor?" Taehyung lowered his gaze hearing his actual name. He shook his head making her chuckle.
"There has to be something or else my baby brother wouldn't be sulking. Is it Raven? Don't worry hmm! A few more hours and you'll be able to call him." Y/N said with opened arms signaling his brother to cuddle her.
Taehyung easily complied. He covered her with a thin duvet and spooned her in his arms.
The two lied quietly and Y/N's eyes closed sleepily under the effect of her meds.
Taehyung hummed in his deep soft voice helping her sleep quickly.
His mind kept replaying Namjoon's words from few weeks earlier when he said
'All I can do is to wait for her to come to me willingly. I've already waited this long, so I wouldn't mind waiting some more.
As long as she loves me, I can't ask for more.'
Namjoon hyungie is right! Taehyung mumbled to himself. He himself wouldn't like anyone else her.
At least he's known Namjoon from his childhood days. If not Namjoon, he would have kidnapped and locked her in an isolated island to keep all the nasty men away from her.
He sighed in content and closed his eyes and soon slipped into his dreamland.
Eight Hours Later
The plane landed in Milan and the boys cheered loudly earning small giggles from the ladies.
Y/N adviced the pilots to roam freely and enjoy the vacation. They all were more than thrilled with the offer.
Two weeks of free paid trip!
To them it's like finding a fountain of freshwater in desert.
Outside the airport, Yoongi's father had sent them their personal guards and cars to receive them.
Infront of one of the cars stood a young man around Taehyung's age
on a motorcycle, in a black tights and tee and a black leather jacket.
Hairs styled backwards and a few strands of hair covering his left forehead, making him look like some gangster.
If you don't look carefully, one would misunderstand him for Yoongi.
Everyone looked at him with wide eyes except for the hyung line.
Yoongi's face turned sour seeing the young man.
"Who's he?" Soobin spoke breaking the silence. "Looks like Yoongi hyung's doppelganger to me!" Taehyung followed the suit.
"I think he's cute!" Taehyun blurted out of the blue.
Everyone was only hearing the youngers with Wtf eyes when Yeonjun scoffed and said "My Yoongi hyung looks way more cuter than him! Stop comparing them."
Yoongi's face turned cherry red as heat crept upon his cheeks. He felt like burying himself into the ground.
"How are you Jihoon?" Jin interrupted everyone and greeted the stranger.
"Good to see you too brother! It's been a long time!" The Jihoon guy half hugged him and greeted.
"Guys, he's Jihoon. Yoongi hyung's brother!" Namjoon spoke introducing him to everyone.
"Call me Woozi! Who's this beautiful lady?" Jihoon smirked and stuck out his hand at Y/N for a handshake.
But before she could step back, Taehyung swatted his hand away glaring at him and said "Don't touch my sister you little dingbat!"
Yoongi actually bursted into a fit of giggles, his huge gummy smile on complete display.
"My perfect beauty!" Yeonjun said looking at him with dreamy eyes.
The others pursued their lips trying not to laugh.
Woozi poked the inside of his cheek and said with sarcasm "Welcome To Milan, Lovebirds!
Let's get going shall we?"
He said eyeing everyone and Namjoon caught his eyes who was holding Y/N by her waist, staring at her with adoring eyes.
They all sat in the cars and drove out of the terminal. The cars drove past tall buildings and structures and the shops down the roads.
They all stopped by a 24/7 minimart and got some light snacks and drinks.
The drove for almost an hour to the outskirts of the city. Most of the houses looked like private property.
They all entered the richest part of the city.
Soon after the cars entered through the huge gate with guards and advanced security.
The inside ground of the property was filled with grapevines.
The cars stopped on the porche and maids and servants ran to open the car doors, welcoming the guests.
The youngers were staring at the entrance with enchanted eyes.
"This way sir!" The butler spoke guiding them inside the villa.
They all went inside admiring the architect and interiors when the butler spoke again.
"Sir Hwang will see you all at the dinner. Let me show you your rooms."
"No." Yoongi spoke for the first time.
Everyone looked at him with confused eyes and Woozi glared at him and said "Stop with your tantrums will you?"
Yoongi completely ignored his words and said "We'll stay at the treehouse.
Tell dad we'll see him at the dinner."
He turned to his brothers and spoke "Follow me! I'll show you my little heaven." He smiled widely.
Y/N and Yeonjun followed him without a word and walked away. Namjoon and Hoseok smiled apologetically and they all followed Yoongi quickly.
Woozi kicked off the antique vase making it shatter on the floor.
The servants flinched at his outburst and the butler sighed.
"I'll get it cleaned young master!"
"Fuck off!" Woozi spat and walked out of the living room.
It took Yoongi and others around fifteen minutes to reach the said destination.
They stopped infront of a huge tree.
The both sides of the tree had a thick fence of wild vine. The centre of the tree was cut in the shape of a circular door. Yoongi opened the door and the walked in, followed by the others.
The view infront of them had the youngers and Claire drop their jaws on the ground.
A huge tree house at the height of forty five feets; consisting of multiple cabins with separate balconies and open lounge surrounded by beautiful view of greenery and sunrise and sunset.
"What do you people think?" Yoongi asked with a proud smile. The maknaes looked at each other mischievously.
Beomgyu shouted "First one to reach gets the highest cabin!"
Everyone ran towards the stairs to race upstairs.
Including Hoseok and Claire, but Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon and Y/N.
Yoongi looked at her with a small frown.
"Wouldn't you follow them Mrs Kim Namjoon?"
"Where's the elevator, Yoongi-chi?" Y/N asked him with a cheeky grin.
He playfully scoffed and said "I sometimes really hate you!"
"The feeling is mutual Yoonkitty!"
They all laughed loudly as Yoongi led them to the elevator. Jin asked "How come you know about the elevator?"
"He's a lazy cat!" Y/N teased. Yoongi wanted to sass back but someone beat him to it.
"He isn't. He just doesn't like wasting his energy on useless efforts."
They all look back and saw Yeonjun walking behind them grumpily.
They all cooed at the younger and Yoongi turned pink at the comment.
Namjoon bent down to his wife's ear and whispered "I'm so loving this!"
Y/N replied "I know, right!" The couple giggled as they entered the elevator.
No one spoke a word and the older siblings soon went to pick the cabins.
Soon after, the maknaes also climbed up.
They all adjusted themselves according to the available rooms except for the married couple and Claire.
The night fell sooner than expected and the butler was again at their doorstep to bring them for the dinner.
The maknaes were grumbling because they didn't want to step out of the open bathtub.
"Jiminie hyung~" Jungkook whinned at his boyfriend. Jimin clicked his tongue eyeing the younger.
"Mwo?" He asked doubting the other's actions.
" 'm horny!" The younger mumbled into his ears. Jimin's eyes widened at his words.
"H-how d-did you?"
"Not my fault when you're openly flaunting your sexy abs in such tight shorts!" Jungkook replied eyeing the older.
Jimin instantly jumped out of the tub and ran into his room leaving the younger pouting. Yeonjun snickered and gave him a teasing look.
"Speak and I will tell Yoongi hyung that you're bullying me!"
Yeonjun gasped at his words ready to fight back but just then Yoongi announced that they're all leaving to the the main house for dinner.
Jungkook snorted loudly and walked away swaying his hips on purpose.
Everyone was sitting around the giant dinning table waiting for the elders.
Soon two men walked in, one of them was a middle-aged and the other one in his seventies maybe.
The two men smiled taking their seats and their smiles widened seeing some familiar faces, especially the hyung line.
Everyone greeted the elders and then sat down letting the cooks serve the food.
Yoongi's father, Min Hyuk saw his younger son missing and asked their butler.
"Where's that young master of your?
Do I personally need to hunt him now?"
"I'm here!" A small voice rang in the room and Woozi hurriedly walked in grabbing his seat, and eyeing the female beside Namjoon for a few seconds.
After dinner when the dessert was served, Y/N immediately forbade forbade Namjoon and Jin after taking a bite of Tiramisu.
"Everything alright dear!" The elder Min asked worriedly.
"The Kim brothers are allergic to raisins, sir!" She answered apologetically taking away the dessert plate away from Namjoon. Jin hesitantly gave his share to Jungkook who instantly snatched it stuffing his mouth, making everyone chuckle.
"How come you know that?" Mr Min asked and the boys looked at YN with a teasing smile.
"The least I can do it is knowing about my husband and his brothers, Sir!"
Everyone smiled except for Woozi who suddenly choked up badly.
The hyung line tensed up suddenly.
Woozi slowly calmed down and slammed his spoon on the dining table making the maknaes flinch.
"What did you just say?" He asked glaring at YN who looked at him, oblivious of his sudden outburst.
"Husband you say?" YN nodded and the elders sighed.
"You lied to me, didn't you Namjoon!" He asked Namjoon, eyes moist with tears.
"You knew where my heart belongs.
It's time you should give up!" Namjoon spoke with a smile.
"Should I hurt her too? You know I don't know how to give up on you!"
"You wouldn't dare!" Taehyung and Namjoon growled at the same time, slamming their palms on the table.
"So you're the pshyco lover Yoongi and Jin were talking about!" YN spoke stealing everyone's attention to herself.
"How old are you? You looking younger than Victor!"
"He is." Yoongi confirmed. YN spoke again "He lacks dinning manner! Is he always like this?"YN looked at him again and said "And you, stop ogling at my man, will you?"
Woozi glared at everyone and walked out of there.
After dinner, Jin and Suga offered the youngers for a house tour.
The two elders asked YN, Namjoon and Hoseok to join them in their private study.
The butler sent some light snacks and beverages leaving them alone to talk.
"Let me introduce myself properly. I'm Andrew Min, Yoongi's grandfather and Lara's ex bestfriend. He's my son, Min Hyuk." The elder spoke sticking his hand out for a handshake.
YN hesitantly bowed and the elder chuckled in realisation.
"Ah! I heard." Andrew spoke.
"Then you already know the reason for our arrival, Andrew." YN spoke taking a sip of her tea.
"Depends. What do you prefer, a business deal or a favour?"
"An old debt." YN answered and the elder chuckled at the realisation.
"Ben taught you well!" Andrew spoke in a prideful voice.
"I know."
"Two days later. One of the biggest race of the world in European circuit, at Florida International.
You should bet on number 51."
Min Hyuk spoke handing her a pendrive.
YN looked at him for a brief moment and then spoke "Jihoon. He needs to tame his anger. It's somewhat your fault too.
We're leaving in a week. Let him come with us. It will be helpful to him. You have my word."
"You think he'll come with you?" Andrew asked doubtfully.
"He will. Trust me!"
"Okay then. It's quite late. You should sleep." The elder smiled.
Namjoon and Hoseok were the first to step out of the room.
YN stayed back a little more. Andrew looked at her confused.
"Is there something else that you need dear?"
YN licked her lips and asked hesitantly "Does my father know?" Her words came out with a whisper.
The elder took a deep breath and sighed.
"I sometimes forget that Namjoon, you and the boys are still kids, blooming and exploring the beginning of your lives.
I don't know for sure but I believe you will be fine. My men will be around you and your boys.
You're in Min's territory. Not even the wind can scratch you.
So go ahead and enjoy your hunt.
You have my word."
YN nodded lightly and stuck out her hand for a handshake.
Andrew chuckled and patted her head and muttered under his breath.
"Silly child!"
Everyone bidded good night to each other and went back to the tree house cabins.
Lying on the bed, Namjoon suddenly asked YN "What kind of debt were you talking about, to Grandpa Min?"
YN, who was applying moisturizer on her body turned to him and answered "Uncle Ben once took a bullet for him.
According to grandma, he's involved in some underground mess with the local Italian mobs for some territorial mess.
If not for uncle Ben, sir Andrew would have been resting in peace."
YN slipped into the bed snuggling into Namjoon's buffed up chest, planting wet kisses on his throat.
"What's with the sudden change of mood, nuna?" Namjoon asked in a low husky voice, enjoying her kisses.
"I hate sharing your attention." She said planting another kiss on his chest, slowly straddling on his pelvis.
The two slowly leaned in connecting their lips as Namjoon's hands trailed off to her side and and resting on her hips, while she wrapped her arms around his neck grabbing a fistful of his hairs and deepening the kiss.
Gasping for air, the two slowly pulled away. Namjoon raised his hand and brushed her hair, tucking them behind her ear. YN opened her eyes
and their gazes locked, looking at each other tenderly.
"I love you~" The two spoke at the same time. Namjoon chuckled and pulled her close to his chest cuddling her and planted a small kiss on her forehead.
The two closed their eyes slipping into their dreamland.
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