Chapter 9
Luna POV:
As I look out onto the water I keep glancing back at Mirajane, Lisanna and Elfman, it feels so strange to be a family again. What will I do when we reach land? I could look for my father but he wont remember me after what Zeref did to him, could I travel the continent? I love learning new things and this would help me to learn more. Twilight comes flying over to me and places a paw onto my resting arm.
"Feeling confused Luna? I can see it in your eyes, tell me what's bothering you." She says to me.
I sigh and answer her. "I don't know Twilight, what will happen when we reach land? Do you think they will let me live with them? Or will I have to fend for my self?" I ask glancing at my siblings.
"How could you think that they wont accept you, you've been away for them for how many years?" Twilight questions.
"Um eleven years I think..." I say looking over the bright blue water. Water has always been able to calm me when my mind feels troubled, but now it fails to do so.
"See how could you think that they wouldn't let you stay with them. They are your family." Twilight says and then fly's over to see the other cats.
I begin to day dream about things I've read in books like spells and potions. The clicking of boots brings me back to my senses.
"So I hear your Mirajane, Elfman and Lisanna's younger sister. Its a pleasure to meet you." A firm voice says behind me.
I turn to see a red haired woman with a shining suit of armour, she places a hand on my shoulder and smiles at me.
"Um yes I'm their younger sister my name is Luna, I don't know if you remember but we've met before. You came to mine and dads home looking for a crystal cave." I say turning to face her.
"Of course I remember you Luna, we told the Strauss siblings about you when we got home and they looked like they remembered the name. When we went back you were gone and the cave was blocked, there was a job in the area so we decided to check on you." The woman says smiling.
"You really went looking for me? Well its good to see you again Erza." I say smiling brightly at her.
"Would you like me to introduce you to the other guild members on the boat?" She asks me.
"Um maybe once we reach land, I kinda wanna spend time with Mirajane and the others." I say wiping down my dirty brown dress. "I wish I had nicer clothes. All of my nice ones are back at the Crystal cave and they probably don't fit me anymore."
"You need new clothes? Why didn't you say so." Mirajane says walking over to me.
She takes my hand and leads me to inside of the ship, there is a large crate with her name on it and she pulls a key from the pocket of her beautiful pink dress.
"You can use something of mine if you like, your about my size even though your younger than me. Hmmm How about this? It looks perfect for you." Mirajane says pulling out a pale blue dress with a dark blue belt. "These too and I'll sort your hair out for you." Mira says to me while pulling out some silver and blue flats and a pale blue hair bow.
As I begin to change out of my brown dress Mirajane walks over and places a hand on my dragon mark.
"Did he give you this?" She asks.
"Yes he gave it to me when I turned ten. He said it would always protect me from things that could harm me, and ever since I had it I've felt safe." I say and pull the dress over my head.
It sits just about on my knees and the belt sits just underneath my breasts. The silver shoes fit onto my slim feet and I feel like a different person.
"Is this really me? When I was with dad I would always wear black clothes because I would hate to get the pretty clothes dirty and broken, I would also never wear shoes like this because they weren't good for sliding down the cliff face where I used to live." I say as I admire my self.
"Well when we get to Fairy Tail you can wear all the pretty clothes you want, its such a shame that you never really had a childhood." Mirajane says as she combs my messy hair. "You were forced to grow up too quickly much like the other dragon slayers in the guild. Also I couldn't help notice that Natsu had a thing for you." Mirajane says as she ties my hair up half way with the blue ribbon.
"Natsu? Really? You think he wants to be my friend?" I ask turning to face Mira.
"I don't think he wants to be your friend Luna. Also I wanted to ask if you and your Exceed would like to join Fairy Tail when we arrive. Some of the members might have their reservations only because you were raised by a demon dragon, but me Elfman and Lisanna would be happy to have you." She says smiling at me. "Your so pretty, just like Lisanna."
"And you Mira." I say and wrap my arms around her.
She hugs me and then we walk back onto the deck of the ship, where Twilight comes flying over to me wearing a simple blue and pink kimono.
"Look Luna, Carla gave me one of her Kimono's to wear since my old one was broken. She's Wendy's Exceed, and that's what my kind is called. I'm an Exceed." Twilight says slipping into my arms.
I smile and then notice land in the distance.
"This is the port town Hargeon, its where we'll get off and head to Fairy Tail. You thinking of joining?" Natsu says placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I don't know...Will people like me? I mean I'm the reason we were stuck on the island for seven years..." I start but Natsu cuts me off.
"Its not your fault, Acnologia may have been kind to you but not to the rest of us. Also how could people not like you? Your sister is one of the strongest wizards in the guild so people will know not to mess with you. Also from the attack that you did to your own father." He says sighing. "I could never do that to my dad Igneel, he was a dragon too. Your luckier than most you were able to spend more time with your dad, the rest of us had to fend for our selves. But don't worry Luna, not only will you have the Strauss family looking out for you but I'm here too." Natsu says giving me a huge grin.
"Thanks Natsu, I just hope the others at Fairy Tail are as kind as you are." I say and rest my head on his shoulder.
He goes ridged for a second and then places his arm on my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, there is this feeling inside of me that I cant describe...
"He liiikes her!" A blue 'Exceed' yells looking at me and Natsu.
"Shut up Happy." Natsu says and we continue to stare at the land that's getting closer and closer.
"Hey Natsu, why aren't you sick anymore?" I ask remembering him barfing over the side of the ship earlier.
"Wendy cast a spell on me with her sky dragon slayer magic. Its called Troia, and it stops me being motion sick, its um my biggest flaw." He says blushing slightly.
"Don't worry, I get it too." I whisper into his ear.
He smiles at me and then we just stand there only to hear a giggle from Mirajane behind us.
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