Chapter 45
Luna POV:
I land back down on the ground with Mirajane on my back, she jumps off and stands close to me. I then catch a scent, I look around in the direction of the scent and then snarl.
"I knew you'd do that to me Lucy, Yukino!" Rogue says walking towards them, he smiles and then looks at me. "And you Miss Luna, well I didn't think you'd actually go through with it. Seven dragons are still more than enough, and who knows. That number might go up to eight."
I take a step closer to him and then growl, a deep inhuman growl that comes from my very core. I can see some of the guards looking scared of me, but I don't care right now. Rogue needs to be stopped, along with the dragons.
"To tell you the truth, ten thousand dragons would have been hard to control." Rogue says with smile.
"What are you talking about?" Mirajane asks.
"It's him...the one who told me our future..." The princess says.
"He's the 'future man' who lied to her highness?!" Arcadios yells.
Lucy then takes a step forward and speaks. "You...was this your plan all along?!"
Rogue holds his hands up to the dragons, they roar to him almost like they are under his control....
"Listen ignorant masses!" He yells. "I declare the age of man at an end. Now begins the age of Dragons!!"
The dragons roar back to him as they flap their wings, each of them taking flight.
"Now, dragons, to open this new age...murder every wizard in the city!!" Rogue yells as the dragons disperse.
Each of the dragons begins to fly off, and the city fills with screams.
"You mean the dragons are doing what he says?!" Twilight asks terrified.
"The secret spell to control dragons...Dragon Supremacy Magic!" Rogue yells as he jumps onto the back of a dragon. "I'll leave all this to you...Zirconis!"
The dark green dragon flaps it's wings so it's now hovering in the air. He laughs and then looks down at everyone. "Ha Ha Ha! You humans look tasty!" He yells licking his lips happily.
I flap my wings so I too am in the air, focusing my eyes on Zirconis I charge at him knocking him to the ground. With a roar I land and scratch his chest with my claws as he laughs.
"Who would have thought another human would turn into a dragon!" He yells laughing. "Some people are so stupid! But they make tasty snacks, take a leaf out of my book doll. They are better for a meal, but you need to pick the right ones."
"I am not a dragon, even if I might look like one I am human!" I yell at him. "And you will not hurt my friends!"
I then catch the scent, one I haven't smelt in a while. Turning my head away from Zirconis I see him, battered and bruised standing up on a tower. I quickly flap my wings and fly over to him, his eyes are focused on Rogue but the closer I get his eyes soon fix on me.
"Natsu!" I yell as I get closer.
"Luna!...." He yells looking at me with shock and pain in his eyes.
"I'll explain later, jump on!" I instruct him.
Natsu snaps out of his daze and then jumps onto my back, I then quickly fly over to the dragon carrying Rogue. Rogue's eyes are hard and he glares at us.
"Natsu Dragneel, and Luna Nightwing..." He mutters through gritted teeth.
"Don't ware our names out." I snarl.
"Natsu, can't you even die properly?" Rogue asks with a smirk, he then looks down at his dragon and yells at it. "Get them!"
The dragon then comes charging at us, flapping my wings I dodge the dragon as it charges. Moving my new body isn't as easy as it seems, I have extra appendages that I need to think about. My tail whips around destroying the tower that Natsu was once standing on, flying above the dragon I arch my head back and send a powerful roar onto it. My normal roar seems like a child's' compared to the one I have now, I look back and make sure Natsu's ok when he points to the dragon.
"Drop me down next to Rogue!" He yells at me.
"You got it, jump into my hand!" I yell as he makes his way down into my large scaled hand.
Then using as much force as I can I send Natsu shooting at Rogue, his body engulfed in brilliant crimson flames. He crashes into Rogue with the force of a bullet, he begins to send punches to Rogue in order to try and get the upper hand. The dragon roars in pain from the force of Natsu's attack, and I can't help but feel sorry for it.
"Look at the city!" Rogue yells. "It's too late to do anything now! It's all over!"
"What are you after!" Natsu yells.
"Do you I said that seven years from now, the world had been taken over by dragons?" Rogue asks. "Well, it wasn't the dragons that came through the door that did was just two dragons, Acnologia." Rogue then looks at me. "And his daughter! Just those two dragons ruled the entire world! No wizard guild could stand against them, we spent our days living in fear! I figured out a secret spell which could control dragons, but it didn't work on them. Soon enough, only other dragons could defeat the two Apocalypse dragons."
My body shakes slightly in fear, I'm going to destroy the world? I would never do something like that, was I even capable of something like that?
"That's what brought the dragons here?!" Natsu yells.
"Not the only reason. Once Acnologia is defeated...I will be the king of the dragons!" Rogue yells, as he begins to laugh. "I will become the world's sole ruler! The thought makes me shiver!"
"I smell dragons!" Natsu says looking around. "Eight of them!"
"One of them is me Natsu, and the other seven are the ones that came through the Eclipse gate!" I yell at him, getting slightly annoyed with Rogue.
My anger soon gets the better of me and I send my fist crashing down on the dragon that Rogue and Natsu are currently on, then arching my head back I roar loudly.
"Can you hear me!!" I yell looking down. "Dragon slayer magic can take down these dragons! There are seven dragon slayers! And there are seven dragons! Our magic is meant for today! RIGHT NOW! The whole reason we dragon slayers exist is to fight right now!"
"Damn you!" Rogue yells at me while Natsu smirks.
"Let's go!" I yell holding one of my fists in the air. "We're hunting dragons!!!"
Rogue looks around and then laughs at me. "Think all those years living with Acnologia are letting you down Luna, didn't you miscount the amount of dragon slayers we have here?" He questions.
"I can hear him!" I say looking towards the hills overlooking Crocus.
Rogue looks at Natsu, then at me with anger showing in his eyes. Looking at the dragon he's riding he calls out it's name.
"Motherglare." He says.
The dragon then begins to fire small eggs, sending hundreds of them down to the ground. Knowing Natsu can take on Rogue I fly down to the ground, the eggs begin to shatter and small dragons begin to explode from them.
"Everyone! If we want to kill the dragons then we need to make sure these little ones stay away from the slayers!" I instruct. "Keep them away from the slayers!"
"Luna?!" Erza asks.
"No time to explain, just stop the smaller dragons!" I yell swiping at some of them, taking them out.
Everyone then begins to take on the smaller dragons, they don't seem to be as strong as the big dragons. It's almost like they are only half dragon, and the rest of them is made from magic. I hear a scream fly through the air so look up to see what it is, my eyes widen in shock as I see a naked Lucy flying towards me.
"What the hell!" I yell as I catch her in my hand, quickly closing it to try and preserve her dignity.
"Thank's Luna!" She says to me and then looks at her body. "Do you have any spare clothes?"
"Don't wear them anymore." I say with a sad smile.
"Right." She says, looking for somewhere to hide her I put her into a bell.
"I'm going to push this, it'll keep you away until you find something to wear." I explain as she looks at me terrified.
Without a second thought I push the bell, and all I can hear is her screaming. Happy fly's through the air with Natsu in his paws, guess he went to check on Lucy because he's coming from the same direction as her. I then feel a sharp rip through my stomach, crying out in pain I'm pushed into buildings destroying them. Blood pools around me as I struggle to rise back up, I look up and see Rogue's dragon smirking it's mouth flowing with power. And I know in that second if I don't move, I'm dead. I force my self to stand and dodge the roar that comes crashing down where I just was, snarling I arch my head back.
"Apocalypse Dragon! ROAR!" I yell sending a blue beam through the sea of mini dragons.
Flapping my wings I rise up into the sky, and send the same attack directly into the face of Rogue's dragon. I hear Rogue cry out in pain as some of my attack hit's him, a deep growl rises inside me as I look at Rogue. Something begins to stir inside me as I watch him, he looks at me with determination in his eyes. Flying away from him I watch as Natsu begins to eat the fire dragon, really...of all things Natsu could think to do, he eats the dragon....
"Happy? What's he doing?" I ask.
"What Natsu does best!" He cheers.
"Luna! Take Laxus over to the castle! Wendy needs help!" Natsu instructs me.
"I'm on it!" I lower my hand and Laxus hesitantly climbs onto it, flying back into the air I go over to the castle. Wendy looks like she's trying her best to fight Zirconis, but she needs a little help.
I drop Laxus who's then caught by Mirajane, with a smirk I fly back over to Natsu who's still trying to eat the flame dragon. The dragon is thrashing and trying to push him off, but Natsu's not giving up.
"Brat...just what your connection to Igneel?!" The dragon demands.
"Igneel?! You know Igneel!" Natsu asks, hope in his voice.
"HE is a fire dragon like me, and my King!" The flame dragon yells.
"Is that right? Igneel is my dad!" Natsu says with a bright smile on his face.
The fire dragon then tells us his name is Atlas Flame, and he agrees to help Natsu since he is the son of Igneel.
"But tell me young dragon." Atlas Flame asks me. "How is it you are not under the false king's spell?"
"Because I am human, my powers transformed me into a dragon. But deep down I am still human, and a human can't be affected by a dragon's spell." I say to him, he nods his head and a small smile appears on his flamed face.
"You may have been human once, but you have the heart and soul of a dragon. Embrace your true self, and you will find the source of your power." He says to me and then fly's at full speed towards Motherglare.
I then think for a second, embrace my true self? I always felt that I embraced the fact that I was the daughter of the most feared dragon in earthland's history, but maybe I need to stop thinking of my self like that? I am not only the daughter of Acnologia, I am the sister of Mirajane, Elfman and Lisanna, I'm a member of the Fairy Tail guild. And now I'm a dragon, I need to stop hoping that I'll turn back to normal. I need to embrace this new dragon side of me. At this realisation I begin to take in the magic energy from the air around me, the magic energy being produced tastes like fresh water. So clean and pure, I feel my energy begin to come to it's peak as I flap my wings and rise into the air.
Looking down I notice the Fairy Tail guild members struggling under the weight of the dragon's attacking, so I fly down to them and begin to help them. Protecting those I can, and fighting off as many of the dragons as I can.
"Anyone who can't fight climb on my back! I'll keep you as safe as I can!" I instruct the members.
Some of them climb onto my back, but others stare at me shocked. Almost like they don't believe who I am, preparing a roar I aim so it goes into the ground. It causes my magic to flood into the ground, and then cause the very earth to crack. The magic energy pouring from the cracks then manages to hit some of the mini dragons, making it a little easier for the others. My body feels like it's brimming with power, but I know this fight isn't over yet.
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