Chapter 41
Luna POV:
We all stare wide eyed at the Lucy standing in front of us, the other Lucy looks devistated. Like she's seen something horrible, that has scarred her for life. Small tears fall down her cheeks as we all try to figure out what's going on, our Lucy looks really freaked out right now.
"Another Lucy?" Mirajane asks shocked.
"Wh-What is this supposed to mean?" Wendy stutters.
"It it Gemini?" I ask.
"Or the Scary Lucy from Edolas?" Happy asks, placing a paw onto his head.
"I know you've heard something about the Eclipse door across dimensional borders." The other Lucy begins.
"Wait a second, you can't mean..." Twilight says shocked.
"You used the Eclipse gate to..." Carla stutters with the same shock as Twilight.
"Yes, I came from the future." The other Lucy says still looking at the ground.
"WHAT!!!" We all yelled in disbelief.
I look at this Lucy and there is something about her that I don't get, if she's from the future then why did she come to the past?
"This can't be right?" Loke says while adjusting Arcadios.
"Please..This Country...will very soon." Future Lucy tries to speak and then collapses on the ground.
Natsu rushes forward and begins to shake Future Lucy's shoulders, I would rush over but my feet and legs are kinds numb right now. And I'm on Mira's back...
"Hey! Are you alright?!" Natsu yells shaking her.
I glance over and notice our Lucy is looking really pale, and we don't need two Lucy's passed out.
"Lucy? Are you ok?" I ask her .
"This is really creepy, why would I?...." Lucy begins as Natsu picks up the Future Lucy and puts her over his shoulder.
"We can't leave this Lucy here, let's take her and get out of here." He says and we begin to walk out of the underground dungeon we were thrown into.
"We need to send the flare soon." I say as we walk.
"The one that says that we've got Lucy?" Mirajane asks me.
"Yeah, although I doubt they were expecting we bring two of them." I say and she giggles.
"Hey Luna, how are your legs?" Mirajane asks me.
"Not too bad now, they have kinda gone numb. Which is a relief from the burning pain, or the raw skin pain." I say and she sighs.
"We need to get those treated, if they get infected you could be in trouble." Mira says adjusting me on her back.
"Don't worry about me Mira, I've had lots of infections through my time with dad. I've found ways to use herbs and other things to help them and I'm still alive, so don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I say resting my head on hers.
"I know, but I can't help but worry about you. I didn't for so many years, think of this as making up for it." She says and I can picture the smile on her face.
"I know Mirajane, and I wouldn't have it any other way..." I wrap my arms a little tighter around her neck, I was without her and the others for so long. I never knew what I was missing out on, and now that I found it I'm going to fight hard to protect it.
We walk for what feels like forever and Natsu finally pauses, looks around ad then sighs.
"We're screwed." He says and I mentally face palm.
"I never imagined we'd end up getting lost." Loke says looking around.
"I should have studied the construction of Castle-sama a bit..." Yukino says.
"Castle-sama?" I ask confused, she simply nods at me and then tries to figure out where we are.
"This is too much trouble!" Natsu yells then cracks his knuckles. "Let's get the information out of some soldiers!"
"Natsu, we have injured people here." Twilight says in a huff.
"Immature." Carla says and Twilight nods her head in agreement.
"But since we have all of these wizards here can't we do something?" Happy suggests.
"Not really Happy, we still have a team participating in the Grand Magic Games. If we do something in here, it could cause issues for them." Mirajane explains. "So I don't think it would be wise to do anything that can leave a bad impression of the Fairy Tail guild."
"Isn't it a bit late for that? Since we all eliminated the Kingdom's best executioners." Yukino points out.
"That's true, don't think we'll be in the king's good books even if we win the games." I say and glance over at Lucy, she's hardly said a thing since the Future Lucy showed up.
I look over and notice Loke trying to comfort her, but then he mentions something about declaring his love to both of them at which point Carla scolds him. Future Lucy then begins to stir, she groans a little and everyone rushes over to her to make sure she's ok.
"How are you doing Future Lucy?" I ask.
"Where are we?" She asks us.
"We don't know, it looks like the castles dining hall though." Wendy points out looking around us.
"So..We're still in the castle...?" Future Lucy asks and then rises to her feet, she rubs her head and looks a little confused. "If I remember right, after we escaped the palace of Hades we were all caught by the palace guards again. Then I need to tell you now..." She says looking very distressed.
"So you've already experienced everything Future Lucy?" Pantherlilly asks.
"What are you talking about Future Lucy, we'd never get caught like them right?" Natsu asks crossing his arms over his chest.
"I for one don't really want to get caught again." I say as Natsu picks me off Mirajane's back and places me carefully on his. "Hey who said you could move me?" I ask and he smirks.
"You're my girl, you stick with me." He says smiling.
I blush and then focus on Future Lucy, it looks like she's trying to remember something important.
"We were on the run, and came in close to Eclipse.." She says thinking. "Because we were so close to it none of us could use our magic, since it absorbs all the magic it comes close to."
"That's dumb." Natsu says in a huff.
"I think it was more bad luck." Future Lucy explains. "When that time came...we were all in prison.."
"That time?" I ask confused.
"Um Lucy, why did you come back to the past?" Wendy asks.
"To change it, so the worst future wouldn't come to pass." Future Lucy says, she begins to shake with fear as she speaks. The future she came from must be horrific...
"Worst future?" Natsu questions.
"Just what happened in the future you've come from Lucy?" Yukino asks carefully.
"More than Ten thousand dragons appeared, they began to destroy everything in their path..." Future Lucy begins, and everyone gasps in shock. "Everything began to burn, so many people were killed...It was horrible..."
"Wh..Wha...WHAT!" Natsu yells at the top of his voice.
"Where is your volume button..." I mutter, but in reality I'm terrified. Ten thousand dragons?! How are we supposed to kill ten thousand dragons?!
"How awful!" Twilight cries and Pantherlilly pulls her close.
"Do you think the dragon graveyard might have something to do with all this?" Wendy asks placing a hand on her chin in thought.
Natsu places me onto the ground carefully next to Future Lucy and then begins to gather different things that he can use as weapons. He even demolishes a suit of armor that was on display.
"Anyway we can't waste any time! Let's get ready for battle!!!" He yells.
"You'r going to fight?!" Lucy and I both yell at him.
I glance at Future Lucy and she looks shocked.
" believe me?" she asks with a stunned look on her face.
"Wait, it was a lie?!!" Natsu yells at her.
"No!" Future Lucy yells shaking her hands in defense. "But..I just thought that nobody would ever believe me..."
"Why would anybody doubt you Lucy?" Natsu asks as he picks me up again, I feel like a rag doll right now the way he keeps moving me...
Future Lucy smiles and then our Lucy walks over to her, she places a hand on her shoulder and smiles.
"It feels weird to say this to my self, but you need to trust in your friends more." She says and Future Lucy laughs a little.
"I'm giving my self a lesson, never thought this would happen. But you're right." She says smiling, and her smile is a true and honest smile.
"Um when the dragons came, you said we were in the castle. What happened to us?" Carla asks with a scared look on her face.
"Carla, maybe you shouldn't ask that..." I warn her. "We probably..."
"Do we die?!" Natsu yells terrified.
I feel Mirajane place a hand on my back, she grabs tightly onto the shirt I have on almost like she can't bare to let me go.
"I'm sorry, I can't answer that. There are some days that I can't remember, when I came to I remembered the Eclipse gate. But the problem was I didn't know what magic made it work, but I unconsciously opened it. It was weird but I trusted in the gate, that I would be able to go to the past. And it worked, I arrived in the past on July 4th X791." Future Lucy says.
"Wait, that's only a couple of days ago." Wendy points out.
"So eclipse can only do short time jumps?" Mirajane asks still holding tightly onto my shirt.
"I don't know, the gate I used to come here was broken. So maybe if the gate was at full working order then it might work better and be able to send people further into the past. There are lacrima's all over town, they are currently showing what's going on in the Grand Magic Games" Future Lucy explains. "What I would like you to do is go underground and find Jellal's group."
"Jellal?" Natsu asks.
"Yes, I've already told them everything. So they should be working on some type of plan, with any hopes they should have some type of plan by now." Future Lucy says. "I'm sorry, it isn't like I came from the future with any type of plan. I actually have no idea how we can avoid all of this..."
I look over at Arcadios and notice he's awake, and he looks shocked. I mean who wouldnt? Last time he was awake he was slowly sinking into lava, while we were all shouting at him and trying to save him. Now he's awake to find we're no longer in the dungeon but also that we have not only one but two Lucy's, if I were him I would have gone back to sleep...
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