Chapter 33
Luna POV:
As my eyes opened slowly I took a glance around the room, when did I get back to the inn? I stretched sighing in satisfaction when my joints popped, I then turned to see Natsu still fast asleep next to me. Smiling softly I bent forward and planted a soft kiss onto his lips, he sighed in appreciation and then opened his eyes.
"Morning Natsu." I say smiling at him.
"I could get used to waking up like that." He says pulling me into his arms.
I stifle a giggle and then stare into his deep onyx eyes, his eyes always hold adventures and joy. Its almost like I'm swimming in his memories, he runs his hands through my hair and then smiles at me.
"We have a day off from the games today, wanna have some fun?" He asks me.
"Sure but I need to shower and get changed first." I say and he releases me from his grip.
I pick up a towel and my toiletries and then walk into the bathroom making sure to lock the door and window, then I turn the shower on and step in. The hot water rushes over my body and I breathe a soft sigh, after washing my hair and body I turned the shower off and got changed. I put on a white pair of shorts and blue t-shirt, the t-shirt has white flowers dotted all over it and I complete the look with a blue hairband and a pair of white sandals. I unlocked the door and looked to see Natsu all dressed and ready, everyone else was still asleep so just the two of us were awake. I'm awake because I'm so used to waking with the sun, and well I woke Natsu.
"You look beautiful." He says smiling at me.
"Thanks Natsu, whats the plan for today then?" I ask walking over to him.
"Well I thought we could go out for breakfast and see where the day takes us, my lady." He says offering me his arm.
I laugh at how he can go from childish to a very mature person in about two seconds, I take his arm and we head out of the inn to a small restaurant. The waiter comes over and Natsu asks for a table for two, he nods and leads us to a small booth right by the window. After seating us he passes us two menus and asks us what we'd like to drink.
"Ice lemonade for me please." I say looking at the drinks menu.
"Sounds good for me too." Natsu says agreeing with me.
After we order our drinks I look at the breakfast menu, there are so many different foods on here that I've never heard of.
"What are you having Natsu?"
"The King's Breakfast! It sounds huge!" He yells startling everyone in the restaurant.
"Dont shout Natsu, your causing a scene." I say giggling behind my menu.
"I like hearing you laugh, it reminds me of bells." He says placing his menu down.
"Like bells?" I ask a little confused.
"Yeah, your laugh reminds me of the bells at cardia cathedral. When they ring on special days like christmas." He says as the waiter comes with our drinks.
"Sir, Madame." He says placing the two lemonades on the table. "Now what can I get you to eat?"
"One kings breakfast please!" Natsu yells excitedly.
"Um I'll just have a regular size breakfast please." I say smiling. "With extra berries."
"Very well, won't be too long." He says taking the menus away from us.
After about five minutes the waiter brings my food to me, and then three people bring Natsu's food. Natsu's breakfast consists of a plate full of sausages and bacon, one filled with toast, another filled with eggs, a plate stacked high with pancakes and a plate full of mushrooms tomatoes and hash browns. And to top it off a big bowl full of beans.
"Wow." I state looking at all the food.
"This breakfast is traditionally for groups of people, thats why there's so much." The waiter says sweat dropping.
"Thanks man!" Natsu says and begins to eat with gusto.
I watch in awe while he polishes one plate after another, I eat my single plate and then spend the rest of our time at the restaurant watching Natsu eat everything. He even polishes off a big jug of orange juice, after he finished his cheeks were drooping down his face and his body resembled a beach ball.
"Man I'm stuffed, that was good food!" He says rubbing his rounded belly.
"It was good, but you don't need to eat so much. One of these days your going to stay like that." I say smiling.
The waiters come back over and clear up the plates, we then pay the bill and head out. Natsu drags me over to a small fountain surrounded by flowers, I glance into the water and see the bottom of the fountain is covered in coins both old and new.
"Hey Natsu, why are there coins there?" I ask pointing to them.
"Kids throw them in to make wishes, haven't you ever done this before?" He asks me looking shocked. "Every time I went on a job if there was a fountain I'd stop and toss a coin in, and I would always make the same wish."
"What wish was that?" I ask intrigued.
"If you tell anyone the wish it won't come true, so sorry Luna. This one I'm keeping close to my chest." He says and rests a hand on his scarf.
I look at him and then nod, I know his wish now. He wants to see his father again, and I understand that wish. Although my dad might not remember me I would still like to see him again, even if it was for a second.
"Here Lu, you try one." He says passing me a round silver coin.
I turn so my back is to the fountain and then close my eyes, I think long and hard on what I want my wish to be. Then with a small toss behind me I toss the coin into the water, hearing the soft splash of the coin falling in.
"What did you wish for?" He asks me smirking.
I turn to face him then stand on my tip toes, pulling his scarf so his face is inches away from mine I brush my lips against his.
"My wish, is kept close to my heart too." I whisper and then let him go.
He smiles at me and then takes my hand, we head to a small park and sit down on the grass. My head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me, with a soft summer wind blowing through the grass I feel at peace.
My wish, is for us to be together forever.
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