Chapter 3
Luna POV:
As we put away the leftover's from breakfast, I tie my hair into a high pony tail using my black hair ribbon. It gives me a slightly dangerous look with my white hair and bright blue eyes, but I think I look good. I walk from the mouth of the cave and sit and wait. Daddy comes running out and then jumps off the cliff, I gasp and run to see if he's ok and notice he's now in his dragon form. I begin the long climb down the cliff and notice that I'm starting to be able to find my rhythm while I climb. I jump down the last part and then smile at daddy, I really like his dragon form. The blue and black make him look magnificent, so I walk over and smile at him.
"Are you ready for this? My magic is very difficult to learn and it will take time. But from the roar that you did earlier I think that there is a hidden dragon inside of you just waiting to come out. So Luna Nightwing. Are you ready to begin?" Dad asks me in his deep voice.
"I'm ready to do this. I'm all Powered up!" I yell and smash my fists together.
Dad laughs at me and then gets serious again.
"I want you to sit down and cross your legs, as if your meditating." He says looking at me.
I sit down and cross my legs placing my hands on my knees.
"Now imagine the magic energy flowing into your body, imagine the taste of it, the colour of it, imagine it filling your body." He says in a trance like voice to me.
I concentrate hard on trying to feel the magic energy around me, slowly I begin to feel a warm sensation around my body almost like comfort. I start breathing in through my mouth and get a cool taste in my mouth almost like mint, but its sweet at the same time like blue raspberry. I open my eyes not breaking concentration and notice a bright blue glow around my body just like the colour on daddy, my body is feeling fuller and fuller.
"Now give me an Apocalypse Roar, show me what a true dragon can do." Dad says stepping away.
I stand up and feel a surge of power rise inside me.
"Apocalypse Dragon! ROAR!" I yell and a bright blue beam comes shooting out of my mouth and manages to make a small hole in the cliff face.
"I did it!" I yell but then suddenly feel very dizzy.
I stared to fall back and then I landed in a large scaly hand.
"Why do I feel so weak?" I ask daddy looking up at him.
"Its because your not used to using your magic just yet, we'll work on more magic later. For now lets just practice hand to hand combat, its just as crucial as magic because some times you will run out of magic but you'll be able to rely on your combat to win the fight." Dad says placing me down onto the grass.
He changes back into his human form and then asks me to attack him with my strongest punch. I ball my hand into a fist and swing it at him with everything I have, he just laughs as my punch comes to his chest.
"Well that was pathetic, I want you to run three laps around the mountain before lunch. You have three hours so it should be easy for you, now hop to it!" He shouts t me and I start off running.
As I'm running I hear voices coming from somewhere, I ignore them and continue to run. I run as fast as my legs can carry me and find I haven't even made a dent in this mountain, I have only run about a 1/4 of the way. I keep running as the sweat drips down my body, its like nothing I've ever felt before the pain in my legs from running. I start to see little black spots in my vision and then everything fades to black.
I open my eyes and find there are people around me.
"I'm glad your awake. Can you tell us your name?" A red haired girl asks me.
"My name is Luna, Luna Nightwing. Who are you?" I ask looking at her.
"My name is Erza Scarlet, this is Grey Fullbuster. We're on a job together to find the crystal cave." Erza says looking at me.
"Doesn't she remind you of the Strauss kids that just joined Erza?" The boy who must be Grey asks.
As they continue to talk I notice its about noon.
"I'm sorry I have to go, my daddy is waiting for me." I say standing up, my legs instantly feel like jelly but I manage to keep standing.
"We can take you there if you need help." Erza says smiling at me.
"Nah I'll be fine, I'm a big girl. Besides people don't like daddy for some reason, but thanks for making sure I was ok. I hope I'll see you again soon." I say as I walk away waving to them.
"Who don't people like your dad?" Grey shouts as I walk.
"Must be because he's a dragon. Bye!" I shout and run back the way I came.
As I run I start to get a little scared that daddy will be angry with me and then I remember something, Erza and Grey were looking for a crystal cave. That's where daddy and I live.
"Daddy!" I yell as I run.
"Where on earth have you been Luna, I've been worried sick about you. Now tell me where have you been!" He yells at me.
"While I was running I felt dizzy and passed out, but when I woke up I met two people who said they were looking for the crystal cave." I say in a rush.
"They were looking for our cave? Did they say why?!" Dad says while picking me up in his hand.
"They didn't say anything." I say as he carries me to the cave.
He drops me off into the cave and then tells me to hide behind some of the rocks while he covers the mouth of the cave with rocks, as he continues to fill the mouth of the cave I get a little scared.
"Are they bad people daddy?" I ask as he finishes.
"They might be and they might not be, but we cant have them find our home ok Luna. We have to be very quiet for the next couple of hours just until we're sure they have gone, so why don't you wash up and then read your books I'll help you with words you don't understand." He says while finishing.
I move towards the back of the cave and practice bringing magic energy into my body, I keep pulling in as much as I can and then open my eyes wide. I can feel the power exploding inside of me and I then unleash a powerful spell.
"Apocalypse Dragon Roar!" I yell and a larger beam of blue energy came from my mouth.
The blast was so powerful it managed to make a huge hole on the side of the cave, I then start to lift rocks and other things to fill in the hole I made. Guess my magic is stronger than I thought. As I put the rocks back in place I hear the voices of Grey and Erza, they are running towards the hole I made.
"Anyone in there?" Erza asks.
"Please go away, daddy doesn't want anyone to come to our home." I say to them through the cracks.
"Luna is that you?" Grey asks.
"Yes please just go away." I say to them and then walk away.
"Wait Luna!" I hear them shout and then I block them out.
I cant let them get into our home so I walk away, I pick up one of my books and then sit down with one of my books. I pull my boots off and dip my feet into the cool water of the pond, opening the book I try and read the words on the pages.
"Need some help?" Dad walks over to me back in his human form.
We sit down together and he helps me read the book, and as the sun is starting to set I've successfully managed to read the whole book. While I was practicing the book dad went and took away the rocks from the mouth of the cave.
"Luna where did this hole come from?" He asks me as he looks towards the hole I made.
"Um I was practicing my magic and made a hole, sorry." I say closing the book.
"You really managed to make that big a hole? And fill it back in with rocks? I'm so proud of you!" He says picking me up and swinging me around. "You actually managed to perform the spell! Now you can start to practice other dragon slayer skills." He says putting me down on my bed.
He helps me to change into a white nightgown and brushes my long white hair.
"You look beautiful with your hair like this, how about I braid it down your back for you?" He asks me.
"Ok daddy." I say and let him work on my hair.
He brushes it 100 times and then braids it into a thick braid down my back. He then lies me down on the bed and then tucks me in under the fur and sheets.
"Night Luna." He says kissing my head.
"Night daddy." I say and let sleep claim me.
Acnologia's POV:
As I watch Luna fall asleep I feel a strong urge to go to the mouth of the cave. Walking over there I see someone I hoped I would never see again.
"Master." I say to him bowing.
"Acnologia, why do I sense a child in here? Don't tell me your training someone?" Zeref says to me.
"Yes I am... Her name is Luna Nightwing." I say not looking at him.
"How could you, if I ever need you. You will have to leave the child, all other dragons will be leaving on July 7 in the year X777. You will do the same." Zeref says about to walk away.
"No." I say to him.
"What..." Zeref says, a dark aura surrounding him.
"I cant leave Luna, I will be staying with her until SHE leaves. Please master. I will do anything you want just don't make me leave her, she has so much potential and could become a great asset to you." I say with my hands in fists by my side.
"Very well, she may stay. But I will be coming every year to check on her progress she will not know me as Zeref the Black Wizard, she will know me as Z a boy who is your only friend. Are we agreed?" He says to me offering me a hand.
Its the only way that I can give Luna a normal life...
I shake his hand and then he disappears in a cloud of black smoke. I sit down at the mouth of the cave and watch as the last rays of sunlight fade from the sky, the stars start to appear and the moon shines down. I look back and see Luna fast asleep inside the cave.
"Oh Luna....I'm sorry for everything I'll put you through. But I promise I wont let him hurt you, even if I do have to leave you. I swear it." I say and walk over to her, I lie down next to her and fall asleep listening to Luna breathing softly.
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