Chapter 12
Luna POV:
As we sat on the train my stomach was not being my best friend, I thought there was enough of the last potion to keep the effects going but apparently not. And this time it was me AND Natsu who were trying to keep our breakfast from making an appearance, I kept my eyes close as Twilight gave me small sips of water. Natsu however had just been hit over the head by Erza and was now unconscious on her lap.
"So Luna what was your childhood like?" Lucy asks closing her book.
"Not too bad. Most of my time was spent learning things." I say taking deep breaths.
"Like what?"
"Don't be so nosy!" Twilight snaps.
"Twi!" I say harshly looking at her.
"Don't worry I'm used to it with Carla." Lucy says waving her hands.
"What do you mean by that?" Carla says flying into Lucy's face.
I laugh and then sit back glancing out of the window, Erza then places a hand on my lap and smiles at me.
"So which stop Luna?" She asks me smiling.
"Next one." I say sighing.
I exited to get off the train and as soon as the train stopped I jumped out of the train carriage onto the platform taking deep breaths.
"Smell that fresh air Twilight, nothing beats it." I say running a hand through my hair.
"I must say it is nicer to been in fresh forest air rather than town air." She says sitting on my shoulder.
As everyone climbs off the train behind me we start the long walk to the cave, its about five miles from town which was why dad used to fly me there. We start walking and at about mile three Natsu, Lucy, Grey and Wendy are all complaining.
"Why is it so far!"
"Are we nearly there yet?"
"My feet hurt..."
"Cant we rest..."
"Don't worry everyone its just another two miles, I would do this as my training. Well this or run around the mountain a couple of times." I say walking.
"Luna is right stop complaining all of you." Erza says walking next to me.
We continue to walk and then the mountain comes into sight, I quicken my pace and then come face to face with the cliff face. Everyone takes a deep breath and then starts making plans for a ladder to climb up, I however let Twilight fly to the top and rub my hands together.
"Luna what are you doing?" Natsu asks coming next to me.
"Climbing how else do you think we'll reach the top?" I say and then begin to climb.
After years of doing this my body instantly feels at ease and with the wind whipping around my face I climb all the way to the Crystal Cave. I find some rope that dad used when I was younger and toss it down to help the other up, Natsu and Wendy had Happy and Carla so that's how they got to the top but Erza, Lucy and Grey had to depend on the rope. Natsu helped me to pull them all up and then we all walked into the cave.
"This place is amazing..." Wendy says in awe.
"Outstanding..." Erza says picking up a crystal.
"Please take a seat around the fire pit and I'll get some supplies, we used all the wood last time we were here so I'll go and get some. See you in a bit." I say and then jump off the cliff.
Everyone yells at me as I jump but I slide down the cliff face in the same black boots that I bought all those years ago, when I reach the bottom I realise that the clothes I changed into before we left was the right choice, Lucy gave me some pink shorts and Mirajane gave me a red t-shirt with a white lace trim on the arms and bottom. So I walk along and pick up some sticks and logs that someone has left and then climb back up the cliff, I place the wood into the fire pit and Natsu lights it with his magic.
"Right let me get my pot." I say and pick up a silver pot and fill it with water from the pond that is still slightly warm.
"Now what are you doing Luna?" Erza asks me.
"Well I need to make some more anti sickness potion, I don't want to feel that sick again. Its my own recipe that I've developed over the years, now were is my book." I say picking it up. "Right so to start off I need a strand of my hair..." I say and list the ingredients one by one.
I then place them all into the pot and leave it to simmer over the gentle flames, while everyone else looks around the cave I walk to my room. The walls are studded with purple blue and pink crystals and the bed is made from quarts crystal to some it might seem uncomfortable but I have a feather and moss mattress which is very nice to sleep on, there is a fur rug on the floor which in winter is amazing because the cave gets so cold that there has to be a fire in every corner to stop us from freezing. On my book shelf there is every book I have ever owned and resting on the top, is a picture of me and dad. I pick it up in my arms and feel my heart break a little, so I walk over to the pond and pull my boots off slipping my feet into the cold water.
"You ok Luna?" Lucy asks sitting next to me, she crosses her legs and then places a hand onto my shoulder.
"Yeah I just miss my dad, no point crying though." I say holding the picture tight in my hands.
"Why cant you cry Luna?"
"Because its not what I do, crying all the time like a big baby. Dad never liked it when I cried so I never did." I say placing a hand on the water and watching the ripples dance on the clear water.
"Well you can now, sometimes we can only express how we feel through our tears. Like when Mirajane found you those weren't sad tears they were tears of joy, she had found a piece of her heart she didn't know was missing. So if you need to cry Luna, don't be afraid to." Lucy says and wraps an arm around me.
"Thanks Lucy.."
"Don't mention it."
"Luna the potion is ready!" Twilight yells at me.
I step out of the water and slide across the cave floor towards the fire pit, pulling the pot off the flames I carry it over to the pond and place it into the water. The hissing from the extreme heat hitting the cool water makes steam rise, so I then place the pot back onto the cave floor and begin filling up all the potion bottles I have which is about thirty. You only need a small amount of the potion for it to have an affect so I fill them all to the top.
"Hey Luna, Erza has cooked some food so were all going to eat here. That ok?" Grey yells at me.
"Sure don't worry, I'll be there now." I say walking over.
We all sit down eating and talking, and before we know it the sun is setting over the horizon. I walk over and sit on the edge of the cliff looking out as the sky changes colours and the clouds dance across the sky, everyone else lies down using spare pillows and falls asleep around the fire. All but one.
"This is an amazing place Luna." Natsu says walking over and sitting down next to me.
"Yeah, just wait till the stars come out. Its like they shine brighter just because of the magic energy here. The crystals shine in the starlight too." I say rubbing my hands together in the cool evening air.
"Cold?" He asks me.
"A little."
He moves closer to me and wraps his arm around me and pulls me close into his chest, his warm body heat makes me feel very sleepy and before I know it I've fallen asleep. But not before he carries me over to the flames and lies me down next to him and we both fall asleep in each other's arms.
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