Part 2 Cursed
As Acid, Xeno, Fang and Erza, get closer to their destination, Erza seems rather...distracted, she has for some reason, a bad feeling as they get closer to this abandoned Dark Guild, however before Erza could say anything, they arrived to the Guild's front door, Runes written in stone, warning of this Dark Guild's power, the Guild once known as Monster's Heart, "Stay on your Guard Erza, people say that things are still here, you take Fang, and I'll go with Xeno." says Acid as he pushes the doors open, "Aye My Lord." says Xeno with his hand on his chest over his heart, Erza giggled and lets Fang slither up onto her, wrapping his tail around her stomach, and resting his head on her head, Acid and Xeno walk in, followed by Erza and Fang, Erza and Fang take the upper parts of the Guild to inspect any form of habitation, while Acid and Xeno go downstairs, looking for any thing living.
"Acid, do you feel like something is watching us?" asks Xeno, "Yeah, this place definitely has something crawling.." says Acid, the two unaware of the spiders watching them from the ceiling, "Erza, I ssssssmell sssssomething up there." says Fang, his eyes shining in the dark, and is the eyes for Erza in the dark, "What does it smell like?" asks Erza, "Human, no, ssssomewhat human." says Fang as he lifts his head and gets ready to strike just in case. meanwhile downstairs Xeno and Acid got separated, Xeno stayed behind and started to fight the spiders, using a sword that was stuck into the ground, that he then pulled out, while Acid continues walking, he walks on, and ends up into what seems to be where they used to hold potions in this Dark Guild, most of them are black, some blood red, and or a slime-ish dark green, he scans the entire room, everything seems, clear, however, behind Acid the wall shoved him, being a creature that was camouflaged, knocking Acid into one of the racks, it was empty, except for one bottle, Blacker than midnight, Acid fell on the ground, and the bottle dropped down onto him, soaking him, he then began to violently twitch, the twitching stopped, he then got back up, and decided to do something to that creature, true Acid Dragon Slayer Magic is his first Magic of choice, but he knows a second Magic, "Well that was easy of you." says Acid, as he unwraps his right arm, showing that his fingers where normal but to the wrist, it was covered in black scales, leading up his forearm, breaking apart, "Ever seen a God?" asks Acid, the creature now visible, slowly backs up, feeling it's instinct to flee, but ignores it, at that Acid discards the bandages, and punches his fists together, at that black acid lines his right fist while regular acid lines his left, "ACID DRAGON GOD SLAYER RAGING WRATH!!!!!" yells, Acid as he sends his black God slayer acid and the regular Dragon slayer acid that swirls itself into a beam and strikes the creature that attacked him, and slowly starts to melt away, when nothing left but the creature's bones lay in the puddle of Acids, the Dragon God Slayer, huffs, and goes into a cold sweat, his eyes start to blur, and then he collapses on the ground, with that Fang listens, and alerts Erza, "Erza, Acid, hasss fallen." says Fang, "Bring me to him!" says Erza, as Fang then nods, and slithers off of her, and Erza follows him to the potion room, grabbing Xeno along the way, who has killed the spiders with ease, "Where are we going?" asks Xeno, "To Acid, he has Fallen!" yells Erza, scared of what they might find.
When they go inside they find Acid laying down on the floor, Erza opened her eyes wide, seeing Acid's right arm for the first time, Xeno goes over and nudges Acid, "He's fine, just tired, he hasn't used his power in a long time." says Xeno happily, Erza smiles and bends down, and lifts Acid up, she carries him on her back, all the way back to Fairy Tail, taking time, they arrived during the night, and once they got there, luckily, everyone was still there, Acid still asleep, but Erza now exhausted from carrying him, "I can't carry him to his place..." says Erza, as she looks at the sleeping Xeno and Fang that sleep on top of Acid, "How about I take him?" asks Mirajane with a smile on her face, Erza nods, and falls over, exhausted making Mira laugh, and then she gets Acid, Xeno, and Fang into a large wheelbarrow, and carries them to their home. the Drackenspucken house being a semi large cottage like building placed in the forests, Mira opens the door using the key that Acid hides under a rock, and carries them inside, struggling, because she can't use the wheelbarrow inside, she drops Fang and Xeno off in the living room, which is where they normally sleep, and then she carries Acid up to his room, she then plops him down on the bed, tucks him in, and pauses, she looks at his right arm, and touches it, feeling the scales, "So this must be the price you payed for learning Dragon Slayer magic..." says Mira, as she then looks to Acid's sleeping face, she leans closer and pecks his cheek softly, she smiles and slowly walks away, she licks her lips, tasting Citrus, when she leaves, thats when things go down hill...
In Acid's sleep he dreams that he is surrounded by darkness, "Where am I?" he asks himself. He tosses and turns, he sweats more in bed, as something painful begins, still laying down on the bed, he lifts his chest up in agony, it's obvious to tell that something isn't right, his body slowly changes his head becomes more serpent like, his arms and legs change, his entire body changes, growing a tail, scales take over his entire body, everything becoming black, like the scales that are on his arm, his eyes change, their normal green irises turning blood red, the Fairy Tail Emblem's color changes to red also, but looks more spiky, resembling something more of a Dark Guild version of Fairy Tail, the changed eyes shot open, he is temporarily changed into a beast at night, one that he calls himself, a Basilisk.
the Basilisk form of Acid gets out of bed, and destroys his room, the plants that are in his room die by the touch of his tail.
(The Basilisk from God of War, just imagine without that head, the sail, and the finned sides, and a tail more arrow tipped.)
(and the Basilisk Head from Harry Potter, *shrugs.* Didn't feel like drawing it really.)
Acid in this new form, fights anything that he see's, getting used to this new form, soon taking control unaware. Now in the morning, he finds himself laying on the floor, his floor in his room, nearly everything destroyed, he quickly ran into the bathroom, and took a long shower, his eyes closed, and facing up at the faucet, remembering only his dream, "I'm a monster aren't I?" he asks himself, his dream showing what he did to his room, slowly like an old record, playing, he sighs and turns the water off, gets out, and gets dressed, as soon as he does, he goes into the kitchen, and made sure that his bedroom door was locked and closed, in the kitchen, he noticed something strange, there was a plate of food already out, when he got closer and inspected it, he found a note from Mirajane, "Dear Acid: It's me Mira, if your wondering how you got here, you where carried from your mission on Erza, Erza became too tired to carry you, and I volunteered, I made you breakfast before I left and I used one of your constant heating plates to keep it warm, sorry that I'm not there to see you eat. Sincerely Mira." at that Acid smiled, "I love my family.... the question is...will they love me still?" asks Acid as he slowly eats the plate of eggs, while Xeno and Fang wake up and help themselves to leftovers. Once they all had their fill they would walk to Fairy Tail, so that Acid could give Mira a big hug for the meal, being the kind and thankful person he is.
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