Part 1 Shadows and the Past.
In a dark corner of the Fairy Tail Guild, a single green eye is watching the other members fight, Natsu and Gray going at it again, Lucy trying to stop them but only to fail, earning chuckle from the one hiding in the corner, and at that two more eyes appear, small eyes, small green cat like eyes. "Acid, why are they fighting again?" asks Xeno a black tails tuxedo looking cat with green eyes, "Well, Natsu wants to fight Gray as usual, Gray is trying to retaliate, and Lucy is trying to break them apart, luckily Erza isn't here at the moment." says Acid as he opens his right eye, showing that it has the Guild mark in it, at that a second pair of Green eyes show up, the pupils snake like, "Perhapsss, you sssshould break them up." says Fang, a talking Green snake, considered as the Familiar to Acid, and the source for his Dragon slayer Fuel, at that Acid sighs, and gets up, his pants black wrapped with caution tape around the legs,, wearing a half sleeved green shirt with a name tag, saying 'Acid' and on the chest it has an emblem of a serpentine dragon, his long black hair on his head, and on his right side, his right arm is wrapped up, each finger wrapped, his right eye replaced with a crystal eye with a Green Fairy Tail guild emblem that some spots are black, and on his left side, strapped to his hip is a sword, the sheath also, wrapped in caution tape, he held his 'bandaged' arm out, and a Dragon Slayer Glyph opened in a green color, "ACID DRAGON SLAYER CLAW!!!" says Acid as a stream of Acid comes out of the glyph and slices between Natsu and Gray, causing the two to break apart, "THE HELL?" yells Natsu, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Screams Gray, "One, you two are too loud, Two, Erza could come in at any minute, and Three your naked." says Acid, Grey looks down and covers himself quickly, "WHERE DID MY CLOTHES'S GO!?!?!?!?!?!" Screams Gray as he goes on a Scavenger Hunt for his clothes, Lucy holds Natsu like a child, and stares at Acid, feeling rather, curious, about his story.
"Why are you starring at Acid?" Asks Xeno, "Just curious, where did he come from?" asks Lucy as she sets Natsu down, and holds Xeno in her arms, "Well it happend a really long time ago..."
Acid when he was a young boy, lived happily, with his parents, that was until, they came, Dark Mages stormed into the Village, and killed everything he knew and loved, his father and mother died to protect him, if it wasn't for a childhood friend, who hid him in a giant pot, then he would of been taken also, and maybe murdered, the next day he stumbled through the forest, and in the darkest part of the forest, where the trees make acidic fruit that could kill a man, he found a Serpent Dragon named Acidera, who then raised Acid as her own, she slithered down from the tree, and opened her hood, showing off her green markings, her scales on her back all black some having green accents, to make them stand out. "Where did you come from?" asks the Dragon serpent, "I came from a village, destroyed, I'm just looking for a possibly family..." says Acid, Acidera raises herself up, her hood still open, "I know how you feel, let me show you something." says Acidera, Acid nods, and as soon as he does, Acidera turns and slithers away, Acid tries to catch up to her, as soon as he does, he finds her looking at a damaged nest placed into a temple, "What is this place?" asks Acid, "This was my Nest, my Children where slaughtered before they hatched.." says Acidera, her tone going straight to sorrow, "Who slaughtered them?" asks Acid, at that Acidera looks at hi, and says "Acnologia, the Black Dragon." "...I avenge you." says Acid, his face hidden showing rage that another Dragon took the life of young hatch-lings that haven't hatched yet, and at that Acidera lowered her head, and touched Acid's forehead, and from then on, she raised him as her own, teaching him Acid Dragon slayer magic, that was until that day, the day that the Dragons left, Acid promised to search for his Mother, and to Avenge the family that he never had, along his way travelling, he lost his right eye, luckily, before Acidera left, she gave him a crystal ball in the shape of an eye, "This will give you sight when you need it." says Acidera, upon the day he lost his eye, he calmly placed the crystal into his empty eye socket, and if by an unseen magic it stuck in, and functioned as an eye, after more travelling, he found the beloved Exceed Xeno, in an egg, after more travelling he found Fang's egg, and then once both where hatched, he came across Fairy Tail, which he fits right in perfectly....well somewhat.
"And that is Acid for ya." says Xeno, Fang nods in agreement, as he slithers around Lucy, "Acid, isss difficult, he keepssss to him sssself a lot." says Fang, Lucy pets Fang calmly, strange, normally she runs from Snakes, this one seemed kind, and loving, "And Erza is back." says Acid as he waits for her, "Whats up with Erza and Acid?" asks Lucy, "Their friends." says Xeno, "Plusss sssssshe promisssed to go on a missssion with him when ssssssshe getssss back." says Fang, "And also that Acid and Erza have some history....Lucy do you....LOVE HIM?!?!?!" Asks Xeno with a smirk, at that Lucy gets angry and throws Xeno into the air, "NO!" Yells Lucy, as Xeno says "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" and flies across the Guild hall and perfectly lands on Acid's back, Fang slithers off of Lucy and follows.
Instead of taking the Train, Erza, Acid, Xeno, and Fang walk through the forests, stopping for camp, "Erza, why are you stressed?" asks Acid without even looking at the stressed and tired Erza, "It's just, my Magic is a bit down, I just need time."says Erza as she lays down on her stomach, "Can you...." asks Erza as she blushes, "Give you a massage?" asks Acid, seeming to catch on to what Erza needs, he gets up, and gets closer to Erza, as he does Erza changes her armor to her Clear Heart clothing, Acid calmly touches her back, she twitches, and then lets him massage her back, his touch soft and warm, he presses not too hard, and not too soft, though his bandaged arm makes Erza giggle a bit. later on Erza becomes more and more relaxed, and her Magic slowly starts to rise.
In the morning Erza wakes up to find Acid awake, and seeming to have had no sleep, once they pack, and Acid preparing breakfast, they go on their way, to some place dark...
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