victory royale
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
"I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS." I SAY BLANDLY, ARMS CROSSED. I was standing next to an equally unenthusiastic male with crazy hair, and evident bags under his eyes. He gave a sour laugh.
"Yeah, me neither. But shit happens, what can I say?" I gave him a side glance, a smile forming on my face. He nudged my arm, making me look to the front. "Shinsou Hitoshi, by the way." He introduced lazily. I gave a shake of my head.
"Boy, you sound like you want to be in a coma. I'd join you if possible." I smirked, watching as Scorpio explained the basics and the order of events we were to do. A light chuckle came from my right.
"You have no idea." Everyone seemed to nod, as if agreeing with the teacher. I nodded as well, not wanting to look like the odd one out.
__50 Meter Dash__
After some explaining and setting up, I stood at the starting line of the 50 meter sprint. My gaze was down casted, waiting as I scuffed my shoes. I glanced up to see my two other competitors. The glasses boy who got K.O'ed by me, and a girl with green hair, who was currently on the ground in a squatting position.
I didn't bother getting into a running position as I just stood, ready to run as soon as the whistle blew. A robot at the other end waited for us, ready to retrieve out results.
"On your marks, get set, and GO!" Scorpio yelled, however, the end of his shout was warped and slowed down, making it reach low decibels. I jogged to the end, not wanting to go full sicko mode just yet. I stopped and the sound of wind resumed, as well as the sounds of my competitors taking off. I watched as they passed, a look of horror displayed on the glasses dude as he does past me. The frog girl took a few more seconds, and didn't seemed to be as fazed as the other male.
Gasps came from the students watching as I silently walked back to the group. I regained my position besides Shinsou and gave a quick glance to everyone staring at me.
"0.0007 seconds?! How is that possible?!" A voice cried out in shock. I looked over to Shinsou, a look if surprise on his features.
"I... didn't take you to have a speed quirk. That's pretty neat." He nodded. I glanced at a guy with curly green hair, his eyes wide.
"Super Speed right?! That's so cool! How does it work?" He asked hurriedly, a notebook in his grasp. I scratched the back of my neck.
"Its nothing special, just speeds up my system and makes everything around me slow down a lot." I lowered my hand and shoved it into my pocket. "For real though, it actually sucks ass when you think about it." I frown. He was taken aback from my language, but nodded none the less.
"Lets continue everyone. Next three up please." Scorpio directed, taking the attention off me. I gave a thankful nod to the legend, and watched the next trio step up to the line.
After everyone had run their races, the scores were recorded, putting me in first for now.
__Grip Strength__
I held the device in my right hand, a small frown on my face. Two ribbons of green matter slid down my forearm, wrapping around the device. They coiled around it, squeezing it as I did. I let go, and the two bright ribbons absorbed into my skin. I read the score.
"420 kilograms." I breathe, a smile on my face. I turned to Scorpio and gave a grin and a nod. "Mission accomplished captain."
__Standing Longjump__
I was the first one up due to Scorpi-ass's confidence in me. I sigh as I stood at the edge of the sandpit. I could've had a run up, but I wouldn't have needed it.
Putting my hands behind me, five small orbs culminated at each of my finger tips. They glowed as they quickly stored power. I jumped upwards, making the small orbs on the tips of my fingers to quickly expand, and in turn, explode. I was blasted across the sandpit, making me land on my boots on the other side, clearing it. I shook my hands, making green dust particles fly around.
"YOU BITCH!! YOU STOLE MY QUIRK!" I looked up to see a spiky haired male run towards me, his palms outstretched behind him. Explosions thrusting him forwards. I gave a sigh. Activating my super speed, I merely sidestepped him in slow motion. When I blinked, he went flying by, completely missing me.
"What a furry wannabe." I sighed as I walked back to the group, ready to watch everyone else.
__Repeated Side Steps___
Using my speed, it was easy to just hop from line to line at a steady pace. It was weird to see everyone watching me while they're in slow motion, but I guess I'm just used to it.
___Ball Throw___
"Alright everyone, this is the last event. Then, we can go back inside and do whatever." Scorpio looked down at a device he was holding, which was used for showing results. Mcsplodster, or the spiky haired kid, went first. Bakugou I think. He seemed pretty confident.
He stood in the circle and gripped the ball, a huge smirk on his face.
"DIE!!" He screamed, throwing the ball in a frenzy of explosion and smoke. He looked over to the half scorpion teacher, awaiting the results.
Scorpio nodded. "829.8 meters. That's pretty good, Bakugou." He remarked. The boy only clicked his tongue before glaring directly at me. He pointed a finger at me.
"You're going next copy-bitch. If you use my quirk, I'll kill you." He threatened, a grin smile on his lips. I gave a shrug.
"Whatever bruh. Scorpi-ass, chuck us a ball." A walked out and caught a new ball from Scorpio. Bakugou bumped my shoulder harshly as he went back to the group. I paid it no mind and I walked over to the circle. Standing in it, I looked over the field, seeing the edge of the school grounds.
With an empty left hand, bright green particles flew from my finger tips, and into the air, making the outline of a bat. When the shape was full, I gripped the handle tightly, making the bat harden. Tossing the ball into the air, I activated my super speed. Everything slowed down once again, including the ball still in the air.
I quickly made adjustments to my bat, like smoothing out all the rough edges and making the handle a little cleaner. When I was done, the ball was already in front of my eyes. I took a step back and got ready to smash it. Bat up against the ball, I held it back so it was barely touching my head, and gave it a massive swing.
"yEET!" I blinked and saw the air around the ball create small tornadoes as it flew.
Sounds of cheering and comments came from behind me. I leaned on my green bat as I anticipated the results. A weird expression was on Scorpio's face as he watched the screen.
"It, uh, it's at Gang Orca's hero agency." He turned the phone around to show me. I gave a grin.
"Nice." I hold the bat lightly as I return to the group, the particles of the object absorbing back into my palms and up my arm through my veins. Gasps and cheers came from the group.
"Just how many quirks do you have?!" A guy with a black streak in his hair exclaimed, a shocked look on his face.
"You're crazy strong!" Another person shouted. I gave a shrug.
"Well, I have two. Y'all already know what one is." I explain, giving a small shrug. A girl with black hair in a pony tail held a hand to her chest. Obvious double d's.
"Its such a strange quirk. Even I don't know." She sighed, disappointed in her tone. I was about to say something, when Scorpio beat me to it.
"Alright, who's next?" He asked, making everyone turn back around to look at him. I saw a hand go up, but I wasn't too focused on it. Instead, I caught a pair of pissed off eyes glaring at me. I gave a tight smile as I held up my hand in a circle finger gesture. Bakugou seemed confused as he turned away, scowling. I let out a hum.
"Got 'em." I mutter under my breathe, returning my attention to the student throwing, recognising him as the kid who was really excited to learn about my quirk. He threw the ball while yelling 'SMASH' at the top of his lungs. The wind whipped around it as it flew through the air. I looked over to Scorpi-ass to see him flip around the phone, revealing the score.
922.2 meters. Pretty good.
I looked back to the guy and saw him smile with glee and pride. He walked back and was complimented by his friends, I assume anyways.
What would I know about friends anyway? That's a little too much maintenance.
After everyone had done their throws, we walked to the change rooms, myself going into the girls'. I walked into a stall and proceeded to change back into my baggy clothing; black sweats and a gray hoodie. I walked out to see the girls all congregating at the mirror. They all turned when I walked to the door. I gave a wave before leaving, not wanting to socialise anymore then I already had today.
I swear I need a medal or something.
I walked into the classroom to see all the boys already seated and talking to one another. Most stopped and turned at my entry. I didn't see a giant scorpion man anywhere.
"Ah shit. Wrong room." I mutter, turning on my heel to the doors.
"Wait!" I stopped and turned, unsure of who called me. I saw a guy with spiky hair and shark teeth stand up, palms on the table. "Why do you wear a hoodie and not a uniform? I know you don't go here, but you did the test with us. It doesn't make much sense." He explains, staring at me. I gave a shrug.
"Got a problem with gray? Even if I were made to wear a uniform, it wouldn't be official." I gave a shrug. "I'm... in training to be a hero. But by different means. That's why I don't go here." I explain, making the other male nod.
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