You can only have 80 characters in the title
Storytime! So I was trying to see how long the title could be, so I typed out this whole list of reasons that Captain America was overrated, just to see in the top left corner that they couldn't save the title because ThE tItLe WaS mOrE tHaN 80 cHaRaCtErS. YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME THAT BEFORE, HUH?
I hindsight I should have probably saved the rant, but I didn't.
I actually don't have much to say today. I was just planning on seeing how long I could make the title. I could rewrite all my reasons the Steve sucks, but it was really long, so I'll paraphrase:
1. All that's special about him DID come out of a bottle, and he wasn't even smart enough to invent the serum
2. He's sooooo boring. LeT's Be RiGhTeOuS is such an uninteresting personality
3. He's kind of the reason the Avengers broke up. When Tony got understandably mad because he found out Bucky killed his parents(spoilers!), Steve tried to KILL Tony for being mad because Steve is a vanilla dick
Disclaimer: the rest chapter is also not at all going to be about asexuality
Disclaimer #2: The rest of the chapter IS me complaining
So I have to play field hockey for my school team because YoU hAvE tO sPoRt so I have to get in shape and I have to run and running sucks and I hate running. Also I've spent the last six months or so getting into this thing where I only do stuff I want, so I'll get myself to want to do my homework or want to get up early, and it's really nice and refreshing, but exercise doesn't give a shit about what you want. It's all about pain and I hate it
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