We writing a book!! Part 2
Okay!! So so far what we've decided is:
The main character is gender fluid and they go between female, Demi-girl, and agender. If anybody is gender fluid, agender, or Demi-girl, can you tell me what it's like and stuff? I don't know a ton about them, and I want to write them well.
Next is names. I'm gonna write the ones y'all said (plus maybe a few more), and comment on the ones you like :)
Also side note but I googled gender neutral names and one of the options was Lennon????
They're either going to be short or tall because votes were split equally on that
Their personality will be sarcastic, hardworking, and argumentative. For hardworking I was thinking maybe they could work fervishly for things they're motivated about but also won't try at all for things they don't acre about. Thoughts?
They're an ambivert
Their flaws are that they're not comfortable with being serious, they care too much about what people (especially parents) think of them, and they put others first to an unhealthy extent
Their greeting is either hi, 'sup fuckers, or *silence* (which is honestly me wow)
What they call other people was kind of spread out, so I'm gonna write all the ones that got comments and y'all can vote again
-you/you guys
-my dude(s)
-encased skeleton(s)
-Fellow deception(s) 😏
-Or alternatively, fellow (random noun)
Their motivation is kind of complicated because they say it's for sleep and to get everything over with, but it's actually that they want platonic love and approval from everyone/society, their parents, and someone who has previously hurt them (which could also be their parents/society)
They're aromantic
They're somewhere between 14 and 17, so please comment which year in between all those
Their comfort topics are pro LGBTQ+ rights and memes/boomers
They do theater, writing, and they're on the speech team. They like watching Netflix, but seeing from their other hobbies, they don't have much time for that. There are a lot of speech events, so I'm gonna write the names and a brief description of some and y'all can choose
1. Congressional debate (model congress or congress): Basically you get bills a week before a tournament and you have that week to come up with arguments for or against these bills. Then you debate them like it was in the US congress. It's pretty cool.
2. Extemporaneous speaking (extempt) : This one's one of the hardest if not the hardest event. You get a question about politics and have thirty minutes to basically make a five paragraph essay on it complete with sources and all that. Then you have to present it, but you don't have your notes, so you have to do it from memory (People write out the points for the essay, they don't actually write it out)
3. Impromptu speaking (impromptu): This is sort of like extempt. You get a word or phrase or current event or something and have seven minutes to come up with ideas and then present a speech about the word/phrase/event.
4. Prose Reading (Prose): You perform a story written by someone else. The thing about prose is that most of the speeches that do well are about someone's death, so either you present the heaviest shit ever or you don't get a good score from the judge. You get to keep a small black binder with you while you're presenting with the speech so you can check that if you forget it.
5. Duo interpretation (duo): Duo is REALLY cool. It's two people who present a story together. These stories are often pretty heavy too, but not always. I'm gonna attach a link for an example (they don't all have singing). Those one's a memorized event, so no binder.
6. Original Oratory (OO): You write a speech about something that should change. Some really interesting ones have been why we shouldn't measure growth as just going up, and how we need to check sources more for debaters. AND it's not all about death!! You don't get a binder (I think). Also yeah, it's pronounced owo
7. Informative Speaking (info): this is the same as OO except you write about some (generally niche) topic and inform the judge about it. This one doesn't have a binder, but you do have slides with images to show the judge that help's illustrate your point.
8. Children's literature (Kiddy lit): This is the most over-the-top of the events. You choose a childrens' book and perform it with different voices and poses for each character and all that. The motto for it is basically "no shame." You get a binder.
9. Declamation (dec): You present someone else's speech, and it's memorized.
10. Programmed Oral Interp (POI): This is a cool event. It's pretty new, so not a ton of people do. Basically you choose a very niche specific topic to explore (for example my friend is doing one on why the concepts of heaven and hell/the afterlife in general show up in so many religions). You combine a lot of different genres like poetry, stories, speeches, etc. to present your idea.
11. Poetry Reading (poetry): You present a super long poem and shorter, related poems for memory.
12. Multiple Reading (mult): This is also a really cool event. It's like duo but with five to eight people. You get a binder
There are some more that I didn't include either a.) because I don't know them as well or b.) I don't like them (Specifically group discussion and radio broadcasting for anyone who does speech)
Where they're from: So I got a LOT of suggestions. I got a bunch for having it in the south United States, so I'm down to do that, but y'all have to tell me a bit about the culture and all that because the south and where I'm from are pretty different.
I forgot some things, so here's more character building:
-Oof (That's a BIG oof, quite an oof, oofer, etc.)
-Oh fuck
-That sounds like a you problem
-I aced that
Parents (I'll make it work, just comment on the ones you want):
1 mom
2 moms
3 moms??
1 step mom
2 step moms
1 dad
2 dads
3 dads??
1 step dad
2 step dads
For non-binary, there's no set term, but there were some suggestions, and I liked zaza, so we're using that (it's like mama or papa but with z)
1 zaza
2 zazas
3 zazas?
1 step zaza
2 step zazas
Siblings (some thing):
1 brother
2 brothers
3 brothers
4 brothers
5+ brothers
1 step/half brother
2 step/half brothers
1 sister
2 sisters
3 sisters
4 sisters
8 sisters
1 step/half sister
2 step/half sisters
3 step half/sisters
1 nb sibling
2 nb siblings
3 nb siblings
5 nb siblings
1 half/step nb sibling
2 half/step nb siblings
3 half/step nb siblings
Is their family bigoted??
the parents are but the kids aren't
-bird (parrot!!????)
-nope rope
-other (comment)
How many friends do they have?
-none :,(
-they have like 3 close friends and a bunch of less close friends
-they're friends with nearly everyone but not super close with anyone
Are their friends bigoted?
-Muy bigoted
-Casually LGBTQ+phobic
-They're all/mostly LGBTQ+
Comment the languages they speak
Now, for what they look like:
Hair color:
-light brown
-dark brown
-Black (I know people don't actually have black hair, fuck off)
-some pastel color
-Some bright color
-pixie cut
-eboy hair (short in the back with bangs in the front)
-shoulder length
-longer than that
Is it curly?
-As straight as the guys who wear shorts in 20 degree weather
-A little wavy
-loose curls
-MUCH curls
Skin color:
Just comment the code (ex. A1) and their ethnicity
Eye color:
-light brown
-normal brown
-dark brown
-It changes
Body type:
Stick boi (unhealthily skinny)
regular skinny
a little bit of fat but not really
You know female goddesses in greek statues? Kind of like that
Much muscle
I'm gonna make another chapter for figure out the details of the plot and all that, but do y'all have any base ideas? Or intricate ideas, those are good too. Also if you have a piece of an idea that's also great. So yeah, please comment those :)
By the way I forgot to mention I'm on my school's speech team, and anyway I'm going to be writing a speech for OO, and if y'all could help me out a little, that would be great!!
So what I'm writing about (I don't exactly know how to put it into words) is that we also think about how unrequited love affects the person it's directed at too. Which I know sounds very much like a pity piece about the boy that likes me, and it partially is, but I read a text post about it a few months ago, and that's what the idea is really from.
I also don't plan on calling out the boy who likes me because I'm not a dick. The speech has to be about 10 minutes long, so I need some content to talk about.
So far what I have in my head is to start with that thing that goes "love is like a magic penny. Hold it tight and you won't have any, spend it, lend it, and you'll have so many; they'll roll all over their floor." And then say something like, "but what if you love someone so much that *insert how you supposedly feel about a crush*" and then something like "and when you finally build up your courage to ask them out, they say no. How could they?" (obviously it's gonna sound better than that, this is just the gist of it)
And then I explain how it looks from the other person's perspective. And somehow I'm gonna also talk about how a lot of school shootings have happened because because a guy was rejected by a girl (ex. parkland which I know had more to do with entitlement but if it's partially my reason too).
But beyond that, idk what to write about, so if y'all know anything related to that, that would be spectacular
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