We're writing a book!!
So sorry I haven't been on in a while. My teachers like assigning tests all on the same day so that has been wonderful
Anyway we're writing a book today!! Imma give options for different character building stuff (we're making a well rounded character so actually we're just writing a character today) and comment on the option you like best
First off gender:
-Non-binary (and then please comment if you have a specific gender you want)
For names, there are quite a few, so please just comment some names you like :)
How tall are they:
-Is it a paper clip? Is it this character? Who knows!!
-They need a megaphone to talk to normal people because they're so high up
Top three personality traits:
-Has 2 braincells
-Tries to cheer everyone up
Introvert or extrovert:
1-2 Big flaws
-Cares too much
-Not comfortable with being serious
-Too competitive
-Super Petty
-Non confrontational
-Speaks over other people
-Overly concerned with what others think of them
Their Greeting:
-'Sup Fuckers
-Salutations my dudes
-Hola bros and hoes
-Greetings y'all
What they call people:
-you/you guys
-my dude(s)
-My man/my guy
-meat/flesh bag(s)
-encased skeleton(s)
-A relative
-Sleep/To be able to have a normal life
-Platonic love (I'm taking the agency to decide that our main character is ace)
-Romantic love
-Approval from _____ (fill in the blank)
Romantic Orientation:
-Other (comment it)
How old are they
-49-72 (The boomers (technically it starts at 54 but let's be real))
2-3 comfort topics:
~Basically they like to talk about these things the most and revert to them when they're uncomfortable/unsure~
-Pro Feminism
-Anti feminism
-Pro Lgbtq+ rights
-Anti Lgbtq+ rights
-Pro global warming
-Global warming isn't real
-Haha boomers
-Kids these days are always on their phones
-A hobby
-playing cards
-Speech/debate (I decide the event (:)
-Sfx :)
-downhill skiing
-cross-country skiing
-Just like... watching netflix
-Hanging out with people in general
-Other (comment)
Where they're from (Comment)
If you have any other ideas for categories please comment them :DD
Thanks y'all
Also there's a kid that most definitely likes me and I think he's very annoying, and I don't know how to tell him. We know each other because we're part of the same temple, and we go to the same school, but we've never talked in school. He started snapping me a lot and he wasn't very interesting to talk to, and he snapped me A LOT. I check snapchat about once a day or so, and I wasn't exactly eager to snap him, so I might have started ignoring him a little bit (I'm within my rights as a human being; he was annoying and I had other stuff to do). SO THEN HE TEXTED ME to ask why I wasn't answering his snaps.
Fun fact about me! I'm not very good at being mean. So I started texting him with short answers that didn't move the conversation along, hoping he'd take a hint. BUT HE DOESN'T. He always texts me about anything under the sun, and then when I don't answer quickly he asks me why I'm not answering. And I tell him I have stuff to do.
So he says he'll we can talk when I'm done. And then he'll text me to ask if I'm done. According to my friends, and I'm pretty sure to, he definitely likes me. And like it's super sweet and all but being the recipient of his crush is EXHAUSTING. I don't know what to do because he hasn't said he likes me, so I can't say I don't like him, and I feel weird saying something like "Just to clarify, I don't like you."
But if I say something less harsh like "We're just friends, right?" I'll know he won't take it as a sign I don't like him. And like he's giving me a Spiderman keychain because he offered it to me ("like a best friend necklace") and I didn't know how to say no. At least it's not homemade, so he couldn't have put that much effort into it.
And apparently for my friends, these are the kinds of things (minus the friendship keychain) that guys did to them right before they asked him out. And if he asks me out, what if I panic and say okay or sure or something that he'll take as a yes????? I'm not kidding when I say I'm bad at saying no.
Yeah anyway so that's happening...
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