Various opinions that don't warrant entire chapters
In a turn of events, I wrote a title that completely describes the purpose of this chapter!!
1. I'm not a Marxist, but when he said that it's an incredible feat that humanity has figured out how to be so productive that we don't need everyone to work, and we should celebrate that instead of spitting on those who are not needed to work, that was a good idea. ~I think the flaws Marx identified with capitalism are all very good, but evidently his solutions were less good~
2. A lot of movies and shows seem to have this idea that being a minority is a plot point? I mentioned it a while ago, but it seems like they use the maximum amount of non-minority traits they can, and then pile the minority traits on a character who's unimportant to the plot and call it representation. It's like they have a sign in their offices that say "the main character and love interest must have at least five of these traits: straight, white, skinny, cis, christian or atheist, and able-bodied."
And we all know that the media has bad representation, but the what I mean is that it's like they think that having minorities clouds the story or something.
3. One of the things I really like about not being completely allo is that I now have an understanding that you can get fulfilling emotional relationships, and you don't have to date or marry or any of that to be happy. It takes people generally a long time to realize that if they ever do, so I'm glad that I've learned this while I'm still at a non-committal point in my life.
4. I do a thing called not being confident, and a side effect is that before I say something, I degrade it, so if someone doesn't agree, they won't judge me or whatever (This is kind of a stretch but..., this isn't really a good idea but what if..., etc.). Which is fun and all, but then you talk to those people who haven't really learned how to think, and they assume that when I say that it's not a good idea, it's actually not a good idea.
And on one hand it helps my self-confidence because instead of having that part of my brain spending its energy hating me, it goes to hating that person, and so it lets me have the fact that what I said was actually good. But that doesn't mean it's a good thing to do because it's really annoying when people think they're right all the time.
Also I got corduroy shorts today and they're really great!!
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