The Dance
So basically my mom was trying to force me to wear a dress to a school dance that wasn't even supposed to be formal. I hate dresses, and she knew that, one bc I haven't worn one in 5 years and two I KEPT TELLING HER and she kept asking me why and trying to get something out of me, and I really had nothing to tell her, I just don't like dresses, but apparently for her I have to have a specific reason. Then she made me try on a bunch to the point where I was having a breakdown bc she wouldn't give it up, then she apologized once I started crying (which I almost NEVER do) and then she proceeded to ask me if I wanted to be transgender and I got super pissed and i know she was worried I was having dysphoria or however you spell that but she knows I hate it when people mistake me for a guy, and she knows I hate this stupid haircut that SHE gave me that makes me look even more like a guy and she doesn't understand that I DON'T NEED A REASON TO NOT LIKE DRESSES so I told her no, so she agreed to let me wear formal pants. Again, for an event that half the people weren't even dressed up for. I get to the dance with 2 of my friends and we go sit down and judge people, as three introverts would do at a social event. Then one of my other friends and her date get there and they go do their own thing with little interaction with the rest of us, which I can understand. Then my friend's (I'll call her crackhead) friend comes and I don't really like her (I'll call her redhead) so I leave them alone and hang out with my other friend (I'll call her rainbow head). A little bit later, my two other friends arrive (meme queen and pikachu) and we all hang out for a bit. The first thing that annoyed me was that the food cost money after they charged $8 at the door, and it's not like they were funding a dj or anything, there were just kids playing crappy pop music. Second thing was the amount of people and volume level. And third was my friend's (shortbread) date, which I'll get into later. So then crackhead comes back over to me and everyone else and so does shortbread and her date, so we're all together. But then, crackhead and meme queen leave. No explanation. Then rainbow head and pikachu leave. No explanation. Then finally, after shortbread and her date bought themselves soda, they left WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION. And they left their wallets and stuff with me. And we also had a set time to leave to go to crackhead's house, but they were gone for like 40 minutes, which was 20 minutes over. And in that time, out of all people, shortbread and her date came to check on me, the two people I'd let off the hook for not wanting to hang out with me. I said I was fine cuz I didn't really wanna get into it and she left. I tried to look at memes but the service is crap at my school, so instead of looking for my friends, my dumbass just sat there being mad.
Anyway, I would've gone outside but I didn't wanna leave their stuff. So I stayed there until rainbow head and pikachu came over to me and told me we were leaving. So I finally found out where they were and I waited YET ANOTHER 10 minutes for them to get their shit together, then we left. On the walk to crackhead's house, crackhead apologized for being a "crappy friend" and I felt really bad bc it wasn't really her fault, it wasn't anyone's fault, maybe my mom's for already putting me in a crappy mood, so I said it was fine.
we get to crackhead's house, and we sit around and eat food. Pikachu goes into another room and crackhead follows. Meme queen and rainbow head keep asking if I'm okay which makes me feel worse, but I can't let go of my bitch face for some reason so I kinda just looked pissed for the rest of the night. Anyway, so I go into the other room where crackhead and pikachu were, and crackhead tells me to go away really harshly. So I immediately understood bc pikachu has had some issues in the past, especially with her family, and it would be understandable that they wouldn't want me in the conversation, bc I'm the kind of person who involuntarily laughs at death when nothing is funny about it. So I go back to where the other two are, and I don't feel like talking to them so I go into the bathroom and look at memes in the dark bc why not. So after maybe 10 minutes I go out, and they're all in the same room, I assumed they were talking abt pikachu's issue. At that point I felt really excluded and still kinda pissed from before so I went back into the bathroom and looked at more memes. Once I heard them talking about me, I went back out and pretended I was fine, which was true bc I think I was just overreacting. But they still never told me what was wrong. I heard something about pikachu kissing a girl or something and her mom not being okay with the LGBTQ+ community
Anyway so I assumed her mom was just not accepting her or something. I would've tried to help but they didn't really include me so I assumed they didn't want me to be in the conversation. So that was my crappy day that I'm gonna try to forget, now lemme tell u abt this dood, I'll call him tomato bc his cheeks were always red.
so my friend, shortbread, got asked to the dance by this guy. And a day before, they were at a school football game together where I was working, so I got to meet him afterwards. At first he seemed pretty cool, but then, out of nowhere, he called shortbread's mom a milf. And me and crackhead and my other friend (I'll call her marvel) were all nervously laughing and looking to see shortbread's reaction, and apparently she just decided to ignore it. So I'm walking away with crackhead and i said it was weird that shortbread didn't have a reaction. And crackhead told me that he also made an Asian joke. (Crackhead and marvel are asian) so I was like yeah ok, I don't like this guy anymore. So at the dance the next day, when I was third wheeling them, the song low came one. And whenever the lyric "give that big booty a slap" played, he slapped her ass. So I just glared at him the whole time. Yeah, so that was a while ago, like a couple weeks, and when she tried to break up with him lightly, he interrupted and said "yeah, I never liked you anyway." So that's that.
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