So apparently I'm not the only who thought I was gay
I came out to one of my friends today (Eyal) and he basically said "yeah I thought so" which was fine because intricacies or friendship, you know? But so anyway, apparently he thought I was gay for a while because I have "lesbian energy"? And I have another ace friend who apparently also has lesbian energy, so like what?
I think it's because people probably do stuff that isn't obvious when they aren't attracted to the gender they would be if they were straight, and none of us are really about getting that dick. And then people don't really consider asexuality because asexuals existing in real life??????? We literally don't.
ALSO I do student congress, and I'm the only girl with more than ten guys, and all of them except Eyal act a g g r e s s i v e l y straight. I get along with them all pretty okay, but if I ever raise my hand for them to throw me something, and they don't, there's always one kid that goes ThAt'S sExIsT, and they make those jokes like DoN't AsSuMe ItS gEnDeR and stuff. Like stfu, y'all are not funny.
So as I said, Eyal's there, and he's the only one there who's chill, so naturally I talk to him far more than anyone else. And as it turns out these wearing-shorts-in-20-degrees shit heads keep saying we're dating and now refer to Eyal solely as my boyfriend.
And then today Eyal proved that there are far less asexuals in the world than 1 in a 100 (and he had facts and sources and all that, and he's just ridiculously smart so I trust everything he says), so I was upset about that because most likely I'm the only ace in my grade, and then all the Straight Guys were constantly going on about how we were dating, and it was not a fun time.
On a different note, I WILL write the story, I've just been super busy, but I'll have the first few chapters done soon enough. Should I post them on here or make a new book for them?
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