My friend is an insensitive shit and y'all get to hear about it
I said this before but I'm mad about it so here's a more detailed version. I told my best friend a thought I might be aro, and what does she say?? She goes aww that sucks. And I figured it was one of those pity things that are like "aww you can't love people," so I told her its fine AND THEN SHE SAYS
"no because now we can't date best friends"
And at first I was like "whatever, she doesn't have much a filter"
And w h e n e v e r I bring up asexuality she gets disinterested, but then she talks about how her bf kIsSeD hEr ChEeK for at least ten minutes. OH MY GOD WOW HE KISSED YOUR CHEEK THAT'S CRAZY BETTER GO BUY A PREGNANCY TEST !! YOU'RE SO FAR IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP !! SO CUTE !! COUPLE GOALS !!
I feel like whenever I bring up asexuality with straight people they get really disinterested. I know and follow the general rule of "an aspect of your identity should not be your entire personality," but wow. I ranted to another one of my friends about how coming out sucks and he says "good job you realized the eternal lgbt dilemma" and then "now if you excuse me I'm going to go to the heterosexual only zone"
I did just sort of dump my problems on him without asking, so that wasn't good of me. But my point is that straighties really hate hearing about asexuality and I don't understand why. I listen to all their random interests, so why can't they at least pretend to care about this part of my life??
On another note, my squish still has a girlfriend, and wow. I didn't realize I'm a jealous person, but surprise! People can't be perfect obviously, but my squish is literally flawless, and I'm so so so so so so so so jealous of her girlfriend. But I like everyone in the wrong currency, so it wouldn't matter even if she liked me back !!
Also my squish and I have gotten into a sort of competition of who can dress more bisexually (we're going shopping next week so she can help me buy flannels!!) and I made a joke to my best friend (the self-absorbed one)(though on second thought then I guess she isn't really my best friend at the moment) about how I was dressed more bisexually today because I was wearing sweatpants, but I'm short, so I cuffed them.
And I'm a total dumbass because my squish apparently hadn't come out to my best friend and then my best friend got all pouty about how my squish hadn't come out to her. She's straight, so she hasn't experienced coming out to other people, so I get how she could feel a bit hurt that someone she's close-ish to wouldn't tell her something.
So the thing about my best friend is she's sort of the toddler of our friend group. We call her the little. She doesn't really have a filter, and she gets butt hurt easily, and she can sometimes cause a scene, and as it's Friday, we're all tired, and her toddlerness increased, so I understand that usually she might not be this insensitive, but right now I'm tired of her shit.
Anyway my squish is amazing, and I haven't told anyone I like her because I'm not really ready for people to know I like girls, so I have a lot of overflowing... appreciation? for her, so here is some of it:
There is only one (1) thing that I can think of that could be considered bad: she doesn't like cheese. Now y'all liking mint I can understand, but if you guys don't like any kind of cheese (including cream cheese and cheese sticks), then what?? She's the only person I've met who hates all cheese, so I guess I'll just be confused (and disappointed in you lol) if y'all also hate all kinds of cheese
But that's still a good thing because I can tease her about it.
Anyway, she's so perfect and easy to talk to and funny and nice and I don't understand why she doesn't have a line of people wanting to date her. But since she's literally perfect, and I'm useless at hiding stuff, I'm worried she (and everyone else) can tell I like her. And that's super bad because SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND
Yay!! Squishes!!
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