My FREAKING friend
Hey guys! I swear when I get upset or angry, so if that offends you, you might not want to read this chapter.
So I have this friend, and I love her, but she can be REALLY insensitive, as you'll be able to see because I'm done and about to go on a rant.
So, asexuality came up. Guess why! We were talking about crushes again (I swear guys I actually rarely talk about crushes). So I have a friend, and he has some power or something but every singly person who becomes friends with him goes through a stage of having a crush on him. I have a friend who's lesbian, and she said if he was a girl, she'd have a crush on him. I shit you not. Every. Single. One
He's the kid I told you about who I had a squish on. Anyway, he came up, and I don't really trust this friend, who we're going to call Evelyn, with secrets. And squishes and crushes and all that count as secrets. So, I say, "no, I didn't like him," because it came up that everyone who's friends with him has gone through a stage of liking him.
So Evelyn says, "Well, obviously you don't. You're asexual, so you don't have crushes." I know I should correct her, but if I don't, then I can use it as a way to get out of whatever bullshit she's giving me (She can't comprehend the fact that I can be just friends with boys).
THEN she proceeds to say, "How does asexuality even work? Like 'I like his personality*sexual moan.*'"
Everyone obviously tells her that she's wrong and that asexuals don't want to have sex with anyone, SO SHE SAYS, "How can a relationship work without sex?"
On a side note, I've been saying 'I shit you not' a lot recently.
AND she knows I'm asexual, so right in front of me, she fucking denied the existence of my sexuality.
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