More about how to help
Hello!! I have done more research, and it is easier to make another chapter of ways to help than to edit the last one a lot.
First I'll write ways you can help that don't cost money, and then I'll add some more charities you can donate to (also with descriptions of how they help)
So first off, here is a super easy way you can donate if you don't have money to donate.
All the money that is generated by ads is donated to charities that are listed in the beginning of the video. I have it playing while I'm writing this. I've heard that if you watch it over and over, youtube will count it as spam, and it won't count your views or something, so watch this, then watch 3-5 different videos and go back to this and watch it again.
Ooooh in the comments I found a helpful thing:
Please follow these: 1. don't watch it on repeat.2. don't watch it in a playlist.3. Don't fast forward or skip.4. Don't skip the advertisements.5. Watch with atleast 480p and half the volume.6. After watching this, watch 3 to 5 any other videos then search this video (don't click it from your watch history) and watch it again.7. Don't clear watch history and search history.8. Comment and like this video.9. Share this in your social media platforms. - from a K-Pop fan that streams music videos for views :)))
⬆️Here is a whole list of petitions you can sign. Also if you need a postal code and you're international, you can use 10001 for New York or 90030 for LA (I'm pretty sure you can use any 5 number combination and it will be a zip code for somewhere but correct me if I'm wrong on that). I still don't know how to imbed links, so like last time, I'll comment the link
⬆️Here are places to email or call to demand George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and Julius Jones, who is being sentenced to death for a murder that there is hardly any evidence that he committed(and there is plenty of evidence that shows that he didn't commit it)
If you are going to protests:
As I said before, please be safe. If your hair is long, tie it up (tear gas is easier to wash out of tied up hair, and it's also just cooler). Bring goggles or at least some sort of eye covering, but goggles are preferable. This is for two reasons: COVID-19 is generally spread through aerosolized virus moisture bits that get into your eyes, nose and mouth, so wearing a mask and goggles protects you from that. Also, if there is tear gas or pepper spray, it's important to protect your face from it. Bring water so you stay hydrated, and it can rinse away tear gas. Also bring snacks because you'll probably get hungry. Bring money (but not too much) and an ID. Also bring protest signs, first aid supplies, washcloths, and earplugs.
DO NOT bring jewelry, anything you don't want to get arrested with (like a knife or drugs or anything), or contact lenses.
ALSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please read this part especially:
You need to understand the cause of riots and looting. Most of it is being done by people who aren't there to support the black lives matter movement or George Floyd. They just want to cause destruction. Secondly, the people who do it and are part of the black lives matter movement are doing it out of frustration from centuries of oppression and overt racism while politicians and people in general pretend that America is post-racism.
If you are white, you have NO excuse whatsoever to instigate violence by causing damage to property or people or in any other way. Because of your skin color, you are at a much lower risk than people of color and black protestors especially. As we have seen, the police are more than ready to hurt anyone, and by attacking officers verbally or physically, you could be putting people around you in danger.
If you're black, I feel that I shouldn't be telling you how to protest because I am here to support you, not take the reigns, but please be safe and smart because you are all lovely amazing souls, and the world needs you to be alive and well.
If you can't protest because you are someone you live with is high risk or for any other reason, there are other ways you can still help.
-If you live near a place that a protest is happening, you can open your window and hold signs and chant along to show your support.
-You can hand out supplies like snacks, water, masks, hand sanitizer etc. You can also put these things on a basket on your stoop if you live near where protests are happening
-You can come the next day and help clean up (remember to wear a mask a gloves and change you clothes once you get home and avoid touching your face!! We're still in a pandemic!!)
-Donate to charities that help looted business/clean ups. I'll put some links to those below.
-Also if your parents won't let you go because they're dangerous, bring up that most of the time, violence only erupts at night, and you will most likely be perfectly safe if you leave at you state's curfew.
How to be a good ally ~for white people mainly~
1. Educate yourself. Learn about the history and present of racism and abuse. Black people may be tired of repeating things over and over, so don't make them. You have a wonderful thing called google to answer any questions you might have.
2. Remember to be aware of your privilege. You may have problems, but they are not caused by the color of your skin. Be aware of that.
3. Listen to poc voices. They are affected by things that you will never see because you are white, so especially now when you're fighting to help them, listen to how they want to be helped. If you think something didn't happen because it's unbelievable, remember that you are privileged, and they see a different side of the world than you do.
4. Understand how mentally straining this is for black people. Don't share videos of police brutality. Instead, share how we can help and other information. Imagine if you had to see asexuals being hurt and murdered and attacked. There are many different ways of generating awareness, and sharing videos of violence are more hurtful than helpful.
5. On a similar note, check up on black friends and family. This is emotionally exhausting, so make sure they're doing okay and be there for them
6. Back up your words with actions. As people in this world at this time, it is our job to help. I said this in the last chapter about this, but it's very important still. Posting is all fun and good, but you can't just raise awareness. Do any of the things I've listed above if you can't donate to help.
I'm giving a few different categories of places to donate. They are all important, and I'd recommend splitting you money to donate to multiple, but it's your money and your choice, and it helps wherever it goes.
I'll give imbedded links for all of the in the comments.
Helping families:
-> A list of gofundmes for families of those who have been severely injured or killed at protests or by police violence.
These people may be having to pay extreme hospital bills, funeral costs, or just struggling to get by after the loss or injury of a loved one. Donating to gofundmes places may not change the world, but it will change their lives.
Helping communities:
-> they're working to rebuild buildings and communities that were damaged by riots
-> They giving insurance relief to black-owned businesses that were damaged
-> Here is a list of food pantries in Minnesota. Help that is related to the protests is equally necessary.
-> a list of black owned businesses that either need repairs or financial support
-> A black owned abortion clinic, and the only abortion clinic in Kentucky. This is on the list of black owned businesses, but it's especially important.
To help black people is to help the communities they live in. This fight is not just to stop police brutality; it is to stop systematic racism, so we need to support the protests, but we also need to support black communities.
Helping create systematic change:
-> If you don't know what voter suppression is, look it up. It is cheating in elections by making it especially difficult for a certain group to vote, and it is too common in America. This group fights voter suppression, so everyone gets to vote.
-> This organization helps educate and engage voters in Minnesota.
-> This organization fights for policies to be passed to end police violence.
Change happens in the government. We need leaders who support the people, and all the people, not just the ones that pay them the most. We get those through voting. For the last charity, there's a joke piece of rhetoric in student congress that goes, "promises are like babies: easy to conceive, hard to deliver." Politicians can promise to do things, but the only way to guarantee they happen is to pass legislation. These charities are long term solutions. They will not help people at the moment, but they will change the future so that these inequalities and this violence do not continue.
Other great charities:
-> They help protesters, specifically by giving medical supplies and first aid.
-> they pay for therapy for LGBTQ+ people of color
-> they pay for therapy for black girls and women
I know right now between having a pandemic and seeing how the police and government are being so needlessly inhumane and cruel and ignorant, it can be very emotionally exhausting, and I always want to help y'all, so is there anything I can do to help?
I was thinking I could post more or be more interactive or figure out how to start that discord group chat, so if any of that sounds good, or if you have any other ideas, please tell me. My classes are ending, so none of this would be putting a burden on me.
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