I have an idea
There's been a bunch of how gay are you things, and I think they're fun at least, but I don't get many points because there's stuff like "have a crush on a straight person +1000" and I can't really do that, and y'all probably can't either, so I want to make my own for aces, aros, and aroaces
Please answer all the questions below so I can have more stuff to base it off of
What kind of shoes do you have?
How much clothes do you have in the color corresponding to your sexuality romanticism? (Ace=purple, aro=green, aroace=purple and green)
Do you own plants?
Have you ever been in a QPR?
How many other aspecs (this includes everyone on the ace and aro spectrums) have you found in real life?
Favorite music artists?
Do you play any sports? If so, which ones?
Any instruments? If so, which ones?
Any hobbies that you have or have had in the past (If they're from the past, please specify how old you were when you liked them)
Have you ever self-diagnosed? (Ex. in sixth grade, I was CONVINCED that I had ADHD)
What is your greatest fear?
What is your greatest irrational fear?
Favorite season?
Do you prefer hoodies, zip-ups, or those ones that are like hoodies but without any pockets or a hood?
Favorite color?
Favorite animal?
Favorite movie?
What was your favorite show in preschool?
Have you ever had to deal with someone having a crush on you? If so, how'd you do it?
Did you think you were a sexuality other than straight or aspec before you realized your current sexuality/romanticism?
How often do you question about whether you're secretly allo?
How much do you feel you belong in LGBTQ+ spaces? (this one's more of just my curiosity)
Who's your favorite asexual or aromantic character in media?
Thanks so much, and if you have any other ideas for questions, please comment them
This is completely unrelated, but Post Malone's new album is pretty good. I never really liked him before (except for Goodbye, that was good too), but Hollywood's Bleeding is quality. Tbh, a lot of new music is good, at least in my opinion. From 2016 onward, the music's been kind of trash too, so having a bunch of new songs that I like is a nice change.
These are probably my favorites, and y'all should go listen to them. Anyway yeah... thanks again for commenting and stuff
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