✨💯Coming Out Fails💯 ✨
We're making a coming out fail in the form of niche memes!!!
🍰 1. Who are you coming out to??? (Based on your birth month)
January- Your mom
February- Your dad
March- Your friend
April- Your crush/squish
May- Your sibling
June- Your friend's parent
July- Your best friend
August- Your cousin
September- your aunt
October- Your grandparents
November- Whoever sits next to you in math class
December- Your uncle
🍰 What's their first reaction??? (Based off of battery percentage)
100-91%- HaHa SiLlY, tHaT's NoT a ReAl ThInG
81-90%- I'lL tAkE tHaT aS a ChAlLeNgE
71-80%- YoU'rE tOo YoUnG To KnOw
61-70%- YoU dOn'T kNoW wHaT tHaT eVeN mEaNs
51-60%- ArE yOu A pLaNt???
41-50%- *Judgmental voice* I mEaN, iF yOu WaNt To BeLiEvE tHaT
31-40%- Um, No, YoU cAn'T bE, yOu'Ve HaD cRuShEs On PeOpLe
21-30%- HaHa SwEeTy, YoU'rE jUsT cOnFuSeD
11-20%- YoU kNoW tHaT's NoT a ReAl ThInG, rIgHt? (Maybe charge your battery)
1-10%- YoU sHoUlD tRy SeX fIrSt (definitely charge your battery)
🍰 How does it end??? (Based off of the color of your shirt collar)
black- They accept you because you're amazing, and they realize that you understand this much better than they do
white- They tell you that they'll always be there for you and that they love you
blue- They hug you (If you're okay with that) and say that they'll do some research so they understand it more
grey- They bake you a cake and are really supportive
green- They ask some respectful questions to understand it better and don't treat you differently than before
purple- They say they love and will do more research to understand it better, and then you guys go watch a movie
red- They say you're am-ace-ing and then bake you a cake too apologize for how cringy their pun was, and they don't treat you any differently
orange- They're ace too! You found another ace! Congrats!
yellow- They do more research and ask questions to understand you better. You guys become closer.
pink- They peal off their disguise to reveal that you actually came out to Chris Hemsworth. He gives you an autograph and says that he supports you.
No collar- They write a new blockbuster starring an ace main character. Finally! Ace representation!
other- They love you and don't treat you differently, and the buy you socks as a celebration. Then they do more research to understand you better. Also, I don't mean a pair of socks. I mean like a thousand pairs of socks. You are the sock god.
I love you all, and you don't have any obligation to come out to anyone, but if you decide to, that's cool too, and I hope it goes well! If you want to talk or anything, I'm always here, and I'd love to talk to you.
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