26; Something called love.
Four Years Ago.
Kari Residence, Bauchi State.
"What do you think you're doing?" Aadil was quick to ask, having dragged Inaya away from the prying eyes of his overly interested mother and equally annoying brother. It's enough to deal with them alone on a normal base, but here is Inaya trying to make it all worse.
Seriously? Are they out to make his life hell or something?
Inaya pressed her lips together, before it stretched into her infamous wide smiles; as if she has no worries in the world. "Visiting my potential in-laws, of course. What does it seem like to you?"
He gave her an unimpressed look, his eyes narrowed in slits. If she is a child, he would've scolded her to no ends. Quite unfortunately, he couldn't think of how to even start. It's Inaya in the picture, is there really a book way to handle her?
Flicking his eyes close, he took in a deep breath to calm himself so as to not say something wrong. To say he was upset would be an understatement, because he couldn't think of a single reason why she would show up at his house unannounced like that.
When he had his thoughts in check, he flicked his eyes open to meet her still mischief filled ones. "How did you even find this place?" Was all he could ask, because the knowledge of how she got there seemed like the first question he needed asked.
He could've thought of the possibility of her looking into his information folder at work, but he didn't include a thing about that residence there. Plus, people aren't really aware of his father's house there—it was one of those properties that are kept from the public. So, how could she have known?
She pressed her lips together to hold back a smile, before she shrugged. "I told you before, I know a thing or two about computers." She decided to say, instead of going into details about how she may or may not have tapped his phone.
He frowned, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What?" He couldn't understand with just that, he needed answers in words. She mentioned the thing about computers before as well, but he disregarded it. She bringing it up yet again meant there has to be some sort of importance attached to it. "What's with you and computers?"
She blinked, pretending to think. It didn't last long though, because a few seconds later, her lips slanted into a wide grin. "A deep love." She stated. "Just like the one we share."
"God." Aadil muttered under his breath, looking away to reign his annoyance down. Would this woman ever miss a chance to not get on his nerves with such talks of hers. She seems to be gaining more confidence blurting out such nonsense.
She's getting awfully comfortable pursuing him openly as well. He hated being teased by her like that.
Inaya could only smile though, already knowing that statement must've managed to stir his mind away from his earlier question. She wasn't ready to answer it.
And she was right, because all he could focus on then was her earlier statement. He felt the need to put an end to such talks before it could go far. Who knows what she will do next?
"You should stop that." He stated in a firm tone, his eyes staring her down.
She feigned a frown and ignorance. "Stop what?"
"This," He gestured between them. "stop this nonsense you're doing. It's getting old."
She looked down for a brief second, chuckling under her breath. When she looked up again, she seemed more determined. "Do you want me to spell it out for you instead?" Inaya inquired, quirking he brow effortlessly. Folding her hands behind her back, she took a step closer to him; leaving only a reasonable distance between them. Tipping her head up, her eyes never left his as she added. "I can't, and won't stop because I want you."
Whatever sort of emotion she managed to wing out of him because of that statement didn't show across his features. It remained stoic as always; his bored eyes boring into hers.
"No..." She shook her head slightly, her smile widening. "...I like you." She corrected.
Aadil held back the urge to sigh and look away—he seemed to be doing a lot of that recently because of her. "Do I look like I'm in the mood to kid around with you?" He inquired instead, his tone as cold as his expression.
It didn't bother her though, not in the slightest. If anything, she simply chuckled and then shrugged. "If you keep talking like that people would think I'm your subordinate and not the other day round." Though her tone was light, the subtle warning was still there. Not to mention, "I can't help it though." She added, her lips stretched into a wide grin. "You are fun to mess with."
His lips slanted upwards slightly into a bitter smile. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He questioned, his tone dripping with slight annoyance.
Her grin never wavered. "You have no idea." She replied in a low tone—her eyes still on his.
"Did I ever tell you how much I dislike you?" He found himself inquiring instead, after a few seconds of silence. There was nothing else that crossed his mind aside from that—that's the influence she has on him.
"More times than I can count." She shrugged. "Have I ever told you how much I like you though?"
"More times than I'd ever want." He answered blankly, his tone dripping with honesty. He still doesn't believe it though; reason being Inaya isn't someone he can bring himself to trust easily just like that. Especially not on such a matter.
Never on such a matter. That's simply a no-go area.
"—Look, I don't get why you're really here--"
"I told you, I came over because I missed you--"
"—but I need you to leave." He ignored the fact that she tried to cut him off with such a ridiculous thing. His tone was stern, wanting to leave no space for arguments.
Too bad it didn't work on her. Because instead of paying heed to it, she simply chuckled lightly and shook her head. "And what if I don't want to?" She hummed. "Because staying and conversing with my would be mother-in-law sounds like a good idea as well."
"I'm not joking around."
"Neither am I."
"Miss Sa'id--"
"Mrs. Kari." She corrected, earning a glare. She didn't allow it to bother to get to her though, instead, she added with the widest grins out there. "That sounds so much better to me."
Aadil felt like banging his head against the wall because Inaya is driving him crazy. This woman won't allow him to be in peace again. Seems she has made it her life's mission to drive him mad; and she certainly is doing a good job.
He has never met a woman like her. She's odd, and yet he couldn't bring himself to hate her. Annoyed? Yes. Hatred? No.
Taking note of his expression, Inaya decided she had teased him long enough and was about time she gets down to business. So, with much difficulty, she yawed her grin into a small smile. "I'm here to talk to you about work." She stated earnestly.
His brows drew in, the annoyance dissipating as he met her gaze with his questioning ones. "You do know I'm suspended, right?" He stated the obvious. "I can't be involved in anything work related."
"This isn't an official duty." She explained, her tone no longer larking. "It's about Rasheed."
At the mention of that man, Aadil's expression yaw dangerously grave—his eyes darkening. If they had a third party there, the person would've been intimidated. Inaya wasn't though, because she could understand the reason behind it.
Her gaze was knowing as she questioned. "You know about it, don't you?" Her voice came out low, but grave. "You know the reason I did that to him."
Aadil sighed, and nodded with stiff shoulders. He could feel anger coursing through his veins at the mention of that man. He honestly regrets not doing more harm to him. "He's a sick person." He stated with distaste. "He deserves all that and even more."
Inaya pressed her lips together, before letting out a small sigh. Blinking, she found herself voicing out in a soft tone. "He abused his position to bully his subordinates. Someone even died because of it."
Aadil knew that, he read it all in the report he had gotten. He knew exactly the kind of sick man Rasheed Tijjani is—the man that took someone's life under the disguise of 'fun'. He found playing with people's lives 'fun'.
Just reminiscing the words Aadil saw written regarding his previous cases had scorching anger running through his veins. To think none of his victims dared to speak because the man had the connections to bury it all angered him to no ends.
Darting her tongue out, Inaya wetted her chapped lips before blowing out a breath. "I approached him in the first place because of that. And used the term of dating to get closed to him." She never had any feelings for Rasheed. Oh please, she and feelings don't go along well.
At least, until Aadil came into the picture.
And suddenly, all she could think of was this man...who effortlessly weaseled his way into her heart. Funny how emotions work really.
"—I found out all the dirty deeds he did, and allowed anger to get the better part of me instead of making him pay the right way. The way his victims would get the justice they deserve. We can't have someone like him roaming around freely; especially not since he plans to get transferred out of our division."
"What?" That's news to Aadil. He hadn't expected that.
But, it was the real reason that brought Inaya there. She nodded to confirm her earlier statement. "He plans to get transferred to another division; no doubt because of us." The man may have freely bullied his subordinates, but he's a scared cat.
At least, when it gets physical. He underestimated Inaya, not knowing who she was and simply mistook her for one of his countless flings. However, when the medium height woman beat him to pulp with nothing but a rod, he suddenly understood the phrase 'fear women'.
And then there's Lieutenant Kari, a man he tried to steer clear of his path knowing he has more influence than he does—only to get chased in the infirmary by the man to inflict more pain.
To think he thought being the infirmary meant he was safe. What a joke. How can he not run for his life? If he stays, they will finish him before his time comes.
"We can't let him leave." Aadil stated, his tone low and dark. "His victims don't deserve that in the slightest."
"My thoughts precisely." Inaya affirmed, folding her hands behind her out of familiarity. "That's why I'm here. I need your help to make him pay for it all."
Aadil didn't say anything to her at first, and she almost believed he wouldn't. However, when his eyes playfully narrowed and his lips slanted into a ghost smile, she didn't expect his next words. "Is Inaya Sa'id trying to do something righteous?"
She rolled her eyes, unable to help herself. "I'm not." She outright denied it. "I just hate seeing someone shittier than I am. I own that space, and there's no room for someone else there." She then mumbled under her breath. "Besides, I don't plan on doing this in a righteous manner."
He hummed, but didn't comment on it knowing she wouldn't agree no matter what. It's alright though. "It's really late, you need to get going." He stated, his tone light compared to earlier. Checking the time on his phone, he looked up again to meet her gaze. "Let me drive you home, I can't let you go back alone this late."
"You didn't give me an answer." She wondered why he suddenly deviated from their topic.
He took in a sharp breath, before exhaling. "I'll think about it and let you know what my decision is." He answered. "But for now, let me take you home."
Her lips slanted upwards into a teasing smile, deciding to take what he was giving her. "You know I can take care of myself well, right?"
"I never said I am doing it for you." He rebuked. Gesturing in the direction of his car, he urged her to follow him before he added. "I'm doing it for the unfortunate person that might cross you this late at night. I heard there are kidnappers roaming around these days."
Kidnappers? Her stomach quivered at the thought; forming an unsettling knot that had her swallowing thickly. Cold sweat coated her forehead, as uneasiness ran through her vein like molten lava.
Still, she reached out to wipe it; lucky he hadn't noticed the change in her reaction. Or maybe he did and ignored it?
"You make it sound like I'm a bad person or something." She rolled her eyes with a slight sigh; surprised her tone came out calm. She was anything but internally. That wasn't the answer she wanted to hear from him. She aligned her steps with him effortlessly; the two of them walking side by side.
He huffed out a breath, as if wordlessly asking if she actually said that to him. Didn't she hear herself just a while ago? Turning his head around to look at her, he inquired. "Have you met you?" This made her look up to meet his gaze.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, lips set into a slight pout. "Come on, I'm really not that bad."
He didn't respond, only gave her a look that screamed him wondering whether she actually believes her own words. Seriously, did she forget what she just said with her own mouth?
She eventually scoffed under her breath and looked away with pouted lips. "Innocent person like me." She mumbled.
"I beg to differ." He mumbled back, before looking away as they reached the car. Both of them got in their respective seats, with him behind the wheels. No words were exchanged between them as the car came to life with a soft hum.
Aadil's fingers nervously tapped the steering wheel, his mind seemingly not on the car he's supposed to be driving. Inaya of course noticed it, and when she decided to chirp in and ask what's wrong, he beat her to do.
"Do you want supplements or something?" He inquired suddenly, his hand shifting to the safe box and pulling it open. Slipping his hand into it, he brought out Vitamin C tablets and handed it to her. "I don't know who left this here but I don't need it."
That was a lie, an excuse to hide away the fact that over the past two weeks, he subconsciously found himself buying it for no particular reason. Or more like, buying it because it reminded him of her. But, he'd never admit that.
She did say she has a weak immune system, he wanted to be prepared for anything situation that might require it so as to avoid what happened last time—though the main reason behind her accident then is something else entirely.
Besides, they may be working together and he will need to be responsible for her 'unfortunately'. But, he will take the role seriously for the sake of being the greater person.
Inaya folded her lips in to hold back her smile, seeing past his sluggish façade. "You're treating me like a charity case or something." She pulled his legs, comfortably sinking back on the plush chair while popping out a tablet and putting it in her mouth.
He suspired, and started to drive the car down the driveway. "Do you want it or not?" He yawed his expression blank, to hide the brewing embarrassment and nervousness.
She chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "I'll keep it of course." She had a feeling that particular vitamin C would be her new favorite. "I won't allow the effort you put into getting it to go to waste."
He frowned, but didn't comment on it because internally, he was relieved. Despite the brewing embarrassment, his heart still swelled at the thought of doing something for her. Subconsciously, his lips slanted into a small smile; one that didn't go unnoticed by Inaya.
She was quick to point it out as well, as she suddenly sat up—facing him. She pointed a finger at him, eyes wide with elation. "Did you just smile?"
His lips instantly slanted into a deep frown, throwing her a quick glance before looking away. "Of course not." He grumbled out. "Don't be ridiculous."
Inaya didn't press it further, she simply bit her lower lip to hold back her smile before sinking back in her seat. She was exhausted to be honest, and wanted to rest her sore limbs as well. She had a long day—a long week to be precise because of work. "I came with my car, so I'll expect you to have someone send it back to me." She voiced out lowly, the exhaustion in her tone hard to miss.
"Okay." He stated simply, and listened as she gave him her address. He already knew where it was the minute she said it, so he focused on driving there instead. Throughout the drive, he fought against the urge to turn around and peep at her; not wanting to give her the wrong impression. She was being oddly quiet though; he didn't know whether to be scared or not.
At one point though, a thought crossed his mind when they came to a red light. "Hey, did you eat something?" He didn't even allow her to stay at his house, else she would've dined with them. He realized how discourteous that was then. "If not, we could stop by and--"
Turning around to look at her, he came to a halt when he realized she had fallen asleep in the passenger seat—no wonder she had been quiet throughout the drive. Unable to help himself, his lips slanted into a small smile then.
He would deny it later, but she looked cute when asleep. She seemed peaceful—unlike the woman he knows during the day. Who would look at her then and believe she's the same woman people are warned to be cautious of?
All he could see then was a hardworking woman, exhausted by the work and without realizing it, had succumbed to the darkness. Maybe his friend was right, she did rise to her position through hard work.
Regardless of her reputation, Aadil had worked with her and seen how she does thing. She gives it her all, even if it doesn't seem like she's capable of it. If anything, seeing her at that moment did confirm it to him.
Inaya reached where she is not because she has connections, but because she works for it. She is more than deserving of the 'Captain' position and he could finally see himself respecting it...respecting her and ridding himself of the prejudice he has against her.
Maybe she isn't as bad as he painted her to be.
Sighing, he reached out to the backseat, and picked up a jacket of his that he discarded there. Unfolding it, he carefully draped it over her body; making sure to cover her so she was comfortable. His hand then reached out to lower the AC, so it wouldn't disturb and even went to the extent of dropping the sun visor mirror so the street lights won't bother her.
His eyes then moved to the watch, which read 7:57pm. He was close to her house, but going there would mean waking her up when he arrives. He didn't want to do that—it seemed she was getting a much needed rest and would hate to disrupt it.
So, when the lights flashed green, he revved the car back to life and decided to drive around the town instead—to prolong her sleep. He chose to drive with no destination in mind for her sake.
At one point though, he stopped by an eatery to get her something to eat when she gets home. Not to judge, but she doesn't seem like the type that would cook. Not to mention, he had noticed she barely eats anything at work. He doubts she has been eating properly for a while. So, getting her a healthy takeout was all he could think of.
On returning back to the car after the purchase, he wasn't surprised to see she was still asleep. He didn't bother her still. He simply drove her back home and parked the car outside, choosing to stay in silence till she decides to wake up.
Normally, he hated spending time on people that weren't his family—especially not in such a manner. But weirdly enough, with her, he didn't mind. He didn't mind spending hours waiting for her to get her much needed sleep even if it meant ruining his daily routine.
For her, he was willing to bend his routine that much. Because without realizing it, he was slowly inclining towards helping and being there for her—the beginning of something he never believed he could feel.
Love. His actions were all fueled by such emotion. Aahil was right. He had feelings for Inaya Sa'id. Perhaps, a bit more than he'd like to admit.
He found himself whispering in a very low tone. "What are you doing to me Inaya Sa'id?" His gaze was on her sleeping figure; seemingly way too peaceful. It truly was a sight to behold, one that compelled him to admit in a much lower tone. "I'm irrevocably falling for you. And if I fall a bit deeper, I might never be able to get out of it. Weirdly enough, I don't want to fight against it."
She was making him feel things he never thought possible. And yet, he was willingly giving in.
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