20; Don't talk to me.
Four Years Ago.
Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.
There seemed to be something bothering Aadil; that much Inaya noticed after spending about a week at Sector 16. At first, she thought it was simply him being cold towards her due to the bad start they had, but it seemed he was like that with everyone else as well.
If she wasn't certain something was bothering him, then the encounter they had a few days before seemed to prove it. She had to work late that day, so when she returned to their office to pack her belongings and call it a day, she found himself asleep in his chair alone there.
Out of instinct, she tried to wake him up so he could go home as well and rest. However, the minute she tried to do that, she found herself in a chokehold—one that took the breath out of her then.
Luckily, he was quick to realize the position they were in and hastily let go of her as if the action burnt him. He didn't say a word to her as she hunched over and coughed, trying to gain back her breath. Even with slightly misted eyes, she could tell he was disheveled then.
Just when she tried to speak to him, he spared her a look that she couldn't tell what it meant exactly before he stormed out of the office—never once looking back.
She hadn't seen him since then. If she didn't know better, she'd say he was avoiding her because he was feeling guilty. So, when she eventually got tired of the whole hiding game, she asked Sergeant Mahmoud where she could find him, only to be directed to the shooting range—a place Aadil seems to be spending quite a lot of time in recently.
So, she headed there. On arriving at the shooting range, she was quick to note that there were only a few people there, which made her search easier. It didn't take long for her to spot him, considering he was at the far end.
Trudging in his direction, her eyes remained fixated on him. He doesn't seem conscious of his surroundings in the slightest, and was invested in the whole shooting thing. Not to lie, Inaya couldn't help but admire how precise his entire action was, clearly an expert in the whole thing.
However, as she got closer to him, she couldn't help but wonder if he was using it as an excuse to get over whatever problem he has. He was sporting the same distant look he's had in the past few days, though his shots were on point. It was almost as if he was in his element, doing what he loves the best.
She reached where he was not long after, and wasn't surprised when he turned his head to the side to see who it was. When his gaze fell on her, he didn't sport any noticeable reaction. He simply brought his hand that held the gun to the side, and reached out to take off the ear muffs before turning to look at her completely.
"Can I be of help to you, Ma'am?" His tone was cold, as it has been in the past few days. She found it to a miracle that he's still respecting ranks despite his cold attitude.
She offered him a small smile, before shrugging. "Not really. Can't I decide to check on my right hand man?"
He looked away for a brief second, holding back the urge to roll his eyes—an action rubbed off on him by a certain woman in his life. Once he had put a lid of his emotions, he met her gaze again. "If it isn't about work, I'd rather we keep our distance."
She tiled her head to the side, feigning ignorance. "What are you trying to say?"
Aadil pressed his together, holding his silence for a brief second. The answer he wants to give her isn't appropriate to give a superior, but he couldn't help it. "Don't talk to me, I don't want anyone to even think we're friends." He grumbled lowly, dropping the gun back in place.
Unable to hold herself back, Inaya found herself letting out a slight chuckle then, looking away for a brief second. Blinking, she looked at him again—a questioning look masking her features. "Really? You're actually trying to draw a line between us?" They've only met recently, and do not know each other but regardless of it, she still wants to get to know him.
He fascinates her, it's hard to explain in words. She also didn't miss how he didn't bring up the incident from a few days ago, he was acting as if it never happened and that he didn't nearly strangle her to death. She didn't say a word about it, because there was something about the look on his face then that she couldn't point a finger on. She would be lying if she says she doesn't want to unravel it.
"Yes, I am." He replied without a second thought whatsoever. "So, don't talk to me. Let's just go about our lives separately."
Pulling a small bottle of pill from her jacket, she popped it open and brought out one, before placing it in her mouth while placing the bottle back. "And why is that?" She questioned eventually.
His gaze followed her action, before narrowing suspiciously at what she just casually placed in her mouth. He couldn't help but think of the worse. "You do remember the rules here, right?" He inquired blankly. "If you're trying to get high or something, don't do it here."
Inaya instantly found herself laughing at his words. Wait...did he just insinuate her doing drugs or something? Seriously? When the laughter died down, she explained. "I have a weak immune system, so I need to take supplements." She wouldn't even need them if she just eats healthily, but she barely eats anything—a bad habit of hers so supplements are all she is left with.
He didn't say anything in response to her explanation, he simply took off the ear muffs completely along with safety glasses. While he was doing that, she found herself questioning.
"Do you mind telling me why you dislike me so much though?" He didn't spare her a glance when she asked that. "I'm not blind to miss it."
"Do you really want to know?" He inquired, placing everything back in place, before meeting her gaze with a look that questioned whether she is ready for the answer.
She didn't back down. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't."
He didn't hesitate, not caring how she would take it. "You seem to have quite a reputation that follows you around." He started, his eyes never leaving hers. "And you seem to let it get into your head quite a bit too much."
"Your point?"
"I deem you an attention seeking person." He's always had this bad habit of being straight forward, and it showed then. He doesn't seem to care in the slightest bit that his words might hurt her. "You aren't all that. You're just a woman who is all bark, but no bite."
Inaya let out a low, amused sound under her breath. Reaching her hands out, she picked up the safety glasses as well as the ear muffins and donned them. When she was done, she met his gaze again.
"Do you want to play a little game?" She questioned, picking up one of the guns on display there. She could already tell which it is from a glance. However, she still held it in her hand to weigh how heavy it is. When she deemed it satisfactory, she flicked her head up—her lips slanted into a small, mischievous smile. "To see whether I actually have guts or not."
Aadil pressed his lips together, his eyes not holding a hint of interest because he isn't. The last thing he wants to do is stand there and listen to this woman whom he believes her reputation exaggerates who she is.
He hasn't had the chance to go through the background of hers that had been sent to him. However, he begs to differ. With how the entire sector, the division in a way as well keep making a big deal of her being there; it's clear she has a reputation that followed her there.
Even a blind person could she how she is enjoying it though; she seems to be using it to her advantage and that annoys Aadil. So far, he hadn't seen her do a single thing deserving of such reputation. In simple words, he believes she is overhyped, and overrated.
And like the attention seeking woman she is, she is revering in it pretty well.
He doesn't want to get involved with such a woman, even if she is his superior. He refuses to stoop that low, there's no point of wasting his time on someone like her.
So, giving her a single look that barely lasted a few seconds, it screamed all the lack of interest and belief he has in her. Wordlessly, he turned around and walked away from her, heading in the direction of shooting board to take it down and put up another.
Or maybe, he'll do that later. With this woman around, he would rather leave the space for her and come back afterwards. The least his interactions with her become, the better.
Inaya on the other hand found herself shaking her head slightly at his action. Deep down though, she would be lying if she says his lack of belief in her is insulting. He is undermining her, without even knowing what she truly is capable.
It's truly a shame because she happens to be an extremely competitive person, it's a bad trait of hers.
As such, she raised her hand which has the gun, and assumed a shooting stance; the larking expression she had on earlier disappearing—her lips stretched into a tight line. Squinting her eyes slightly, she aimed the gun directly at the shooting board Aadil is working towards, not caring about him being in the way and the possibility of him getting shot.
Her finger moved to the trigger, and once she was satisfied with her aim, she pressed on it. Instantly, the loud sound of the bullet being fired filled the air—instantly making Aadil still in his position immobile.
It wasn't until a few seconds later, when the sound died down that he was quick to whip his head around, this time around, a range of emotions displayed across his features. Anger, and fear were most prominent, even though he tried to hide the latter; his horrified eyes gave him away though.
The reaction had Inaya's smile returning, as she dropped her hand to the side after placing the pistol back where it belongs. Taking off the safety glasses along with the ear muffs, she ran a hand over her hair that was tied into a neat bun, with not a single strand out of place.
Holding his gaze, she stepped away from the position and made a move to approach him. Once she was within earshot though, his angered question came, sounding like music to her ears.
"Are you crazy? Are you fucking stupid?" He inquired harshly, eyes narrowed in slits. His hand clenched by the side, nostrils flaring. "What the hell was that?"
Inaya pressed her lips together, getting rid of the emotions displayed across her face. Holding his gaze, her voice came out low, but strong at the same time. "Is that a way to speak to your superior, Lieutenant?" Truthfully, she isn't upset. She knew he has every right to be upset.
She nearly shot him. Keyword, nearly. She practically toyed with his life and is acting as if she did nothing wrong. Of course he will be pissed off.
Frankly speaking, it's taking everything in her to not laugh at the look of rage masking his features. She doesn't think she has ever seen him this upset, not even when they first met. He had always done well masking his expression.
In that moment though, he threw the mask out the window after stomping on it.
He ignored her warning, which he couldn't care less about. Taking a threatening step closer to her, his figure towered over hers considering he's taller. His skin was mottled, eyes wide showing the whites and his hand clenched into a tight fist by the side, a sign of him trying to reign in his anger.
If she was a guy, he would've no doubt given her a piece of his mind. She should be glad she is a woman; else he would've given her a piece of his mind.
"What the hell were you trying to do?" He gritted out, his voice low and threatening. "Did you just aim your gun at me? Were you trying to kill me or something?"
She simply shrugged, not seeming intimidated in the slightest by his reaction. "I didn't aim at you. If I did, you'd be dead." Her hands moved to cross over her torso, taking a step forward this time around as well and holding his gaze. When she spoke again, her voice dropped so only he could hear what she has to say. "That was me proving to you what I'm capable of. You see, Lieutenant, I'm a pretty competitive person. I hate being underestimated."
The more Aadil stared into her daring eyes, he couldn't see a single trace of fear in it. He wasn't supposed to be taken aback by it, but he is. This woman doesn't seem to be scared of anything, not even the soldier she just pissed off who is two seconds away from strangling the life out of her.
Flicking her eyes behind him, her lips curled upwards into that mischievous smile of hers that always gets on his nerves. "Bullseye." She stated, staring at the perfect shot she had at the shooting board.
Aadil held back a scoff at her nonchalant attitude. Is this woman in her right sense? No, she has to be loose screwed, no one can convince him otherwise. "You're fucking crazy." He found himself whispering, unable to help himself. His voice was filled with disbelief, because in that moment, she truly seems deserving of her reputation indeed. "No wonder they speak of you in such a way."
Her smile widened, before her gaze met his again. "Rightfully so."
"And you think that's something to be proud of?" He inquired, a brow slightly quirked. Was that disbelief and disgust in his tone that she heard, or was it her ears? "You think people speaking badly of you behind your back is something to be proud of?"
She simply held up her smile, not seeming fazed by his words in the slightest. "I don't blame people for speaking behind my back. You know why?" She arched a brow effortlessly, "because they've obviously heard what happens when you say shit to my face. You understand that now, don't you?"
Aadil parted his lips to say something, only to decide against it. Letting out a small sound of disbelief, he shook his head and made up his mind. He can't deal with this woman at that very moment. He doesn't think he can ever understand her, and he doesn't want to.
Shaking his head slightly, he simply gritted his teeth and side stepped her and walking away in fast strides. Inaya turned around to look at him, parting her lips to say something to him. However, her eyes suddenly blurred—suddenly feeling lightheaded.
Reaching her hand to rest it on the side of her head, she tried to blink and regain back her composure. However, the world suddenly started to spin. She tried to say something, to call out to him for help but she couldn't get any words out as her world blacked out.
The only thing that had Aadil stopping in his steps was when he heard something, or rather someone dropping on the ground. He didn't want to turn around, but his feet suddenly came to a stop and against his bitter judgement then, he looked over his shoulders only to see a now unconscious Inaya laid on the ground.
His eyes instantly widened, and his feet were quick to take him back to where she was—his heart hammering behind his ribcage. In a swift action, he found himself kneeling beside her unconscious body all the while wondering what the hell just happened?
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