2; Hold the applause.
Shuri Special Forces HQ.
"Abso-fucking-lutely not!" Isaac was quick to show his disagreement, his expression yawing furious. "How can we accept her of all people into the Alpha team?" He shifted his gaze to the Chief, as if to see whether the man was pulling some cheap trick on them or something.
He can't possibly be serious...right?
The older man didn't say a thing. He simply held up his unwavering smile, his eyes never once leaving the members'. It was as if he anticipated the reaction-and he did. How could he not? Of everyone, he knows the hatred, or more like, the ill thoughts the team members have for Cypher. She has after all given them a hard time for months.
Still, he tried to interject. "Isaac--"
"The chick's a fucking criminal!" The said man went on to exclaim, his slightly British accent making an appearance-a clear indication of him spending quite a few years in the UK. He had a finger pointed in Inaya's direction first, before his glare shifted to her figure.
And what did she do?
She simply let out a small chuckle, as if finding the entire ordeal amusing. Realizing how the place became eerily quiet, and how all eyes were on her then due to her action, she rose a hand to cover her mouth. "I-I'm sorry, I just--" She tried to feign a look of seriousness, but failed woefully.
This time, she let out a full blown chuckle, as if she couldn't tell how tense the air was. She could, she just found it entertaining to be honest.
"-you guys are funnier than I expected." She added, when her chuckle died down. She still donned a huge grin though, her jaw moving as she went on to keep chewing her gum with little care in the world.
Isaac stared at her for a few seconds in disbelief, before shifting the gaze to Chief as if to ask whether he really is serious? Is he blind to not see she's not fit to be anywhere near them? When he got no answer, but rather a slight mocking snort from the woman in the picture, he let out a loud scoff and turned around.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" He mumbled under his breath, running a hand through his hair in need of a trim. He went ahead to run the hand down his face, his back now facing her because God knows his anger will only spike up if he stares at her for a second more.
She should've gotten the memo and got off his back, but she didn't. Instead, when she did get the memo, she decided to tear it in pieces and burn it down to ashes-clearly, she chose violence.
"You know..." She leaned back, her legs stretched in front of her while she used both hands to support her weight. Her eyes were fixed on the man's back, her sly grin never once wavering. "...you should make it less obvious this chick bruised your skyscraper ego." Her voice dropped as she let out a mocking chuckle, head tilted to the side slightly. "Your misogynist ass hurts from the fall, doesn't it?"
She was playing with fire, clearly aware that of the five members, Isaac's temper was off the chart. He had little control over it, hence why he was better fit being the brain-it required less violence from his side, because it's never a good sign.
So, it's been long since they've seen him lost his calm.
At that moment though, having all seen his shoulders instantly stiffen due to her words, they could all see it coming, what was about to follow that is.
He turned around slowly, almost as in a slow motion in a TV show or something-his steel, but dark gaze fixed on her. "What did you just say?" He voiced out, his voice hauntingly dropping.
Anyone in her shoes should've understood and zipped their lips shut, but she didn't. Clearly, she isn't well reversed in the art of staying in one's lane and not pushing one to his limit.
She went on to continue, the taunt in her tone clear as day. "Did it cross your mind, even for a second, that Cypher could be a woman, and not a man?" She quirked a perfectly arched brow, the action effortlessly almost as if it was norm to her.
His hand clenched by the side, the veins in his forehead popping out.
Still, he couldn't deny it because it's true. Maybe it crossed the other's mind but not his-he certainly didn't for a second expect Cypher to be a woman. His reason is simple, he doesn't believe someone, not a woman especially could beat him. He's known to be the best in the game...only to be thrown off by a woman? Nah, this can't be real.
"-Isaac Newton. Oh, sorry..." Her slip off was intentional, the widening of her grin proved it. "-Isaac Richard, the pride of MI6-the British Foreign Intelligence Service whom was recruited by Shuri Alpha Team at the tender age of 22. You became the youngest person to ever join the team, and pride yourself in knowing you're the top of the game. After all, no one's ever gotten past you. Until me that is." She clicked her tongue, and nodded slowly as if coming to terms with something. "I guess I can understand why it hurts your ego. Sorry ehn."
That was the last straw, they all knew it. Because just in time he lost hold of his last string of patience and made an attempt to throw himself at her, Aadil was quick to get on his feet and stopped him, holding him back with great effort since the man wasn't relenting.
"Let me teach this woman a lesson!" Gritted Isaac, still in a desperate attempt to waddle out of Aadil's hold and cool off his anger on her. He wasn't thinking straight, and was capable of doing anything at that moment.
Aadil placed a firm hand on his shoulder, and pushed him back. "Stand down." He grumbled out lowly, his voice deep. The dark look he had, pinning Isaac down was enough to have the man retreating-knowing he could never dare to go against his superior.
None of them could dare.
He didn't need to raise his voice, or stress himself over anything. Just a simple statement and a look is all it would take to have them all back in line, regardless of the situation they find themselves in.
He is the leader for a reason.
Once he was certain Isaac wouldn't attempt to act out again, he turned around to face her-his expression not giving anything away as always. He had been quiet throughout the entire ordeal, taking his time to assess her entirely to see the person they are about to encounter.
He needed to know who his enemy is first, because it's clear she is one-regardless of her presence there.
Inaya smile didn't waver for a slight second, taking her sweet time to hold his gaze. The action lasted for a few seconds, before she decided to break the silence. "Aadil Bashir Kari-eldest child to Inspector General Bashir Kari and leader of Alpha Team. Basically, the genesis of the team--"
He didn't allow her to finish before he cut her off. "I don't need a criminal on my team." He shifted his cold gaze to the Chief, no longer interested in standing there and watching her.
"I have a name." She chirped in, not offended in the slightest that he cut her off.
Yet again, he ignored her-going about his statement as if she wasn't there, listening to everything. "-my team's more than capable of anything--"
"-and yet you couldn't catch one hacker for six months." Like the other time, she cut in, still not taking any offense in his statement. Why would she? She knows her worth, and doesn't need his validation when it comes to her work-or anyone else's in the room as a matter of fact.
She is the best in the game, she has been for years. Literally no one in the room could make her doubt herself when it comes to that.
"Chief." This time around, it was Ruks that spoke up, deciding to pique in having stayed silent throughout the entire thing. When the addressed man's gaze fell on her, she voiced out her concern. "Are you sure about this?"
While all the other men were a little too incapable of feeling certain emotions, she stepped into the shoes pretty well as the woman in the team. She's good at what she does, heck, she's perfect! Her humane side only adds to it and fills up for what's missing in the team.
In that exact moment, she could only see Inaya as a potential threat to them all. She said it herself, they've been after her for six whole months and they hadn't gotten a single lead on her.
Only for her to show up out of the blue, right in the lion's den.
Is that really a coincidence? She begs to differ. Inaya cannot be good news. It was pretty much dislike at first sight.
"For all we know, she couldn't have hacked just the Farm. There could be a lot more than we're unaware of." Kamal voiced out as well, his wary gaze shifting to Inaya who still looked laid back before shaking his head slightly.
He was impressed to be honest. It took everything in him to not laugh when she put Isaac in his place earlier. It was refreshing to have someone stir up trouble. He loves drama. Who doesn't?
But first, he needed to touch his serious side to make sure she isn't an obstacle to their work. If she isn't, he could see himself being good friends with her. They definitely need her energy.
She's a woman, like Ruks but they seem too different. Ruks plays by the rules, Inaya loves to break them.
"There are quite a lot." Inaya nodded, stating the fact like it's no big deal when even without her voicing it out, they could tell it's all of high caliber. "Safe to say, I'm sort of like a fugitive in this country." She wiggled her brows slightly, her lips stretched into the widest grin out there.
She could tell them some of them, but she doubts they would believe her then. She meant it when she said she's a fugitive though. She just camouflages with a lot of things that no one would be able to pin it all together and know she's the one at the center of it all.
Kamal quirked a brow, the corners of his lips tilting upwards slightly. He was impressed to say the least. It was her confidence for him. He knew the gravity of the situation, but he couldn't help but be in awe.
Who is this woman truly? She just made an appearance, and she's owning the spotlight effortlessly.
It seemed he was the only who regarded her in that light, because Ruks simply narrowed her eyes at her-her suspicion spiking. When their gazes clashed, she didn't stand down. Instead, she held it and stated her concern. "How can we trust a fugitive on our team? This isn't a charity case or something that just anyone can get in."
"Says the woman whose daddy had to pull strings to get her here." Inaya waved the woman statement off as she folded her hands over her torso, her gaze daring her to claim otherwise.
Rukayya's eyes narrowed even more if that was possible. That had always been a sore spot of hers. She had to deal with it at the workplace for years, and she eventually grew a thick skin to it.
Now though, this woman that showed up just fifteen minutes ago was sprinkling salt on the wound, making it feel as though it was fresh. Why did her taunt hurt though? Why did it get to her when she had grown immune to it all these years?
Unable to find it in her to voice out a reply, Ruks swallowed discreetly and looked away, no longer wishing to hold the woman's gaze.
"Thought so." Inaya stated not so lowly, the corner of her lips quirked up slightly. So far, she had successfully gotten under the skin of two members-though she could tell Kamal is the one who's starting to warm up to her.
He might just end up being her first friend there. Luckily, she liked it as well. He seemed to be the most laid back of them five.
Nameer was the one yet to say a thing, and from what she knows, he had always been the quiet and most reserved of them all. He barely speaks unless when extremely necessary, but never mistake his silence for meekness.
They don't talk about him much, but he earned his position in the team rightfully. When it's time for him to do his part comes, he doesn't hesitate.
"I'm certain the higher ups aren't on board with this." Aadil suddenly spoke up, his gaze still fixed on the Chief.
"And if they are?" Questioned the older man. They truly aren't.
Aadil didn't hesitate to voice out his response, already having made up his mind. "I still won't accept a criminal on my team regardless. That's it." His tone clearly showed he wasn't willing to back down in the slightest.
Seeing as the Chief had nothing more to say, he turned around and picked it up his jacket from where he slung it over the chair he was on earlier, and the strolled out in his glory. He had gotten his point across, it was left for them to decide.
It didn't matter though. He never changes his mind.
With their team leader now gone, the others slowly slipped out with Nameer being the first to do so. Isaac didn't spare Inaya a single glance again as he headed out as well, followed by Ruks who threw the said woman a slight glare, only to get a wave in return.
The last to leave was Kamal, who was the only one who offered Inaya a wave, which he got in return. With that action, he slipped out as well leaving the two alone.
"This is going to be harder than expected." Commented the Chief, staring at the door where the team disappeared. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but it turned out even worse than he expected. He didn't think Inaya would easily irk them that easily. But, she did.
She even succeeded in getting on Aadil's bad side, and that's something. Besides, if that man makes up his mind, all others follow him like the loyal members they are. Safe to say, if he doesn't budge, they won't as well regardless of what will happen. There are only a few instances where they don't agree with him.
"It actually went easier than I expected." Inaya stated, getting on her feet as she folded to her full height. Turning around to face the Chief, she offered him a comforting smile. "At least no one got hurt physically. I was expecting a bloodbath to be honest." She wasn't expecting applauds or flower bouquets. Spikes and pitchforks would've worked just well.
The Chief still held up his smile, but it was one of those moments that makes one wonder whether it was a good smile, or a creepy one. It didn't seem to be either, though it was leaning towards the latter more. "I'll talk to him again."
"Don't bother." She cut him off, getting rid of the gum in her mouth. "I'll do that myself."
He gave her a look that screamed him not certain her plan is a good one, because it isn't. She, getting through to Aadil? Yeah, no. That sounds impossible.
"You do know if we're going to work together, you're gonna have to learn to trust me, right?" Like all the other times, she wasn't offended by his lack of trust in her. If anything, she took it as a motivation to do better. "I'm Inaya Sa'id. I make the impossible possible."
He still seemed unsure. So, she offered him a grin, and then turned around to walk away-one of her hands tucked in the pocket of her jean while she waved at him with the other over her shoulder. "--I'll see you after I convince him. Till then. Ciao!"
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