14; With, or without you.
The complete book is currently available on both Okadabooks and Selar for those who don't want to wait for updates. And yes, I WILL FINISH IT HERE AS WELL! Yawwa, have a good day.
Shuri Special Forces, Abuja.
There was about Inaya at that very moment when she spoke. She didn't seem to have simply blurted it out on impulse. No, she seemed to have understood what her words truly meant, and was willing to stick to it until the very end.
The air was tense then, especially with the stare—or more like, the glaring contest going on between the two women. To be precise, one was glaring at the other, while the one on the receiving end wasn't willing to back down. Since when has she been one to do to so begin with?
Inaya doesn't care if they've taken her laid back attitude and painted an image of her in their head. They might as well add a few colorful colors to it and present it to her when she gives a damn about it—the day might be after forever, but they should keep hoping. She wouldn't stomp on their dreams.
However, they are about to cross a line that she doesn't mess with. And regardless of how she has been acting since she arrived, she knew how to take the lead better than anyone. Aadil knows first-hand.
"If you have a problem with how I run things," She started again, her tone losing any hint of lark. "If any of you," Breaking the glare off between her and Rukayya, she shifted her gaze across the room to land on each and every one of them. "have a problem with the way I'll run things, feel free to walk out. We don't have to force anything here, it's a free world after all."
No one spoke, or at least threw in a snarky comment. Though across certain people's face, annoyance was painted in bright colors impossible to miss.
Tapping her finger on the table, she yawed her expression blank as she took in a discrete deep breath. She didn't want to lose her calm; she wasn't one to do so. When she was certain of her mental state, she continued in a much calmer tone this time around.
"—I'm not better than any of you. No matter what image of me you painted in your head, I genuinely do not care. None of you here matter to me in that aspect. We are here for work though, people's lives are on the line and if you can't keep aside your personal feelings and get the work done, the door is wide open. I'll make sure Chief doesn't hold it against you, that much I can promise."
The last thing she wanted is for them to feel like they are forced into working with her. Sure, Chief made it seem like they didn't have a choice, but she was certain she could talk him out of that.
They are free to make their decisions. If they want to leave, so be it. She will get it done on her own. It wouldn't exactly be easy, but she wouldn't give up.
She waited for at least one person to speak up. She wasn't stupid to hope for them to suddenly change their mind because of her speech, but would it hurt to say she at least expected something from certain people amongst them?
The deafening silence took over, not leaving the slightest room for easiness to make its way in and settle down. It had fully occupied it, and was casually having a toast with tenseness coupled with a few shots of awkwardness.
They didn't voice it out, but silence is a pretty loud answer as well.
When no one made a move even in the slightest inch, much less voice anything out, she folded her lips in and nodded to herself—blowing out a small breath. "Alright." She mumbled, pushing her chair back. Once on her feet, she added. "I'll take care of this, as well as Chief—rest assured."
She didn't spare any of them a glance as she maneuvered her way out of the room. Despite being blacklisted by all the members wordlessly; she didn't walk out with hunched shoulders. No, she pretty much strutted with the same confidence she came in earlier.
See, there's something that her mother always tells her back then; one that she pretty much imprinted in her mind to stay as a constant reminder. She said; "Disappointment comes from expectations. When you don't expect anything from anyone, you don't get disappointed. And with humans, it's always better to not have any expectations in the slightest."
Inaya wished she could she proudly stick to her mother's words at the moment—to say that she wasn't disappointed but truth is, she was. She was disappointed because she had expectations from a certain someone, and that is the reason behind her heart suddenly feeling as though it was being squeezed.
Still, she sucked it up and decided to take the stairs down the first floor instead of the elevator. It gives her time to gather her thoughts and shield her emotions. At the end of the day, she needed to keep them at bay. She will stick to her words as promised.
Back in the Alpha meeting room, following Inaya's depart, Aadil was the next to get on his feet. He didn't say a word to his team members, or make any move to give a hint of what his thoughts or feelings could be about. He simply picked up his jacket which he hung over his chair, and made his way out as well.
"Wait, Aadil. I want to talk to you." Rukayya made a quick move of closing her laptop. Pushing her chair back, she ignored the looks that followed her action as she hastily walked up to the man making his way out of the meeting room.
Aadil didn't slow his steps, knowing she would easily catch up. And, she did. Because in just a few strides, she had managed to match his with hers—now away from the prying eyes of the others members that without a doubt, have an inkling what the talk could be about. Still, they couldn't be sure when it comes to these two.
No words were exchanged between them till they reached the elevator, and Aadil tapped the button which will take them to the lounge. Once the doors closed, he took a step back to align with her.
Rukayya took that as her cue to speak. "You okay?" She questioned softly, tilting her head upwards so her eyes would meet his. She wasn't exactly a short person, but he's still a tad taller than she is.
Except, he wasn't exactly looking at her. At least, not until she asked that question. Turning his head to the side slightly, his eyes met hers—instantly softening slightly. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He could hold up that Alpha man attitude with the others, but he'd known Rukayya all his life. She's an important figure there that no matter what, he simply can't treat her like everyone else.
Despite the fact that his tone was light, Rukayya still wasn't convinced. She could read him at times, though not all. This time around, she didn't need to put effort into reading him. It's the same every year. "Maa's death anniversary is coming up." She added softly, as if scared if she voiced the words out any louder she could do some damage. "I know you aren't okay."
Aadil suspired, shifting his gaze from her to fix it elsewhere. "You worry too much." He commented, simply. He didn't add a thing afterwards, though his tone gave away the fact that he wanted to put an end to the conversation right there.
Rukayya wet her lower lip, before looking away as well. She fiddled with her fingers by the side, occasionally digging her thumb into her index finger. The action continued for a few seconds longer, before his voice came again.
"Say what's on your mind." His tone was low, and knowing. "Holding it back won't do any good." Just like her, he could pretty much read her as well. She wears her emotions on her sleeves.
She couldn't answer immediately though as the doors slid open, and they were instantly welcomed by the sight of those waiting to get on the elevator as well. A round of pleasantries was exchanged, having instantly recognized the members of the Alpha team that serve at the very top of Shuri chain.
Not to mention, it was Aadil Kari and Rukayya Bamai. Those two are a force to be reckoned with—the perfect couple of everyone's gossip. No one could be blamed though, because they do make a good team.
Both their families are well known for being strict law abiders. And then there's this two, part of Shuri's treasured Alpha Team. Of course, they will be the power couple. Besides, no one can picture Aadil with a less perfect woman, and Rukayya as well clearly deserves the best, only.
Both of them stepped out first, before the others piled in. The two made their way towards the lobby, with the sole intention of heading to the parking lot. Rukayya wanted to give him an answer, but there were quite a lot of people there which earned them curious glances. So, she had to put a tape on it and hold it back till they are out of everyone's sight.
Once they were out if earshot, her answer came instantly—having lived at the tip of her tongue for so long. "I just don't get it, AK." Since they were no longer within anyone's vicinity, she felt comfortable to call him by his initials as she has done over the years. "I don't understand how you've been acting recently."
"And how have I been acting exactly?"
"Out of the ordinary." Her answer came instantly. "You don't act like yourself since that woman came into the picture."
"Which woman?"
"Cypher." She knew her real name, but she doesn't believe they are on the best terms to address each other like that. "The criminal."
Having reached where his car was, Aadil came to a stop and so did Rukayya. He then suspired, and turned around to look at her fully. He felt the need to change the word 'criminal' with something, but he bit it down. After all, he set the example, and they follow. "Rukayya--"
"She came out of the blue, and suddenly, Chief made her our team leader—your equal. It doesn't make sense. But it's even more absurd, that you simply agreed to it and gave her the reins to take the lead on this very important case." The frustration in her tone was hard to miss, lips curled downwards into a deep frown. "And now, what just happened in the meeting room? No one took her side, for a valid reason and so did you."
Aadil reached his hand out to pinch the bridge of his nose, suddenly feeling uncomfortable under her scrutinizing gaze. "Your point?" He hoped his tone came out monotonous, to hide the emotions laced behind it.
Rukayya pressed her lips together, her eyes scrutinizing his expression carefully. Then, her answer came; sounding much calmer this time around. "I can't figure out what's going on in your head, that's my point." She was acting like a mother, trying to see past her child's lie. "I can't figure out whether you are actually on her side, or if you gave her the reins so she could make a fool of herself, like she just did." No matter what, it clearly had to be embarrassing to see that no one took your side. And that was what just happened to Inaya.
He blinked, his gaze never leaving hers. It was as if they were both trying to see past each other, to see what truly is going on in that head of theirs. They may not have realized it, but they are too alike. "Are you speaking out of worry for her?"
She rolled her eyes instantly. "Don't be ridiculous." If it was up to her, they should kick the woman out of the picture once and for all. Something about her doesn't sit right with her. "I am speaking out of worry for you. You don't look like the man I've always known anymore. It's becoming harder to read you. And it's even harder to tell what your real intake on all this is. Your opinion is important to the team, but I speak on behalf of everyone when I say...you're giving us mixed signals."
He didn't give her an answer immediately, only dragged the suspense for a few, foreboding seconds. "Let me ask you a question then." He took her silence as the go ahead. "If I make a decision, a clear one regarding her, will you abide by it?"
"I believe we all have the right to decide what we want." She didn't even bat an eyelid before giving her answer. "But your opinion matters, because we trust it."
"And if I tell you to trust her, will you?" She didn't answer this time around, because what happened earlier served as an answer. So, he continued. "See, I gave her the reins the first time because that's my take on all this. Sure, she has a questionable past, but I believe she can do a much better case on this than I can. You knew that as well, I wouldn't have handed over the reins if I didn't make my decision. But when she asked earlier, you ousted her. That right there is your decision. I didn't speak because that was me, giving you the chance to make your own choice, and you did."
"How can you be so sure she will do a good job?" Rukayya will be hard to persuade. "She is a criminal who is not to be trusted."
"Maybe not. And certainly she will keep making questionable decisions but her sincerity is real. Believe it or not. She will do an impeccable job, that I'm certain."
Rukayya's eyes narrow at him suspiciously, frown deepening. "Why do you sound as if you know her?" Her tone dropped, laced with disbelief.
"That's because I do." His expression yaw seriousness, the truth behind his words hard to miss; before adding in a low tone. "Even more than I'd like to admit."
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