Why is everything flying and falling in laps?
After the beautiful moment we had, Ace stared smiling at me as I danced around the room like a maniac. But I didn't care because he was last person to judge me about how I acted. I knew that.
After that he had to go out for some important work but he promised me that he would be back in an hour or less. He just had to sign some papers and then he said that he would take me somewhere.
And when I protested that I was in no mood for going out just hours after being kidnapped - he shut me up by saying that I need to go out. And then he left.
And it has been 34 minutes since he left and here I am getting ready to go into the shower. I haven't had a shower since I got out of that place. Gross.
Jennifer had come earlier to feed me and was freaking out more than I was about getting kidnapped.
She went as far as saying that she would beat the hell out of Ace for leaving her. Apparently Jennifer had said that she wouldn't talk to Ace until he found me. This explains his urge to find me. Anything for his sister. And I couldn't help but admire the kind of person Mr. apathetic was. So I naturally smiled when Jennifer said -
"I am going to strangle my careless brother and kidnap him to refrain him from working in his damned office. That would be the perfect punishment for Estevan."
The threat was perfect. I loved her concern. I am not used to it, you know. But now that I was alone, the weight of whatever happened was slowly resurfacing. My mind started wandering back to the time I was there, alone and kidnapped, and not matter how I tried - I couldn't forget it.
I stood in the shower not doing anything. I didn't know what to do. I felt so disgusted. The man who I thought was dead, came back for revenge? My worst nightmare has been alive this whole time and my mother..she..she died because of that bastard. How can I ever call him 'father'? That man took everything away from me and didn't get enough!
I don't know if I felt disgusted by myself, him or both. I felt like every inch of my body was burning. It is like all those wounds of past which were supposed to be healed were again getting cut and this time it was making me burn in anger, betrayal and frustration.
I was getting soaked in water but still the feeling of being dirty never left me.
At that moment, a hand shook me - making me come back to my senses. I looked up to see Ace looking at me with concern and worry. Something which is very rare. What has happened to him? Why is he behaving so strangely?
And - when did he come back from work?
"Hey, what happened? I have been calling you since minutes. I thought you fainted again. Are you okay?" He asked me cupping my face with his hands as he made me look into his beautiful eyes. And at that very moment, stream of tear drops cascaded down my cheeks as I I couldn't bear it anymore. Everything that happened the past few days came like a storm and hit me. I sobbed and cried like there was no tomorrow. I could hear Ace asking me if I was okay and what happened but I couldn't speak. It was too much. Every wrong thing happening in my life came down crashing me to the core.
Ace hugged me as he drew soothing circles on my back with his fingers and held my head letting me cry on his shirt which was already wet due to the shower soaking us in. His other hand was on my waist which supported me because I was too weak to stand.
"It's going to be okay. I am here for you. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise that." He said into my ears and his words calmed me down, making me feel actually safe.
"I fe..el..dis..g..us..ted..so..disgusted..I can't-" He cut me off by pulling himself away from me and then looking as if he understood what I meant.
He left my head and instead used it to get the soap from the shelf nearby. He then rubbed it over my face, hands, back and anyplace which was not covered with the clothes I was wearing. His touch left tingles which fused with the running water and made some sort of electricity run on my body as I shivered. He mistook that for me being cold and said -
"You should not be disgusted. It was that bastard's fault. Not yours. I know that now."
I didn't really understand what he meant but I was glad he was there for me because of which I didn't say anything.
"Just take your time and change into the bathrobe. I will be outside only." He said calmly. I didn't want him to leave me but nevertheless I nodded at him and he left after giving me a final look of assurance.
I am suck a wreck today. I shouldn't be a cry-baby. Why am I crying right now also?
Shut up Eva. Now even Ace is tired of you breaking down every five minutes. I reminded myself.
After washing myself and being satisfied, I wore the bathrobe and went out. Like he said, Ace was standing near the bathroom door only waiting for me. My heart warmed at this. When he heard my footsteps he looked up at me and smiled. It was not the humorous or happy smile - it was more of a reassuring smile which said 'i am here for you'. And I believed him.
"Get dressed up. I will be waiting for you downstairs only. Okay?" He said with the same warm voice he had been using with me since he found me. I nodded to let him know that I understood and he gave me last look before getting out of the room. Well, my room(which Jennifer thankfully didn't question else we would have to explain a lie about why we weren't sleeping in Ace's room).
I put on a pair of jeans and a oversized sweatshirt. I tucked the extra sweatshirt inside my jeans neatly and paired the outfit with black sneakers. Pulling my hair up in a messy ponytail, I applied lip gloss and was ready to go. I took my phone from the side table and headed down.
Downstairs, Jennifer and Ace were talking about something and when Jennifer saw me her eyes gleamed and I smiled in response.
"I think the shower helped. You look better now. " She said as she pulled me into her arms. I inhaled the feeling of someone close to your heart.
"Yes it did." I said.
"Estevan tells me that you two are going out for sometime. Enjoy yourselves, you two. I think you need it Eva. You deserve every inch of happiness that is possible. And if my brother troubles you, tell me right away and I will deal with his stubborn ass . " She said seriously and I laughed at that.
"Enough of drama you two. Come on Eva." He said as he pulled out his hand and opened it in front of me, asking for my hand. I hesitated but feeling Jennifer's gaze, I placed my hands in his big,warm ones and we headed out, leaving Jenn fan girling.....
And the Oscar for the best actor goes to -
Eva and Ace Parker!
Uggh..do I have to share my award too?!
I was sitting in the car, still dazed with everything happening around me. Ace was driving the car with full concentration and I couldn't help but admire the cute frown on his face that he made every time a car came in front of ours. He was definitely frustrated by me not telling who kidnapped me and him cursing when the traffic lights went red was a sign of it. I internally chuckled at his cute looking frustrated face. He seemed to sense my stare, as he turned his head towards me and raised his eyebrow silently questioning my stare.
I shook my head to tell him that it was nothing. At this the signal turned green and he turned away from me to start driving again. I took this as an opportunity to do something I never thought I would do.
I actually stared at him, realizing how handsome and attractive he was. I mean I know that anyone with proper working eyes could see how perfect he looked, but seeing and noticing are two different things. Today, I could actually see and sense his attractiveness. He was definitely beautiful. Inside out.
I smiled at that thought. But the smile only lasted for a second before it was replaced with a frown. What the heck is wrong with me? Am I really doing this now?
I asked myself like the idiots you see in the romantic movies. Fuck. This really feels like a movie. I rubbed my temples trying to understand my stupid behavior.
"You really need to quit staring at me." Ace's voice broke my thoughts. He had caught me staring, again. My cheek flushed at this and I cleared my throat before saying something to avoid stuttering.
"I wasn't staring." I croaked out.
"Sure you weren't, Mrs. Eva Johns Parker." Ace said smirking.
"I told you not to call me that, Mr. Apathetic." I said gritting my teeth.
"I chose to ignore it." He said coolly making me irk.
"I am so going to e-" I was cut off as the car stopped abruptly, making me almost fly in the air but the seatbelt saved me.
"What the-" Came out of my mouth instead.
"I need to guillotine the person who gave you the fricking license for driving. Are you trying to fly me off here and throw me into the road's lap?" I said outraged and clutching my heart in my hand, trying to calm my accelerating heartbeat.
We had stopped in front of the shop named 'pizzeria'. And as soon as my eyes met the sign board saying 'pizza...something', all my anger evaporated into thin air and a smile broke on my face. I turned to the driver's seat to thank him but he was already out of the car, making his way towards the shop. I quickly leaped out of the car and hearing the door close, Ace locked the car with the key without even looking back at me. I jogged my way to him, with a smile evident on my face. When I reached him, I flung my arms around him in excitement and happiness. I crushed him with my body weight as I fully lean into him, inhaling his scent. Hands around his neck, I whispered in his ears - "Thank you Ace."
He didn't do anything for a second, and as expected he just stood there stiff. After the passage of few seconds, when I thought he wasn't going to reciprocate my hug - a slight movement made a tiny hope emerge in front of my eyes. And then, when I was starting to feel awkward standing there, strong muscular hand came around me as he held me very softly like I was going to break if he held me harder. He is really bad at this.
"Please don't take so much time to reciprocate. It makes me feel like I am trying to hug a rod or wall - and well, that doesn't sound so sane. I mean-" I stopped ranting as a light chuckle reached my ears, sending shiver down every part of my body.
His laughs are deadly and electrifying. Seriously.
We pulled away and started making our way towards the inside of the restaurant. The man at the entrance seemed to be standing there for welcoming us as he said with a broad smile-
"Buon pomeriggio signore e signora." (good afternoon sir and ma'am)
Uhh...okay...is that...Greek?
Ace just nodded at him meaning that he knew the language. We continued walking inside, and the restaurant was huge, like really. The whole place screamed expensive.
"What language was that?" Before Ace could answer, I bumped roughly into a women in her 40s. She was stout, snarky looking woman who was carrying a large tray with a pizza which looked like it could feed 5 people like me. And people like me? Well that's got to be huge, you know.
The tray which was previously in her hand had now flown and landed on another woman who was sitting on the table just beside where we were currently standing. The collision had taken the waitress by surprise because of which the tray had flipped in air and the pizza which lay on it was now sitting in the other woman's lap.
Why is everything flying and falling in laps? First me, then this pizza.
Oh my dear pizza.
The women in whose lap the pizza had fallen, was a rich looking plump lady. Her almost wrinkled face was red with both anger and embarrassment. She got up from her chair and oh no-
"Someone save the pizza it's-" I clasped my mouth as the weight of what I was saying, fell on my shoulders.
But gone was my pity for the pizza as the rich lady started stalking towards me.
Uh Oh. I think anger surpassed the embarrassment.
My dear sympathetic nervous system - please wake up. This is a flight, fight and fright situation. You gotta act!
"Cosa diavolo ne pensi di te stesso, scemo?" The rich woman shouted outraged at the waiter. (what the hell do you think of yourself, fool?)
I thought she was straightaway going strangle me and tie me upside down with the huge chandelier above us. thank god.
"I am sorry but this is my fault, don't scold her please." I butted in between to prevent the rick lady from beheading the waitress. After all it was my fault.
"Non capisco cosa intendi." The rich lady said looking at my sneering. (I don't understand what you mean)
Did she say something like intend?
Yeah, I think she did. Maybe she was asking me did I intend to do what I did?
Thinking about this, I shook my head vigorously trying to tell her that I didn't intend to do that. It was a mistake.
"I didn't intend to do it ma'am." I said.
"Non capisco. Ma smettila di intrometterti." She said shaking her head, frustration clear in her eyes. (I don't understand. But stop butting in)
She then turned away from me and started saying something to the waitress in rapid fluent language she was speaking in.
Why the hell is everyone speaking this strange language? What kind of restaurant is this?
I turned around to find Mr. Apathetic stifling a laugh as if this all was a daily soap entertainment for him.
"Need help Mrs. Parker?" He aske tauntingly.
My ego got the best of me as I said - "No. I can handle this."
Fuck me.
I turned back to the two women and then took a deep breath before doing what any sensible person would do.
Heyoo readers!
I know it's been sooo long since the last update and I am really very sorry. I truly am. The tight schedules has been making it impossible for me to write and post.
And yes, I have been doing a lot of thinking regarding this book and I have FINALLY concluded something. I know many of you may not like this decision of mine but I really need your support! You will understand what I am talking about when I post the announcement (as the next chapter of this book.)
Meanwhile, tell me if u liked the chapter in the comments below and also read, vote and smile!
Next chapter is coming soon(now that my exams are over).
p/s sorry for the crappy update I have posted. lol. It will be better in the next chapter!
Till then,
Keep reading!
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