"What is the difference between a washroom, a restroom and a bathroom?"
"Pourrr in some mooorrre youuuu doucheee bartenderrr." I slurred because of the number of shots I have had. Woah! Five minutes back I was seeing 3 bartenders, now I am seeing five?
"Heyyy you douche bartendersssss. You were threeee aa whhilee ago, howw did youu beecome five huhh?" I asked the bartender who was serving me.
"Ma'am it's only me and I am telling you this for the 3rd time. Last time you said you were seeing 3 bartenders. I think it is because of the drink." The bartender said awkwardly.
"Oh shush. Get me another drink." I ordered him.
I don't even remember since when I am here. I guess it's been more than three hours.
I took Taylor's phone and first quickly booked a cab but that with my phone. I asked for Taylor's phone not because I didn't have mine but because it was a part of my plan. I then swiftly went towards the mansion and unlocked the gate of the house, by taking the keys from my purse. Then I went inside the house and raced towards my room, careful not to trip on stairs. I then opened my room door , went inside and took my Bluetooth speakers, a paper and pen from the cupboard.
"Now you see Mr. Ace parker, how I will escape your hell." I said to myself and chuckled.
Shut up and focus on the work Eva. If you are caught then you won't be alive to watch Christian Grey or Edward Cullen or Harry Potter or anyone. You won't be able to eat pizza. Focus Eva, Focus.
I shook my head and again raced out of the house with the speakers, locking the house and I was about to put the keys back in my purse when I thought that it wouldn't be fun then, so I decided against it.
Instead, with the speaker, a paper, a pen and keys in my hand I went towards the back of the mansion which leads to the garden. I kept the speaker on the bench, took the paper and pen and wrote "TELL YOUR 'BOSS' THAT I RAN AWAY. YOURS MRS. PARKER."
Then I kept the note under the speaker to ensure that it doesn't get blown away by the wind. Then I connected the Bluetooth speaker with Taylor's phone and downloaded the gun shot audio from internet. Then I put a time of exactly one minute after which the audio will play. I then placed Taylor's phone beside the speaker and note on the bench.
"Now when the guards and Taylor would come here running to see who shot the gun, the mansion gates would be open for me as Taylor would have ordered to open it when he got out the car for me. And then while everyone would be here I would sneak out of the gates where the cab would be waiting for me and then... then I would be free." I smiled proudly.
Then I quickly ran from there and hid behind the bushes near the main gate of the mansion which was closed now.
I saw Taylor asking the guard to open the gates and then he went out of the gates with the car.
"" I did the countdown under my breath.
"And shot!" I screamed in my mind.
"Come on fast, let's see what happened." Ordered Taylor to the guards.
And they all went, leaving the gates open for me.
"Bye Parker Mansion, Hope you enjoy Ace's wrath tonight." I said sweetly, gazing towards the mansion and then giving a last look to the guards and Taylor running towards the garden side, I turned and went towards the waiting cab.
"Take me to the main market please. Fast." I told the cab driver and he started driving.
I wanted to do shopping for the room that I found but I had to do all this planning and all because I wanted to go there alone not with a bunch of body guards making me feel like I am some culprit who needs someone to look after so that they don't run away. And obviously I don't want to run away, I didn't write that note for telling that I am running away. It was just to have some fun and I am not that type of girl who will run away from her fate or responsibilities. It is not me. Ace may go to tours and all just to stay away from me but I am not like that. I am not gonna leave that rascal before I teach him a lesson for marrying me.
I huffed and looked out of the window to see that the market had arrived. I payed the driver and got out of the cab. I started to look for a suitable shop to buy everything I needed. I don't like shopping for hours, grasping everything present in the store. That is more of Jess's type.
And then I had an idea. It would be great if I get Jess to help me for shopping because honestly since the last few years I have never really brought anything without the assistance of Jess, be it a dress, shoes, accessories or anything. We may have differences in our choices then also. I took my phone out to call Jess and ask her to get here but then an idea clicked into my mind.
"It would be a good idea to surprise Jess, she would be back from the cafe in another 1 hour. Till then I should get something to eat, I haven't eaten anything since the last 1 hour and all that planning really consumed all my energy. So with that thought I went towards the 'Rolls and wraps" shop.
"Can I get a cheesy spicy wrap.?" I said to the man on the shop.
"Sure ma'am. Please wait there for a while." The man said courteously.
I smiled at him and came aside. I was just scrolling in phone when something caught my eyes. It was a man in fifties, wearing a pale blue trouser and checked shirt. He was a man of medium height and I knew that face quite well.
It was him.
How could he be here? How is it possible? I thought in this city, nothing could make me revisit my past.
What is he doing here?
I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to see if it was him only. But when I looked at place where he was standing a few seconds ago, there was no one. Where did he go?
Was I hallucinating? Or was it him only?
I started going towards the place where I last saw him, ignoring the man who was giving me the wrap that I ordered. I started looking for him frantically, but was not able to find him anywhere. Was it really my hallucination? Or was he there, in this city?
My head was throbbing from all the thoughts going in my mind. How can this happen? My past was something because of which I moved to this city and now ......
------Flashback ends-------
I don't even know how I ended up in this club. I just wanted to forget everything and that is when I guess I entered this club. I don't even remember how many shots I have had.
I couldn't even call Jess because she would then ask what happened and I don't think I am ready to answer her question. All these years I haven't told anyone about my past so how could I do that now. I prefer it to be this way only. Ace tried calling me, maybe for shouting at me for doing what I did, but I declined it and put my phone on silent.
So here I am now drunk as hell. And this douche bartender is now getting on my nerves.
I was busy swearing at the bartender in my mind when I was pulled by my elbow from someone behind me. I turned around to find a handsome man looking at me with a frown.
He looked oddly familiar but I couldn't recognize him.
"What are you doing here? And who told you to drink so much?" Asked the man or rather growled at me.
His bold but silky voice seemed to lighten the effect of alcohol, I don't know why, and I was able talk better than I did a while ago. Or maybe it was because of my new found confidence.
"Hello mister. Having good looks and intense eyes doesn't give you the permission to either touch me or talk to me like I am your property. Do you understand that?" I told him boldly.
"Oh so now you don't know me? You don't remember that you are Mrs. Eva Parker? " The man asked me so confidently that I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at him.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" The man shouted as if I had committed a murder.
"Oh yes I did Mister. And I can do that firstly because these are eyes so my choice and secondly because you are no Christian grey that I shouldn't roll my eyes at you." I told him in a matter of fact tone.
The man lifted his one eyebrow up in confusion or amusement I don't know but he looked hot.
"Listen just stop your melodrama and come with me. You have created enough problems for one day." That man ordered rudely.
"Woahh! Okay now I understand. Listen I am not that type of girl okay? You need to find someone else for getting laid. I have already denied seven of others like you so please my Eighth-rejection-of-today go from here before I insult you." I told him.
The man looked like he was shocked and amused again. He closed his eyes, in I guess frustration and ran his hand through his hair. I took this as a chance to run from there and got up from the stool I was sitting on. I needed to go to the restroom so I went towards the other end of the club looking for the washroom.
"Wait did I think washroom? Is it washroom or restroom? Or rather it is bathroom? " I questioned myself.
I thought to ask someone. I first bumped into a girl of my age only, so I asked her -
"Hey chica, could you tell me where is the restroom?"
The looked like she was drunk and just looked at me like a puppy and shook her head 'no'. I huffed and started going further and then I bumped into a guy who looked older than me.
"Hey boy, do you know where's the washroom?"
The boy didn't even answer and took off without even glancing towards me.
"What the hell? Is there no place for kindness these days? Do they want me to pee here only?" I again questioned myself.
I then collided with a man in early 30s. He was giving me creepy vibes but ignoring it, I asked him -
"Could you please tell me the way to the bathroom?"
The man scanned me from up to down and smirked.
Uhh uh... I think I asked the wrong man.
"I can take you somewhere better baby" The man said in a pathetically sweet voice.
"Oh no, thank you. I think I have been to enough good places lately. Another one I can't handle." I said starting to walk in order to stay away from this man.
But that man started following me. I started to go faster and that is when I founded the door with a label saying "Females Restroom". I heaved in relief and was about to open the door when that creepy man came from behind and pulled me into himself.
"Leave me you bastard." I yelled at him.
"not so fast baby." He said now twisting my hands.
I think I need to teach this ass face a lesson. I know ass face isn't something but this name suits this bastard. I thought to myself. I was about to hit him where the sun doesn't shine but a voice stopped me.
"I think you should leave if you don't want to lose your chances of becoming a dad." I looked around to see another handsome man. He wasn't the one who came to me when I was drinking. But this one was also handsome and cute.
I turned to the creepy man and told him fiercely "Make sure you don't let the door hit your ass on the way out." The man gave me a last look and went away in the opposite direction. I then turned towards the other cute man.
"Who are you?" I asked him.
"Well I agree that I left you for a few weeks but hey did you forget me?"
"Sorry but I don't remember....ughh..this alcohol.." I stopped mid way clutching my head in my hands because of the throbbing sensation in my head.
"Oh okay, so you are drunk. I think you don't drink much that is why you are like that. No problem with that Eva it happens. I am Ryder. Nice to meet you. Why did you drink so much by the way?"
"Oh okay and I swear to god that I said no to alcohol but unfortunately it didn't listen to me." I said pressing my temples to release the throbbing.
"Okay okay, don't be so sarcastic, come with me. Your husband must be searching for you. He is going to burst any minute in anger now. Come-on." I asked him confused.
Before Ryder could answer my Eighth-rejection-of-today came to us.
"Hey Ace, I found your wife- sorry- Eva here. I was just bringing her to you. Some creep cornered her." Ryder told the man.
"What? Who was it? " The Ace man or my Eighth-rejection-of-today asked Ryder.
"It was some random guy, no harm done." I told Ace.
"Oh yeah no harm done. May I ask what were you doing here?" Ace asked me.
"I will tell you if you get me a drink" I told him boldly.
"Ryder get the car, I will get her." Ace told Ryder.
"Your wish, my command Boss." Ryder said dramatically. Ace just rolled his eyes on him.
"And you, come with me." Ace said pointing to me.
"I.AM.NOT.COMING.WITH.YOU." I said stressing on each word.
"Of course you will." Ace said lazily.
"I won't my Eighth-rejection-of-today" I said cockily.
"I will carry you to the car. And trust me I can do that." Ace said to me.
I gaped at him in utter shock. Look at this manner less, douche, thickhead man.
"Why should I come with you? I don't even know you." I said matter of factly.
"Your friend Jess has asked me to drop you." Ace said thinking for a while.
"Jess....Jess....Oh Jess! " I exclaimed finally remembering Jess.
"How come you remember her and not me? "Ace asked me making a funny confused face.
I just shrugged and said "Okay then I will come with you if you buy me a drink"
"What?! Another drink ? No way." Ace said rudely.
"Okay then, I am not coming." I said and started walking away.
"Okay. Okay. Just one." Ace said gritting his teeth. I could see he was losing his patience. I don't why he was saying that I was his wife. I don't think I am married. Or maybe I am...
I shook my head and stopped thinking so much.
We went to the bartender again and Ace ordered a drink. I quickly took the drink and chugged it down in one sip. Then Ace said "Come now, I have done what you said. Now stop your nonsense and come with me." and he started walking.
I pretended to get up from the stool I was sitting on and when he turned around to walk, I quickly took two shots and gulped it down, the burning sensation of the alcohol again making me feel fully drunk.
"Now it's better." I told myself and quietly went towards the dance floor while Ace had started to walk assuming me to be behind him.
I went to the dance floor and started swaying with the beats. It felt good dancing and not giving a damn to the surrounding. I was dancing when suddenly I felt that the ground also started dancing with me.
"Woahhaa! Come dance with me, floor. See like this. Yes, but please don't swirl like this ground...I am beginning to think that I am falling ...." I said talking to the floor beneath me.
I was just about to faint so I closed my eyes before I hit the dance floor but the impact never came. Instead I was filled with tingling sensation around my waist and that is when I noticed a muscular arm firmly holding me, preventing me from falling.
I looked up to see Ace looking at me with a frown.
"What the fuck are you doing Eva?" He growled at me.
Before I could answer he picked me up in bridal style and started carrying me towards the exit. I held onto him so that I don't fall and my hand automatically went around his neck for support.
The last thing I remember after that was me asking Ace
"What is the difference between a washroom, a restroom and a bathroom?"
Heyo reader! did you like the chapter?
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Because writing books is a two way process, my dear reader!
And yeah, question of the day -
What is the freaking difference between washroom, restroom, and a bathroom?
p.s. i think each of them have one thing in common - you could relieve yourself(in whichever way you want;) )
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