"He is bad, Eva. "
"Pretty ladies and handsome gentlemen, I would like to grab your attention and introduce the reason for this party. Meet my son Ace Parker and his beautiful wife Eva Parker."
John said and a round of applause followed as everyone looked at me and Ace while I tried to suppress the weird feeling that came to me when someone called me Eva 'Parker'.
I gave the best smile I could give being so nervous because of so many people giving me attention and Ace's hands around my waist didn't help either.
You may this that such small touches should mean nothing to me but if someone is in my position that it would definitely affect them. You see, I have been on my own since years and trust me when I say that my childhood was nothing close to a normal one. I have got love from only selected people, Jake and Jess and now from this family, well of course except from Ace. I am not used to being held by someone other than Jake and Jess because they are the only ones close to me since years. So you see why I get all nervous and flustered when someone holds me. And today, it is happening a lot.
I am not exactly uncomfortable by Ace touch, it's just kind of weird.
I have started to get many weird feelings - Ace's touch, being called a Parker. What the hell is it?
My chain of thoughts was broken by a squeeze on my waist by one and only, Mr. Apathetic. I looked up at him to glare at him when he did that bending down thing again and whispered in my ears - "Stop zoning out. People are asking questions you also have to answer them."
I looked at front to see what he was saying and that is when I noticed a couple standing in front of us looking at us lovingly.
Oh. okay.
"You two look lovely together. How long have you being married? " The lady in mid 40s asked.
"It's been about a month." I said politely.
"Oh. May god bless you two and congratulations!" The man said and they went.
Many people came to us after that saying 'congratulations', ' may god bless you', 'hope you two have a beautiful life together', and one went as far as saying ' May god bless you with kids soon.' to which I just chuckled idiotically while Ace looked at me like I was a ghost.
Well, it's not my fault. How can someone say something like that to us? I mean we can't even stay in the same room for one night and they expect us to procreate children like us?
I shook my head and just smiled at people who came to us. Now I was really getting tired. Then a woman in mid 20s came to us. She was easily one of the most beautiful women I have seen and also the most fashionable ones. The ones who are models in Victoria Secret. She was looking all stylish and posh and had a kind of sneery vibe - is that even a vibe?
Anyways, she came to us and jumped to hug Ace thereby completely ignoring me.
"Hey baby. How you doing?" She said in her velvety voice. Eww.
"Hello Carinae. I am good." Ace said in a straight voice.
"I left for a year and two and you got married? That's not fair baby." She said in her sultry voice.
"Why are you here Carinae?" Ace asked in a formal voice.
"Oh com'on. I know you missed me. Stop pretending like you are in love with this ugly little thing because you and I both know that you don't fall in love." She said desperately.
Uhh. No offense but isn't she really a bitch?
"Excuse me Miss Carinae but can you please stop being a bitch and stop insulting me while I am here. If you want to fuck Ace then get your ass away from me and yeah, if he's willing- take him with you." I said in a voice that Katherine uses in Vampire Diaries.
With that I stormed off from there. I was not jealous if you are thinking, not at all. I didn't give a damn they wanted to fuck each other. But what infuriated me was that she insulted me. I was busy in my thoughts and didn't realize when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Mr. Albrecht.
"I am so sorry Mr. Albrecht. I wasn't looking.-" I was cut off my Mr. Albrecht.
"Oh no worries. But I would really love to have a dance with you Mrs. Parker." He said.
"uhh...umm.." I stuttered not knowing what to say. He was not the best man be with because of the earlier incident but maybe it was just harmless flirting and I was exaggerating.
"Don't worry about Ace, I am sure he won't mind whilst he is still busy with his ex girlfriend." He said.
"Ex girlfriend ? " I asked confusingly.
"Oh yeah, Carinae was his girlfriend for over a year. I am surprised you didn't know." He said.
Ohhh. so that bitch was his ex girlfriend. That explains her 'sneery vibe'.
"Why did they broke up?" I asked Mr. Albrecht curiously. Was he really capable of loving someone?
"Why don't we dance and then I can tell you the rest of the story?" He said again.
A dance won't do anything right? Anyways I am too curious to decline his offer.
"Okay, one dance." I said.
"After you, my lady." He said as he directed me towards the dance floor. Some couples were already dancing on the dance floor and it was easy to blend between them and not be the center of attention. Mr. Albrecht laid out his hand in front of me when we were in the middle of the dance floor and asked "Can I have his dance?".
He was being such a gentleman, maybe I misjudged him in our first meeting?
"Sure" I said as I gave my hand to him. He brought his other around my torso as he gently swayed me along the soft music.
His hold was soft and not rough like he was forcing himself on me.
"I am sorry about my flirting earlier. I didn't intend to make you uncomfortable and I am sorry for my immature remark." He said looking apologetic.
I really think that I misjudged him. I should give him one more chance.
"It's okay Mr. Albrecht." I said.
"And yeah about Carinae and Ace. It started around a year back. They both met at a fashion show I guess where Parker was the guest of honor and Carinae was a model back then also. They started going out few weeks after that only. " He said and I was all ears.
"Did Ace...love her?" I asked hesitantly.
"Oh no. Well I don't think so. He never does the 'love' thing. He is not like that. I think it was more of a series of flings. I don't think Carinae loved him either. They were both you know - 'together with only benefit'." He said chuckling.
I also laughed along with him. He was a good person, I guess.
"Oh, then what happened?" I asked curiously.
"Then, I guess he got bored of her and that is why he left her like trash. It's what he does." He said.
"Well, that was a bit harsh," I said feeling a little bit of pity for Carinae.
"Yeah maybe. Carinae was a great girl though." Mr. Albrecht said looking lost.
"Did you know her?" I asked confused.
"I was her boyfriend when she and Ace met at the fashion show for the first time." He said giving a sad smile.
"Wait what?" I almost shrieked.
"Yeah. We were together back then. I didn't even know when she started cheating on me with Ace. But I don't blame her for that. Ace is a very persuasive person, I know he must have compelled her to think that I was not good enough and convinced her for cheating on me." He said.
"But why would Ace do that?! " I said shocked.
"You are so naïve Eva- I can call you Eva, right?" He asked pausing. I nodded my head as he continued. "We were and are business rivals. He wanted to get back at me for being better than him at that time so he tried to steal one of the most precious things from me, my love. I loved her a lot and I know she did too. But as I said, Ace is persuasive. When I got to know about them, I broke up with Carinae. I didn't say that I knew about her and Ace. I just said I didn't want to be with her anymore. "
"But didn't you try to tell Carinae that Ace is using her to get back at you?" I asked him.
"No, I didn't." He said shaking his head.
"But why? You loved her right?" I said confused.
"yes, of course I loved her. But try to put yourself in my situation. My girlfriend went to my rival and didn't even care to tell me that she doesn't want to be with me. Instead she tried to cheat. For some time after I broke up with her I thought maybe Ace was really using her and I should tell her. But then when I saw both of them together few days after our break up, I began to think what if Ace didn't say anything to her and she is with him just because she really loves him. So I didn't say anything. I thought maybe Ace was not wrong, maybe they both loved each other. But after a year when they broke up I met Carinae and asked her about her breakup. She just said that it was over and she knew about it. She was not at all heartbroken and that is when I understood that they both never really loved each other. " He said like he was reliving the moment.
"But then, how are you sure that Ace persuaded her?" I asked scrunching my nose in confusion.
"It was because I met Ace also few days after my meeting with Carinae. It was an award function. He was receiving the award of 'BUSINESSMAN OF THE YEAR' which I had won for the last three years. He just said some words to me when he passed by me which made me sure that I was right about Ace, he was an asshole." He said laughing at the last part.
"what did he say?" I asked ,my curiosity clearly obvious in my voice.
"He said - 'Like the show? I took your girl as well as your award.' " He said with anger.
"That is really very bad. How could he do that?" I muttered to myself.
"He is bad, Eva. He is nothing but bad. He just waited till he knew I had moved on and then he left Carinae. He was using her to make me feel unwanted." He said.
"But Carinae did betray you." I said, the pity for her long gone.
"Oh yes she did. Which is a partially the reason I didn't tell her about the truth. She betrayed me. I spent a year trying to move on. In the end I did, I let go of her betrayal and also my love for her." He said smiling at me.
Mr. Albrecht was actually a good looking person. Now that I was dancing with him, seeing him at closeup, I could see his boyish grin which made him look charming. His eyes were black in color reminding me of someone I couldn't put my finger on.
"That was really...a story." I said truthfully.
"yeah it was. " He said agreeing. " But at least I got a chance to dance with the beautiful lady ." He said winking.
I smiled in return and hit him playfully. I was starting to like this man, he was funny, charming and even though our first encounter was not so good, I was willing to give him another chance. Because as they, never judge people from their first expression.
Wait who says that?
I guess me only. Anyways.
We danced for a couple of more minutes and I got to know that Mr. Albrecht was a painter, he has travelled half the world (which I was very jealous of), he had a great sense of humor and because of that I was laughing most of the time. We were in middle of a funny incident that he was telling me about his childhood, when a sudden clearing of throat behind me - made us stop. I looked around to see Mr. Apathetic standing there with anger evident on his face.
Why in the big-huge-fat world is he angry?
"What the fuck are you doing with him?" He said glaring at Mr. Albrecht but I knew his question was directed towards me.
"Dancing" I stated the obvious. Why was he getting all possessive ? I knew he didn't give a fuck about me.
Now, Mr. Apathetic started glaring at me. But I wasn't the one to shrink back in anger so I glared back at him.
"You are not allowed to dance with strangers." He said gritting his teeth.
This got my anger peaked, how can he talk to me like that and why do I need his fucking permission for talking to someone? I am married not slaved.
"I think I am old enough to know what is allowed and what is not. And you do not get to boss around me telling me what am I allowed and what not." I said almost shouting at him.
"Get away from him Eva." Ace said furiously, he was really angry now but that didn't bother me.
"I won't." I said calmly. If this was any other situation I would have followed what he said but now he was crossing his line. He did not have the authority to tell me what to do. I was not his fucking slave and I am not afraid of him. And I will prove this to him tonight by doing what I want, even if it is the stupidest thing to do.
"I think I am getting in between you two, I should go." Mr. Albrecht said from behind and that is when I remembered he is also there.
"Yes, you should."
"No, you don't have to."
Ace and I said at the same time. How rude he is! He told him on face that he should! Has he really taken his manners out and thrown it away in the volcano ?
There was no use talking to him now. So I turned around to face Mr. Albrecht and said
"I am really sorry that you had to see all this. Actually my husband is a little possessive so that is why. It was great dancing and knowing you, I hope we meet again. But sorry I have to go now." I said with a sincere face lying about Ace's possessiveness. But I had no option, I can't let Mr. Albrecht doubt our fake marriage.
"It's fine Eva, I understand. And yes, I really hope we meet again. It was nice meeting you. And yes, please call me Nick as my full name is Nicholas Albrecht." Mr. Albrecht said.
"Oh okay. See you later Nick." I said to which Nick smiled and went from there.
I then turned towards Mr. Apathetic and he looked furious beyond measure. I glared at him and said in a low yet malicious voice to avoid any attention towards us - "What the hell is your problem Mr. Parker? You think you could control me huh? Do you think that I am some kind of your slave who will follow all your order? If that is so then I would recommend you to open your long rusted brain and see that I am not one of those minions who run back and forth around you. You can't and never be able to d-" But I was cut off by Ace roughly tugging my arm, making me crash into his chest.
"What the-" But I was again cut by Ace twirling me around with such a force that I felt dizzy and was about to fall when his arm when around my waist which caught me before falling. But unlike other time when he held me, this side time his hold was so tight that it hurt. He then half twirled me such that my back was against his chest and he encircled his hands around my waist but that too very tightly, it was really hurting me. I tried to get out his hold but he tightened his hold. Then he released me but only to pull me back forcingly as he made me fall into his arms. He then aggressively pulled and pushed me thereby torturing me. The people around us were probably thinking that we were a loving couple who was dancing in love. But I knew he was torturing me.
Then suddenly Ace pulled me so harshly that I couldn't help but let out I whimper. Enough is enough. This is too much, if he doesn't stop I will hit him in front of everyone not giving a shit about what they thought. Ace then again turned me such that my back was against his chest as his arms were pulling me into him as his hold was very very tight. He then bend his neck such that he was inhaling in my hair and that is when my breathing stopped. The proximity was too much for me. His hot breath reached my ears as he found his way to my neck and then when I thought that he would go and I could breathe - he whispered in my ears
"You shouldn't have dared to talk to me like that." . His voice was low yet very deadly.
"You..either." I managed to saying but ended up stuttering because of the devil' proximity.
"You do not talk to me like that Eva." He growled in my ears.
"I can and I will." I said a little bit more confidently and then started to get away from him by pushing him. But he was too fast and much stronger as he pulled me back by grasping my left arm painfully and twisting my right hand behind my back by holding my wrist.
Damn, this would leave a mark on my forearm and wrist.
He then looked me dead in the eye and said "You will regret this."
He looked so threatening and murderous that for the first time since I met him – I felt that he would hurt me. There were many instances when he was angry and shouting at me but this time it really terrified me. I was not afraid of him but I was afraid of what he could do with me. His touch started to disgust me. It was like he was abusing me. It triggered some of the memories of my past and I couldn't stop when tears started to form in my eyes, blurring my view. I had sworn that I wouldn't cry in front of his but I couldn't stop, it was too much. He can't manhandle me like this. Sure he had tried to manipulate me verbally and all but I never thought he could be this bad. And then I remembered what Nick said that 'He is bad, he is nothing but bad.' He was correct.
The tears started flowing down my cheeks and I could no longer see or concentrate on Ace's face or his expression. But suddenly his hold on me loosened and I took to this opportunity to go away from this monster.
"You disgust me." I muttered to myself and went away from him not caring where I went or what everyone thought.
I just needed to run and hide.
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