Amnesia attacks and the party!
After my tremendous efforts to drag my bag and then settle in my new beautiful plus luxurious room, I was so tired that I went to sleep for straight 6 hours and woke up around 9pm. And yeah not to forgot the temporary amnesia I suffered just after waking up.
I think now I am accustomed to such Amnesia attacks after waking up because I am still not familiar with the fact that I am married to an egoistic, apathetic, and silent billionaire.
The next thought that occurred to me was – I am damn hungry. I haven't eaten for the last 6 hours! If I hadn't eaten anything for this long while I was awake then you wouldn't have found me.
Instead you would have found my corpse planted on the bed and the post mortem would say – reason for death is hunger.
And then maybe Ace would be arrested for making a conspiracy to kill his wife by keeping her hungry. Yayy!
Thinking about Ace, where is he? I haven't seen him since afternoon. Well it's for good only. I don't want to eat the flesh of Ace after fighting. Phew!
Shaking my head, I headed towards the kitchen and after exactly 5 mins and 12 seconds I finally found it. It was a modern kitchen with well furnished things. And it was so perfect that I didn't want to touch it because I feared that I would blow it up as my cooking skills are as good as Ron Weasley was good in studies.
But how will I survive without food? Oh lord heavens where have I got myself stuck into!
Well I could try doing something which doesn't require the stove or any knife or something. Well, let's check in the fridge what is in store for me. So, with that thought I opened the fridge to find it well stocked with everything. And then there I saw it – my baby, my love!
Cheese. Yummy!
So, I quickly took cheese and bread and there you go I had my food. Now I need a source of entertainment. Okay so in this grumpy house there was a television which was the sole thing which I think could entertain me during my stay in this house for 1 year. So, with all my necessities I went to the couch and settled with the tv remote in my hand.
And my dear friends that is how I wasted my time lolling on the couch. And I didn't even come to know when my eyes drooped and I fell asleep on the couch with my neck twisted in a weird manner while the tv continued making sounds in the background not stopping itself even though it should have because no one was watching! Not intelligent enough huh?
The next morning, I didn't wake up in front of a railing nor did I suffer from Amnesia attacks!
So, it is a new morning, new beginning. I got up shaking my head on my one line pep talk which was horrible I know, and then got freshened up. As I had to go to the coffee shop for work (I had included in the conditions that I had signed in the file given by Ace that I would work and thankfully after arguing he agreed).
I was not going to think much in getting ready because that would make me later than I already was so I randomly picked on the first thing that came into my hand. It was a ripped- jeans with a simple tee which said "Just because I can't sing doesn't mean that I won't sing."
Well it definitely suited me. And with that I started humming a song whilst pulling my hair in a high ponytail and slipping on my converse. I was not going to change just because I am married. Wow I sound like a feminist sometimes. No but that is not a feminist, it is-
Wait what am I thinking? Am I not getting late?
I shook my head and hurriedly took my phone and started descending the stairs.
-(Please note readers -: I know I had said there was a uniform for the coffee shop she used to wear but now I have changed it. She will be wearing her clothes and having an apron on. It's better I think)-
I was just wondering if I would be fortunate enough to not see Ace today also when I saw him sitting on the dining table eating his breakfast while also looking at his phone.
But who made the breakfast? I don't think he knows how to cook but then he may have-
But my trail of thoughts was interrupted by voice – "Good morning Mrs. Parker. I am your cook, Alicia. Should I serve you your breakfast?" She asked cheerfully. Alicia was a girl who might be of around my age only and was wearing a big genuine smile. I immediately smiled back and said "umm I am running late for work so I have to go."
She then said "ma'am I think you should eat else how will you work. You need a breakfast for good start of the day. You could at least eat one of the pancakes." She was saying it with so much concern and kindness that I couldn't refuse.
"Okay then, one pancake won't do any harm and also how can I say no to this lovely aroma." I said sniffing. I then started on the pancake sitting opposite to Ace (who took no notice of me) and farthest from him while enjoying my delicious pancake. I had just started eating when suddenly my phone rang. It was Jess. I quickly answered by chirping a enthusiastic 'Hi' to her.
"Hi? Seriously after talking to me after straight 30 hours you say Hi?! Are you insane or your married life if filled with so many ooohhs and aahhs that you have forgotten the name and existence of your best friend! You traitor- " Jess bellowed from the other side like a maniac. I took my phone away from my years to restrain my years from getting impaired.
From the other end of the table Ace gave me a look which said are-you-insane-and-you-have-not-taken-your-daily-dose-of-medicine?
I sheepishly smiled to which he glared and continued working on his phone. Then to save from any other glares I rolled my pancakes, took the tissue and with the pancakes in one and phone in other hand stood up from my chair to go but not before shouting "Bye Alicia".
I then took a taxi and then dealt with my mental friend on phone on my way to the café.
As soon as soon as I entered the cafe I was choked to death.
Oh my god! I am being murdered!
"I swear if you don't leave me Jess I am going to fall back and the best part is I will be taking you also down." I said to Jess.
And at last she left me and air found it's way into my lungs.
"So my best friend how was your first night!? Did you have fun with your husband? Of course you would have! So was it big or -" I cut her off by putting my palm on her mouth which resulted in her muffled voices but it did save me from the embarrassment as many people were looking at us raising their eyebrows. I smiled sheepishly at them and forcefully dragged Jess to the corner, careful not to remove my hands from her mouth.
"Are you insane or are you suffering from Puberphonia? " I whisper-yelled to her. She just made a face and looked as she was a German and asked to write a story in Japanese. She was going to ask something but I gave her a glare which said say-one-more-word-and-I-would-chop-you-then-dump-you-in-a-pond-filled-with-nasty-insects. I think she knew better than to argue after that glare.
At least Ace's glares helped me learn how to glare at people!
Most of my day after that passed with me tottering here and there serving people. I really missed my job for 3 days. Around 6pm when we were just packing up, Jake came. When he saw me, he grinned from eye to eye and then came, engulfed me in a bear hug which resulted in me being choked to death for the second time today.
I swear if someone hugs me again today I am gonna rip their hands off.
Jake released me only when a string of colorful words escaped my mouth and in response to this he said making an innocent face "My My, cursing is bad beautiful."
I rolled my eyes and said "Says the one who curses even when he can't find twitter on his phone."
"But you love me anyways beautiful" He said winking.
"Are you two done with your flirting? I want to have fun tonight you know go to-" Jess started but I intervened shaking my head. "No we are not going to any club or something. I don't want to go anywhere which you find 'fun'. "
"Oh come on Ev, you need to loosen up, don't get too much involved your love life. Spend time with us also idiot, you have your husband for night so you can-"
But Jess was interrupted by Jake (who was looking very uncomfortable with this talk and I was glad he intervened) as he said "I think it is enough of 'romantic' talk for today. So before Jess starts to plan where are we going tonight -" I was going to cut him off when he raised his voice a little bit to ignore me "- let me tell you that today, Blake is hosting a party and he has invited us. His father, a rich businessman, turns 60 today, so he is throwing a big party. He has especially invited you both so yeah you have to come. Stop making that facing Eva, you are coming." He finished with a smirk.
I just scoffed and shook my head. "Fine. But when I say that we have to go home, you two will listen to me and not argue. Deal accepted ?"
Both of them smiled sheepishly and nodded. And I sighed again.
This is gonna be a long night.
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