The pads of his fingers thudded against his thigh, a recently acquired habit that helped him relieve the nervousness fluttering around in his abdomen like unwanted pests. He flickered his eyes discreetly to the girl sitting across from him, pretending to scan over the menu as he finally induldged in the sight of her.
Mouthwatering. He couldn't think of a better word to describe the mysterious beauty. Under the dim glare of the restaurant lighting, her high cheekbones resembled the arch of a cheetah's back as it hid amongst the grasses in await for its prey, its stance ready to pounce. She had pulled her hair back into a loose bun at the nape of her long neck, with a few dark strands framing the sides of her face. As much as he had loved the way her black curls hung over her shoulders, he couldn't help but revel the way her soft, beautiful face was completely on display for him.
His gaze lowered a bit, traveling down the length of her neck and landing on her gently protruding collarbones. His tongue ached to glide over the satiny skin, and to lap at the large swells of her breasts that were hidden from him under the deep blue material of her dress. His fantasies had all been of her in the red one she had worn that night, but he knew from now on they would be of her in this one. The dark fabric contrasted with the creamy pigment of her skin, making it appear that much more soft and sweet. The neckline plunged between her breasts, but not too far, and the thick straps covered her shoulders just enouugh to leave him desperate for more of her flesh to be revealed.
"Do you know what you're going to order?" Her silky voice caused him to tear his gaze away from her and back to the menu in his hands. The smirk in her voice was clear, and he could feel his cheeks redden as he imagined the arrogant expression she was wearing after noticing his not-so subtle staring.
"I haven't decided yet," he murmured, shifting in his chair and straightening his back. He shuddered as his leg brushed against hers under the table, and he clenched his fist to suppress the physical need growing within him to bring his hand between her thighs, and push away the fabric of her panties...
"I'm going to get just a salad, I think." Carmen set down her menu and rested her elbows on the table, leaning forward as she pressed her cheek in the palm of her hand. She smiled, a genuine smile that meant she was satisified. She was playing a game of poker with him, her perfact hand still unshown, and still a few more cards up her sleeve. She was taking his usual role in the game; the cheater.
"The, urm- Ricotta Truffle Raviolini sounds good," Harry spoke slowly, squinting his eyes at the foreign words. A quiet giggle erupted from across the table, and he looked past his menu to see his beautiful vixen attempting to silence her laughter by pressing her hand to her lips.
"What?" he frowned.
"Your Italian is horrid," she spoke through her charming laughter, shaking her head.
Had it been any other person laughing at him, he would've sneered some crude comeback, but instead he felt an amused smile form on his lips. Her laughter was sweet to his ears and soothing to the angst in the pit of his belly, and it made him swell with an unrivaled pride that he was the cause of it, even though she was in fact making fun of him.
"And yours is any better?" he grinned, almost playfully. The sight of it was anomalous; his rosy lips tainted blood-red from his glass of wine, and tugged up into a wide smile so that two dimples indented his cheeks. He looked... boyish. Like a child. It made Carmen momentarily speechless, her dark eyes wide and her body filling with warmth.
The truth was, he was just humoring himself with the light, playful conversation, while the less amusing questions lingered in the back of his mind. He hadn't forgotten about her little stunt in the limosuine, or the fake name, or the fact that the apartment she was living in had a man's name alonside hers on the lease. He was simply waiting for the right time, because if there was one thing that he knew about how his woman worked, it was that she did everything on her own terms.
"I'm one-fourth Italian, so yes," she smiled bashfully, her eyes averting from him to the wine glass in front of her, and she trailed the rim of it lightly with her finger. "I can speak only a little, though."
Fucking hell, he groaned inwardly. It was as if Satan himself was out to get him, embodying every ounce of beauty and sex appeal into one woman. What had he done to deserve this kind of torture?
"Say something for me," he mused, wrapping his digits around his wine glass and sipping from it in order to obliterate the sinful thoughts forming in his head, all of her screaming and moaning in Italian while he fucked her senseless. The growing bulge in his dark jeans was becoming almost painful.
"Oh." She blinked, becoming timid as her finger stopped in its mindless dance around the rim of her glass. "What do you want me to say?"
He wettend his lips with his tongue, collecting the stains of wine on them.
"Say, I am a good girl and I won't run away from daddy ever again."
Carmen nearly choked on the air in her lungs. Styles threw his head back in laughter as her face reddened, even under the blush already tainting her cheeks. She crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes and waiting until his laughter died down before speaking.
"Io sono una brava ragazza e io non voglio scappare da papà mai più."
It was his turn to blink in surprise. Christ.
Carmen leaned back in her chair, silence following the sensually foreign words that had fallen seamlessly from her lipstick-coated lips. She could practically hear his heart pulsing from across the table, and could see his throat drying in anticipation. He had been starved of her for the whole week, with nothing but the reminiscing taste of her lips on his tongue to remind him of the few minutes of pleasure that they had shared in the back of his limo; and here she was, dangling every fantasy he had of her right in front of him.
He was just as easy as the rest of them. While Mr. Styles had his routine game of cards, Carmen had her game of reeling in her bait. It was strategic, to the point where she found herself switching things up now and then just so she didn't get bored.
She hated being bored.
"You're quite surprising, Mr. Styles," she spoke up when Harry failed to snap out of his sexual daze.
"Really?" he hummed, not entirely sure where she was going with this, but still clinging onto her every move. He was partly grateful for her change in topic, not knowing how much longer he could've lasted of her speaking Italian before he threw himself under the table and buried his face between her thighs.
The dark-haired beauty leaned across the table so her lips were breaths away from his, her eyes entrapping his emerald ones as she peered into them, her gaze unwavering. "I didn't take you as the kind of man who sought after a woman after already having her once," she murmured, her voice quiet and haughty. She was testing the waters, poking the tiger with a stick. "And definitely not the kind of man who gets his poor feelings hurt by a woman leaving him."
She fought back a grin as his eyes darkened, not out of lust but because her stab at his pride had awakened the beast in him that had been hibernating all night. His hand dived outward, grasping her chin like a snake snapping its jaw around an unknowing mouse. His breath fanned over her skin, heavy and heated by the flare of anger she had ignited. She forced herself to keep her eyes on him, showing her defiance and her steadiness, despite the slight fear pooling in the depths of her dark eyes, mixing with her excitement. This is exactly what she wanted.
"You may have caused me to lose my fucking mind for the past week," he hissed, his fingers digging into her jaw. She swallowed a whimper that was rising up her throat as his hand stubbornly refused to loosen its grip. Had anyone been looking at them, it would've seemed that he was about to kiss her, his lips brushing against hers as he breathed out his threat, and his hand wrapped around her jaw to keep her close. "And you may be the only woman that I have ever had even an ounce of feelings for... but I will not sit here and let you taunt me with your fucking games." He nearly spat in her face. His eyes were wild, remembering the past few nights he had spent restlessly tossing in his bed. He was recalling the hole she burned into him as he watched her dark hair disappeared into the night after leaving him with an insatiable hunger for her.
He was fucking livid.
"You don't get it, do you?" he continued, the ghost of a smirk dancing on his rosy lips. "I can lock you up in my room and no one will ever come to get you. Know why?" He smiled grimly. "Because the police belong to me. The people in this restaurant-" He tore his eyes from hers briefly to gesture around at the people. "-belong to me. The city of London belongs to me." His eyes met hers again and he leaned forward just a tad, kissing the corner of her lips so lightly that it could've easily been mistaken for the air.
"You belong to me as well, my beautiful girl." His hand loosened from her jaw and cupped the side of her face, his thumb brushing over her temple in an almost loving way.
"Don't fuck with me, Carmen," he warned, continuing to caress her cheek. Her eyes were hard, studying his as if to read further into his threat. "I don't mind playing games as long as you are aware of the fact that you will never win."
"I am well aware of that, Mr. Styles," she finally spoke, her voice gentle and lost in the breaths that were falling from her parted lips. "I am well aware." She grabbed his hand from her cheek and brought it to her lips, kissing each of his knuckles while never removing her gaze from his.
Mr. Harry Styles was proving to not be so boring after all.
hope this was a little better :) its ok to tell me if it sucked lmao
btw, i dont have anyone casted for any of the characters (except harry of course) simply because i have an image of all of them in my head and theres no celeb that i know of that fits that image
you get me ?
so yeah. sorry about that. :(
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