No Control*
The hot steam fanned over his lips as they approached the rim of his mug. His legs were spread out onto the coffee table, ankles crossed, and his back was leaning against the thick leather of the couch. The mug was hot against the palm of his hand but he paid no mind to it, taking a large sip from his tea, letting the liquid burn down the length of his throat. It made his mind warm and relaxed, much different than how chaotic it had been while he was sitting alone in a booth for two hours, waiting and waiting and waiting.
Harry needed this. A moment to forget about the foreign and overwhelming emotions that had seeped into his typically apathetic heart. He needed a moment to let the sweet tea envelope his mind, a soft hum vibrating through his chest. He loved the herbal taste, something he had enjoyed ever since he could remember. Memories of his mother always accompanied it, images of her soft eyes and gentle smile never failing to make his rosy lips curl upward just the slightest.
He missed her. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but it had been years since they talked, even on the phone, and it angered him that she had never took the time to reach out to him since the death of his father. Harry couldn't help but feel like she couldn't stand looking at him anymore, always seeing her husband's emerald eyes and similar features. His mother probably blamed him for what had happened, too. Not that he wasn't to blame, of course, but she hadn't even given him a chance to explain.
Harry really didn't have anyone. Part of it was that he was stubborn. Many times he had stared at the contact names in his phone, wanting to call his mother or sister just to hear their familiar voices once more, but then he would remember that if they wanted to see him, they would do something about it.
Besides, Harry Styles didn't need anyone.
"I'm better off alone," he muttered to himself, withdrawing the cup from his lips and setting it down on the table. How many times would he keep saying that to himself? He didn't know; perhaps he would say it over and over until it came true.
The truth was, Harry hated being alone. That's why he invested in The Wild Things, a club where he could busy his mind with people-watching and poker-playing. He would watch the endless game of chase the men would play, and would always critique their lack of skills when it came to picking up girls. That was something Harry was naturally good at it, with his seductive charm and alluring sense of masculinity; women always seemed to be entranced whenever he was around. He loved it. He loved the way he could prey on their vulnerability. His ego would grow with every stutter that escaped their lips, their eyes wide with desire as they looked at him.
But those women never did anything to fill the emptiness.
That's why Carmen was so different.
Around her, he felt like there was never enough time. She made his fingertips go numb, all of the heat in his body flooding to his heart (and his crotch). She had an enchanting sort of effect on him, somehow being able to make everything seem more appealing to him.
She made life more appealing.
He wanted to please her, to get her anything and everything she desired. Harry wanted to see her smile, revealing her pearly white teeth, and he wanted to be the reason for it. The only reason.
He wanted to kiss her, every goddamn inch of her, from the corner of her ruby red lips to the nearly translucent skin between her hip and pubic bone. He wanted to make her squirm in pleasure as he teased her, his lips hovering just over her sweetness. But even more than that, Harry wanted to care for her. Comfort her.
Love her.
His breath hitched in his throat at the thought, his eyes going wide with the sudden realization. Before he had time to think anymore about it, though, a soft knocking came at the door. Slowly, his heart thudding irregularly, he stood up from the couch, wiping his hand over his face.
Love her.
Love her.
Love her.
He swallowed down the growing lump in his throat, brushing away the confusing thoughts. He didn't even think twice about the fact that he was only dressed in a pair of sweat pants, the fabric hanging low on his hips, his toned and ink-covered chest bare in all its glory.
He wasn't sure who to expect when he opened the door, but the one person he wasn't ready to see at the moment just happened to be standing right before him. Her dark hair was straightened, appearing even longer than usual, and her body was wrapped in a beige trench coat.
"What are you doing here?" Harry sputtered in surprise, his eyes raking over her before finally gazing into hers. He wasn't sure how to comprehend anything, his mind still astray with the possibility that he might be in love with the very woman standing a mere foot away from him. On top of that, he was still infuriated and humiliated by her not showing up at the club, not even sending him a text with a reason why.
"To apologize," she smiled sweetly. Without permission, she stepped in and shut the door behind them, placing her hand flat against Harry's chest. His heart was already racing. Her smile widened.
"I want an explanation, not an apology," Harry did his best to look angry, grinding his teeth together and glaring down at her. His expression didn't faze her though; her hand slithered down his chest until it reached the hem of his sweats, her fingertips dancing teasingly over the coarse trail of hair that led into his boxers.
"Stop," he spoke, keeping his voice firm despite the slight tremble of his hands. He wrapped his lean digits around her wrist and pulled her hand away from him. "You need to answer me, Carmen."
She retracted her hand back to her side. Her makeup was done simply, yet darkly; her lashes long and thick and bold, the waxy coat over her lips was a blood-red. She was literal sex and Harry was finding it very difficult to ignore this and keep his mind focused. He bit his lip as he thought of what was hidden under the thick, beige coat.
"You're right," Carmen nodded her head. "I owe you an explanation." She took a deep breath, as if preparing herself, before continuing. "I forgot that I had a dinner party tonight to attend. I was going to call you but I left my phone at home. I tried to leave as soon as I could because I wanted to see you, but I lost track of time."
"A dinner party? You expect me to believe that?" Harry scoffed and took a step away from her before the sweetness of her perfume made him believe everything she was saying.
"Yes, I do. It's the truth, Harry," she frowned, pretending to be hurt by his distrust. "Do you not have trust in me?"
Harry averted his gaze from her, knowing that if he looked into her bold, doe-like eyes any longer, he would surely wrap her in his arms and forget the whole reason why he was angry in the first place.
"I waited for you," he hissed in response, his fists clenching at his sides. "I waited for three fucking hours. Do you know how pathetic that is?"
"I'm sorry, baby," she cooed, knowing he would relax at the use of the pet name. She smiled to herself as his shoulders became less tense, and she reached her hand out to place on his bicep. The thick muscles tightened underneath her touch, but soon loosened with every deep breath he took. His anger was fading with each second.
"It hurt, you know," he mumbled after a short moment. He sighed and, as he knew he would do from the start, he enveloped her in his arms, burying his face in her neck so he could inhale her scent. It was... different than usual. He grimaced darkly as he sniffed it, his nostrils flaring. He picked up the slightest hint of musk amongst the sweet vanilla and almond.
His arms tightened around her as his paranoia returned to haunt him again. He took one last whift of her scent and then pulled away. "Have you been with a man?" His voice was low, yet sharp; it cut at her facade for the slightest moment, her eyes widening.
"Harry... there were men at the party," she spoke slowly and softly. Her hand reached up to caress his cheek, the muscles in his face tense with anxiety. "I didn't sleep with someone else, if that's what you're asking."
"You smell like a man," he spat harshly, snapping his head to the side to lean away from her touch. He wasn't going to give in to her that easily. He toook a few more steps back, distancing himself from her, and not removing his steady gaze from her eyes. If she were lying, her dark orbs would tell him.
"I live with a man," she reminded him, placing her hand on her hip in her usual gesture. "If you're really going to be so jealous, then maybe I should give you a reason to. You do realize we are not in a relationship, Mr. Styles. I am allowed to be with whomever I please."
Harry didn't know why, or at least he didn't want to know, but his heart sank to the pit of his stomach when she reminded him they weren't even in an actual relationship. His lips pursed tightly. She was right, he technically had no claim over her; she was free to warm any man's bed, not exclusively his.
"What are we doing then, if we aren't in a relationship?" he questioned. "I don't have time for this if you're just going to sleep with other men, Carmen. I want you to myself, and that is the only way I will have you. I've told you before I am not fond of sharing."
"I know," she smirked. Her hands reached out for his as she lessened the distance between their bodies, a heat already burning in the thick air around them. He wanted desperately to pull away, to escape her viscid web, but he couldn't. He only leaned in closer, tangling himself deeper in her trap.
"You don't have to share me, Harry," she murmured, taking his hands and guiding them to the belt holding her trench coat together. She gently forced his fingers to grasp the belt, her eyes holding his as it came undone. He could feel his throat constricting, and it was soon impossible to not lower his gaze as the fabric of the coat feel from her shoulders and pooled at her feet.
An audible gasp sounded from his lips, as if the air was forcibly leaving his lungs. Any chance of him getting more answers from her had just dissipated. Her body was bare, completely and beautifully bare, and right in front of him.
"You're naked," he breathed out, his eyes wide and his teeth chewing thoughtlessly on his lower lip.
"I admire your observance," she smiled in amusement and then let out a low purr, before pressing her nude chest flush against his. Harry nearly whimpered, the feeling of her puckering nipples against his bare skin causing his body to become hot with need.
"I'm so very sorry for upsetting you, Mr. Styles," she whispered, tilting her head up to brush her lips under his jaw, where soft stubble was scattered over the skin. "How can you ever forgive me?"
"I can think of a few ways." His voice came out lustfully raw, the hoarseness of it causing Carmen's core to burn. She was tempted to rip the sweats from his legs and fuck him right then and there. However, unlike Mr. Styles, she had an impressive amount of self control.
She pulled away suddenly, Harry's body immediately becoming cold and tense at the loss of her touch.
"As my apology, Mr. Styles, I will allow you to do whatever you want with me," she spoke casually, as if her words weren't making Harry's mind race with all of his darkest fantasies.
He licked his lips, his eyes glued to her creamy, large breasts. "Anything I want?" he smirked grimly.
"Anything," she nodded, the already hardened bulge in his pants becoming impossibly more prominent.
It was his turn to take her by surprise. He grabbed her hand and forcefully placed her open palm over his clothed erection, evoking a quiet gasp to fall from her parted lips. Even through the fabric of his sweats, her touch made his abdomen tighten in pleasure.
"I think you need to be taught a lesson," he whispered, leaning forward and taking her plump lip between his teeth, sinking his sharp canines into it until he heard her whimper in pain. She attempted to pull away, but he bit down harder, and tightened his grip around her wrist so she was forced to feel his erection.
"You're not going anywhere," he chuckled darkly, finally releasing her wounded lip. "Do you feel that, angel?" His lips were tugged up into a satisfied smirk and she looked to him with wide, fearful eyes, her hand still feeling at his crotch. "You make me so fucking hard, it's unreal."
She crossed her legs, her thighs rubbing together in order to release some of the desire burning in her stomach. She was excited and slightly concerned all at the same time; it seemed as though she had poked the tiger too much this time.
Harry placed his hands on the smooth curve of her bare waist, tugging her impossibly closer to him. The rough pads of his fingers digged into her creamy flesh and he leaned in to attach his lips to her neck. He kissed at it softly, peeping his tongue out to lick a wet stripe up to her jaw, smiling triumphantly against her skin when he felt her chest rise and fall heavily. He sucked a little more harshly on her skin, eliciting a soft moan from Carmen, her head lolling back as the feeling became overwhelming. His lips skillfully nipped and sucked on her neck, making every nerve hidden under her skin tingle with pleasure. His hands lowered along her waist, feeling at her blindly, until they reached the curve of her ass. He smirked and grabbed a handful, kneading at it while Carmen's arms wrapped loosely around his neck. She felt like her legs were going to buckle, and she would soon melt to the floor.
"Harry, please," she begged, not knowing exactly what she was asking from him. He was having none of it, though, and pulled away from her neck only give her ass a forceful smack.
She cried out at the sudden stinging sensation, her body leaning into him to hold her up. Her mind was slowly turning to mush. Her unfailing self control was, well, failing.
"Get down on your knees," he murmured, but she could hardly register his words. Her breathing was labored, the skin of her neck still warm from his painfully pleasing assault.
"I said get down on your goddamn knees," he hissed after a moment of her still nuzzling her face into his chest. His hand wrapped around her hair and tugged harshly, pulling her away from him. She whimpered again but complied, sinking down to the floor before him, her knees bruising slightly against the hard wood.
Harry wasted no time in hooking his fingers under the hem of his sweats, tugging them down his legs until they pooled around his ankles, leaving his in his white briefs. His cock was barely hidden under the thin fabric, and Carmen couldn't help but reach out and slip her hand inside, pulling out his erection.
"So eager," he smiled down at her, patting the top of her head as if she were his pet. Her small hand barely wrapped around his length, and she began to pump him slowly. He groaned, reaching down and slapping her hand away.
"Don't fucking tease me," he sneered, gripping her hair tightly again. "Take it in your mouth, slut."
She nodded and let out another whimper before carefully wrapping her lips around the pulsating tip. Harry growled impatiently, giving her no warning as he thrusted his hips and forced himself down the back of her throat. She gagged at the suddenness, but expertly took him, her nose pressed against his abdomen as she bobbed her head, not able to breathe with his thick cock filling her throat. After a moment, she pulled her head away, his length slipping from her mouth as she gasped for a breath of air.
"You're good at this," he murmured, slightly angered by her obvious experience. He fisted her hair in his hand and tugged again, urging her lips back to his cock. She parted them and took him in her mouth again, some of her saliva dribbling down her chin as she began to move her head quickly. Harry rocked his hips in time with her movements, fucking her mouth mercilessly. She gagged around him and he smiled.
"You're so good, baby," he praised her like an obedient dog. "Look at you, such a slut for me." He nearly climaxed right then and there when she peered up at him through her thick lashes, her irises inflamed with lust, and her cheeks hollowed out as she continued to suck him off.
He pulled out of her warm mouth suddenly, knowing that if they kept it up for much longer, he soon would be completely spent. He hooked his arms under hers and lifted her up so she stood before him again.
"I want to cum while I'm fucking you, not like this," he mouthed, pressing his lips to the corner of hers to collect some of the saliva that had escaped them. His thumbs wiped at the corner of her eyes to brush away the moisture that had collected there from her gagging.
She simply nodded in response, not able to speak with her throat still recovering from his impressive size. His movements became more gentle, and he felt slightly guilty for being so harsh with her. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his room. She was taking the time to catch her breath, her head resting against his chest, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck. No one had ever been that rough with her.
"Don't get too comfortable," he laughed when he noticed her snuggled up against him. Harry set her down gently on the bed, and brought his hands to her feet to remove her heels, not wanting them to get in the way no matter how sexy she looked in them.
He crawled on the bed beside her, laying down on his back and grabbing her by her hips. She didn't have the time to protest as he pulled her on top of him, her hips straddling his torso. She looked down at him, his dark curls swept up off his forehead, which was dampened by the film of sweat over his body.
"You good?" Harry asked softly, reaching up to caress her cheek. She gave him an assuring smile, suddenly feeling a new sense of energy as she became excited at the thought of feeling him inside her again. Her hand wrapped around his erection, her thumb brushing against the slit in the head to collect a pearly bead of precum that had seeped out. Carmen brought her thumb to her lips and sucked on it, humming at the salty taste of him.
A low moan vibrated through Harry's chest as her hips sank down, and he filled her up to make their oddly fitting puzzle. Looking up at her, as she began to circle her hips skillfully, her hands flat against his chest; Harry had never seen or experienced anything more perfect. She felt so right, her tight walls around him and her soft thighs brushing against his. Her dark hair, though straightened down the length of her back, moved along with her body as she did what she did best.
"You look so beautiful like this," he told her, bring his hand to rest on her hipbone. He hoped she heard him, but she didn't make any notion that she did. Her body bounced up and down sensually, slowly. It was like a dance that she had been practicing for years, her movements rehearsed yet fluid. Carmen's eyebrows were knitted together in concentration, her entire focus set on making the man beneath her experience as much pleasure as possible. This is something that she knew how to do, and she loved it.
She loved to watch them moan under her, their eyes rolling back just before they came. Her hand was just over his heart, which was beating thickly. His lips were parted, and she leaned down to seal hers over them, kissing him deeply.
Harry grunted into her mouth before letting go, his mind going numb. Feeling him release himself inside her was enough to send her over the edge, her walls tightening and her lips parting to let out a loud profanity before she collapsed on top of him.
"That was... that was good," she spoke up after a few minutes of just the sound of their breathing filling the room. Her body was slightly sore, but she didn't mind.
"Good?" Styles smiled widely, his dimples pooping out. "Come on, that was more than just good."
His arms were wrapped around her, pinning her body against his, as if he were fearful she would leave him. Not that she would, of course; the idea of her staying the night with him was becoming more and more appealing.
"It was amazing," she giggled sweetly and brushed away a few sweaty strand of hair from his face. He looked even more handsome than ever, his skin glowing and his eyes beaming at her. Part of her was tempted to grab his cheeks and scatter light kisses over his face, wanting to taste his salty skin under her lips.
She refrained from doing that, though.
"That was the best sex I've ever had," she added quietly after a moment, biting her lip. It was true, probably the most honest thing she had ever told him; sex was always pleasing to her but never like this. Something about their bare skin against each other, and the harmonious sound of their moaning- Harry was right, it was better than good.
"Really?" Harry smiled proudly, his stomach fluttering at her words. "I feel the same way. I thought that time in the limo was the best I ever had, but each time with you just gets even better," he admitted, a rosy blush painting his already flushed cheeks.
"So do you forgive me?" Carmen couldn't help but grin, rubbing her nose charmingly against his.
"It depends," he murmured, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiling playfully. "Are you planning on leaving before I wake up again?
She let out a small, melodious laugh and shook her head. "No, no. I plan on seeing if you are really as good of a chef as you claim to be."
"Oh I am," Harry boasted, grinning. "Trust me, you'll be staying over a lot more once you've had a taste of my cooking."
i didn't know when i should end it but it was getting kinda long so yeah. hope you enjoyed(:
lots of love xx
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