Summary: Kay wants to hurry to make it to the Jammin' Ninja Convention that is 30 floors up. Both her and Edgeworth take the elevator. From this one quit elevator ride, Edgeworth begins contemplating about his fears and insecurities, while also remembering that his voluntary assistant shares her own set of fears and insecurities. Perhaps, Edgeworth will no longer have to feel isolated or alone.
"Mr. Edgeworth, hurry, The Jammin Ninja Convention is about to start!" Kay cried, pulling on the sleeve of Edgeworth's arm.
"Let me remind you whose idea it was to waste 30 minutes shopping for useless merchandise," Edgeworth said grimly.
"Hey! You were shopping for Steel Samauri merch yourself and I just had to get the Jammin Ninja plush!" Kay grinned excitedly, still pulling on Edgeworth's arm eagerly.
"And the action figures, the key chains, the makeup – which I don't understand why they make those and a poster that is bigger than Gumshoe."
Kay stuck her tongue out, then said, "for your information, it's called lip gloss and it's peach flavored. Besides, didn't you also get some action figures and plushies yourself?"
"They're squishes and they're good for relieving stress. You should try one."
"I might think about it," Kay stated as the duo finally entered inside the elevator of the arena. "Man, I can't believe they had to have the convention on the rooftop. At least it has a nice view."
"Yes. That, it does," Edgeworth agreed as a few more people entered inside.
One of the advantages with having a voluntary assistant was that you never had to pay them to show up and they always seemed incredibly loyal. Kay and Edgeworth had their scuffles, but that was typical of any teenager and their elders. Even Edgeworth had his scuffles with his former mentor every once and awhile. Of course, neither of them ever made it public and kept it between them. It was normal for them to openly disagree sometimes. At the time, Edgeworth believed his mentor cared about him greatly, now probably somewhat to a degree. He couldn't be certain anymore.
Edgeworth knew he cared a lot about Kay, if their times together proved anything. Of course, she wasn't his student by any stretch of the imagination and he didn't believe she was planning to pursue her career on Prosecution. She did mention about wanting to be a lawyer, perhaps a Defense Attorney to complete the team she had decided would be her official Yatagaratsu Team. Trivial as it sounded, Edgeworth could see Kay making a good Defense Attorney. He was certain Mr. Shields would be overjoyed to have her work for Edgeworth Law Offices.
As the elevator doors began closing, it was only then that Edgeworth began noticing how overcrowded it was. Not to say he was claustrophobic, but he was inside an elevator and having experienced the worst case scenario of being trapped in an elevator caused a lot of distress on the prosecutor. Even though he could step inside an elevator and come out alright, it wasn't to say he never felt nervous, especially if the elevator was noisy, moved strangely or, in this case, overcrowded. He still made it his personal choice to never stay at that Pyramid Hotel in Las Vegas ever again. He wouldn't even step into the one to go inside the top top of the St. Louis Arch. Any elevator that acted strangely from the typical elevator was a no-go for Miles Edgeworth.
"You know, they should put on some elevator music. They always place those in every elevator scene in a movie, but you never hear those in actual elevators. Elevator music always sounds calm and soothing," Kay stated with a big smile.
"Hmph, they do have those, but only in offices or corporate buildings like the Prosecution's Office," Edgeworth explained.
"Ah! I never really tried those elevators."
That took Edgeworth by surprise as he asked, "really?"
"Not really, but now that you mentioned them having elevator music, I'm gonna have to try it out," Kay grinned excitedly.
"Yes, I believe you will find the music quite soothing."
Just then, the elevator came to a sudden halt and there was a slight shaking. Edgeworth looked directly at the floor number on the elevator. They were leaving the 23rd Floor, meaning they were somewhere between Floor 23 and 24. Edgeworth felt like a deer in headlights before reminding himself that it was just a temporal malfunction and that it would be fixed very soon. The incident with DL-6 was only something that happened once. Those kinds of incidents never happen. Just once.
"It's probably some sort of jam," Kay said.
"Sounds like it. They best hurry up," Edgeworth agreed, folding his arms and keeping his composure.
"They better. It'd be sad, if we missed the Jammin Ninja Convention."
Everyone was distracting themselves on their phones or among themselves in conversations. All the while, Edgeworth was concentrating on keeping his nerves down. He hated this. All the fears from 18 years ago always seem to resurface in some form or another. It's always been this way, even while he was working under Manfred Von Karma. Like Edgeworth, his mentor's office was at the High Prosecution's Offices, only on the 20th floor, which was considered the last floor of the building. At the very least, it was easier taking the stairs when it was from Edgeworth's Office, but not when he worked under Von Karma.
When Edgeworth first worked for his mentor, he always had to take the elevator. It was how he was able to learn to control his nerves. Von Karma never excused tardiness. Edgeworth had to suck it up and took the elevator by himself to not trouble anyone whenever he used the elevator. The first several times unnerved Edgeworth to the point where he'd find himself on the ground going into feral position. It was only when he heard the ding sound that he rose up and gained his composure. If anyone entered inside the elevator, he often exited out, then took the next empty one or just went up the stairs the rest of the way.
Edgeworth no longer had this problem like when he was a young teenager, but being inside the elevator still unnerved him. If something went wrong, Edgeworth couldn't help, but worry for the worst, even if it turned out to be nothing. He couldn't help it. It was glued to his memory. There would always be that fear that another earthquake could strike, the elevator would swinging around, the elevator box would hit the sides of the concrete and breaking it before falling down and the elevator would be covered entirely of concrete to stop any airflow. That fear would never go away. Even though the constructors have found a way to produce emergency oxygen inside the elevators in case another DL-6 happened again, that fear still lingered.
A small hand took a hold of Edgeworth's that was once gripping onto the sleeve of his velvet red suit. Edgeworth stared at Kay, who held a somewhat neutral gaze as she stared at the elevator doors, hoping for them to finally open. Edgeworth used his free hand to grip the other sleeve as he allowed the young girl to hold his hand. That was something Von Karma did whenever they were in the elevator together. Until now, Edgeworth had forgotten.
Yes, Edgeworth did take the elevator to his mentor's office alone very often, but at some point, he found his mentor joining in with him. Whenever they did, he found his mentor taking a hold of his hand as they waited for the elevator to make it to the top. Until now, Edgeworth couldn't understand why. It occurred to him that Manfred Von Karma must've known, must've somehow found out about his issues with elevators. Of course he did, he was the one who killed his father after all. Somehow, everyone that Edgeworth ever came to know find out about his fears and insecurities. It always made him feel small when he realized they knew or found out.
Edgeworth didn't know how Kay found out his weakness. It was likely from that bumbling detective, but that didn't seem to matter at the moment. The look in Kay's eyes said it all. Her eyes showed an overwhelming amount of understanding that Edgeworth never knew existed. It was as if she knew the feeling of feeling weak, scared and alone. It was as if she knew what it was like to feel as if there was no one else that would ever understand and to put a strong front in order to not give anyone trouble or seem weak. It was as if she knew what it was like to hide any insecurities and feeling small when they're exposed. Kay... she knew that feeling.
Edgeworth remembered. The moment Kay lost her memories, she was no longer the strong, optimistic Kay Faraday that stole the truth of the crimes hidden behind closed doors. At that moment, she looked so small, scared, insecure... much like Edgeworth felt and hid with a strong front. It was for that reason why he felt it was his duty to save Kay that day. If it were him, he would act no different. There was a time he confessed to a crime he thought he committed with foggy memories without having to lose any memories like Kay had.
That hand that held Edgeworth's told him that Kay, the real Kay, also got scared, insecure and alone. Edgeworth had seen it with his own two eyes and fought for her. Being reminded of this, he no longer felt alone. Of course, it was clear Kay didn't have fear of elevators and earthquakes like Edgeworth did, but it did make him wonder what kind of phobias she battled with herself. What could make this girl turn from strong and firm to weak and fearful in the blink of an eye? Perhaps it didn't have to be something as simple as location, objects or natural disasters. Perhaps it's breaking one of her promises she made to her father or forgetting everything she ever knew and loved. Did Kay also have nightmares?
The elevator started moving again as Edgeworth felt himself sigh in relief. Kay began smiling again, but still kept a hold of Edgeworth's hand. Edgeworth didn't feel deserving of a partner that understood him more than he understood himself. Though, perhaps, this was exactly what he needed. Kay was certainly no Gumshoe, but she came in handy when needed. Of course, Edgeworth would never spoil Kay by paying for all her food and stuff she wanted, but just being with her was enough. They both could be happy with just being with each other.
The elevator reached their destination and a dinging sound was made. Edgeworth released his hand before him and Kay walked out.
"Ah, looks like we're right on time!" Kay cried in glee.
"And, you were worried we were going to be late," Edgeworth teased.
"We still need to get some seats! Hopefully, they'll have empty ones at the front!"
"Hehe perhaps, but I'm not participating in any photo shoots, just so you know."
"Party pooper!"
"If you say," Edgeworth said, showing an amused expression.
"Hey, Mr. Edgeworth," Kay said, turning around, after finding two empty seats around the third to front row.
"Thanks for taking me. I know I've been causing you trouble, but you still came anyways."
Edgeworth already knew what that meant. Kay thought she was bringing Edgeworth trouble by using the elevator to go up 30 floors to the convention. Edgeworth shook his head.
"It was no trouble. You invited me and I simply agreed to come along. Whatever or wherever it happens is meaningless. I enjoy spending time with my assistants every once in awhile. Nothing more."
"Hahaha that's so like you, Mr. Edgeworth. Hard as stone on the outside, but sweet as honey on the inside. Kinda like pineapple or coconut."
"Strange to compare me to. Though, I could say the same for you," Edgeworth replied, taking his seat.
"Really?" Kay asked, looking surprised.
"Rambunctious and trouble on the outside, but lovable and kind on the inside. I'd say... like a dog."
"Pfft you seriously compared me to a dog?"
"You compared me to two inanimate objects we eat."
"Fair point. You're probably the only guy that can compliment a girl by comparing them to a dog," Kay grinned as Edgeworth felt a smile creeping on his face.
"I don't see why not. They're loyal, faithful companions, they know their place and they never complain, even when you work them like dogs," Edgeworth grinned madly.
"I hope you don't treat Pess like that."
"Of course not. He's my pet dog, not a working dog like Missile."
"That's true. Oh look, it's about to start!" Kay cried, pointing at the host appearing on the pulpit.
It wasn't a Steel Samurai Convention, but Edgeworth found this enjoyable. He might do this again at some other time.
A/N: I actually came up with this story from this picture I found on Google Image Search. Unfortunately, it leads to a ship site, but I don't think it was meant to be that kind of picture. Just looking at the art alone, it defines the partnership Kay and Edgeworth share, but also their faithful companionship. It really shows why Kay is the perfect assistant for Edgeworth, being she's the only person that knows how to put up with him and understand him at his weakest. Despite how differently Kay and Edgeworth act, they are much more similar in personality than most people think. Just like Edgeworth, Kay also has fears, insecurities and loneliness, but puts up a tough front in order to hide it. The difference is that Edgeworth hides it with a tough, stick-up-his-ass front, while Kay hides it with an optimistic, Robin-Hood-like persona.
Anyways, I thought I'd submit this, since we're going to be in Quarantine for a while. I'm also working on Turnabout Enemies too. I also started playing the Phoenix Wright VS Professor Layton game finally. I thought, at first, that it might've taken place after The Bridge to the Turnabout, but now I'm starting to suspect it takes place between The Stolen Turnabout and The Recipe For the Turnabout. I might start writing one shots that take place during the days Phoenix was with Professor Layton. It does seem like Phoenix stayed in London for at least a month or so and I could write about how the events of that crossover effected Phoenix. I can tell you right now that it's incredibly dark, almost the darkest Phoenix Wright game I've ever played. If you want to know how dark it is, imagine Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice, only instead of the Defense Attorneys being put to death with their clients, they watch their clients get burned alive regardless if they had committed the crime or not just because they were born a witch. I'd be surprised if Phoenix didn't go to therapy after that crossover game. Also, the Layton puzzle games were fun and the 3D animation is what Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice should've been. Highly recommended! XD
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